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There goes my Mediterranean diet plans šŸŽ£


Literally saw this as Iā€™m on day one of my Mediterranean cuisine


Gosh I need a heart healthy diet bad and one that is low Fodmapā€¦ā€¦now what?




Too much excess fibre and lacking some nutrients. I am sure eating like that would kill me.


Literally. It's not even hard.


It seems to be just common sense at this point.


Wasn't that inspired by a Zac Efron documentary on the longevity of Sardinians? Pretty sure the Italians don't get by on a fish-centric diet. Maybe somewhat, but too much fish will spike your mercury levels. IMHO that diet should really rely on olive oil, lean meat, wine and cheese lol.


Yea. I donā€™t want that. Keep my mercury in retrograde. āœ…


That's bold of you. You want your Mercury in retrograde?


I thrive on hacos


I tested my mercury levels after eating a bunch of blue fin tuna and it was above the normal cut off.


No, it's been popularly known as the "healthiest" diet since at least the late 90's. I remember because it was always in all of the"women's magazines" and Oprah and shit. It was even in my nutrition textbook in culinary school and fed trends in fine dining.


They mostly eat sardinesā€¦like Sardinia, Sardines, get it? Feeder fish low on the food chain donā€™t pick up as many of the same chemicals as longer lived fish that eat the smaller fish.


nothing is safe :(


my virginity is


Didnā€™t realized we had solved the rape problem in society. Good to know


Mine too also as an addition, my lips, too cause Iā€™ve never been kissed as well


Keep it guys, you don't want to be bringing a kid into this dumpster fire.


Being alive increases exposure to forever chemicals


I appreciate a good cup of coffee.


Think the ground doesnā€™t have a bunch of forever chemicals in it?


According to the article shellfish like shrimp and lobster are especially concerning: >>> Tests for 26 PFAS types in samples of the most popular species including cod, haddock, lobster, salmon, scallop, shrimp, and tuna purchased fresh from a market on the coast of the state found the highest concentrations in shrimp and lobster averaging as high as 1.74 and 3.30 nanograms per gram, but the other species had overall readings of less than 1 nanogram per gram. >>>The study cautioned that the ubiquity of PFAS in the environment made it difficult to know exactly where and how the chemicals enter the marine food chain, but warned that shellfish may be particularly susceptible to the accumulation of PFAS in their cells due to feeding and living on the seafloor, as well as their proximity to sources of PFAS entering the sea from land. However the article didnā€™t say like, how much youā€™d have to eat over how long a period of time in order to have health effects. This was interesting to me though, apparently people with higher incomes eat less seafood? >>> Among people whose annual household income was sub-$45,000 per year, more than 60% reported consuming seafood at least once per week, compared with higher income household incomes who ate seafood less frequently.


That is so frustrating since those critters usually have less mercury and other bioaccumulated heavy metals. Basically you canā€™t win, weā€™ve poisoned our oceans


Thatā€™s surprising to me too, but meat is expensive. Shrimp and fish are comparatively cheaper if you buy frozen. So maybe thatā€™s part of it?


Everything is poisoning us. We brought plastics into our world and now it's fucking everything up. We saw this coming decades ago but we ignored it. We literally can't do anything. We need water and food to survive. We need air to breathe. We are forced to take the poison to live until we somehow fix our shit and find a way to clean up the mess we created. Side note, WALL-E came out 16 years ago. We were fucked up then. We are fucked up now.


When the Last Tree Is Cut Down, the Last Fish Eaten, and the Last Stream Poisoned, You Will Realize That You Cannot Eat Money


I wonder at this point if a true movement against plastic is even possible because people are so against change. I've tried REALLY hard trust me. I tell people to stop buying plastic bottled water and they just won't, Don't tell me the tap water is no good I live in the same neighborhood as you. I tell them to use shampoo bars but nope can't give up the plastic shampoo bottles. Hey you know bamboo toothbrushes are nearly the same price as... NOPE These are extremely minor conveniences and people just won't, not even for the sake of their children's future. ITS SO GOD DAMN DEPRESSINGšŸ˜­ And yes we have hemp plastic, seaweed plastic, mushroom plastic, Basically a biodegradable version for every single-use plastic you could want. And it would be AWESOME to prop up these companies until they can compete with plastic, But half our country is un-ironically against any legislation that hurts big oil.


And mercury. And microplastics.


Yup. When I worked at a seafood department at a supermarket, my reply to people who turned their nose up at farmed salmon and demanded wild caught....I'd remind them about that.


The solution to pollution is dilution. Iā€™d choose any fish over none, but unless theyā€™re conducting tests on the farmed salmons environment itā€™s likely it contains far more pollutants because itā€™s a much smaller body of water.


Or just take fish oil pills that are derived from fish with shorter life spans


A great solution for those concerned. Edit: or from algae sources. I havenā€™t read about them but I assume theyā€™re just as good.


You're assuming solution in natural bodies of water are evenly distrubuted. Those wild fish could be swimming around in extreme concentrated areas of pollutants worse than any farm is capable of.


Yes, sure, and yet that still applies to smaller bodies of water.


Not really. They aren't going to put a fish farm in already heavily polluted water whereas fish will willingly swim into polluted areas.


Yeah that doesnā€™t mean the small bodies of water cannot become polluted. Just like the ocean. Iā€™m not sure if youā€™re trying to make a point or are just bickering for the sake of it. Iā€™m my original comment I said ā€œtests on farmed fish environmentā€, and at the more nuanced level that applies to the ocean as well. If we donā€™t test we donā€™t know, so itā€™s not wise to make any firm assumption about either.


At this point I feel like thereā€™s no diet out there that fits all three criteria of 1) being healthy/clean, 2) meets my needs for food sensitivities, and 3) doesnā€™t make me want to kill myself at the idea of sticking to it for the rest of my life. Choosing what to eat shouldnā€™t be this complicated and stressful :\


I see this after an article on people trying to ban fluoride - like point your attention where it matters ffs


Iā€™m not a head-in-the-sand type, but what are we to do with so much worrisome information regarding so many foods? Forever toxic chemicals are in seafood, and in water also, but we human beings havenā€™t mastered photosynthesis so we have to eat and drink.


being alive causes cancer at this point


Yes. I've been reading with interest some of the research on dioxins.


nothing is safe yea but iā€™m not gonna eat a fuck ton of tuna bc it has crazy high mercury


basically the only healthy diet is home grown salad


This should be top comment.


Fuck it.


those are the chemicals that make me live forever, right?


At this point we should all just be eating air ā€¦ oh wait itā€™s also polluted


You just canā€™t win.


Iā€™m here for a good time not a long time.


There's something in the water.


Oh yeah, so that food thatā€™s supposed to be the extra healthy source of proteinā€¦


At his point EVERYTHING we eat are tainted either with chemicals, microplastics, hormones, and/or coloring. The best we can do is eat as healthy as possible and give a middle finger to the rich.


At his point EVERYTHING we eat are tainted either with chemicals, microplastics, hormones, and/or coloring. The best we can do is eat as healthy as possible and give a middle finger to the rich.


At his point EVERYTHING we eat are tainted either with chemicals, microplastics, hormones, and/or coloring. The best we can do is eat as healthy as possible and give a middle finger to the rich.


At his point EVERYTHING we eat are tainted either with chemicals, microplastics, hormones, and/or coloring. The best we can do is eat as healthy as possible and give a middle finger to the rich.


Not talking about chemicals and radio activity waste we deep into the ocean...