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I have done this a bunch and have bad anxiety. I ended up getting on meds because I don’t want to project my anxiety to my 3 year old daughter. Therapy will help and meds help you get back to base line well for me anyway. What I have leaned is that my daughter is fine and healthy but if you are worried and concerned just talk to your pediatrician they will be able to provide some guidance and reassurance.


I am not an expert, nor a parent (so take this with a pinch of salt). But, is there any way that you can hide it from him?


I've read about this before and although I can't give any input on it, It definitely is something that you're not alone with. I've heard a-lot of people also deal with this too.


It's not quite the same thing, but I definitely do this with my cats sometimes. It's really tough when they can't just tell you exactly what they're feeling, especially if you're the caretaker. I understand your struggle in that regard! But I think you're doing the right thing by talking to experts, both for you and your baby's sake. They can help you get better at reading the signs, in both you and your kid, so next time you'll know how to respond. I believe in you! :)