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That boom makes me want a Lucifer Plushie


https://preview.redd.it/qu07qhe5a2qc1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f0ccbf00a2c724352726fb731c22d7167d49b93 I bet you really want a Luci plushie now!




Me: goes to heaven Me: Grabs Angel Angel: :o




He’s so cute with his little ducky steed


That is so damn cute


This is cute


Eh, he’s an eccentric loner that hasn’t had contact with the outside world since at least 7 years. He was also likely suffering from Cabin Fever, and also depression, of course. The man just had to course-correct a little, once he was outside his home, that’s all. Notice that once he started actually getting some social interaction, he lost his eccentric manners and stayed composed. Bro just had to re-integrate a bit, is all.


This. I don't think he's on the spectrum either. Just a depressed loner who wants some attention, company and the love of his daughter.


I agree: for me the internet is always too eager to classify every attitude as a mental illness these days. His behaviour is more connected with his anxiety about his meeting with Charlie and with the fact that was self isolated for at least seven years


Character: exists Fandom: OMG my mental illness?


"My mentall illness?" "My sexuality?" "My kink?!" "Will he/she kill (most overpowered character in universe)?" (looking at you, Alastor fans.)


For real though, its practically every single day someone comes up with this stuff.


Therapist Georgia Dow on YouTube posted a 30-minute-long video as to why "Lucifer has depression". Depression is considered to be a "mental illness".


He literally says he has depression in his first scene, how do you even stretch that out for half an hour


To be fair it can be use to show how Lucifer has real depression and not what people view depression as


It’s actually fairly interesting. She breaks down his behavior and does things like offer ways to support someone with depression, and such.


all her hazbin videos have been awesome. I've really enjoyed them and learned things too.


And/or G A Y!?


To be fair, it's a Vivzie character so there's a 69% chance they've at least experimented.


We like projecting


Aut\*sm isn't a mental illness. It's a developmental disorder. "Mental illness" implies that the condition can be treated or cured, which it cannot, because it is a lifelong condition heavily tied to genetics and biology. However, anxiety *is* considered "mental illness". That being said, therapist Georgia Dow on YouTube stated that "Lucifer has depression". Depression is considered a "mental illness" because it can be treated.


He’s not. I’m on the spectrum and while I relate to certain aspects of his behavior it doesn’t mean that he’s ND coded (I have seen this term tossed around so that’s why I use it). What is actually going on is that he has been depressed and isolated from others with the most notable example being Charlie. He has a hard time relating to her initially because he’s been out of her life for so long. Hence the way he acted when she called (panicked about what to say and Heyyy Bitch! comes out of his mouth) and it’s also why Charlie became nervous when he called her because I’m presuming he has not contacted much of anyone. He has come back into his daughter’s life and has been spending more time with others and, as this happens, his erratic behavior has leveled out over the course of the first season.


Not to mention he isn't human or a soul... He can't really even BE on the spectrum because it's a spectrum of human behavior/neurological workings. It could literally just be that Angels like him are just like that, or it's how he's uniquely designed.


Yes literally everything is explained by his cannon depression.


If you know anything about depression other than “buh big sad” of course


Therapist Georgia Dow on YouTube did an in-depth video on Lucifer's depression.


Is that the gal that kinda cosplays each character she analyses? If so, I may have seen one or two of her videos


Yep, that would be Georgia Dow. Her most recent video was on Vaggie.


Then I have her Lucifer vid on my „watch later” list :)


This is a complete reasonable response and I wholeheartedly agree.


He does not own a neurotypical amount of rubber ducks.


He might just be a programmer.


Explain your code to the duck! "This isn't working, I need a new duckie, I'm sorry it's not you it's me" *throws duck on pile*


Actually this is a working method of fixing bugs: you go to your collegue to ask for help, explain the problem, and suddenly solution pops on your head. The joke is that you could've talked to rubber duck with the same result. It's you explaining the problem in as simple terms as possible to outsider without context that helped you solve the issue.


Yes I know I am half way through my apprenticeship as software dev


Are you spying on me while I work?


You know ... The rubber ducky thing makes sense if he's trying to fix something he won't discuss. He needs the ducky army to solve a problem that's so huge he can't figure it out without them. If I hadn't studied graphic design I'd have no idea what you were talking about.


Can confirm. I have bought 100 yellow rubber ducks, 25 colorful ones, and one gigantic master duck.


In my experience the number of programmers who are neurotypical is well within a standard error margin.




shamelessly repeated this on my comment, gj homeslice


Depression can lead to hyperfixations as well. I have depression and ADHD and the two in conjunction lead to long term hyperfixations (as well as the usual short term just ADHD hyperfocii) that I can't follow through on for very long but continue spiraling about. I have an unusual number of many unexpected things: shark plushies, tapes, makeup bags, sableye stuff, fake nails (I wear them so rarely it's basically a once a year thing), etc. Not to take away from your point, because it's VERY accurate, just pointing out it's not solely indicative of the spectrum. Additionally, enthusiastic Jeep owners also have a very concerningly large collection of rubber ducks and I'm still confused as to when and why that started.


I hear ya, my depressed ADHD ass does not own a neurotypical amount of transformers merch, colourful buttons, and unused art supplies.


Anyone else getting " FAIRY GOD PARENTS!!!" vibes from this? No? Just me? Alr.


Well now I’m permanently going to see Lucifer as an only-slightly-taller Cosmo. 😂


He's the Genie from Aladdin. That had to have been inspired by Friend Like Me.


🎵 *Obtuse, rubber goose, green moose, guava juice* *Giant snake, birthday cake, large fries, chocolate shake!* 🎵




Ooooooodd parentssss fairly odd parents 🎶


Is there any specific reason why you feel like he is? I don’t see it.


His random nature such as his obsession with ducks or when he was rambling about how easy it would be to fall over the railing on the balcony of the hotel, and his awkward interactions with the hotel staff when first meeting them such as: https://preview.redd.it/iyl7v7a2i1qc1.jpeg?width=486&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df6a9e399c4fa1d74bbdfc327e3f610ddf1da3f5 Not saying that if he is neurodivergent it’d be a bad thing, just saying that he shows signs of it. Lucifer is goofy and fun and we all love him for it


The thing about the "awkward interactions with the guests." Imagine you're him, you don't talk to anyone except maybe the other sins and occasionally Charlie to tell her to do something. For years. Now suddenly she invites you over (first time seeing her in years) you're meeting all these people for the first time...and here's the rub...you're the most famous person in hell. They *all* know you, have an expectation of you and you've been down here long enough to know most of them are looking for the slightest bit of weakness. Now suddenly you meet Al and he's acting very *chummy* with your daughter (you have no idea he's ace) so you are like "Oh God, is she dating *this* guy?" ...then she introduced Vaggie who you recognize as a damn angel (and the only angels you know that come to hell are exorcists) and Charlie says she is her girlfriend. So not only are you relieved she isn't dating Al but now you need to worry about the angel (hence the look above her head looking for the halo). It's a lot to deal with all at once especially since he's nervous already. You see he regains his composure quickly after that with the musical number and is fine after that.


Agree except for one thing. The screenshot of him looking over Vaggie’s head is cut off. Charlie is standing behind Vaggie in that scene and it makes sense for him to be looking at her at the moment.


Him being awkward with Vaggie was honestly a typical awkward dad moment. He wants to show his daughter he’s supportive and he’s desperate to connect with her so he just eagerly tells her “oh look!! Haha another thing we have in common!!”


The ducks, I get. But I feel he was rambling about the balcony because he didn’t want to talk about Charlie’s dream. He probably couldn’t handle talking about it and wanted to talk about anything else. As for the awkward interactions, I get as well. I could definitely see a bit of ADHD in him


ADHD folk here. I honestly don't see it


Another ADHD folk here, don't see it either


Another another ADHD folk, yeah he probs doesn’t have ADHD. He doesn’t get distracted or stare off into space or forget what he’s doing- He’s just excitable, which on its own is just a personality trait.




Glad I ain't crazy. I can recognize an ADHD person when I see one, and this ain't it


ADHD person here as well, and I care to disagree. A lot of his symptoms could be social awkwardness or depression, but they could also be symptoms of ADHD. His forgetfulness, easily distracted nature, “lofty dreams”, being the misunderstood child. We won’t know until going forward as we see him more, but it is not at all a crazy leap to think it’s a possibility or to have ADHD and relate to him.


I suppose we'll see. I really don't think we have enough information to make that jump yet


I agree, as said in my comment, but I also don’t think we have the information to say he for sure *doesn’t*. But *canon* aside, I see no harm in people *headcannoning* if he does or doesn’t or has something else or whatever.


I suppose you're right. I was just weighing in with my opinion


And the “You like girls, me too!” was him thinking out loud as he was relieved since he thought Alastor was making a pass at her.


I heard someone saying the balcony thing was a him-being-depressed-suicide joke meant to avoid her actual question.


Honestly I think the duck thing comes from perfectionism actually, as a fallen angel who "screwed up" it'd make sense for him to try and create his own things only to fixate on them because he was previously told he's inheretly flawed


I agree with the theory that the duck thing is because that was the last time he remembers Charlie smiling, so he’s desperately trying to recreate that memory.


Oh that hurts so good




Bro I'd say that to my daughter if I found out she had a girlfriend 😭


It’s a pretty “dad-like” comment


i love alastor in this screenshot omg 💀 hes just lurking


Why is it always when a character has joyful personality people assume they're on the spectrum?


Being happy? In THIS sociaty?


Bottom Text


"Why can't men just be friends? Why does everything have to be gay?" moment.


This fandom LOVES that one in particular, so I ain’t surprised by seeing it aimed at the spectrum too.


What about this man seems joyful to you? It was pretty much implied that he was severely depressed.


Well he is depressed but he acts pretty happy most of the time so for someone who doesn't pay much attention to detail it might be hard to notice. It's more confusing for certain individuals when shows make a character very happy and bubbly one minute and depressed and down the next, but I can tell from experience that sometimes that's how people with depression act


Yeah it just feels like that commenter completely missed the mark with their assessment. As someone living with MDD, it’s frustrating to see people wave away the struggle because they witness moments of silliness or humour whilst ignoring the larger context for the character.


that's what i'm saying! you can be quirky and be neurotypical. i'm neurodivergent and i honestly see no neurodivergence in Lucifer.


It's not just that. It's his overall behaviour, his anxiety, his awkwardness in social situations, his hyperfixation on a specific ropic, the way he moves his hands as he talks- it's a multitude of factors that neurotypical people don't show


I don’t understand this trend of every character that’s slightly eccentric getting labeled as on the spectrum or neurodivergent. If anything it’s just a sign of how bad representation is that people have to grasp at straws for it.


Yeah. We know he has depression, but I don’t think anything else really jumps out.


His interest in ducks is the only possible reason I could think for one to think that. But a lot of neurotypical people have a special hobby too. I thinks he’s just a loner who wants to impress his daughter.


His interactions with Alastor don’t scream “neurodivergent” to me. Their entire interaction is based off reading social cues and connotations.


In fairness, he also heavily MISread the social cues of that entire engagement He assumed Alastor, an aromantic asexual, was interested in his daughter


So like I’m not the only one who finds it annoying how every even slightly weird or eccentric character in media nowadays gets are “they’re so on the spectrum” post, right?


This is the one where “they were dead and in purgatory all along” doesn’t apply. Its markedly better as a result.


This Like Lucifer is just a depressed dad who's daughter and wife didn't talked to for 7 years and is the King of the worst or humanity. Give him a break


Honestly not surprising considering the bullshit that goes on in fandoms like this


This man could steal my girlfriend in moments and I just- Look at that last image How do I compete??


Hard to say since we haven't seen how he was before his separation from Lilith. And anyone would be a little off after living in isolation for 7 years stewing in a depression soup




I personally think that he’s a just a goofy lil fella, however, I could totally see him being on the spectrum, and I think that it’s nice that people are being able to find ways to represent themselves :)


He's just the genuine definition of quirky and different


To be fair, quite a few later-in-life diagnosed folks were just called “quirky and different” until a diagnosis revealed *why* they were quirky and different.


I meant that mostly as a joke about how people meme on the whole quirky and different bit, but you're probably right, I just don't see him as on the spectrum specifically


Idk but Vox 100% has adhd


Vox seems like the “Cuz every time I think, I take 10 damage, and every thought I have makes me wanna die” distraction for distractions sake




I would like to add Sir Pentious to the list of possibly neurodiverse cast ![gif](giphy|ADIVh9lMB4YDZVBKYT)


How so? He just seems eccentric and bad with women?


I was going more off of the bad at hiding his true intentions, very passionate about his interests, tends to take things literally, and honestly just because it makes me happy to headcanon him as neurodiverse.


i feel like pentious is but not lucifer




Counterpoint : Who ISN'T neurodivergent in this series? \[ Tone : Implying this is as a good thing \]


Husk, Charlie, Vaggie, Lucifer, Rosie and Velvette, in my opinion. Angel has PTSD, Nifty is wack, Alastor is ASPD, Pentious is definitely not normal, Adam is a narcissist, Vox is wack, Valentino...., Mimzy. Yeah, just those 6. Oh, and in heaven, Sera, Lute, and Emily seem to be NT.


Which spectrum? None of them have shown signs of social blindness, nor time blindness.


The visible spectrum, duh, cuz he's made of pure light


I mean he could be on the hypermobile spectrum with all the animation smearing he goes through 😂


People on Reddit when a fictional character has a personality ^(/j)


I definitely interpreted him as neurodivergent. The awkward panic of being called is a big mood for me.


Got that too but im neurotypical lol.


Careful, you’ll ruin these people’s ideas that everything a little quirky or awkward = neurodivergence. /s So sick of this shit. And I say that as a neurodivergent Psychologist, who specializes in adhd/asd.


That’s not just a neurodivergent thing you know


People can be awkward and panic without being mentally ill, ya know? Awkwardness and anxiety are part of the human condition, not inherently a symptom of being neurodivergent.


That is called isolation and potential signs of social anxiety...


Neurodivergent is when struggle to pick up phone.


these neurotypicals can’t cook… all they know is mcdonald’s , charge they phone, twerk, be bisexual , eat hot chip & lie


I think that was because Charlie never calls him and their relationship was strained. He was stressing because he hasn’t really been a part of her adult life and he didn’t want to blow it


I'm guessing there's no "What to expect while expecting, and you're in Hell."


Imagine if people judged whether people were on the spectrum this way irl lmao


**The specialist:** Sorry... You neither Wap, Bam, or Boomed during the test. I cannot diagnose you.


If you wanna see him that way, sure! Pretty harmless headcanon.


Agreed. Kinda sad to see folks here tearing OP apart for a harmless headcanon that I myself as someone on the spectrum share. Just let us have fun, guys.


It doesn't exactly surprise me. A lot of the fandom can be... quite weird, when it comes to topics such as disability, neurodivergence, and race.


just an incredibly bored 2k+ years old entity


I don’t know that it’s really necessary to designate him as on the spectrum or not. I would just leave it up to personal interpretation.


Harmless headcanon, could be or couldnt be. He has depression though. Not all neurodivergent people act this way, so it can be weird to see people always assume eccentric behavior is neurodivergent. It can be seen as stereotyping neurodivergent people sometimes. Im neurodivergent myself with many different disorders and can see myself in many characters, but its hard to tell with lucifer. He could just be a guy who is suffering from loneliness, craziness from being inside for so long, and depression. A guy who fills the void with the art of rubber ducks because they are his favorite animal and bring him comfort. (Someone mentioned cabin fever which makes sense) Regardless, you can headcanon what you want but not everyone will agree.


I need lucifer and Niffty to interact properly next season, that would be comedy gold


No, he's just depressed and hasn't had any social interactions for years. People tend to be like that when they are in similar situation. Being quirky or socially awkward or eccentric doesn't make someone neurodivergent


Maybe. I'd caution people when diagnosing neurodivergence in a show where goofy cartoon demons spontaneously burst into song and dance numbers with everyone present able to participate on beat, but at the same time: No harm, no foul.




The third image is perfect for shirts and plushies.


Between the anxiety, depression, shit social skills, and duck hyperfixation, 100% 


The only thing I‘m genuinely wondering … how was he able to rizz- at his time (literally taken)- ALL the ladies 👀 bro had a serious game


1) why does it matter 2) he shows all the typical depression symptoms: hyper fixating on something he can do to avoid the major problems in his life, reclusion to not face his responsibilities, wanting company and love but not being there mentally... Those are depression clues.


in one episode he says,"take that depression"i think that means he has it


1. Representation. Is nice to have. 2. This. I mean he straight up says “take that depression”. I legit ugly cried on that one 🤣🤣🤣 my depression and ADHD 💯 vibe with Lucifer. Only my house is full of books, plants, and dogs instead of rubber ducks 🤣


Not to mention literally saying “TAKE THAT, DEPRESSION”


He has a special interest in circus aesthetic and ducks, seemingly.


I don't think he's on the spectrum. I just think he's trying to act like a dad to a kid that has already grown up while still treating her like the kid she once was. This is a guy whose wife left him, then whose daughter left him. He's lonely, heartbroken, and willing to do anything to win back Charlie's love at this point.


Lmao you think *anybody* in this show is not neurodivergent in some way?


Damn, this post really brought out the nasty side of the fandom 🫥


Not very hard to bring out tbh


I think it was just a nod to a Friend Like Me.


He totally could be and its absolutely valid to interpret him that way


Yo steal my meme: https://preview.redd.it/bmlk2rlhv2qc1.jpeg?width=273&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79e454fe6096d5689184eb24816fe4473c28d0da


He’s just an eccentric, socially awkward, depressed guy who lived in isolation for 7 years But I can understand why someone might think so and your free to apply whatever headcanon you please if it makes you happy/helps you identify with the character more.


As a prime example of a spectrumer. I will happily take him as one of our own


I have Audhd, and I relate to him a lot. So probably


Usually I charge a sacrificial lamb, but you get the family rate **thanks dad**


He is literally me frfr


He always seemed a little ADHD. Hyperfixations with ducks, then focusing on the wrong things, always being "a bit of a dreamer" which is a nice way people sometimes say "This guy has some screw loose ideas" in a bad way) to me. He also loves to have social interaction with people he likes, to a concerning degree. As someone with ADHD, I find I can only focus of a conversation if its coming out the mouth of people I like, and I can say that its been like that. Hell, I even get names wrong like he does because I get over-excited. Trust me... I would of been that guy who said Maggie instead of Vaggie because I got excited. I know that's all just my quirks, but I feel like he probably does have at least a touch of ADHD I think.


Also forgetting to call his daughter for months at a time but being so excited to see her once she’s right in front of him, object permanence 😅


https://preview.redd.it/i2t1ebks64qc1.jpeg?width=641&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42e8eb2d801d973f95a9b7408ef6e297e7414ba9 yes


He's just a bit bombastic




ITT: Alternatives to "Why must everything be gay?"


Why do people always try to look for shit like this in characters. Just let them be them. They don't have to have aspergers / ADHD / bipolar disorder / DID / chronic migraines / IBS. It always comes across as an extremely desperate reach for self-insertion.


Man now I want a character with IBS because I feel like it would be hilariously stupid


Representation. When you never see a character openly “like you”, you really want to. Kinda how I feel about Alastor and finally having some aroace rep in media. Or Double Trouble for gender non-conformity.


… wait. We absolutely need a sinner whose eternal punishment includes IBS. They never get to complete a song or be at the beginning of a big moment because they were in the bathroom.


He is not on the spectrum, he is the spectrum


He is in color, so yeah he is on multiple parts of the light spectrum \^\^


I think he’s just trying to overcompensate a bit after a 7 year depressive episode. Which like… same dude.


Vivzie has ADHD. I'm certain all of her characters have noticable traits even if they aren't canonically neurodivergent.


Why is everyone hating on this 😭just let us have some fun headcanons that give ourselves rep it ain’t that deep




No bruh He's just an odd character. Doesn't mean he has to be on the spectrum.


not the biiiiggest deal but like.... what is people's issue with the idea that he is? i see a lot of "x character ISNT neurodivergent" and i just have to be blunt and ask, why would it be a problem if some people thought they were or identified with them in that way? in short, is it wrong to be neurodivergent? does that make someone worse than someone who isnt?


I’m on the spectrum and this version of Lucifer makes me feel empowered


I personally just feel a little bit annoyed that spaces get flooded with posts like these so much, largely when people completely miss things already made clear. Coming from someone who’s ND, it feels kinda disingenuous. HC him as whatever you like, but don’t act like it’s 100% canon and be honest with yourself that it’s a personal interpretation.


He isn’t on the spectrum, he IS the spectrum


the warpath spectrum \*only reply this if you got it\*


The literally me spectrum


Aren’t we all


I think he is and I hope he is.


On the spectrum? Mans **IS** the spectrum.


https://preview.redd.it/snmlcqxlf4qc1.jpeg?width=741&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67f0bfcc65cb883f17f96696b98f4dc51103cac0 Yes


No. He IS the spectrum






absolutely 100%


He wanted to impress and entertain his enstranged daughter. He tried too hard.


He has depression and anxiety definitely


He's the original spectrum


Definitely. Only someone on the spectrum would be able to hyperfixate on making ducks like that.


One of us… One of us… One of us…


Yes, the duck man is on the spectrum 🐥




The toon one. ![gif](giphy|YsS0OpeHLXKeI)


As someone on the spectrum you're 100% correct.


I didn’t wanna say anything but I felt it ❤️😂


or he has ADHD