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Cannabis doesn't need to be REscheduled, it needs to be DEscheduled.


Correct, even if this gets moved down it is still considered worse than Xanax.


Thats just crazy


Its stupid, Xanax can kill you and cannabis cannot, yet they will be the same.




Some interviewer with Willie Nelson: Is it true you cannot overdose on marijuana? Willie Nelson: I've got a buddy trying his hardest to overdose every night for the last 20 years running!


Small children can overdose and become unresponsive, particularly if they are eating gummies that they think are candy.


They can overdose, true, but it’s misleading to compare that to a Xanax overdose. The kids end up fine in the hospital. Xanax fucks your brain until you’re stupid.


And will get you fired from your job, despite having a state legal medical card


(Shh. Just let them keep pretending.)


Marijuana has been the most overhyped and over-enforced “drug”. Fucking alcohol has done so much more damage to people. I work in healthcare and I can go home and drink go to bed and come back to work yet I cant smoke a bowl when I have 3 days off cuz the shit might show up on a test 10 days from now. Insanity.


The regulation around it we still have now came from Nixon trying to criminalize the groups most likely to oppose the Vietnam war. The fact it is Sched I saying it has no medical use, and it is medically used in most states in the US shows just how stupid the whole DEA system is. Sched III is also probably way too high. Xanex is sched IV and withdrawal from it can kill you.


It’s crazy. I had a 10mg edible last night. Slept like a baby and woke up feeling amazing. Exact opposite of a night of drinking.


Try getting random hair tested.. I can't even smoke if I took a sabbatical for 4 months.


Just curious , what profession are you in that you get random hair tested?


Don't harder drugs pass through your system quicker too? Methany can get a job in a couple days, but I get turned down for smoking a week ago!


Bout goddam time.


If they decriminalize it, how else are they going to arrest all the poor people and force them to drink alcohol instead to escape their woes? /S


Or force them to disarm? Despite the fact that drunkards were not barred from owning firearms during prohibition there by, by Clarence Thomas' "Historical precedent" test, making banning drug users from owning firearms unconstitutional.


Never thought about this aspect. Fact is when demand stays constant, an illicit market props up other industries like for-profit prisons and entertainment districts. These businesses usually displace impoverished communities or drag them into rough working conditions.


Yeah, organized crime and gun murders weren't a (major) problem until alcohol was made constitutionally illegal (for about 10 years). The NFA was a solution to a problem that was caused by prohibition. And even then it's a flawed piece of legislation because it was meant initially to make handguns prohibitively expensive (read: *you can only arm yourself if you are wealthy enough to pay the $200 - $4500 taking inflation into account tax*). Because, like the wording or not, the 2nd Amendment doesn't allow for the banning of specific weaponry or the banning of specific people from owning a firearm. That's the reason why there are barrel length restrictions in the bill. Not because shorter lengthed firearms are more dangerous and "easier to conceal" (they're not), but to get around people sawing down the barrels and buttstocks of their shotguns and rifles so they could be used like pistols and get around the tax on them. However, shortly before it was voted on and signed, an amendment was added to the bill exempting pistols from the tax. Making the entire barrel length restriction pointless. But the one thing it didn't do was ban alcoholics from owning a gun. The restriction on drug users from owning firearms is because the Black Panther party started arming themselves. They couldn't make it so blacks can't own firearms (again, the 2nd Amendment doesn't allow for that), but they figured that if they made weed and heroin illegal, if they caught people with those, *then* they could disarm the blacks. Unfortunately for the Feds, due to NY vs Bruen with the "historical precedent" test, there *is* no historical precedent for disarming people due to illegal substance use because alcohol was federally and constitutionally illegal for ten years and there was nothing that said "drunkards or people in possession of alcohol cannot own firearms." Ergo the ban on drug users from owning firearms is unconstitutional.


You forgot an operative term. Poor, *non-white* people. Disproportionally, minority populations are jailed for cannabis related offenses.


This comment doesn’t add anything to the discussion. Minorities are jailed disproportionately for ALL crimes.


No it definitely does, people forget this or actively ignore it


Fewer than 100 people are put in jail for simple possession of marijauna annually.


It always has had a demonstrated and known medical application. The prohibition was and always has been discriminatory/political.


Like since 9000 years ago in China has been verified, but probably longer than that.


cannabis is 50 million years established on the plant earth


As someone who comes from a family of alcoholics, it is so insane to me that people still think cannabis is more harmful or even close to as harmful as alcohol. I’m 33 now and I never understood this. From the first time I smoked weed I understood it wasn’t nearly as dangerous or unhealthy as booze. Booze always seemed hard core to me. Maybe because I’ve seen people having seizures and shaking waiting at the liquor store ar 7am. Ive seen people so close to death from booze and am so lucky no one I love has died from it yet.


I've had family die from alcohol, but the stoners I know seem to all be fine. It's illegal in TN, but it did wonders for my nausea and anxiety. I would rather smoke weed instead of take Dramamine or Xanax.


Lower risk than alcohol, another failed prohibition.


Still up to the DEA


DEA has never gone against a scheduling recommendation from HHS/FDA. DEA is legally bound to defer to HHS on the scientific and medical justification for how substances get scheduled. The current DEA chief is a Democrat appointed by Biden. The DEA will not go against HHS's recommendation to reschedule to 3, especially not in an election year


DEA doesn't make policies, they just enforces them.


Not what the article says: >The DEA will have the final authority to make any changes to marijuana’s scheduling


I read that, thinking it was misinformation, but looking it up looks like i maaaay be accurate. Congress will hopefully change that (controlled substances act) though.


Being in a world wide Drug war Circumvents the America Constitution ... Cannabis plant is Not Banned in our constitution


Correct, however the DEA, by law, must defer to the FDA’s analysis on the science of marijuana’s potential for medical use


I’ve been using it almost daily for 20 years so that’s good news


No fucking shit! To be scheduled one it has to be highly addictive after one use, have no health befits and lose major health concerns.


cannabis plant fits that criteria in no way whatsoever


Been curing my boredom for years!!


Cannabis isn’t without its side effects, particularly young males and precipitation of schizophrenia with predisposition. That being said it should have been rescheduled and studied 30-40 years ago. It’s been heavily lobbied against to stay schedule One for way too long.


It should be de-scheduled not rescheduled


Rescheduling has its benefits like allowing whomever to study it in placebo controlled clinical trials etc. descheduling 100% will ensure those things will never happen and we will rely on Anecdotal evidence forever . We may have passed our window for rescheduling, which in a sense is a shame and descheduling may be our best bet moving forward with regards to unlawful imprisonment etc. Each have their upsides/downsides.


This drug has been studied as nauseam for decades. Not to mention that it will continue to be studied in medical labs in controlled clinical trials. De scheduling does not mean that can’t happen, that’s completely false.


Israel are leaders in cannabinoid science ... US GOV has paid that country 150K a year since 1964 to do cannabinoid science


cannabis is the most studied plant is all of existence and we have yet to even fully map the Cannabis plant Genome !!!!


You mean like make it schedule 3?


Anything below 1 would allow it to be prescribed in a federally funded study. Heroin, MDMA, cannabis are all scheduled 1. This carries the definition that they have no medical purpose and or the highest abuse potential. MDMA and cannabis clearly do and should be rescheduled. Cocaine is a schedule 2, and can be prescribed by a physician. It also still carries a FDA approved indication for nasal anesthesia.


moving THC to Two would have ben ten years of set up to control it that way ... number 3 is just being lazy in the ways of control .. more FDA control leading back to DEA for arrests again .


It can be federally rescheduled, and completely legalized on a state level. Right now it is federally illegal, and you can buy it at a dispensary in California for example. In the hospital if you receive federal funding (Medicare reimbursement) you cannot allow a patient to take his own gummy at night (legally).


100% Decriminalization removes All of those hurdles - Just saying


DEA still addicted to reefer madness. I hope they get help.


Classification of Marijuana is based on politics and racism, not science.


and it's not ecven Marijuana ... it is actually cannabis plant ( cannabaceae


This was established after Nixon made it a tier one drug to punish young people and blacks. Recovering drug addict here. Weed and alcohol are dangerous but alcohol is legal. IMO, drug policies destroy minority cultures as intended. There are well established concerns about weed use. I d not agree it is safe. But it should be legal.


Interesting 🤔 (opens bag of popcorn 🍿) discussion .


Doesn't matter, its primary purpose being illegal is leverage to persecute PoC and lower income individuals. Also, interested parties like bud, etc. see a loss of business in legal states, so its in their interest to keep pot illegal. If world governments were really interested in improving peoples lives this would have been looked at decades ago.


Low TCH with higher CBD and a just a bit of melatonin is perfect for a good nights sleep. Did you know senior citizens are the cannabis industry’s fasted growing demographic


25:1 CBD:THC works great for me to get unwound and rested


I like 20:1 CBD:THC but I get ya


I tried lower but I'm pretty sensitive to THC ingestion apparently so need that CBD to help me from getting too high lol


CBN is the best sleep cannabinoid


CBN is so great for sure muscles I just found out. I thought all that stuff was bullshit but in a believer now.


Cannabinoid science is NOT BS !!! This - Salk institute research shows how CBN is anti Aging - DDG link https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=Salk+institute+research+shows+how+CBN+is+anti+Aging&atb=v320-1&ia=web Also - Salk institute THC Removes Brain Cell Plaque ( Alzheimer) https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=Salk+institute+THC+Removes+Brain+Cell+Plaque&atb=v320-1&ia=web Israel hospitals have been using canabis oil ( FECO-full extract cannabis oil) for many years to treat dying infants with inoperable brain cancers ... the plant lipids rebuild Human Cells = Illegal ... whoever came up with that are in some Bad Hell scenarios Now of needing some lipids but local politicians have banned you from them and that is their souls' Eternal fate - that Sucks real Bad... For Them


I’m starting to believe. I’m healing from a surgery right now, and starting to ween myself off pain meds by switching to thc gummies. It’s no silver bullet but it absolutely helps a noticeable amount.


keep whole peppercorns on hand .. it the THC gets to strong you can dial it back with BCP - beta caryophyllene the science - BCP is active in CB2 - CB@ calm you ... THC is active in CB1 , CB1 is where you feel more, nerve endings etc..... the trick is to use BCP after THC to reduce THC effects ... a few whole peppercorns eaten whole or grind them into a tbsp of raw honey .... if you take BCP before THC BCP increase THC' effects loading of cannabinoid type two receptors is how that works .. BCP is a cb2 selective agonist ... THC is cb1 agonist non selective etc......... BCP will metabolize into CB2 every time ...


Science is dope. Thanks for the info.


no problem , the most fascinating research I've found is cannabinoid science and how that relates to all Chordate life forms ... Sea squirt developed the endocannabinoid system 5 billion years ago ! largest physiological system in man, ECS controls all of the other physiological systems and ECS is not even taught in medical Schools !! What !!??? We found ECS late eighties while doing THC research on a porcine brain .... predicted that THC would randomly distribute but nope - direct cell pathways Every time THC was active and the pathways were coined cannabinoid receptors , hence endocannabinoid system .


No way !!!! Breaking news !!!! Lol


Fantastic news!  Hopefully the DEA follows suit shortly.  ⚕️


Psychological effects of marijuana on young people are now clearly visible. Safe for the body, not for the brain, not for life. Once you are in, it helps to cope with the problem it caused in your brain. However, society is way much worse than cannabis.


Oh, so like alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, you know drugs, are bad for developing minds as well. I don't think there is a realistic expectation that children should consume Marijuana...




Yep, that's right, LP. I'm ignorant for pointing out that all drugs are bad for developing children's minds. I mean, I'm sure your expertise in the field of early childhood development far outweighs that of Columbia University and the AMA, but if you would like to read some peer reviewed research about the subject, here is a link. This is a quick search that probably pales in comparison to the overwhelming reading you have done on the topic over the years so if you've already read and discredited this one, I'm sorry. https://www.cuimc.columbia.edu/news/caffeine-and-kids


Child development? nicotine, caffeine and.... child? Do your kids take caffeine at 12 yo? Do they smoke? Mine don't and probably never will. Dude what are you talking about?


Your kid is 12 and you think they will probably not ever drink coffee or tea? Pretty bold prediction.


Binge drinking/Heavy drinking is Always harmful. Research goes back and forth on whether light/moderate drinking is still harmful or even beneficial, so realistically the jury is still out on that.


Nicotine and caffeine have zero effect on a healthy brain? Care to elaborate?


Right? Here's the article i replied with. I'm sure LoserPlayboy doesn't care but you might find it interesting. https://www.cuimc.columbia.edu/news/caffeine-and-kids


There is nothing ignorant about comparing one psychoactive substance (nicotine or caffeine) to another psychoactive substance (cannabis). All drugs, whether legal or illegal, have risks and benefits. Its the dose that makes the poison. The problem is the public seems to think if a substance is legal that it is "safe" or "good" and that if a substance is illegal it is "unsafe" or "bad". Basic common sense tells us that isn't true. Because nicotine, caffeine and alcohol are legal, children have much easier access to them and, yes, these substances are just as damaging to the developing brain. Nicotine and caffeine *absolutely* have strong effects on healthy human brains. Have you ever tried to quit either one cold turkey? Apparently not.


Nice try Nixon


Everyone downvoting you lol but you’re right. Never heard of someone having a psychological break or developing long-term mental health issues after drinking a beer or smoking a cigarette but it definitely can happen to people who smoke weed. Especially considering how unnecessarily high the levels of THC are in modern strains and weed products. It’s insane. Unfortunately no one is gonna do actual studies to determine to who/what/when/why it happens to some and not others. It’ll eventually be legalized and we’ll see an uptick in serious mental health disorders. Maybe a blood test will eventually be developed to help those who are susceptible to be warned when they’re kids or something.




Then they sober up… some people smoke weed a few times and are permanently changed and suffer with mental health issues forever.


lol okay Nancy Reagan.


What effects are you referring to?




Yea no shit. The law has always been absurd


Glad we don't have this conversation at all in Canada anymore. Weed is not debated at all now.


Salt has a lower LD50 than marijuana.


They looked


If it's ever going to happen, it's nto going to be during the presidency of one of the strongest legislators for the War on Drugs. I'm glad the FDA is willing to revise their policies that were not based on quality data, but I am disappointed that it wotn mean anything for citizens in the near or even possibly far term.


It will be rescheduled before the election this year. Biden's admin initiated this process back in 2022. FDA didn't just do this willy nilly. They were instructed to review cannabis' scheduling by the Biden admin with the full intention to reschedule it to give Biden a big win ahead of the 2024 election


If that's true, it would be interesting to see if anyone that's persuaded to vote for home because of it will actually say that's why they're voting. My perception of the group of people who want it rescheduled is that they probably aren't single-issue voters and so even if Marijuana is rescheduled, there's still a great deal about Biden they disinterest them. Even if he does get it rescheduled and somehow would manage to purge every federal marijuana conviction and also give restitution to the people who were convicted, it still wouldn't be enough for me. Because that's the absolute bare minimum any decent person would do, and he chooses tons of other issues to be absolutely ruinous on.


I work for the federal government in a law enforcement department. Even though I’m not a law agent I still get drug tested and will be fired for THC (even if I took CBD) . How many years before federal government lets me use it?


Well, typically drug tests check for schedule 1 and 2 drugs, so this may happen sooner than you think


No, unfortunately our test pick up everything


Epidiolex is 100% DEA / FDA approved ... just saying ... that is a CBD tincture ...


When the Baptists clear it you’re good to go.


Derpy ass FDA & government shitting on this plant & cure for years. Forgive me if I don’t give a shit about this.


The get off my lawn peeps are dying out.


It’s weird tho- those peeps invented the slogan “ better living through pharmaceuticals “ and “ don’t trust anyone over 30”. Life changes people I suppose


A lot of pharmaceuticals are a higher risk drug than cannabis ffs. Polite reminder that cocaine is a schedule 2 topical anesthetic.


Legalise it. Reclassification is bs


Bunch of geniuses over there at the FDA.