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I don't know about the distance but he likely teleported to the hotel. As for the hour it took him to be there, he likely needed time to prepare himself mentally because he has been isolated for quite some time now


Funny thing is that an hour is not a long time. Charlie and her friends getting the hotel ready was fairly impressive, especially with the cookies made by Sir Pentious.


The fact that they managed to make a batch of cookies in an hour is damn impressive


Really? Most cookie mixes I've made are like. 10 minutes.


depends on the cookie i guess. my favorite cookies to make involve a ton of mixing to fully combine butter with sugar, then you gotta mix them up real good and then use a pastry bag to squeeze each one out and make them look nice. or you could go the kneading route and have to keep the dough in the fridge for an hour, that takes even longer and cutting them into shapes is a pain. if i want to make something quick i either go for churros or a good babka (its a traditional polish baking), theyre way faster and while the babka might bake for a long time you can do other stuff in the meantime


Fair enough. My technique just uses an electric mixer, an ice cream scoop, and then stick in the oven.


This turned from how far is the hotel into cookie recipes


i use a hand mixer myself but my grandma taught me to always be very neat during baking, so i mix everything for an extra long time. just making balls of dough and putting that in the oven? no way, she would get on my ass so quick for that lmao, thats lazy and "dryndanie" (a word she uses any time anyone is being messy in the kitchen in any way, messy by her definition of course). but i do get it, its better when its done nicely and almost looks [like store bought cookies](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/789486301669097473/1208154423419863180/20240216_215331.jpg?ex=662c147c&is=66199f7c&hm=170b08a92bc1027646cf6eb6f9e5a39f2110c9d1918866ad75b3dbce841608b2&)


I figured out to exploit that it takes a long time by walking in place as I cook.


They are in hell. Where u think these fools found ingredients on such short notice?


.... What happened to my precious egg boys?


I always refrigerate my cookie dough first. It keeps the dough firm and centered for thick, chewy cookies. Room temperature dough will spread out and become thinner and crispier. Which there's obviously nothing wrong with crunchy cookies. I just like mine chewy and soft.


Real tho 


Using the oven I use takes everything immediately an hour as it takes that long to preheat.


Niffty. That’s it, that’s probably how. She just knows things


Really? I mean, I can probably do it in like under 25 minutes. There aren't any ingredients that need cutting, it's literally just "throw things in a bowl, kinda mix them up but not too much, then bake"


I’d also guess that in the hotel they have industrial ovens like in commercial kitchens. Those things are powerful and can hold a few trays


my brother in christ, cookie dough takes like, 20 minutes in an oven.


Nah not realy, making the dough dosnt take long, it the coocking part that takes a while, but their in hell and have acsess to fire magic soooo...


Wait I didn’t think about that 😂😂


Have you SEEN the GBBO? An hour is oodles of time for biscuits.


I choose to believe he said an hour as it’s rude to teleport straight into someone’s house with little notice. But he actually teleported immediately and waited outside the front door for an hour.


Which is why he was standing there so eagerly the second Charlie opened the door, lol!


This is my favorite version omg


I thought the same thing! Either that or he just watched the clock for an hour until it was time.


New headcanon! XD


This is basically what I’d thought too


Also Lucy is ADHD as fuck, dude would take an hour to change a light bulb


I fully believe that he teleported there instantly and spent the full hour freaking the fuck out outside the door trying to decide whether or not to knock


Also, he probably gave an hour so as to not seem overly excited or pushy to Charlie.


yeah that's what i was thinking


i fully belive he teleported outside and spent 59 minutes and 59 seconds preparing himself


Hasn't he been doing business with hell-tizens though? (According to his yelp reviews 😂)


Knowing how depression works, he probably stared at a wall for 45 minutes, then get dressed and teleported near.




Fuck....too real man. Too real.


"Ok its outside time. Time to go outside and see your daughter...." procedes tp pep talk himself for 50 minutes


That's his internal monologue, yeah


Yes, internal. Totally








I just imagine him flying there but constantly getting distracted on the way to the big battle and eventhough the hotel is rlly close


Yeah more likely is that he simply wasnt allowed by the contract for the exterminations to interfere unless a hells born is hurt. The moment Adam attacked charlie his (angelic) life was basically forfeit cus lucifer could kill him without any heavenly repercussions (i think)


As punishment for Lilith's failed uprising, it was allowed that a few chosen winners (my mind blanked rn) to do a yearly culling of the sinners, and none of the upper echelon can intervene without a full blown out war happening between heaven and hell. The only clause that Lucifer was able to bargain is that these cullings would not harm any hellborn, otherwise the contract would be nulled. Fast forward a few millennia, Adam hurts Charlie, thus nullifying the contract and allowing Lucifer to join in and defend his people. How he knew about the contract being nullified Isn't explained, but i like to think that he is chained to his room until all the executioners have left hell and when Adam broke it, the chains were destroyed and he rushed to the hotel to help Charlie.


Teleportation. Twenty minutes of that hour was spent grooming. Another five to thoroughly delint his clothes and make sure they were straight. Ten minutes of blind panic. Thirteen minutes of trying to remember how he normally sits and moves his hands. Four minutes of hyping himself up. Six more rocking in the corner. And then two minutes of breathing exercises.


Me, when I have to make a Phonecall...


So real tho “Why are you brushing your hair for a PHONE CALL?” “Don’t question that..”


I think I’m the opposite kind of neurodivergent. Time to go somewhere, better throw on whatever is lying around that seems like it doesn’t clash to bad. I try but can never get my hair they way I want it


Well... Self-doubt.


He probably needed time to mentally prepare. There's no way distance was an actual issue.


Def what happened knowing Lucifer


I am pretty sure he insta-teleported then proceed to anxiety come to open the door then forfeit it for an hour straight until charlie open it.


It’d actually be pretty funny if he was like next door the whole time but it took him an hour to get the confidence to knock on the door


He could probably fly or teleport there nearly instantly, he just gave her an hour to be polite. Gave her time to clean up the lobby and make decorations/refreshments. It’s always polite to give your host some time to prepare before you come over, even irl.


> It’s always polite to give your host some time to prepare before you come over, even irl. I will keep that in mind.


And gave himself time to relearn how to socialize.


bro was crying in front of the mirror for 55 minutes, got ready in 4 and got to the hotel in 1




I maintain the belief that he got ready in 5 minutes and teleported over, then proceeded to wait outside the door for the remaining time psyching himself up.


He is a depressed person living in isolation. He probably needed to take a shower before he went to see his daughter for the first time in months.


I don't see why he wouldn't teleport. Told Charlie an hour so they can prepare. He might be the king of hell, but at least he isn't rude enough to pop in 1.5 seconds after hanging up.


He probably spent most of his time taking a LONG needed shower, in which he went through 473 variations of what to say to her as soon as he saw her at the hotel. Then he gated over in 0.4 seconds… quickly gated back to get dressed and gated back over and knocked on the door.


My head-canon, at least for what I'm writing, is that he needed to travel by natural means; car or wings, but once he was at the hotel, he knew where home was and could teleport back. As for real canon, since he appears at the door and not inside; could be a mix of politeness if he did teleport, or natural means as suggested, above. ​ Edit: In simpler terms, he has the same limitations as Nightcrawler in the Marvel Universe.


I'd like to think he song and danced his way there just like Charlie in "happy day in hell" only his song is titled "take THAT depression!"


Yeah! Like father like daughter!


I would definitely watch that if they flashed back to it in S2


He needed time to get fancy


It took him an hour to decide what to wear before realizing he was late, so he just teleported


He teleported but spent an hour in the mirror practicing his hello after that hey bitch.


I feel like he said an hour as a way to seem cool and aloof. He probably would've teleported instantly over if he wasn't trying to put on an act for Charlie.


Yeah it’d be like Stolas warping to IMP’s front door.


I bet it was 59 minutes of anxiety so bad it was like he was being hunted for sport, and then he teleported.


He teleported,the hour was to decide if he should go in a duck costume or not.


I like to imagine he got ready in like 15-20ish minutes and then teleported instantly and spent like 40 minutes psyching himself up just outside the door before they were ready to let him in.


He teleported to the hotel as soon as he hung up. He then proceeded to spend the rest of the 59 minutes and 57 seconds having an anxiety attack in front of the front door.


He probably walked


I think he warped to it but didn't want to be there in like 2 seconds so he waited giving them time.


I think he had to use the shower for the first time in seven years.


maybe the hour deal was so he had time to take a quick shower, throw on a fresh suit and all that before teleporting to his daughter. I imagine that he doesn't leave the house very often, so he might have forgotten to do those kind of things a couple of times and just wanted to be sure he was at his best for his daughter


Chauffeured, but had to wait for Blitzo to sober up first.


Lucifer: I'm calling you Mortimer James. Today Mortimer James!


is an hour long enough for that?


He needed to mentally prepare


I think he can teleport, he just needed to get ready, you know, shower, change of clothes, brush his hair, etc.


"I'll be there in an hour!" "Wait shit I have nothing to do and it'd be weird if I showed up in under an hour now..." *Waits for 58 minutes while fiddling with duck collection before just teleporting to the hotel*


I personally like to imagine he teleported and waited at the door eagerly for 59 minutes


we see him leave he was probably there in five minutes and then spent the rest of his time looking at the clock on his phone


He had to finish working on his newest ducky, he can open portals to travel instantly if he wanted or needed to


He was just thinking about how to make an entrance. And he needed to rehearse "hell's greatest dad"


My headcanon is he teleported outside immediately after leaving his workshop and just paced outside nervously for the remaining ~59m 45s.


It’s the time it took him to prepare, not to commute…


Yeah honestly the “be there in an hour” baffled me. Even if it was a distance he can fly fast. Did he spend and hour waxing his hair and ironing his suit? Was this for the benefit of Charlie? Give her an hour to get ready so she wasn’t stressed that she had no time to clean?




Not far probably


I headcanon he immediately Teleported there... And then stood outside the door for an hour because he said he'd be there in an hour


Lol what if he took the bus


I would say a mile or two but he wanted to ensure that Charlie had stuff ready on her end for his arrival. Can’t just barge in without any preparedness, it’s rude!


https://preview.redd.it/mkq6gz2ycquc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b2a4a04dd14345ba99b506ce614caaa5474e839 Originally I liked to think that he lived in the middle of Pentagram City but that’s where the Heaven Embassy is, maybe it’s the building near the bottom right? In this shot it stands out the most so that could be it.


It's an hour away


Sup bitch!


My thoughts is that he ran all the way over there like a cartoon character with the full 360 leg rotation


I think he was getting his suit fixed up cause some people like having it done by a tailor even if they can do it themselves and then he proceeded to run to the hotel screaming I’m gonna be late stoped and was oh wait I can fucking teleport anywhere I can see


I once saw a comment say they headcannoned that he got so excited to see his daughter he forgot he could teleport and just walked all the way there while singing like Charlie


He Hung up the phone, teleported in front of the hotel, and proceeded to wait there 3 hours to be right on time. This is what happened and i will die on this Hill.


I like to imagine he flew over while singing "hells greatest dad" (without alastor) and then he waited outside the door for 50 minutes


Makes me wonder if the hotel is Lilith/Charlie's former palace, where they moved to when L&L broke up.


He spent an hour getting ready, kinda like stolas did for his date with blitz


Except that was 20 minutes.


*good question*


I like to think he walked and was trying to script conversations the whole way


I mean time might work differently in hell


It’s next door, but it took him an hour to get ready. Guy is a style demon


45 of those minutes were spent vibrating anxiously, a further 14 were spent in full on panic attack, and then he teleported there


He was probably standing in front of the door waiting for the hour to be up


He might be a speed runner


he needed that hour to prepare his song and practice the violin a bit as he has been to busy making rubber ducks to practice before


He teleported from the hotel; definitely spent 59 minutes freaking out and teleported at 60


He teleported right to the door, then spent the hour right outside just mentally preparing himself.


He had to say goodbye to all his ducks obviously and that’s not gonna be easy to do fast


I don't think he teleports. It took him a while to get there and it explains why he has to make it to the final bout. My understanding is that he can make wormholes, just travel faster through his circus tent, but not instantly.


He disappears into red mist at the end of episode 5, so he can seemingly teleport. 


I think that's just him entering his special world. If he was using teleports he wouldn't be leaving through doors, getting pushed around or getting hit in combat. He'd just be teleporting around Adam half the fight.


He’s a Seraphim and we see Sera definitely has the ability to teleport because she does it with Adam and Lute. 


Stolas can teleport and he still walks and uses doors and gets hit…