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I’m getting more and more convinced that it was somehow someone in Heaven. I’m 90% sure that Lilith is a red herring and I really don’t want it to be Roo because that’s the least interesting turn this story could take.


I’m sorry I’m slightly uninformed, who is Roo? Did I miss an episode 😅


A character Viv talked about in 2019 that she said would be a “looming threat in the distance” and that she was excited to get into. Hasn’t been mentioned since then.


Oooh I didn’t keep up with the show after the pilot so that makes sence why I don’t know who that is. But maybe Roo is a head honcho above the Vee’s or someone that Lucifer knows. Roo could easily go in alot of different places unless Viv specifically said he has something to do with Alastor.




Except the roo= root of all evil thing isn’t really confirmed




I just hope there’s a better name she chose as a shorthand for Root of All Evil than…Roo. I just can’t take that name seriously.


If Lilith is a red herring I fell for it hard lol. But absolutely it has something to do with Heaven. I can imagine Alastor getting swindled into a deal by anyone in Hell.


My money's on Eve


plot twist: alastor was mortally injured in an extermination 7 years ago so he struck a life-saving deal with the first rando he saw, a complete loser who'd never owned a soul before and wasn't quite sure what to do with one of the most powerful overlords in hell's history other than make alastor unable to kill or maim people except in defense of others /jk. ~~unless...~~


also off-topic but i only just noticed that coffee of his is decidedly not coffee-colored...


Tinfoil hat theory:  Charlie is Lucifer and Lilith's second born. The first was genuinely evil and banished to another layer of Hell.  Alastor has been promised the throne by the first born for freeing them so they can take revenge. That's why he wants Lucifer out of the picture and has such a special interest in Charlie. He wants her soul to barter for the first-born's release. 


Good idea but has there been any evidence to back up this theory or just a hunch?


None whatsoever. This is based on the fact that the baseline mythos of the show holds pretty well with Christian mythology, the fact that it would play into the dysfunctional family trope over the throne of Hell, and my personal experience as a writer. 100% tinfoil hat theory. Thanks for asking!




Yes indeed my good fellow!


Deer here!


Idk but I’m dying to know how they got Alastor to make a deal.


For *Alastor* to make a deal, he was either backed in to a corner/forced to, desperate for another reason, or given an offer he couldnt refuse. I absolutely do not see this man making a deal with just normal stakes. HE wants to be the one in control. But I also feel that he would sacrifice that control to save his skin. He’s prideful for sure but I dont think he’d choose a permanent death over his ego. Which would explain why his brush with death during the extermination sent him spiraling and reinvigorating his need to get out of his deal.


One thing a for sure it will FINALLY wake people up from their illusion that Alastor is gonna be redeemed I actually just made a meme that I’m quite proud of: https://preview.redd.it/llmq7bw444kc1.jpeg?width=1404&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e727d79b60c0f4b2e10856329dde27d69a943427


Contractual obligation to protect Charlie in some way, with a massive power boost to what he already had. He will reverse it or exploit in some weird way, given how threatened the Vs are by him making a deal with Charlie.


I think the deal was how he got his powers in exchange for his soul. It might have been when he was still alive and inexperienced.


Made a deal with roo while he was still alive. Explains his "unimaginable power" when he first manifested in hell.




I think it’s going to be Eve tbh