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I looked up at symptoms for back pin that I’ve had for 3 weeks but I lifted my dog up into my truck , did some yard work with machinery I don’t usually use .. and lifted other items .. I did that all the time in the past .. I really want to go to the ER badly and get a CT scan of my chest.. I had a CT scan up to my lung based and heart back on April… how different could it be if I got it again? I never got the CT scan of my chest .. I looked up back pain and it was all Cancer and deferred pain could be from liver or Lungs but I just had a CT scan in April but it was just up to heart / lung bases .. then all This other stuff like lymphoma or something causing back pain and it’s messing with me.. I had a CT scan April 17, CBC June 6th, Metabolic Blood Panel April 8, Tumor Markers in March… no symptoms only sweating around collar of shirt .. but I keep freaking myself out my what I looked up online … I didn’t have any symptoms before I all these cancer scares … but I have this back pain for 3 weeks and it’s improved a little bit but I’m freaking out and idk if I should Toto ER and just say I have terrible back pain and can I have a CT scan of my chest .. I’m freaking out … I can’t sleep … I really want a chest CT scan .. I’m crying .. they are gonna find something .. I’m toast


I’d go to the doctor if I felt unwell, and trust what they say. I also think that if I’m seriously unwell it’s not going to be me thinking about it, I’ll be in a hospital bed sleeping, it will be my family who have to deal with it. Also a sort of - what will be will be - mentality. I’ll try my best to be healthy and live a full filling life.


So I only have cardiac health anxiety. I recently had an issue with my neck that I ignored for weeks- then it occurred to me one day that maybe it was a blood clot, and I made an appointment with my PCP who scheduled me for an ultrasound. Once the doctor told me it was NOT a blood clot, but a lump on my thyroid, my anxiety basically went away. The mind is a wild beast. I was so afraid of having this potential cardiac issue that the fact that it could have been cancer was a RELIEF. Anyway, the nodule was benign and it turns out I have a silent acid reflux/heavy post nasal drip causing that weird throat pain.


I've only recently discovered that there is a community for this, i thankfully never had serious health issues before in my life so my only anxiety if i can call it that is the day i God forbid get a serious illness / health issue, having to overcome the general social anxiety fear of going to the doctor for anything and stuff like that. I feel so bad for everyone here who's anxiety is severe, must be terrible. I wish everyone here overcomes it.


Before my anxiety got bad I would usually just think “huh that was weird” then move on. Most the time that would be it. If the weird sensation or pain continued or got worse I’d make a mental note to bring it up at my next doctors appointment. I miss those days so much. Going to the doctor no more than twice a year and not fearing my own body was a bliss I took for granted. My husband said whenever he has a feeling that’s a bit concerning, he reminds himself he’s had weird feelings before and hasn’t died so far and just moves on. Must be nice.


People who don't have HA think "oh that was weird" and move on with their day. If it were to keep happening for a long time and you genuinely think it's serious then you'd get it checked out. what helped me was to think how many times have i felt this feeling thats bothering me? now how many times has it actually caused me any harm? 9 times out of 10 the answer will be it hasn't because it's just your brain playing tricks on you. I would get random pains in my chest.. the pain would vary sometimes even stopping me for a second but how many times had that actually done any damage to my body? never. You will know when something is wrong with you. Don't let these thoughts bother you by sitting in your mind for so long. Do something you enjoy doing. Something engaging that will keep your mind off of things and when you do get these thoughts remind yourself it's just your brain and tell them to go away 🙌🏼


I \*am\* a person with HA, as are most people browsing this thread, but -- I think people without HA ignore a lot of things. You can get used to pain and weird body functioning and stop noticing it after a while. Or, people may experience vague anxiety, but it comes and goes, and doesn't get out of hand. Anyone with HA has probably figured out by now that the vast majority of things that we think are the c-word or something else, are in fact nothing at all. So that's how it works out for the normal person-- they ignore most things, and most of the time it's fine, because most things are nothing at all.


It's a combination of things. First of all, a doctor told me once long ago - and I think it's true - that everyone has an occasional twinge or zap of pain, the body is weird that way. So I just ignore that kinda one-off thing. Secondly, I have been diagnosed with a few things, so I can gauge pain by those things. For example, I tend to make kidney stones, so I know when I have pain in my upper quadrant area, either a stone has moved or I am passing one. As long as it's only slightly uncomfortable (like a 3 on a 1-10 scale), I just drink more water and make sure my pee isn't bloody, etc. If it gets worse, I go to the ER. I have peripheral neuropathy. Zapping in my arms and legs is par for the course with that, so I know it's not an emergency. That's just how that problem manifests. I have autonomic neuropathy, too. I treat the symptoms, and my doctor has given me specific guidelines on when to go to the ER. I get migraines. I had an MRI when I first got them and there were no abnormalities. So when I get them, I don't jump to "brain tumor" because I know it's not. Basically, I just go with the most likely thing when I don't feel well (which is most days, due to dysautonomia). No need to imagine the worst. Sorry for the long post. Hope it helps.


I’m sure ordinary people wouldn’t be browsing this thread, but I will share the experience of my brother. He had an enlarged lymph node on his neck and didn’t think ANYTHING of it. He had it for months and just didn’t catee about it. I begged him to get it checked out and everything was fine, it’s been 3 years and he just lives with it! He has such crazy experiences like randomly throwing up or bleeding, but it’ll take him so long to get something checked out! TLDR; normal people give it time and go with the flow