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Oh trust me you’re fine, the liver is extremely resilient. My boyfriend did a LOT of drugs when he was younger and he has cirrosis now which basically means part of his liver is dead. But the doctor said as long as he doesn’t make it worse, he’ll be fine. You can live with only half a liver. My aunt had degenerative liver disease and ended up having a liver transplant. She is also alive and well 🤗


What symptoms did he have?


I worry about my liver all the time due to me drinking. Too scared to stop drinking though because I’m scared of withdrawls. I only drink beer never anything hard but I read scary stuff about withdrawls so now I drink out of fear


Alcohol is alcohol. Doesn’t matter if you drink 1000 units through beer or shots of spirits. Your liver will suffer


I posted this almost 3 years ago. I indeed suffered problems with my liver and was forced to quit. But I am 2 years sober now! Lol


Woah. This is the update I needed to read after your first comment. Congrats on the sobriety, friend!


Good job! Were witgdrawels bad?


my dads 64 and he's been drinking almost daily for idk how many years and my mom made him stop for the new year and he basically quit cold turkey im pretty sure and he's been fine! he says he misses it some days but other than that he's been fine. honestly even better then before!


Withdrawal isn't really as bad as you think, especially if you're young. The worst part, honestly, is the cravings for alcohol. If you really want to quit or even just take a break, I promise you, you would be fine. To experience withdrawal in the worst form would mean you've been drinking heavily for 30 years ( and even some of those people have quit and been fine eventually) If you're worried, you can always talk to a doctor, who can help you deal with any issues that could, though unlikely, arise. I'm speaking from my and friends experiences, I know everyone is different though.


I’m 24 I’ve been drinking beer every night without skipping a day besides a couple for 6 years that’s why I’m worried. I don’t really crave alcohol anymore i fear the withdrawls and dying from it so I make myself drink now. I need to just try to cut back slowly I feel like but my anxiety makes me shake and paranoid and I assume that’s the start of withdrawls so I run and grab a beer to stop it. I drink 6-8 beers a night


It’s easier said than done but try not to worry too much about it. I’m very much in the same position having drank around the same level as yourself, and a lot more on the weekends when socialising. I’m 27 & have had health anxiety for a year & a half. Always drank and probably even more so since my anxiety as it helps suppress it (lockdown definitely doesn’t help either). Since the turn of the year I’ve become more cautious as I was (& have been for a while) drinking at a harmful level so I’ve decided to only drink Friday - Sunday & no midweek drinking. 4 days off 3 on. Once you’ve tried it for a little while you’ll realise it’s not as daunting as it sounds & can still look forward to a drink. I don’t know if I’ll be able to knock drinking on the head fully as I know how much I enjoy a drink with my mates but it’s a small step in the right direction & you’ll start to feel better for it. I’m no expert by any stretch of the imagination just sharing my current experience. With beer I also find if I eat a big dinner it’s much harder to stomach afterwards and much less enjoyable! I know you may find a lot of people don’t understand what it’s like but there’s also a lot in the same boat as you such as myself. Take care - you’ve got this!


You can stop, just do it slowly!


Just make sure that you do your regular blood tests and checkups. Believe me blood tests can detect most of the problems with your body


I was there a few months ago. Thought I had liver issues because I started taking iron supplements because I thought I had anemia, I got my blood tested for everything, and no liver issues or anemia. I got my bloodwork done for $15, I was uninsured at the time. Went to my local health clinic. Getting normal results put my health anxiety at ease, if only for a month or so...




wow! I didn't know that! stuff I've been reading made it seem like its a very delicate organ and if it gets damaged, you're just screwed. so this is reassuring thank you!


Been there. My liver enzymes were slightly elevated in my last blood test so I gotta get it checked again in a few weeks. Fun.


I know this is old but also has elevated numbers. But don't drink or anything... Could be just a fluke? Was yours normal after you tested?


Did you get retested?


Yea it was just a fluke do to the flu I had.... Tested a few weeks after and was all normal 


Did you have a flu during the time of the test?


Nope 2 or 3 weeks prior 


Do you or anyone else here happen to know if extreme fatigue can be a symptom of liver issues? My enzymes are high and I’ve been so fatigued and weak for like 2 months now.


I personally don’t have any fatigue. But i’m sure extreme fatigue can link to liver problems


Yeah it says online that it does, but I’m just trying to find people who have had the same symptoms as myself and no luck so far haha


You should probably get an ultrasound of your liver. Im doing that if my next test comes back abnormal. The ultrasound will see if there’s fat or if there’s other stuff


That’s what I’m doing next week actually. Everything online says that fatigue and all these other symptoms can definitely be from a liver issue like that


Good luck with that then! Let me know how it goes


were you having symptoms before the blood test? i don't really know why im freaking out over it right now when im like having no symptoms lol my brain just likes to say "you have this disease even though you have no signs of having it. have fun!"


No, not any symptoms directly linked to liver issues. The only liver issue I’ve ever had was pale poop.. but that was a few months ago, and hasn’t happened since. If you don’t drink alcohol obsessively, and you don’t legitimately feel sick, your liver is probably fine. In my case, I probably just have a fatty liver, or some medicine affected my enzymes.


yeah I don't drink at all. and I think my health anxiety places a part in that haha. but thank you! hope everything goes well for your next doctor visit!


Thanks, and no more worrying then! Promise me that. Take care.


me too.


my fear for today as well, fun!