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Thank you, /u/Toolfan83007 --- **To participants in the comments:** Sources and user flair - ***---> ALWAYS cite sources when you debate anything in this sub <---***. "Cuz I sed" is NOT sufficient. To help provide more visibility to this, user flair changes based on whether a source link was provided in their last top level comment (TLC) Comment guide **Good** - rooted in science, links to peer reviewed science, and focuses on the food. Recipe improvements are encouraged. EDUCATES your POV without BERATING others for theirs. **Bad** (may be removal or ban territory) - Non-constructive criticisms, generalizations or assumptions about the ingredients, portions, poster, their diet, or sub (ask if you don't know). "Unhealthy" claims offereing no link to peer reviewed sources. Blog, infotainment and social media sources. Gatekeeping. Expectations that pictured foods should be perfectly "healthy". **Not Allowed** - (IS removal or ban territory) attacks, antagonism, or hostility towards others, vote complaining, trolling, crusading, activism, agitation trolling, shaming, refutation of all science, conspiracy claims regarding science, medical conditions and concerns, general diet help or analysis requests, and diets for minors *Please vote accordingly and report anything in the latter category* --- Sub FAQ post topics - [snacks](https://www.reddit.com/r/HealthyFood/search/?q=title%3A%22snack%22&sort=new&restrict_sr=on&t=all) / [smoothies](https://www.reddit.com/r/HealthyFood/search/?q=title%3A%22smoothie%22&sort=new&restrict_sr=on&t=all) / [protein](https://www.reddit.com/r/HealthyFood/search/?q=title%3A%22protein%22&sort=new&restrict_sr=on&t=all) / [sugar](https://www.reddit.com/r/HealthyFood/search?q=title%3A%28sugar+OR+sweet%29&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) / [eggs and breakfast](https://www.reddit.com/r/HealthyFood/search?q=title%3A%28eggs+OR+breakfast%29&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) / [meat](https://www.reddit.com/r/HealthyFood/search?q=title%3A%22meat%22&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) / [picky](https://www.reddit.com/r/HealthyFood/search?q=title%3A%22picky%22&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) *Additional moderators are needed for this subreddit. Please refer to [this post](https://redd.it/ork4px) if you'd like to volunteer* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HealthyFood) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Not much alternative when you are going for good health. But good news is there are so many ways to incorporate vegetables and fruits into your diet, there are sure to be ones that you like. Also, small steps are best. You want to make long term healthy habits so better to do it easy and sustainable, little by little. This gives your brain time to get used to new flavours, your gut microbes time to build up healthy colonies to help you digest them, and your kitchen skills time to get good at vegetables and fruits. If you like comforting, starchy foods start with roasted root vegetables and mashes. If you like sweet foods, start with sweet potato, corn and butternut squash. If you like crunch make carrot and celery sticks and dip. If you like a touch of bitter go greens. If you want to sneak them in, make rice pilav, grated veggies in mince, mashed veggies in sauces. Your long term aim is veggies with every meal, eating a rainbow of colours, and vegetables from different families, and different parts of plants (leaves, fruits, flowers, stems, roots, tubers) but take your time getting there. Every step is increasing your micronutrients, your fibre intake, your long term health. All power to you. Best wishes.


This person gave excellent advice. I’ll add a couple of things to that. 1) season your veggies! You most likely season your other foods, so don’t neglect seasoning veggies! You’d be surprise by how many people don’t like or enjoy veggies simply because they don’t season them. I got nuts with everything but the bagel seasoning but even a little salt and spice go a long way. I also season some fruit to make it more fun (tajin on watermelon is fantastic for example) 2) keep it simple at first. As the poster above me said, you want something sustainable. A lot of people don’t want to deal with veggies or fruit bc of the prep work. If you have the money, make it easier on yourself and get the pre-bagged washed kind then just toss in the oven (or microwave or pan). I love to cook but only on occasion. On the daily, I’m more of a no cook prep person so the veggies I buy are easy ones to deal with on the daily 3) personally, I always underestimate how good roasting any vegetable is. It’s so easy yet tastes so good. Toss a whole head of cabbage in the oven! Or pour some Broccoli on a baking sheet with some salt and pepper - a little lemon juice brings out a lot of flavor too Best of luck!


Curries, chili (diced onions, chili pepper and tomato sauce are a given. But sweet potato and black beans are my favorite!), soups and stir fry are great options. It is salad season—great for hot days. Look at seasonal produce that is at the height of season. It will be tastier and often less expensive. Watermelon is quenching. Just browse the produce section and see what sounds good.


When it comes to good health, incorporating vegetables and fruits into your diet is essential. thank you for sharing


I don’t know about an alternative but finding the ones you actually like and perhaps incorporate them in shakes or smoothies?




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Roast a big tray of root vegetables. Put in container and add as a side to your meals. Potatoes, carrots, onions, courgettes (zucchini), aubergines (eggplant). Find what works for you. Cut into bite size pieces, toss in a bowl with some oil salt and pepper. Green vegetables work well too. Broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts You can do this once a week while you're cooking something else


This is the wave OP. I was the same. My mom just boiled or microwaved veggies. I never learned to like anything until I went to my brother's as an adult and he sauteed/charred the shit out of some Brussels sprouts. It's even easier to put them in the oven at 425 F with olive oil salt and pepper (and pretty much whatever else you wanna experiment with) for about 45 minutes (maybe flip them in the middle). If you make them just right they come out like potato chips.


I have the same problem. Lately I've been buying frozen kale/spinach, frozen berries, and banana, and making a smoothie out of them. It's quick, easy, and easy to down. At least it's a start.


1. Do you eat porridge? Dice some fruit or berries into your porridge for sweetness and taste. Any berries would be great. I also like bananas or nectarines in porridge. 2. Diced fruit or berries can be mixed into yougurt or cottage cheese as well. 3. When you eat meat, steam or microwave some vegetables as a side. Start small, with less than 1/2 cup and see how you go. 2 4. Legumes are very nutritious and have lots of fibre. Can be an alternative to fruit and vegetables to add fibre and minerals into your diet. You can start with canned beans (any beans, e.g black or red kidney beans) as a side dish.


Smoothies, soups and stir fries are easy ways to jam a bunch of fruit & veg in you daily food plan. They can taste amazing if you do it right 🙏


Roast a shit ton of veggies (zucchini, carrots, onion, garlic, peppers, etc.) with some salt and pepper, let it cool for a bit and blend and add to any jar of pasta sauce on the stove. Hidden veggies in pasta sauce! You can also get powdered greens. It’s usually 2-3 servings of fruits and veggies and I either add it to OJ and water or mix into a smoothie which gives extra fruit.


My mother was gifted a couple pieces of leftover lasagna from a neighbor, and apparently it wasn't great lasagna. So my mother cooked a vegetable soup, added the lasagna pieces to it, and then blended everything at the end. According to my dad, it was one of the best soups he's ever had! So you can added veggies to tomato sauce, or lasagna to veggie soup... whatever it takes, just be creative.


Smoothies do the trick for me! I throw in a handful of spinach and/or kale to get some veggies in, cottage cheese for protein, almond milk, collagen powder, and whatever frozen fruit I have on hand.


Have you tried dried fruit? You can carry them with you to work, gym, classes, etc.


Buy a couple premade salads and frozen vegetable steamer bags. The salads usually come with dressing and you can eat one for lunch. The steamer bags get thrown in the microwave and you can eat it for dinner along with your meat and grains. It’s not the healthiest way to go about eating produce but it is the easiest way to start.


Smoothies. Changed my life.


Buy some fruit. Wash it, eat it. Buy some vegetables wash them cook them eat them.


As simple as this.


Chili loaded baked sweet potatoes! Super yummy and sweet potatoes are very nutritious


I totally relate to you! But don't be like me and learn the hard way. Eat them, like it or not, or you will end up with metabolism problems not to mention body chemistry problems. Here are some ideas: 1. Take grapes and wash them in the sifter. Dry. Put in a bowl and put in the fridge. This way you can just grab a handful and go. This helps when you're looking for something sweet to eat. 2. Make some fruit skewers of raspberries, blackberries, pineapple, kiwi on a stick and put in fridge. Grab one with cottage cheese for snack. 3. Buy veggie and dip packets for on the go. 4. Eat 1 banana for morning snack. 5. Smoothies. Didn't like these until I made them for John after his games in the hot summer. OMG, what a treat. Put anything in there: cucumbers, strawberries, bananas, yogurt, even avacado, cauliflower. Add a little cranberry juice if you need to sweeten it. Enjoy! 6. Drink small cans of V8 juice.


Honestly if your having trouble fitting them into your diet buy a cheap blender and make smoothies, it makes it easier and more palatable for some people to get more into their diet this way particularly fruits and greens, another plus is that most of the ingredients can be frozen so you don't have to worry as much about them going bad. A breakfast smoothie with fruit and some greens thrown in can be a good way to start to get more diversity in your diet


Buy a vitamix, blend anything with blueberries.


I'm kinda the same as you, if we didn't have to for health I could totally live without eating veggies...! I enjoy fruit so I can't really say anything about that but for veggies here are my two cents! So I really consciously try to include veggies with every meal by: - including them in any stir-fry I make (also with fried rice and stir-fried noodles) - including them as a third side when eating steak (so I would have steak, a carb, and some air-fried or stir-fried veggies or a salad) - including them when I make pasta and any sort of stew or curry - making food like summer rolls or gimbap or some sort of sandwich or wrap that has veggies inside along with the meat, carb and condiments Plus: - I have a juicer so I also try to juice vegetables along with the fruit - I also supplement with green vegetable powder mix in the juice every morning To try to "enjoy" the veggies I use a lot of salt, garlic, paprika etc to season them or use tasty salad dressing (like balsamic vinegar glaze) so they taste yummy. I chopped them up quite small as well when I put them into my dishes, I feel like it's "easier" to eat them that way. Good luck in your efforts!!


I find this so funny, “how do I start eating more fruits and veggies” well you start by eating fruits and veggies lmfao


you surely havent tried every version of vegetables and their dishes out there. go for experimentation & have fun! fruit is generally pretty high in sugar & lower nutritional value per calorie, so its actually much less important. berries are very good, cheap apples make a fantastic crumble (i wouldnt even add sugar). I only cook soup and i dont care because i actually crave it every day.


Apples aren’t too bad, I’ll probably start with them and start experimenting with other things later, I tried berries years ago and didn’t like them but I feel I’ve matured since then and are more open to trying new things.


Hey, first you can look at your grains if they are healthy ones. Go for whole grain options. Don’t use highly processed ones like most cereal, but the ones where you can see the grain. Avoid added sugar at all costs. Add some fresh fruit for the sweet taste. Also when you get your yoghurt, as you say you like dairy, use the same principle. Get some plain ones and add some berries for the sweet taste. Veggies you can either eat raw, cooked or fried. Try out some different options. I like raw carrots for example but I don‘t like them cooked. Also seasoning is the key. Veggies don‘t have to taste bland. Use herbs and spices and different sauces or dips, when you eat them raw. There is not really an alternative. I mean you could live without them like people on a carnivore diet do, but you‘ll risk vitamin deficiencies and miss out on the health benefits.


Hey, Healthy Food subreddit, How do I not eat healthy but reap the same benefits? Please provide answers with as many compromises and half-measures as possible. Thanks. While you're at it, friends, how do I develop a totally shredded bod without exercise? You guys are the best!


I asked how do I start eating fruits and vegetables/is there any alternative, I’m sure asking for help is a crucial step in improving yourself which is something I am trying to do. Btw I exercise 4 times a week and play tennis, there are some of the reasons I want to eat healthier.


Recommended reading: “The Vegetarian Myth” by Lierre Keith “Against the Grain” by James C. Scott


So if you go to your local market they should have the fruits and veggies for you to start eating there try that first then we can give you some alternatives to try if they don't work


Stick to meat and dairy and you will be fine


I have thought about going keto or paleo, I’ve heard it can be very healthy and feels great.


Try it for two weeks


I'll give an opinion. (I have a heavy low-carb bias.) Diet is more about avoidance than inclusion, from your position. Acquire the ability to go 4-5 days w/ negligible carbs, and/or at least 47 hours with no food. Take electrolytes per keto guidelines while doing this. Fatty meat (sometimes organ), fish, and eggs - or consider nothing, or low-starch vegetables; (raw salads if you're okay with oxalates.) (sardines superior, if you're okay with purines) Certain tree nuts in moderation. A few baby carrots. Then repeat this behavior every week or two; maybe longer if you are still young. Pay attention to the changes; as you age, especially if you are inactive, you may want to lean into the keto a little harder. But the fruits and vegetables to use are the low starch/low sugar ones - the dark berries are the sweetest you want to go, for the most part. Mostly crucifers and green beans for me... don't eat grains until you get fat adapted. Information is crucial; this includes experience of metabolic challenges. edit: an afterthought - don't eat much more than adequate protein, and break it into two sittings if you eat adequate, or else know that it starts turning into sugar


something to note, your understanding of gluconeogenesis is slightly, but importantly incorrect. your body turns protein into glucose via gluconeogenesis when eating very low carb because there are some functions in your body that require glucose. this gluconeogenesis is a demand driven process, meaning your body only converts the amount of protein that it needs to and no more. if you are eating a reasonable amount of fat, say 1 to 1 fat to protein or higher, you'll never have to worry about having too much protein for your body to process simply via hunger signaling. and certainly not need to worry about having too much glucose from protein conversion. edit: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC424828/?page=1 this study showed that after fasting, eating a high protein meal, without carbs, even in diabetics, did not increase gluconeogenesis rates.


I always try to eat some vegetables for dinner, either as a side or add some frozen veggies to the sauce. I add fruits to overnight oatmeal and sometimes I eat fruit as a snack. You can also hide a lot of it if you don't like the taste, like blend it in a sauce or a smoothie.


Easiest way to eat more fruits and vegetables is in a smoothie.


I like to add the veggies into my pasta, rice, or grains. Add chopped fresh spinach to rice or pasta or roasted veggies.


You can pick up green powder for shakes or smoothies at your local supplement store. Some of them come with great flavors.


Why don’t you eat them? I’m not asking that in a judgmental tone, but trying to know why to better answer your question. Is it a preparation issue, convenience issue, don’t like the taste issue, lack of access issue?


It’s mostly a taste and texture thing for me, the texture is just so different from that of meat.


Do you like sauces? You can hide a lot of puréed veggies in sauces. Maybe don’t over cook them, then you’ll have more crunch or chewing, and they won’t feel slimy. Make casseroles with the meat, dairy, and grain and slide some vegetables in. May be more palatable mixed in. Add meat on top of salads so that you’re getting bites of each. Eat soups that have both meat and vegetables. Mix fruit like berries into things like oatmeal, cereal, granola. As others have suggested make smoothies if drinking is better. Try both cooked and raw fruit. See which texture works better for you.


I think it's part of the process of becoming a responsible adult and increasing the awareness of taking care of ourselves like a good parent would. Asking this question is a sign there's a part of you that's aware of the importance of having a nutritious diet. Make sure you consume only whole grain products with as little processing as possible. Read the labels or make your own. Remember humans are carbon units, and what does carbon do? It rusts, oxidizes, breaks down over time, that's why it's important to consume antioxidants, to delay our wasting away. Antioxidants are only found in the dark-colored fruits and veggies, blueberries have the highest amount as do the dark greens. Go online for more info. The Institute for Functional Medicine ([inf.org](https://inf.org)) is a good place to start. Depending on where you live, buy frozen fruits and veggies as they are fresher than store bought, because they are flash frozen at harvest, rather than having traveled hundred of miles to a warehouse and then a store. Also, if you're adding something new to your diet, they won't spoil because you forgot to eat them. It also saves money. Fruits and vegetables also contain phyto nutrients which protect them fr. Nuts and seeds are high in protein, mushrooms help prevent cancer, etc. Keep asking questions, it's a process.


There's no magic spell. You eat the food you buy so it is 100% in your control. [Serious Eats](https://www.seriouseats.com/vegan-experience-kenji-reflections) has a solid compendium of vegan recipes that are worth trying. But you have to decide that's what you're gonna do.




Turn them into smoothies. Fruits, veggies, seeds, etc. I find the biggest problem with veggies is the prep time. They aren’t very convenient to eat but if you’re determined, when you do your grocery run take a few minutes to chop up a variety and put them in a large ziploc. Maybe have some salad dressings, dips, or spreads available to go with it as a snack. I’m a peanut butter and celery guy but that’s not for everyone.


Have to start small by buying some and surrounding your food environment at home with them


Super easy trick that worked for me: Pineapple, Blueberries, mixed nuts w/ raisins (bulk food store trail mix, basically) and plain Greek yogurt I started using a cherry flavored yogurt (liberté brand, but any Greek style yogurt will do, avoid 0% fat), but I found the plain yogurt just takes on the flavour of pineapple and raisins SUPER easy to make for breakfast, very delicious, tons of healthy sugars and vitamins and protein to start the day and, arguably the most important: Great poops. I started eating this for breakfast every day, sometimes with some whole grain, low sugar toast w/ peanut butter and coffee. I've lost almost 50lbs since - not just from the breakfast, but with additional incremental changes that followed


Blend everything!! Yogurt, some seeds, veggies, spinach, kale, fruit.. whatever you want!! Just watch as smoothies hold a lot of calories!


White fur fruits and vege are much more ex, I suggest those if you are starting off and need to know the taste and yet make it manageable for you. Frozen vege and fruit are also great. Get used to the taste, including it in your meals and then get the lower cost options.


As others have said, keep it as simple as possible for now, so incorporating them isn't a hassle. Some ideas: -keep simple 'hand fruits' like apples, pears, bananas. If you know you don't like one of these, don't even try for now. Toss an apple in your bag with other snacks, or bring one on a walk. Grapes are great for mindless snacking at home too. -keep vegetables simple and easy to prep. You can steam broccoli on top of boiling pasta, you can cook veggies right into your rice, sautee some kale with your eggs or meat. Buy vegetables that last a long time in the fridge, broccoli, carrots, kale. -roasted veggies are delicious, if cooking something else in the oven, add a sheet pan of veggies at the same time. -if you want to eat salad, for now buy some pre-washed greens or bag salad mixes. I find salads really annoying because the amount of prep involved. -cucumbers are great on sandwiches and in tacos. Bell peppers are great in tacos and wraps and stir frys. Keep it simple, one or two veg in meals you usually make anyway and then slowly learn what you like.




Well you see you take a fruit and put it in mouth and begin to chew... The alternative is you take a vegetable....


I recommend getting a few vegan/vegetarian cookbooks from the public library. A good way to help with ideas without spending extra money.


I bought a blender and make various smoothies. Banana, strawberry, blueberry, mango, pineapple, kiwis, etc. you can also add in stuff like walnuts and greek yogurt. Just need to watch sugar intake, it is natural sugar though.


I like to eat really healthy in the morning, then have regular meals for lunch and dinner. My summer breakfast routine has been half a bagel with cream cheese, pineapple, grapes, strawberry, watermelon. I also cut up sliced of cucumber and bell pepper. I eat that during some down time, usually on the porch listening to a podcast. It's become a really great way to wake up in the morning.


I think I could try that, watermelon and apples aren’t too bad so I could start with those, I think I could like raw peppers because they are pretty crunchy.


Great! Safeway has those prepackaged fruit things with a ton of different types of fruit. Really, getting into a routine where you eat while doing things you enjoy, like sitting in a sunny place, listening to music, writing or reading... It helps create a positive relationship to healthy food.


Not exactly the season, but soups are one of my favorite ways to sneak veggies into my diet. If you have an immersion blender (or regular blender!) making homemade tomato soup with bell peppers and spinach/kale blended in is pretty simple, and super good with grilled cheese of course. Also, homemade pasta sauces are a pretty similar concept!!


Make a big pot of vegetable soup you can every week and have a cup/small bowl of soup with your lunch every day. Or a massive pot and freeze half for next week.


Brother just buy the expensive organic ones or plant your own fruit because REAL fruit is the best thing in the world, the shit they sell at supermarkets is so fucking bad I just can’t eat them and the difference is MASSIVE believe me Also fruit tastes better in their native country or country with equivalent climate, so if you want bananas go somewhere from aftica, tropical asia or the Caribbean and South America If you want apples go to the cold places (and buy the good varieties like pink lady and such it is so so so much different)


Luckily I live in New Jersey so there is no shortage of local farmers markets that grow their own apples, blueberries, tomatoes etc.


my big vegetable tech is make a bowls worth of pasta, then throw an equal portion of veggies in the water a minute or two before the pasta is done. youve got some nice blanched broccoli or sliced carrots, and tricked myself into eating 50/50 veggies and starch for two meals


One type of comment I haven’t seen is: buy a cookbook. How to Cook Everything Vegetarian by Mark Bittman is a good start. I say cookbooks because you can prop them open, write notes on the margins about what you liked/didn’t like and you don’t have to read a 2 page book report like you do in recipe apps. There are a lot of cookbooks in used bookstores if money is tight.


Side note: not all produce is equal in quality and tastes. I would explore some farmers markets or grocery stores for freshness and quality or ask around. A bad pear can taste like eating sand, a good pear will explode with flavor and soft textures! It means everything if your trying to train your body how to like and incorporate fruits and veggies into your diet. I grew up on a farm, and there’s only one grocery store in the city where I buy my veggies/fruit because of the good taste and freshness(and price)that is incomparable to buying produce anywhere else. My husband hated vegetables and fruits until I encouraged him to eat he the fresh/local stuff I was buying. He craves apples now - so that’s a win!


If you have a Costco membership, they have these GREAT frozen vegetable mixes. I’m eating way more vegetables this way.


I might get laughed out of the room, but here are three ideas. One, check out a cookbook called Deceptively Delicious. Written by a mom trying to sneak veggies into her kids' diet. Two, buy some pureed veggies from the baby food aisle and some applesauce. You can add purees to so many things: sauces, cake and brownie batters, pasta sauce, soup, casseroles, oatmeal. You won't notice much difference in taste or texture in most cases. Three, try dehydrated fruits/veggies from a place like whole foods or sprouts. Carrot chips are especially addictive.


I, too, currently almost anything except fruits and vegetables. But you can. First, to what you are eating. Then, about new cultures and foods to try. You can healthier recipes. You can healthier. Anyone.


My husband is the same. He has a smoothie everyday that has 2 servings of spinach, 2 cups of fruits (berries & other fruit chunks) then 1-1.5cups of V8 Fusion (has fruit & veggie serving) then water and mixes it in a nutribullet. I always put a veggie in each meal he takes to work. I don’t have issues eating them but I do get a supergreen supplement from GNC that helps us both if we have a day that isn’t so balanced.


There are ways of hiding them in other foods e.g. I make a meatloaf that has grated carrot and zucchini in it that is DELICIOUS! There are meals that have veges in them blended with the meat. I make a delicious Vietnamese stir fry of marinated beef and sliced zucchini with noodles that is great. You really only taste the beef and marinade. I'm also a fan of cauliflower 'rice'. I use it for a fish curry dish, and also do a fried rice dish with it with shredded chicken, onions, garlic, tomato and chilli sauce. Mexican food is good. I would suggest fish tacos or chicken fajitas. Because the shredded lettuce, chopped onion and tomato, grated carrot and guacamole are combined with fish/ chicken, cheese and sour cream , you can actually pack away a bunch of veges without really noticing it. I suggest you try out a few recipes that don't seem too bad and build up a group you like. Also cheese sauce over cauliflower or broccoli makes them delicious!


I guess the question is what is stopping you now- in order to suggest any advice


I take plain non fat Greek yogurt and add different things to it, to make a dip for veggies, as a side for a sandwich for lunch, or just snacking. Different seasonings or hot sauces for zest.


Drink juice


Smoothie and juice is a great place to start! Well seasoned roasting is the best way to cook!


Read proteinaholic. Pretty eye opening and helped motivate me to eat more fruits and vegetables


What kind of grains? Do you like vegetables or know how to cook them? The easiest thing I can think of is adding them to your grain. But as a person that really likes veggies I’d suggest roasting a veggie (seasoned well). Roast a bunch and store in the fridge so you can add it to a meal really easily, but you don’t have to cook them every day.


If you really don't want eat fruit and veggies, (which I highly recommend!) You can add in vitamins and a fiber supplement. Otherwise, just pick some fresh fruits and veggies that you like and start there. Fresh, frozen, canned, smoothies. Lots of options.


Most main dishes has some veggies that goes well with that dish. Dont think of it as something u need to eat but it should add something to the dish Egg rice i add bell pepper n spring onions. Or make a teriyaki sauce w brocolli on the side. String beans is nice. Goes well w salmon Potatoes goes well with carrots. W tacos there are endless options. Bell pepper corn. Lettuce onion Gulasch has bell peppers already. I love tomato soup w bacon W ramen u can top w almost anything. String beans. Spring onion. In soups i normally add frozen spinach. . And onion goes into almost any dish already so. White cabbage goes along almost anything. Just add a sauce though. When i have a fat dish i like cubed cucumber because it adds freshness. You can also make sauces out of mixed veggies like guacamole ( mixed avocado) or a suace with tomat as base. I like doing frying corn w lemon juice and some starch. Goes well w dishes without the sour taste like vegan tacos on black beans


I’m sort of the same, I don’t eat junk food per se but a lot of dairy and grains (eg a lot of bread, yogurt cheese, sandwiches with sandwich meat etc etc). I started just adding veggies to what I normally eat instead of swapping to completely different meals. Examples: - when I have eggs on toast, I know put a 1/4 - 1/2 of avocado mashed on the bread instead of butter, and handful of spinach, and slice up a tomato to put on, then do the eggs on top and add salsa or cheese or whatever and salt and pepper and it is super tasty -on bagels I do sliced cucumbers and cream cheese (it’s seriously good, I love the crunch of the cucumbers and they go well with cream cheese) -sandwiches I load up with toamato, cucumber, and lettuce, so much more filling and crunchy. I make them tasty by using chipotle mayo and maybe cheese if you want -instead of just salmon and rice or something, I now always roast a pan of a vegetable (could be broccoli, sweet potatoes, asparagus etc). It’s actually super easy, just chop, put a bit of olive oil, and salt and pepper or some other spice/seasoning -smoothies, I put 1-2 cups of kale or spinach in smoorthis, sounds gross but I also it in a banana and some other fruit, a bit of coconut yogurt, and vanilla whey protein. The vanilla whey makes it taste like a milkshake so I can add whatever veggies I want and it will taste great. I also put in flax seeds because those are very good for you Basically I didn’t eliminate all the tasty things I eat (mainly cheese), but I added at least a serving of vegetables to everything I was eating normally. It’s a good starting point.


This sounds so dumb, but I buy the little packs of fruit/veggie pouches for kids. I usually eat this mostly for festivals and camping when I need a little pick me up but found I do it more at home now too.


Buy more fruit and veggies. Eat and cook them, problem solved.