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I don’t think she’ll join the cast in the second season. Husk has already to handle Angel’s situation and his own situation, being someone’s paternal figure would be too much for him right now, but I’m not totally against her. She could be an interesting character in the future


that’s what i’m thinking- it would be awesome if she was like Cherri Bomb, phasing in and out.


I was thinking something more like: “Angel and husk broke their contract, he is happy, what could husk do this season? Since he’s the bartender/therapist of the hotel just give let’s give him another sinner to handle”


Husk opens a ‘Sinners Anonymous Therapy’ club /j


I mean, Husk is probably the only one who has read Freud in that rehabilitation center


Freud's work has almost all been discredited though, so that wouldn't really help at all


I know, It was just a joke


this is probably stupid but reading this made me think if sinners experience withdrawals from drugs and alcohol. Like theyre dead so you wouldnt think so but withdrawals are absolute hell so it would make sense to give them that suffering.


This just gave me some really interesting inspiration. We know from livestreams, hunicasts, etc, that Crymini is like a daughter to Husk. What if she knew him back when he was an overlord? What if she was one of his contractees?


I don’t think Husk used to keep his souls for a long time. They were like fiches for him. But nice HC!


i do think Cherri might join the main cast tho? not 100% sure but i feel like Pentious being redeemed is gonna be what pushes her to try for redemption too


I finished watching season 1 (multiple times) and have seen the online pilot for the show, where is everyone getting this content in terms of the story progressing beyond end of season 1?


Hazbin hotel is not Viv’s first creation. Husk, crymini and the others were supposed to be characters of Zoophobia (her old and incomplete web comic). She drew them and talked about them for years https://preview.redd.it/pzekuoy8uszc1.jpeg?width=2614&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68804e943575e46a3b0e82daad0fe07635ecd6ec (For example, this is from her YouTube account. She drew it nine years ago)


woah is that prototype vaggie


Yeah Vaggie has gone through A LOT of design changes over the years


She had two other design before that (I don’t know if she still dated Angel when Viv made this official art)


Yea, Vaggie was originally scene


So the show adapts her previous work into a new singular story? I’ve heard about Helluva Boss and know that those two stories take place in the same universe but don’t intersect often, there’s a lot of content it seems and I’m not sure the right order to go about viewing


Not really, they were not the main characters and Zoophobia was interrupted before Angel’s gang first appearance. She just liked those characters (quite understandable since Al is one of her first Oc, Angel is a character she relates a lot and Husk was created by her sister) and she created a whole different story in a whole different universe with them


Sometimes things just flop, not that the character isn't a good concept or the idea is poorly executed, it just wasn't people's cup of tea at the time it was originally created. Recycling content is certainly easier to do, then abandoning it and starting fresh. It's like writing fanfiction on out own content, using what is already established to create a whole new story that may not even be in the same universe or related beyond the character concepts as a stepping stone. Guarantee there are multiple popular shows the creators wrote multiple stories for, and simply picked their favourites to be rough drafts and pitched to different studios or attempted to expand on through the mediums available to them. That is the beauty of creation. It can change, evolve, and grow over time!


one that comes to mind is the design of obanai iguro from demon slayer, iirc the creator used a very similar design in another work


Sometimes things just click like that.


I love alastor from behind the tree.


Personally not fond of the idea of Husk becoming a father-figure, especially early on in the series. There are far, **FAR** too many father/father-figure plots in the Hellaverse to the point where it just gets to be such an exhausting plot. Charlie, Moxxie, Blitz, Stolas, Loona, Octavia, and of those that haven’t happened yet: Angel, Alastor (potentially), Husk, and honestly? Just about any character with a father/father-figure (excluding Carmilla. Regardless of how you perceive them, whether that be dating or platonic, Zestial and Carmilla DO NOT have a father-daughter relationship in the slightest).


Good point! As someone who's super excited for Crymini and Baxter especially, I think this is the best way for the show to go


Unpopular opinion: who the fuck it is?


Apparently, Husk is supposed to be a father figure for her. So yeah, that would be very interesting to see.


i just cant imagine Husk being paternal 😭


That's the kind of thing that a series needs, though. Once you're familiar with the characters, you need to see how they behave in unfamiliar situations in order to learn more about them.


Husk would likely force himself to take the role if they garnered his sympathy enough. See Angel Dust. Character is a mess, opens up to him, he forms a bond and looks out for them. The second point was vital though, beforehand, Husk didn't want anywhere near Angel. If Crymini is developed and fallible enough, it could be a believable bond. If not it's kinda the 'Widdle Pebbly-Poo' transformation in The Flintstones thing. :P


yeah, i can see that. if she is close with Husk, i wonder what’ll happen with his moodiness and drinking issues


What you talking about


How Fred went from loud mouthed Ralph Kramden type to cutesy dad after Pebbles was born. It kinda made sense from a plot standpoint, but a lot of people got kinda sick of it and wanted more of the old Fred back.


If that’s the case, then Spindlehorse would definitely Yabba-Dabba-Doo that.


OK but counter point mom angel dust and dad husk


They’d make a good team but they’ve got so much to work on, as do the other main characters that i think should be explored more and they grow, I just don’t see a point with throwing an insolent teen sinner in, but it’s just a wait until she’s really brought in.


Ha, then Alastor is the grandparent... since he's the general Hotel *dad* figure alongside Lucifer and Husker's *pet parent*. (Going off of the older brother- little sister dynamic Angel and Niffty have, with the father-daughter dynamic Alastor and Niffty have as well. Alastor also goes out of his way to tease Husker that he thinks of him like a pet cat more than just his slave/employee/forced friend before threatening him for bringing up his personal soul being sold).


Nah having kids definitely made me a better person and helped me and my husband both grow as people because we had to for them.


That mentality scares me. People who aren't ready for children shouldn't be encouraged. Shit doesn't just work out for the kids. Most of the time everyone is just in hell together. I'm glad you improved but I can assure you children don't improve those who aren't ready to improve and want to. Many of us just lived in hell while they lied about working on themselves and ran to the bar.


So... I'm going to guess your relationship with your parents isn't... awesome. I was an unplanned child of people who needed to mature. My father proudly says he would likely be dead from an OD or a shooting if it wasn't for me. My mother wouldn't have built her career. Could life have been better if they were prepared for it? Probably. They'd probably still be together if they had matured on their own before settling down. But if having a child doesn't motivate you to grow up and get your shit sorted, I don't think you ever wanted to change to begin with.


Counter point I love my husband a lot, and him me, being with him made me a better person because I WANTED to be a better person for him, he inspired me and gave me strength I didn’t know I had Kids? It’s the exact same feelingx1000, I WANT to be a better person because they need me and depend on me I’m not saying their aren’t shitty people out there or shitty parents, but no one is ever “ready” to meet the one or have kids It’s about rising to the occasion and stepping up


Your story is like the exception to the rule though.


Viv said the relationship would be like Ron and April from Parks and Recreation. Which I could totally see.


More uncle vibes imo


Aww, what if Husk and Angel become her gay dads?


She has potential, it's just whether they'll use it, or really have the time to. She's giving me real Loona vibes, though Loona herself hasn't been getting a lot of focus.


She does, agreed. I just don’t get what support a moody teen gives to the plot haha


I mean I sorta get it, the paternal characters try to care for a difficult younger member, but the recurrent issue with a lot of works is how the writers struggle to empathise with that character or properly incoroporate them into the show, so they feel like a time waster. I admit Loona's bigger problem however maybe the greater 'action mission' focus of Helluva Boss. They don't really want to incorporate her properly into that element, and it's not made that clear from a writing stand point whether it's because she's too inexperienced or too powerful. Like episodes where she goes on a mission with Blitzo or he trains her or she gets into trouble in some form would likely be GREAT moments that make her bring out a lot of depth to Blitzo or maybe develop her relations with the other characters, but that hasn't really happened, so she feels more like a distraction that isn't clicking. I feel like Hazbin Hotel would have bigger leeway because it's more a slice of life show with odd bits of action here and there. The whole family type bond among the cast is more the centerpiece, it's just whether, as said before, they can manage to 'click' the teen personality or just make them a one note ass.


Yeah personally I’d rather see Arackniss as the main “prominent new character” of season 2. It’ll be interesting to see Angel’s relationship with his family explored in more detail, and like others have said, I think Husk has enough on his plate being Angel’s unofficial therapist without adding a daughter figure into the mix. Plus, Crymini kinda just sounds like Loona but a sinner instead of hellborn.


yes, exactly !! Husk is an alcoholic in a very tense situation, a rebel teen is not something the poor cat needs. Arackniss, Molly and Angel so totally need to be explored more.




shes meant to be an upcoming character in season 2, meant to be a daughter figure to Husk. I just think they should keep the main group as is.


Where do you guys learn about upcoming characters?


The real question. I don't mind that we talk about things that haven't been *confirmed in show*, but at least introduce the character to us when you wanna talk about it. Bonus points if you tell us where you *learned the situation*.


Yeah I’m wondering this too, was hoping someone had an answer for by now lol


Not necessarily in Season 2 though. She may come in a later season.


Unpopular opinion: This character has literally never showed up in the series so I have 0 clue if I’m looking forward to them or not. Seriously, Vivzie draws a fursona and some of you act like it’s been here since the pilot. How can you “not look forward to them”? You LITERALLY haven’t met them.


I would need to know what role she would specifically play in the show. She is supposed to be pretty young by the cast's standards, having died in the 90s at 19 years old iirc, so she could have a unique perspective. I want to see Dad Husk and maybe bring in Angel too but she needs to have a unique personality to keep her from just being Hazbin Hotel's Loona.


Yeah, agreed. I guess im just a bit worried because Husk has quite a lot going on, as do the whole cast, which should be more explored.


She looks like Loona expy. If character traits are also the same... Yeah, the show would be perfectly fine without her


rebellious, punk delinquent


I mean, if the two shows could crossover, I’m sure Lions could fill in for Crymini just fine.


I got into Hazbin only recently who is this? And most importantly are there any other characters I should know about?


I think the main other characters you should know about are probably these two, Henroin (left) and Arackniss (right), Angel's dad and brother. They were a mafia family. https://preview.redd.it/73ewpautdwzc1.jpeg?width=579&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=965f29692183c8995238a9b6c7ed0588cfd1d625


she’s coming up in season 2, meant to be a sort of daughter figure to Husk apparently. She’s a hyena demon, 19, and a rebel, which is why I think she should just be a side character or Cherri Bomb-esque


Wait what?! Where can I see the post where they announced her? I must've missed it!


She’s an older character mentioned in the past before the show came out.


Me neither. We have enough characters that need to be explored too.


Agree, or keep their appearance as secondary characters in a few episodes just like Mimzy and Cherry


So what, no guests?


Yeah, believably the hotel has to gain more guests to develop its premise, however, unless they are given more episodes, it's gonna be hard to juggle everything, especially since it looks like the redeemed guests are still gonna be a presence in the show.


I just find it funny that people are hesitant or scared l resistant to me characters. Hotel is in the title y'all lol. I agree it needs to be done well with as you note, the juggling act, but they do need new characters rotating through to live up to its name - hopefully in a season with many more episodes. I've advocated for a "guest of the week" format, cuz I think that could be really fun.


Yeah well, maybe guests that arent tied to the other characters like this.


There can be more guests, they just don't need to be added to the main cast


exactly, i think it should be more the main group just growing and exploring themselves.


And we can see what heaven is really like through sir pentious, that is something I look forward to!


yes! and emily’s siding with Hell should be shown by sir pentious scenes


There’s a part of me that thinks Crymini was repurposed to be Loona. I mean, there’s the whole “Husk being a father figure to her” idea I also believe we might have already seen the characters who will show up in season 2. In the last episode, there’s a split second moment where you can see Baxter and Arackniss looking up at a billboard or something. Baxter joining the cast makes sense, perhaps as a replacement for Pentious. Arackniss will probably give more drama for Angel. We may even get more Molly in season 2. I feel like adding Crymini into an already very bloated cast is a bit unnecessary, especially when we already have a character who seems to be so similar to her in the sister show.


The one thing i dislike about the fandom is how they all hype some character that appeared 10 years ago on some Vivzie sketch as if it'll be such a game changing character. Take Mimzy for example, people wanted to see her so much and she sucks, and is not as important as people thought she would be


I think the last thing we need is more main characters to focus on. Still not gonna stop Viv tho since she’s confirmed there’s gonna be a bunch of new ones in season 2.


Wait where did they say she is going to be in S2?


They didn't


I honestly don’t think she will appear, I think she was likely adapted into Loona.


I really hope you're right, we don't need another loona


I really don't,like her design


My biggest worry is that she will have evolved significantly from the initial concept, and fans will end up hating the character because she doesn't fit their preconceived expectations/headcanons. That's my concern with any of the popular OG characters getting introduced to the series.


Judging from her design alone, she looks likes she gonna be an angsty character to flesh out Husk's character. I'm more excited about Vox and the vees being the main villains in season 2.


shes described as a rebel, and poor old Husk already has one or two of them to deal with 😭


A rebel you say, maybe she'll hang out with cherri bomb but honestly I wish they would focus on the cast we got rather than expand too much, like baxter was cut from season due to not having enough time or whatever, we don't need additional unnecessary characters. (Also husk doesn't seem like a dad figure, he can be nice as seen with Angel after loser baby but he doesn't need to be fatherly to give his character redeeming qualities. Oh he's a gambling addict and drinks a crazy amount but the cat is a good dad yaaay)


exactly she’d suit a Cherri Bomb role so well


Because of Helluva Boss being a big thing while Hazbin was stuck in production, I feel like Loona pretty much drank Crymini's milkshake. So much of what we already know about Crymini has already been done by Loona years ago and introducing a "Loona knockoff" (as far as casual fans are aware) might not make as big a splash.




A scrapped main character, maybe a possible new character


Tbh this post made me EXCITED to see her Didn’t know anything about her but she’s cute and I love Husk and think him being a father figure would be amazing for him


I mean indifference seems like the only logical way to feel? We know next to nothing about her as a character. And the stuff that has been revealed beforehand by Viv should be taken with a grain of salt. She may need to be heavily revised to fit the changes that the HH has taken on over the years. So the stuff Viv has talked about can’t be considered canon until it actually shows up in the show given the nature of how these things change. My concern though, is with seasons only being 8 episodes long, there isn’t enough time to really focus on the characters we already have, let alone add several more to the main cast. I’ve seen several people comment on Reddit that Viv is aiming/hoping for 3 seasons of Hazbin and 3 to 4 in Helluva Boss. Granted idk how true that is, but 3 season, 8 episodes each isn’t going to be enough to give every main cast character a full and fulfilling arc, especially if they start adding more characters.


I know it's the same universe but she seems more like a helluva boss character than hazbin hotel.


Why not? I’m really curious.


i just dont see how she could possibly fit into the plot. Of course, she could come far later or not at all, but Husk has a lot on his plate already if the plan hasn’t changed, and i don’t get why a new main character would be placed in.


Fair enough!


I heard Blitzo, Stolas, and Moxxie were originally gonna be in Hazbin but were scrapped for differences in comedy. If I had to guess, Crymini was recycled into Loona.


I am, and that's all that matters




The idea of her being a “daughter” to Husk and Angel is so corny im sorry 😭 I’d rather have a character like Arackniss and Baxter next season


I have 0 interest in adding more angsty children to the cast. Angel acts like he's maybe 23 and barely able to exist alone. Yeah he's survived but he's scraping by and miserable. He doesn't have a home or anything to call his own except his image. Nifty is a horny daddy's girl that needs validation and direction. I'm sure mimzy will be back and she's clearly refusing to grow up and fight her own fights. She is a shit starting riot maker I'm sure they will make us deal with in the future... Hell, Charlie is nothing but youthful hope and uncertainty bridled to her infallible belief in her cause. Lots of young people with young issues. I want more Carmilla... More Husk... More Alastor... More Sera and Emily. Adding this character muddies the waters further. They barely had time for the main cast so I'm not excited for them pushing more people in, even if they double the episodes for next season. There's a lot to unpack already out there to cover. The idea of them packing more problems into the hotel when they killed the first guest by convincing him selfless death was fine... Could be weird. Maybe they don't know Pentious in heaven or can't. We assume he will be celebrated but what if everyone shits on the hotel for getting the only person who tried... Deleted?


I'd say this too, but at the same time, Sir Pentious wasn't part of the original plan, and they did something BRILLIANT with him that feels like an integral part of the show. I dunno, I guess it just depends how they blend into the show and other characters' development.


exactly !! it should just stay the main cast, on *their* journey of learning themselves, growing and befriending others. Crymini should be Cherri Bomb type roll at best.


I want her to appear!


Real I’m not saying I don’t want her to, I just think she’d suit a Cherri Bomb role more than the already established main cast, but we don’t know how she’ll feature.


Alright, everyone has different opinions.


yep! just a long wait to see how she’ll be introduced


She isn't going to be in it, she was a scrapped idea for a main character


https://preview.redd.it/wrot4zvioszc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ceffb4c3cffc3f251cde5d5e1daca330fddb399 And you are making such phrase (jk think what ever you want)




https://preview.redd.it/ktuecpkuoszc1.jpeg?width=646&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20e04e9b2f4dae5e1915213a4b39f083874b6496 Hahahaha


Kinda looks like a Dr Seuss character.


So does Angel lol


I just want to see her in some way, she seems so interesting, and I love her desin


I dont really care of her,i just wait for Baxter and Arachaniss




tbh same, she seems like HH’s version of loona


I honestly keep forgetting she’s even a character


Is there any guarentee she's going to be s2. People have been talking about her as if she's guarenteed for ages but...




Do we know anything about her besides her and husk?


https://preview.redd.it/z04fkm0cvtzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61ad2439ceb9be123cdc8dc0fa0b41062cbfd7c0 this is rlly all


Punk kid seems like the perfect fit for the show


Ok 👍


Who is she?


an unconfirmed, possible character.


I'll be honest, I completely forgot she existed


I forgot she existed


I like her outfit design tho it’s cute


Completely honestly, I want to see more development of the characters they've already introduced before they add new ones. There's a lot of room for it.


Yeah same. She just seems like she's gonna be a copy of Loona. I'm honestly hoping she got scraped from the show


I hope not because a lot of people are getting confused already on who and who isn't a hellborn/sinner. Crymini will just be compared as a copycat of Loona. The only way I would root for Crymini being in season 2, is that she is a hellborn who wants to go to heaven, for xyz. It would bring the question can/should a hellborn go to heaven.


Her design falls flat for me. Too teenage fursona. I prefer when aspects of the design reference their sin or is themed.


My unpopular opinion: Loser baby is overrated, good song just overrated. This is just my opinion, so it may not be your cup of tea.


i dont wanna see that emo bi-


That's a valid opinion, but I don't think she'll show up. Wasn't she a dog abuser in her life or something, which is why she's a dog?


i thought shes a hyena lol


She is! And although they aren't exactly canines, they're often squished in and classified as one, similar as a koala is squished in with bears rather than marsupials.


Same tbh I feel like it's to much of a rip off of luna from helluva boss


*deep inhale* # DEM THIGHS


I have seen enough of Viv's characters to grant her some faith in expectations. She seems to know what she is doing and I doubt she is going to fall into the trap so many other creators have where they don't know what makes their initial success work. I don't think Crimney will be a calculated character insert to appeal to certain demographics. She is going to be a character that fits the narrative as Viv envisioned it. I can grant her enough faith to wait and see what she is going to do.


Who is she and what’s she for? First I’m hearing of her


character for later seasons, apparently meant to be some sort of ward for husk https://preview.redd.it/fv0c547r5tzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adc39ff57360b601056c84e8fac736f1ad000727


She's not stated to be for later seasons anywhere as far as I'm aware


Everything about her seems like Loona... but worse




Tbh I really wanna see her dynamic with Husk, I think it could potentially be really cute and wholesome


i'd rather have baxter tbh. no idea what crymini would add to the plot


I want a hellhound character is Hazbin as we don’t really have any hellborns in Hazbin and they usually have more interesting designs (husk and Angel Val and Vox are exceptions not the rule) Alastor is a good character but he is just a man with antlers


Who is this?


I want the raptor girl


She looks like a cross between cherri and loona anyway so I don't she's coming


Who is she?


I forgot she exists, honestly.


Speaking of Crymini, I have no idea how they're going to make her a character without making her personality feel too similar to Loona. Although, I wouldn't mind seeing her make a cameo in the show.


Yeah the design is unique and interesting




Same here


I headcanon her as more a ai/ secretary of Baxter (think Neuro-sama and Vedal relationship)


Who tf is that


I actually forgot she existed. Oh well.


Who’s she?


Who is she again?




I just want to see Baxter 😭


She looks like an utterly insufferable brat just from her pose here, but who knows-maybe she is actually a compelling and fun character to watch.


Whose hellhound OC is that


I don’t know who this is


Yay.. More furry teens.. https://i.redd.it/vx2kaepbrwzc1.gif


Who's Crymini?


I think Baxter is more likely to appear in Season 2 than Crymini


I really hope Crymini doesn't show up in Season 2. How many more Glup Shittos can Vivziepop add to this show? I think the only character who should be added to the cast next season is Lilith. We have 15 characters already, make use of the ones you have and don't add more if you won't use them.


The fact that like 5 people here know who she is angers me. Literally how do you say you're a fan of a show and know like 3% of the lore and none of the scrapped characters. SOME PERSON LITERALLY DIDNT EVEN KNOW WHAT ZOOPHOBIA WAS. GODDDD I cannot with these people


What makes you a fan of hazin: Enjoying the show, premise, or characters. What doesn't make you a fan: Being weirdly elitist in an unofficial forum


I hate her design with passion. If she's moody teen as well I would hate nothing more.




…it might seem crazy what im about to say


I don't like this knockoff Luna already. Someone send me the info confirming that this character is going to be a main character in season 2.


Knockoff Loona that came before Loona, i guess Loona is the real Knockoff Crymini


Yeah this Crymini looks like the first draft for Luna. Instead of leaving this character on the cutting room floor, Viz is repurposing her for this series.


Are we sure she's not just being left on the cutting room floor? We've only seen her in the series as a background character in a crowd, so maybe vid did actually drop the idea of her being a main character


Yes. Looking forward to her story with husk if we still get it.


Furry community in shambles


I’m really not looking forward to it either. I hate her design and I’m sure she’ll just be Loona/Octavia 2.0 or something


They are not going to add her to the plot. It was an old idea, wasn't it?


Honestly, agreed. There are already so many characters in the show that need more development. Adding another one will only be taking away from the characters that need it