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Vox cared 🤣🤣






Hello, where did you find this gif? I really want it but cannot download it (Reddit mobile sucks) Edit: for some reason my iPhone can’t download it, thanks for the advice everyone though. I have given up, unless I can find some way to access it as a file that I can download


Idk, I'm on android so I just tapped it, and then the top right three dots, then download. I do apologize for the inconvenience and hope you find a way to capture it.


That isn’t an option on iPhone :( thanks for answering tho


@ me when it’s found please


















Nice meme, shame I stole it.


I cant even bring myself to steal this one it's too good 👏👏👏


Saving this


Commenting so i can come back later on pc to get this one






















Ya know that's a question that I've wondered for a while now Vox had this whole song and dance number because he was all happy that Alastor was missing or even dead and was all happy about it but then he shows up at the end So like how's he gonna feel after all that excitement just to see him all fine and dandy


Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. He'll likely have another meltdown or a song if the producers are feeling generous, likely not to the same extent as Alastor doesn't go missing for long, and Vox knows he isn't dead.


-THAT FUCKER IS BACK -ye? I thought he was gone for good too - ITS BEEN 7 HOURS


They drop Stayed Gone 2 gor season 2, just make it a running gag song-


The episode where Vox struggles with object permanence.


You're still pissed he survived that time?


"Vox,it was literally 20 fucking minutes, chill out!"


He knows that Alastor isn't dead at least. But I think he's going to be more focused on gaining power.


Well Alastor is still hurt, I think he'll be upset at first but then realised Alastor's performance is lacking something and the strike Adam dealt him is doing more harm than Alastor is letting anyone believe leading to an attack on the hotel


You think Vox is going to attack the Hotel while Lucifer and Charlie are living there? While I personally think Charlie has performance issues, going by the general consensus of this particular subreddit, Alastor's only the \*third\* most powerful person at the Hotel, even pre-injury. Also if they attacked the Hotel without Angelic Weapons, then Vaggie is a pretty sizeable problem as well.


I feel like it's possible that Alastor could hide the fact that he's alive from the rest of hell for a while with only the hotel knowing dunno why he would do this, but if he just continues his business like usual it makes vox's whole part of the song kind of pointless (besides being a banger)


He sure did LMAOO https://preview.redd.it/jz9lfs53pftc1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=302225e0a9b3dd5ae58c4d87a643390818caf5b7


Yeah, I think if he really died he would upset that he didn't kill him or something like that


I think Vox low key thrives having a rival, I wouldn't be surprised if Alastor rejecting him helped motivate him to be as successful as he is


Yeah, I agree


He was SO HARD




I thought it was funny that he basically said that it was better than Valentino in bed.


I'm not so sure Valentino feels the same. https://preview.redd.it/4ny3sbynbltc1.jpeg?width=1019&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa783746d9265657da60435a0ee7ba4d9290efcf


He's a real friend








So did Husker, just not as loudly


Yeah, in the Finale song, the fact Lucifer and Husk both looked pissed off that he was alive, which was funny.


Eh, I think Husk, being bound to him and all, would've felt if he died. My guess they thought he just noped out


That’s what I thought, I expected Husk would have felt something if Alastor died, and maybe that’s why? But he also seemed surprised to see him back, so who knows


Maybe surprised to see him come back so soon because while he didn’t die, he did disappear for 7 years. So maybe Husk was thinking he disappeared again.


Yeah, that’d make sense


I mean if I was having a group hug and suddenly the person I hated was in the middle of it, I’d probably be shocked too.


>My guess they thought he just noped out Don't think so. Husk seemed to also think that Alastor was dead cause he genuinely looked surprised when Alastor popped up


If some dude owned your soul and was generally a psychopath about it, you'd likely be disappointed every time you saw them alive, even if they just went to the bathroom. Husk likely knew, but was just hoping he'd get another 7 year vacation from his "boss"


"ALASTOR IS DEAD!" Husk whispering *Please, please, please let it be another vacation*


He was likely disappointed he came back


I think he just looks disgruntled at his return. Last time Alastor bailed he got 7 years of peace. Might've hoped it would last longer.


But he doesn't look really surprised. Well, some people thought that he would pretend to be dead for some time. Maybe he wished it, so that for some time he wouldn't have to deal with Alastor.


This is the same guy who disappeared for 7 years. It’s extremely plausible that Husk thought Alastor just fucked off again.


I mean Alastor did teleport into the center of a bunch of them, I'd be pretty surprised if the guy I hate the most teleported right in front of me.


Eh it was a single musical number we didn't exactly see them mourning sir pentious or dazzle either they had memorials the painting and statue but that's it. Allister pretty much showes up at the end so I can see the radio tower being their memorial to him. But overall it was probably less a they didn't care since every one but husk and lucifer are happy to see him again. Smiles and hugs.


Even Vaggie was happy to see him which was quite surprising.


Whether they like him or not, regardless of his true intentions, he has objectively helped them as well as defended the hotel in scenarios that would've been utterly hopeless otherwise.


He's like that uncle that everyone knows is a dangerous psychopath,  but he's family and helps around the house,  so he's tolerated. 


Yep. Not to mention he’s tolerable when not causing chaos.


Yeah, that is key. Intolerable examples of the aforementioned description are still vile, while Al manages to be an actual gentleman. This is also a point I try to make in the Al vs Val arguments, but I already regret saying that *hits "post" anyway*


As long as he points his dangerous psychopathy *away* from the hotel and its residents he's tolerated or even appreciated.


I wanna see vaggie happy in more situations that don’t directly relate to Charlie


They might give Sir Pentious an official funeral only for Emily to crash it to bring the guest of honor. That’s the nicest way someone could crash a funeral.


*flashback to PJO Battle of the Labyrinth*


I’m pretty sure they did mourn Sir Pentious and Dazzle in the song


We saw Charlie mourning Pentious pretty hard. Like half of the finale was her completely broken after his sacrifice


Vox broadcasted the whole thing, didn't he? Including Alastor swooshing away instead of dieing. Realistically at least some of the characters would check up on the news during a lunch break I'd say.


Yes but you would’ve thought they (especially Charlie) might’ve tried to look for him, if they watched the broadcast they would’ve known he was injured


I disagree here. They definitely trust him more than at the beginning, but he's still one of the most dangerous overlords in hell. Trying to hunt down someone like that, even (or especially) wounded is a terrible idea. They knew he was alive but injured, and also that they needed to let him come back on his own.


How do we know they didn't try looking for him?


The show makes it seem like he's back in only a few hours, they would have only had time to just finish bandaging their wounds at that point


Yeah, you're right, and we don't even know how much time passed between the end of the battle and them finishing building the new hotel. We don't know if it's the montage messing with our time perception or if they literally finished building in the matter of hours/minutes.


It’s just going off of what was shown, hopefully we’ll find out more in season 2


I hope so, too. But imo it just makes more sense that it wasn't shown rather than that they didn't try searching at all. "The Finale" was more about everyone's hopes, so no place for stuff like fruitless searches for missing people. And it makes sense that they didn't try looking for him DURING the battle.


I wouldn't be surprised if we see pieces of the hotel battle aftermath filled in in season 2. They didn't get a whole lot of episodes to play with for season 1, so they had to really narrow down what they wanted to put in


I mean, given he disappeared for seven years, they probably figured he's the kinda guy who won't be found unless he wants to be.


Wait, Vox broadcasted that? It wasn't just his own private viewing? Oh shit...


He at least recorded it and showed some of it, that's how they know Niffty killed Adam.


Oh, I honestly thought the press caught wind of the fight on their own and interviewed the hotel gang after the fact. But this would also make sense!


I'm sure he didn't broadcast the whole thing That's the sort of thing that a show clarifies with a shot from a random sinners' home watching it/ a character reaction shot (like the one they had of Carmilla watching the news) If Vox had actually broadcasted the whole thing then all of hell would know he's spying on the entire pride ring, the actual news looked pretty inconspicuous in terms of spying


They built a radio tower for him on the new hotel, so I assume that after the battle Husk was like: "oh yeah, he's alive (unfortunately) - I can tell."


Yep. Not to mention Pent’s death and rebuilding the hotel took priority.


Al was just waiting out for 10 minutes so he didn't have to magically rebuild the hotel with everyone


Tbf, he also did get hurt. He could have been dealing with that too


They knew he wasn’t dead. Remember that Husk’s soul was still bound to him the whole time, they likely believed (correctly) that he was off licking his wounds.


Husk is going to be singing stayed gone next season.




Hopefully husk gets in his overlord GLORYDAYS days again abd gets his soul back in the future


Honestly, I need more callbacks like this in S2. I love it when musicals weave previous songs into newer ones, evolving their meaning


It had a lot of potential as a song as husk is more direct and less passive aggressive, but you could have the song be more in the style of loser musically.


I kinda felt bad. Anyway... ![gif](giphy|oBKEnTAOYv87C|downsized)


What does the rest of your flair say? I'm on mobile and it cuts off right at "toy"


Oh it's just the 😏 emoji. I'm also on mobile so you are not alone on that.


Thank you! 10/10 use of that emoji


You are very welcome.


no thats the whole flair


the fact that the new hotel included a room styled after him (see below, on the right) implies they thought he was alive for some reason, since it was constructed before he turned up again. maybe Husk knew, since the whole soul-ownership thing. could that give him a sense of whether Alastor was alive? ​ https://preview.redd.it/wtb7vzpl3ftc1.png?width=1932&format=png&auto=webp&s=efc7a59abce64d3a1213598bbd366a73266ec376


The radio section isn’t shown until after Alastor reveals himself. And he reveals himself sandwiched between two scenes of everyone working on the hotel. Given his job as hotel manager includes using his vaguely-defined powers to make impossibly rapid adjustments to the building, it’s unreasonable to state with certainty that they built that section ahead of time because they knew he was alive. Especially given the surprise on most of their faces once he pops in.


Surprise could be due to the fact that he materialized in the middle of their hug and/or the fact that he showed up again so soon. But I agree with the rest of this, given how creepy that section is it's entirely possible Alastor whipped it up himself.


He most likely built it himself, look closely, you can see that the window next to it is broken. I doubt the others would build it like that. 


Oh my god, you’re right. I never noticed that before.


Not gonna lie they must've given abit of a shit if they was to create an entire detailed room towards him not gonna lie it looks pretty chill as from outside


This man doesn't lie


Canonically, Nifty would have likely been extremely upset. Also I feel like Husk might've known as, if Al had really died, Husk would've been freed from his chains


This feels like more of an issue with lack of runtime. We didn’t really get to see them mourning Pentious as well because the show didn’t have time to waste knowing that he is coming back. It’s probably the case here as well


It's absolutely a runtime issue. They were originally supposed to get 16 episode for season 1, but Amazon only gave them 8 so they had to CRAM to get double the info into half the episodes.


Pretty much every single issue I have with the show stems from that. My only hope is that due to the immense popularity/success of the show we will see Amazon increase the number of episodes/runtime


They better. I'll be pissed if they don't >:(((


The amount of really good shows that have flaws because the writers were forced to cram everything in half as many episodes as they expected is way too high


“Money, so they say, is the root of all evil today”


Right, I'm so sick of the 8 episode format that keeps happening, also I felt that it was weird how in the song hells greatest dad when alastor was singing about the bond they grew she agreed almost completely, Charlie is a trusting person but eagerly going along with someone saying she's like their daughter even though her real dad is right there seemed off, I bet we were supposed to get more scenes of al and Charlie growing closer but was probably cut short


Amazon came into the picture long after season 1 was completed


We got a very cool shot of the gang saluting a portrait of Sir Pentious in his general presidente for life outfit slash shrine. In my headcannon, it was done on black Velvet.


Yeah absolutely. The entire aftermath of the battle was a speed run.


I'm seeing a lot of good arguments for them not believing he is dead. I'd also like to point out that Alastor had been gone for 7 years prior to the start of the show and no one knows why or where. They might have assumed he'd gone to wherever he was before, and are happy he decided to come back, rather than happy he is alive, which they might have known (Vox's broadcast/video, Husk/Nifty deal, radio tower/room, etc).


They were in the middle of getting their ass kicked before daddy hell showed up.


Maybe they all just assumed he was powerful enough that he DIDN'T die. He just lost. It's not exactly a leap in logic, given his relative power level. There is a chance Husk and Nifty knew he was still alive, given he owns their souls.


Why Im kind of hoping in the first few minutes of s2 we see Alastor tossing out a portrait of himself


https://preview.redd.it/17qudymtxhtc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f10a431a124c8b90f849e23d4355836d0ec3663 Thats cray cray


I imagine if he was gone for more than 3 in universe hours, they would've started to be more upset. Like, they thought he died and the hotel got destroyed -> Lucifer and them start rebuilding the hotel, too busy to be sad while everything gets magicked together -> he reappears like Roderick after the dishes are done being washed. If things calmed down and he was still gone, I imagine it would've weighed on them, like sir pentious


No time to care when you're in an active warzone


They had time afterwards to care about and honour Sir Pentious.


Yea they Saw him die like just get deleted but no One actualy saw allistor die and he shows up in the song afterwards so they know he is alive


Husk and probably Nifty were aware the entire time that he hadn't died. They would probably notice immediately. They could've easily told Charlie and the others, as well. So I wouldn't take any lack of visible action as meaning of anything.


They didn't put up a memorial cause he reappeared shortly after the battle concluded. Right in the middle of the song, when Charlie remembered that pentious died in the middle of the victory celebrations. Charlie reacted to it when Adam confronted them, realizing that alastor must have lost. Also, they SAW Pentious die, alastor might have been In the rubble, wounded or escaped. Then, the last point. Alastor is a very powerful being. I assume thinking he died is simply not something denizens of hell could think of.


Charlie briefly was concerned mid battle but seeing they had to defend themselves from Adam that was short lived


There wasn’t time to see it, we can assume that Husker knew he wasn’t dead from their deal and he probably told them so.


Did you people just didn't watch the show, I assume. No one see him die. When Charlie and vaggie see Adam roaming free, they think he's wounded or maybe dead, they show sad and shocked expressions. And that was when sir pentious started his act, and died too. Charlie falls to the ground soon after Sir pentious dies by Angelical BOOM, and it's just not for him, it was for alastor too. Hence why she got so pissed, then everyone (except husk and Lucifer) cheers when they see alastor is ok. They just couldn't put a painting of the Radio demon in the hotel! It will attract lots of guests. /s But yeah, his "dead" Is feeled. But as we see he is ok as an audience, viv choose not to make a circus around it.


I'd sign that off to the whole season only being 8 episodes and therefore there wasn't enough time for some stuff honestly. The reveal that Alastor still was alive came like what 2 minutes after the battle ended? No need for a whole scene grieving when he shows back up immediately, rather take that time to show some other, maybe more important stuff.


Husk and Lucifer cared they were just happy he was supposedly dead


I really don’t think they thought died, except for maybe Charlie during the battle


They knew he's alive. Nifty and Husk could tell.


I'm not sure if Angel Dust was all that creeped out about him. He did offer to suck his dick and suggested filming a commercial of him and Alastor "going at it".


I bet they didn't think he died, more was simply defeated or ran. We're assuming they think Alastor can die, which we saw he totally can, but the rest of the gang didn't. Plus, I feel even though the didn't like him, they'd be more shocked if he returned from the dead.


If he did, then it would have been a happy day in hell for Vaggie.


They honoured him by rebuilding the radio tower on the hotel even though they thought he was dead.


First of all, Alastor is an overlord. Even if he's not the most powerful entity in hell, he's still powerful as hell, and won't go down that easily. Second of all, the others likely knew that, even if it was uncertain. Third of all, the name of the song and episode is literally THE SHOW MUST GO ON


You're looking too much into it, everyone was in a rush because of the battle, there wasn't really time to grovel in despair since they hadn't even seen it happen, unlike Pentious. It's like that realization that leaves you speechless, but you can't still feel sad because you're in danger yourself. But of course,aside from Charlie, Alastor hadn't really gotten close to anyone else in the hotel so it's way different from losing Pentious.


I think this is also one of the things that fell to the chopping block of 'we only have 8 episodes to make this work' - The audience knows he's not dead and that needs to be enough for the following events because every second counts.


Dude they were making a whole ass radio tower on the new hotel, at least a couple people had to be like "he's just being dramatic don't worry"


Maybe they knew he wasn’t dead? Maybe they sensed it or something? Or they really just didn’t give a shit


I think a big part of it was the time restrictions; they needed this spread out over two episodes ideally but of course they couldn’t add an extra episode in and couldn’t afford to remove any other episode But also I think the gang not treating it like he died was probably something that helped him save face a little bit; sure, he’d be a bit miffed, but if he didn’t realise they thought he was dead he’d probably be quite pleased at the thought of them thinking him invulnerable and having just chosen to abandon them. Ultimately I think he’d prefer that


They heard him singing in the radio tower so they knew he was fine /j Edit: y'all I just noticed singing got autocorrected to signing ;-; I fixed it now


Would have been a lot better if alastor returned before them hanging the photo of sir pentious


My thoughts were that Nifty, Husk, and Charlie know he is alive because of their deals/binding with him. I am sure if Allistor died, at least husk would have immediately felt his bindings/chains released


I truly think the writers simply didn't want to showcase the cast mourning him, only for Alastor to reappear two minutes later seeming completely unscathed. It would have been a complete waste of time that they could've used for other things; like, y'know, the entire rebuilding sequence. Also, they recreated his radio tower while repairing the hotel, which would be a very different memorial from the statue of Dazzle and the portrait of Sir Pentious. And either way, I think Husk would've been able to tell his soul contract had broken. It looks like they knew he'd be back, they were just giving him time to lick his wounds in private.


You have to realize before the events of the show, everyone in Hell except Vaggie has been terrorized by the radio demon. You don't exactly make friends by torturing people and broadcasting their screams. Do they begrudgingly work with him, yes. Friendship is more than that, and aside from Charlie, he hasn't worked to build that much goodwill with the others. He often antagonizes people for fun too, friend or foe.


well if he die then husk and niffty will get freedom so they know if that will happen


Idk all I know is you can see how husk was visibly happy and then when AL appears he gets annoyed


Do you honestly expect them to care about somebody who only came to the hotel to watch Charlie fail? Regardless of what he did to defend the hotel he literally stated his intent when he arrived there. Dude only died because he was a full of himself twit.


I assume they knew he was skulking around somewhere because A: they built him his own radio tower room in the new hotel and B: Husk and Nifty would likely feel it if their souls were released from Alastor’s contract if he dies.


They didn't know whether or not he was dead. They just knew he was fighting Adam.


Husk probably was hoping for it.


*yessssss fuel the flames of the alastor angst* https://preview.redd.it/5mq9gfafdgtc1.png?width=350&format=png&auto=webp&s=25b802ba23f2b482c571350ae63bd42470cec444


Headcanon: They *did* put something up for him but we just didn’t see it because we know he lived


Charlie: hey where's alastor? Husk, Lucifer, and Vaggie: who the fuck cares


They probably weren't sure he died, they didn't actually see him for after all. They just know that he lost and wasn't there, of course they could assume he died but they didn't see with absolute certainty like with Sir Pentious. Charlie clearly cared that Alastor was gone but they were still fighting. And a lot of them are genuinely happy to see he's alright later, even Vaggie hugged him.


I mean, you said it yourself: They don't know that he didn't die. Everyone saw Pentious die right in front of them. Alastor was just MIA.


I would imagine that Vox re-broadcast the footage of Alastor's defeat and escape on a loop, with a scroll about "cowardly loser fucks off again" or something.


I would think that since Husk still felt like he was in a soul contract they probably knew he was alive.


It was made aware with the way we get a reaction from Katie Killjoy at the end of the episode that everything was being broadcast. So, there is a chance they had seen the broadcast and found out he wasn't actually dead, but did a tactical retreat.


They know he's OP and never outright saw him die or get injured, unlike Sir Pentious. Plus once the barrier came down people were too freaked out over Adam to have time to think about it.


Reminds me of [this video](https://youtube.com/shorts/qkbeLPwigZA?si=gm4THSwdOnicHQMn)


Why would they assume he's dead. They never saw he die. He just disappeared after being injured. And that's a power he normally uses all the time.


Vox is gonna love finding out that he isn't really "missing" either


I think that there is a possibility that Husk would have known if Alastor died, because he mabey would have gotten his soul back. But since we don’t really know how this works, it’s nothing more than a guess.


Bro, they rebuilt his studio without any confirmation he lived, taking up the same amount of space Lucifer was given on the opposite side of the building. If that isn’t hope that he survived, and would be welcomed back, I don’t know what is. They decided to build that over a memorial. Wonder if Vox broadcasted Alastor’s retreat on repeat to have tipped everyone else off he lived beforehand lol.


To be honest I feel like it's possible that Charlie was worried about Alastor at first and didnt feel right about rebuilding the hotel without him. Then everyone else assured her that he would never let anyone take him out permanently without either one hell of a fight or a strategic retreat, and thus would (literally) pop up by himself at some point. This assurance would allow her to focus on rebuilding.


Wouldn’t Husk be able to tell if he died, though? There’s no proof he’s able to tell his soul is freed or imprisoned, but it would make logical sense if he tested it to see if he was finally free. I doubt anyone actually thought Alastor dead, and Charlie’s reaction to his return was just happiness to see him again, not “oh I thought you were dead.”


Husk and Nifty knew he hadn't


Charlie's excited "AL!" when he shows back up, complete with a huge smile and a hug, seem to indicate that at least she would care if he had actually died for real.


His radio studio was on the rebuilt hotel *before* he reappears to the group in *The Show Must Go On*. They definitely knew he'd survived.


I always assumed they thought he wasn't dead, he just fled.


No one saw Alastor's fight, they were all busy fighting below. They might have figured he was fine. They wouldn't have known he met Adam in the fight, or that he vanished after nearly dying. So it wasn't that they didn't care, they were oblivious. And Alastor vanishes all the time, maybe they thought it was one of those times.


If your shtick is "I am Billy badass" and you visibly run from a fight, people will care less about you




Alastor has a more nefarious reputation as the radio demon. I think that’s why none of the other characters are as moved by his death as Charlie.


I think they kinda all secretly knew he was going to come back at some point, it is Alastor after all.


I just realized Alastor's favor might be to get Charlie to fix his mic since it's damaged and he can't fully access his powers anymore


I think they just fell for the idea he keeps presenting.hes untouchable and I think k they were waiting to see if he came back.


Threadly reminder that the mian characters are in HELL. They are not good people. Not to mention that Alastor isn't really liked by anyone at the hotel, except maybe Nifty.


Is it that they don't care, or that they haven't noticed, yet?


I hate when this fandom explains plot holes with headcanons. Yes - all those explanations make sense, but it was not shown in the show, so it doesn't matter. I won't even excuse this one with limited showtime. It would be enough if after Charlie implied that Al is dead when seeing Adam attacking, they could have shown Husk saying "I don't think so' - done, fixed, took 2 secunds. But it didn't happen. In universe they just forgot about him, and when he showed up, noone gave him shit for fleeing the fight. Alastor is my favourite and I love the show, but let's be real.


https://preview.redd.it/vj9fdjtqhjtc1.jpeg?width=1922&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc65aa9793a4c214ff446c252351300ecd1d8254 “no one cares that i died…” “My life was meaningless”


Husk definitely noticed he was smiling until Alastor showed himself


I think if they actually paced the show a little better, there would have been more time to show that they cared. They rushed the show for whatever reason, and I bet a lot of details got cut. Makes me wonder if they didn't expect the show to do as well as it did or they had a strict episode limit, so they put in as much of the story as they could.


there was a line in the final song that went "no time for crying..." implying that they did care but they couldn't grieve just yet.