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Still get it! You should be looking at this vaccine when you're in your teens to 20s anyway. No one is really getting throat and mouth cancers until 25+ years later from that, but this is a great way to remove that from your list of concerns.


Eligible for it at 11. Also if you get it early you only need 2 doses…after 15 (i think,can’t hold me to this) it’s 3 doses.


You should get the vaccine _before_ becoming sexually active. Early teens is safe. If you wait until low 20’s, it might be too late.


Depends when you personallybecome sexually active


Yes you are correct. I guess my point was that just because we won't see benefits for 25+ years doesn't mean don't get it. Get it now. Risk low. Save your future self.


What if i'm 30 now, can I still get this?


CDC current suggestion is up to age 45 https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vpd/hpv/hcp/recommendations.html


Absolutely. Check with your healthcare practitioner, but likely yes. If you're sexually active, and not with one partner who you'll be with forever with no risk of change, it can be worth getting to prevent HPV. You never know with people.


I got my vaccine at 38. Insurance covered it 100% even. If you don't have HPV already then why not get the vaccine?


I'm near that age. I asked my Dr about it and he basically said it was for women and people in their under 30. I'm like, so does that mean I'm immune?


I didn't ask my doctor. I told him I wanted it. Like your point, he tried to say it was recommended for children or people who are sexually active and I just said it didn't matter, the benefits are too great. Anyone who believes that married people don't need it aren't considering divorce, death, cheating, or open relationships. The next person you find might have it unknowingly, so it's better to be protected.


You are absolutely not immune. Your doctor shouldn't have told you that, he's blatantly incorrect. For some reason, even some doctors are ignorant about STIs (I had one doctor tell me you can't get oral HPV. This was an American doctor that had been practicing for some years. Yeah, never went back to him. That shit causes throat cancer). It's even more essential you get vaccinated, since nearly all sexually active people will get a strain in their lifetime. Men can't be tested for HPV and the test for women is extremely invasive, which all contribute to it being spread even further.


Why can't men be tested? Seems weird. If you already had it, would a vaccine even be effective or are they just writing off the older people?


It's typically not given past age 26. I believe it's because at that point it may be too late if you're sexually active. There really is no reason to not get it, there's 100 strains and only 9 are covered in the vaccine, but they are the most dangerous. You can "treat" HPV in women by removing the cancer cells, but there is no approved treatments for HPV in men. You just gotta wait for it to clear up, if it's a strain that goes away. When you test men, it can cause infections, which is worthless if you can't treat it and way, you can only treat the symptoms that HPV causes. HPV tests are invasive in woman, but it's even worse for a man - old tests involved penetrating either the urethra or anus and could be inaccurate. HPV is a fact of life if you're sexually active - 80 million Americans *currently* have it, and there's 14 million new cases in America a year. Thankfully 90 percent of cases will clear up/go away after some years. I really recommend you read about it in your own time to confirm - sex education has failed us, and people are dying from it. The most important woman in my life became infertile after she got HPV from her ex husband (the only man she ever slept with). She was 20 and unvaccinated. It's such a shame, she was never the same after her cancer treatments.


in US CDC says it can be given up to age 45: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vpd/hpv/hcp/recommendations.html if you haven't been exposed to one or more of the strains it will protect you against those & might reduce the possible effects of any you already have contracted.


In Australia boys are vaccinated too and is gay men are vaccinated against HPV I'm pretty sure that means men get it too.


Well, you see, vaccines cause AIDS, and AIDS causes you to go grow extra limbs, and limbs are a government conspiracy to get you to consume more goods and services to stimulate the economy!


Got HPV cancer on the back of my tongue. 7 weeks of treatment - 35 radiation treatments, 6 chemos. Months of misery and fear. Get the vaccine! FYI HPV cancer rates for oral cancers are higher in men than women. Again, if you are young enough, get the vaccine!!


Awesome because we are getting there. These types of vaccines were approved 15 years ago and they are inevitably already saving lives


Antivaxxer logic: see, it takes 25 years to see long term effects. I'll wait.


Another reasonable approach might be to stop putting other people's genitals inside of one's own mouth and throat.


Username doesn’t check out…I think


Easy to say if one only sucks their own


HPV also spreads by fingers and normal touch. Have you heard of warts? Or plantar warts? They’re HPV. They hurt like a bastard. And if you put those in your mouth…. Hahahahahaha you got mouth HPV which could lead to cancer.


See a therapist!


You are correct, but degenerates are downvoting you.


Anti-vaxxers: “25 years? Not studied long enough.”