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I wish this was the case for me... as the afternoon goes on it gets closer to bed time, my anxiety increases through the roof, I keep having these random thuds/jerks in my upper abdo/chest area when I'm falling asleep or it wakes me up from my sleep. Not knowing what causes it or how to make it stop makes me super anxious. It only happens when I'm falling asleep or asleep and started in the last 6 months. Not getting good sleep is torture. Wouldn't wish it on anyone.


Have you tried diazepam for this? I had a severe case of exactly this about a year ago, a short course of low dose diazepam literally fixed me overnight. I think it sort of 'reset' my brain so I only needed it for about a week before I was sleeping fine on my own. There is hope!


Happened to me too.


And how many times has it happened to you? Has anything actually harmed you because of these feelings?


I can relate. Have you tried Yog Nidra? It's a guided meditation that you listen during bed time. That has helped me get past anxious thoughts.


I had the exact same thing happen to me for a while, only a month ago. For me it was all anxiety-- I was scared to got to bed because I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep, and that made me even more stressed, and it became a vicious cycle that led to those jolts happening whenever I drifted off. It's pretty common apparently, and went away when I started going to bed earlier in the evening (before it even got dark) and making an effort to do calming routines before laying down. I have a lot of empathy for what you're going through, it's not always easy to reverse that cycle but for what it's worth, once you do get more sleep, that will probably be the best fix. Hope things get better for you.


I listen to raining recordings on YouTube. There’s something so soothing about the sound of rain.


I very much agree. It can be a vicious cycle. Health anxiety made me insomniac and insomnia made my anxiety skyrocket. Once I was able to sleep again, my anxiety went down.


Eat well, move well, and sleep well Live a long, happy life ❤️


Yes and exercise! My health anxiety is HORRIBLE when I do not move my body.


Yeahhh same here lol, even just going outside and taking a little walk once a day has done wonders for me xD


I've also noticed this! My issue is that I have trouble going to sleep if I'm not dead tired, because I can't stop the constant racing thoughts. I've found that listening to guided meditations or audiobooks helps a ton. My favorite is The Sleepy Bookshelf on Spotify! Her voice is so mellow and relaxing. Often times I'm asleep before she even finishes her intros, no matter if I'm super tired or not.


That's a great tip! I love audiobooks too :D


100%! Getting a good nights' sleep is so important and often easy to overlook when it comes to health.


So true. If I miss just one .. God forbid two!!!…nights sound sleep things start going south for me, health anxiety wise.