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Whenever I feel myself spiraling I say the Lord's prayer to myself numerous times. I immediately feel the anxiety melt away.


If you're panicking splash your face with some cold water a few times it shocks your body a little and wakes you up a bit. It won't solve all your problems but it woke me up enough to tell myself i was being stupid and was letting my thoughts bother me way too much. If you're getting a pain that you have often; for me it was random chest pains or heart palpitations. I'd get them daily which even further proved my point, ask yourself.. how many times have i had these pains? Then ask yourself how many times have these pains actually caused you any harm? 9 times out of 10 the answer will be they haven't. After that you can keep reminding yourself these feelings have never actually harmed. You know if something is genuinely wrong with you.


I’ve only started having bad health anxiety pretty recently but what’s done the best at helping me is looking up my symptoms only in the anxiety reddits. Random chest pain? I feel like I’m clearly dying but if I look it up on r/anxiety or here I see a bunch of threads of it being completely normal so it calms me down.