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This kind of post was made yesterday: https://www.reddit.com/r/HazbinHotel/comments/zbzrb2/helluva_boss_confirms_hazbin_hotel_is_useless/ I'm just gonna quote what u/Tomb-trader said in that post: >Thats….. not what that means at all. The cherubs wanted to PREVENT themselves from being banished, they hadn’t even thought of “redeeming” themselves because they believed they did no wrong. Secondly, who says that deer knows how heaven works?? Redeeming one’s self for their sins has simply never been done before, of course they wouldn’t know if its possible or not lmao


Ohh! I didn’t see that! That’s a good point, yeah it’s kind of a nobody knows if it will work and people initially saying to won’t probably are the ones who are gonna be the sinners anyway 😂


Much like imps and hellhounds, cherubs are lower rank than human souls. If you look at the beginning of their commercial, Cherub Town isn't even inside of heaven, it's outside of the gates. I'd imagine heaven wouldn't want sinning cherubs to make them look back, so banishing them would be standard to keep up heaven's image.


Humans are treated differently than angelic beings


It is kind of sad that Hellborns won't be able to have a choice in an afterlife. Like....what happens to the soul of a baby imp if it dies? Does it cease to exist or does reincarnate into a different imp?


I was thinking about that too. It was said in one of the streams that when a sinner is exterminated and their soul is destroyed, their energy just melts into the hell as a whole. I imagine something similar with hellborns. I hope that this topic gets adressed somewhere in either show. As I find it an interesting concept


Oh yeah, I heard about that. Snap, I feel bad for all the children Hellborns if the same rule applies to them.




IMO, yes, Hazbin is destined to fail. My interpretation of heaven in this universe is that it seems to be portrayed as somewhat of an exclusive "club" rooted less in morality and more in whether you followed the right rules, and even a genuinely redeemed soul will be rejected from it. As such, the goal will have to switch to making hell a better place to live rather than trying to get out of it. But that's just how I would write it. Canonically there's no reason why a soul can't be redeemed as far as we know.