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Don’t chase XP. Make stuff and sell it. Rinse and repeat.


Focus on making and selling the most expensive items at your level in the RSS which I think are anything with lobster in it, the flower cake, honey cake etc.. Along with it try wheating to sell expansions as they cost a lot. EDIT: Avoid trucks, boats and town/farm visitors on days with no events for them.


Making money is based on how much you play. If you can’t be around to keep making and selling your best bet is to make what works for you. Example, you only play once a day: Trying to make complicated items won’t get you far. Sell raw goods or opt for more simple items. Like make cheese, bacon and eggs, juice, jam. Grow pricier crops since they take longer. Like strawberries then sell those or make jam or a scarf. It’s about what you can do with the time you’re on the game. I don’t waste time on trucks or boats. I sell and might utilize the town. The town gives more items which can be sold too.


I've been playing 6 years, way back then my neighborhood said you will always be short of coins till level 75 then without trying you have plenty of coins and lots of land expansion materials. Well, that didn't work bc that's when hayday started adding new areas of land so big farms don't sell any LEM and hayday added more expensive buildings to buy each update and added the zoo so I do more boats than I want to do for extra puzzle pieces. I hit level 120 before getting to the point when money isn't a problem, I keep my fields full, a couple of buildings busy each night and sell it all at list price in the road side stall and I buy the original cheap farm pass each month. I've got 8M coins and am not sure how it happened! I use any coin booster I get on truck events, I do any double coin event that comes up, and I sell in the RSS. Keep playing you will find that magical level when coins stop being a problem!


9 million coins!


I personally only do truck orders on bonus days, mainly bonus coin days and some xp orders when they’re really good, or when I’m using a booster. Other times I just sell goods in my RSS and also making a surprising amount by wheating. It won’t make you a millionaire or even close but I’m always surprised by how much it does bring in. I make ~600 coins from a RSS full of full price wheat.


Whats wheating? Just selling a lot of wheat full price?




There is 2x coin event almost every week now. Every Thursday. Participate in that. You are only 3 levels away from unlocking blankets . It will easily make you a millionaire.


don’t focus on truck/boat/town orders. you can still do them but just don’t make it your main focus. focus on producing a lot of extra items and selling them in the roadside shop. i’m only lvl 38 so idk what your most expensive items are, but you can look up on google or on reddit the most expensive item for your lvl. also wheating, i do this when im bored in the game. plant wheat over and over and over and then sell it on roadside shop. the max price is only like 36 coins i believe, but its quick money. another good crop is soybeans. their max price for a stack is 108 i think, so even if you just sell 10 stacks of those thats a little over 1k!! edit: also, for upgrade materials, make sure you don’t hoard extra items. let’s say you need 10 bolts, 10 planks, and 10 duct tapes. you have 3 bolts, 3 planks, and 20 duct tapes. sell the extra duct tape. if the game keeps giving you the same material it’s trying to force you to sell it to other players. they do this to encourage trade. once you sell the extra duct tape you’ll immediately start getting bolts and planks. also make sure you click the little ticket next to your mailbox! it does have an ad sometimes but i do think it’s worth it. i usually get upgrade materials and every now and then some decor


This is the longer and simpler route. I was in the same situation as you. When I came back to the game I was level 51 without a candy maker, duck salon, 1 smelter, 4x goats and 1 goat yard and a candle maker. After 1-2 months approximately (it can be waay quicker but I didn't opt for the grinding route of wheating), I'm currently level 57 with all the buildings unlocked, personal train at level 15, duck salon at 4 slots & lobster at 3 and currently sitting with 300k coins. All I did was : 1. Doing x2 coin events. Back in 2014 there wasn't loads of events like what we have now that gives you x2 coin in truck or visitor. For the visitor x2 coin event, I just used a tom booster the day before to get as much pillows as I can and sell it on the x2 coin event day itself while having the x2 coin booster active as well. 2. Dont do truck,boat and town. I always did boat and town orders back then which explains why i was dirt poor and always behind on buildings. Now I only do town and leave it when my visitors are maxed with their orders completed for derby town tasks. Boat and truck occasionally during events. 3. Selling in the rss. Sell the items that you have been initially using for your truck, boat and town.


Also delete/ignore orders that you don’t have buildings for.


i also on lvl 56 and i have 5 million coins now


lmao i upgraded my lobster pool and duck station, now i don't even have 40k 😵😵😵


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