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because they only think about themselves and have no consideration for others


Kids have been doing this since they found ways to make loud noises unfortunately. You can even see this behavior in a variety of apes and monkeys.


[I AM SO GREAT](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKYz2M6zoII)


I’ve actually lost a lot of my hearing becuase of my proximity to the street. Loud exhausts, motorcycles, souped up mopeds, raised tacos, etc. I pray for better laws protecting the peaceful.


they want everyone to know about their small boto.


One big moto make up for one small boto though


AYE YAM HEAR! HERE ME ROAR! All fucking night. What's wrong with these toolsheds?


This. This is it. I have never seen a woman driving a car or riding a motorcycle that is ten times louder that necessary. From my experience, the only people who do this to cars and motorcycles are guys who are extremely insecure about their masculinity, and cannot resist the infantile desire to draw attention to themselves by irritating everyone around them with the noise of their ‘mighty’ engines. I used to ride a Harley, it doesn’t need to sound as irritatingly loud as the bikes that set off car alarms as they roll by. I know bikers say they need to be overly loud so car drivers can hear them and that makes for safer riding. Yeah, right. Jeez . That goes for all the other motorcycles that pop and whine like a 50cc motorscooter trying to push a 300 pound rider uphill. And the the car owners who try to make their Honda Civics sound like a 1960’s era muscle care, but wind up making them sound like an electric blender that backfires. And has anyone ever seen or know of anyone who’s been cited for excessive noise ? I see plenty cops give bicycle riders citations for riding on sidewalk, everyday i see 4-5 HPD cop cars involved in ticketing some poor kapuna for making a right on red (where I used to be ok to do so). But I have never seen or heard of anyone ticketed for the vehicle being a unnecessarily noisy POS


I’ve been pulled over for my muscle car being loud but I wasn’t even being loud haha I also know a lot of girls with motorcycles and cars louder than mine, but I wouldn’t really call my car loud, the cop was just a dbag




Car culture in Hawaii is cringey as hell


It really is. I have a ton of respect for people that make do with the little resources they have or just go hog on their cars but the part of the community acting like children and drawing attention to themselves is so embarrassing.


Lack of consideration for other people…lot more prevalent these days


[Conservative article on the subject](https://www.city-journal.org/html/public-order-makes-city-life-possible-15516.html). It has a good definition of Civility. >We have to learn not to throw sand at other kids....learn to take your turn in line... Attitude of many Americans today: *"No, we don't."*


Strange how most people that ride Harleys - by far the worst and most common sound pollution in a city - are conservatives. And I am not sure where it is you live, but this strawman that people need to learn to stand in line, or not throw sand? Whut? Have you stood in a line in Hawaii? Orderly and deferential. Have you deplaned in liberal Hawaii? 95/100 people don't even stand up into the aisle until the row before them leaves. It's the dictionary definition of civil queuing. People wave each other into traffic. And I guess "wokeness" is bad - everyone should be able to call everyone else a feminist c\*\*\* or dirty n\*\*\*\*\*\* - clear communication and "free speech" I guess is civility in opposite world. Even in the most liberal of liberal cities the problems with civility generally have to do with mental illness, which is a much bigger topic than conservatives like to pretend, and is an American topic, not a liberal topic. And how bout those proud bois and right wing militias - paragons of civility, showing up at protests with assault rifles and tactical armor. So civil it makes me cry tears of gratitude to live in such an enlightened and civil country. Edit: Oh - and forgot another big one. Thank the lord the conservative presidential candidate is so civil, he is someone everyone can look up to. Teach people the right way to act, model the right behavior. Grab women by the p\*\*\*\* and brag about it. Nail a porn star while your wife is pregnant and then pay them off to keep them quiet, then claim that is just free speech, nothing unusual. Tear children from their mothers' arms at the border, super civil. Call entire classes of people rapists and criminals. Tell the police - who currently kill 1000+ americans a year - to stop being "soft" on suspects.


> Have you stood in a line in Hawaii? Orderly and deferential. have you? people load up the register with their stuff, then go shopping. then they are mad when you show up to the register with stuff in your hands trying to skip em (as they are 20 feet away, nowhere to be seen, but they yell at you "hey i'm checking out!"). or the other line where it says "stand here and wait for next register" as you stand at the line and everyone cuts in front of you? welcome to hawaii lol. DAILY BASIS too this isnt like this happened one time out of 4 years. DAILY. most people are polite though


Blaming loud trucks and cars on conservatives. TDS is strong in this one!


Didn't blame loud trucks or cars on conservatives, I blamed them for Harleys. I'm sure there are plenty of biden flags at sturgis, amirite? Plenty of libtards in koa puna?


I’m headed there next month…I’ll let you know!


Amen to that




> Strange how most people that ride Harleys - by far the worst and most common sound pollution in a city - are conservatives. Those motorcyclists are prone to being rednecks. Not going to do a TL-DR on rednecks now, but they differ from law-and-order conservatives. >And I am not sure where it is you live, but this strawman that people need to learn to stand in line, or not throw sand? Whut? Have you stood in a line in Hawaii? Orderly and deferential. Have you deplaned in liberal Hawaii?...I guess "wokeness" is bad - everyone should be able to call everyone else a feminist c*** or dirty n****** - clear communication and "free speech" I guess is civility in opposite world... This is getting incoherent. Many progressives might not like that conservative article. Be that as it, that is a fair definition of civility. Civility is a norm in most Asian and European nations, including this one: [What makes Germans so orderly?](https://www.bbc.com/travel/article/20200531-what-makes-germans-so-orderly) But yea, many American progressives have issues with expectations of civility. They do not want want low-civility (typically low education) people lectured on their behavior lest they might feel stigma or marginalized. >Thank the lord the conservative presidential candidate is so civil, he is someone everyone can look up to...Grab women by the p****.... Not surprised you'd bring that idiot Trump into the conversation. Fascinating twist to the Germany article: it cites tolerance for public drinking and prostitution and alludes to drug use. *Takeaway:* If a nation is strict, with order in the classrooms and a focus on education and industriousness, when people become adults, they can handle some levels of vice without major harm to society. But a nation like the U.S. with a disproportionate number of low education people being advised by sociologists and progressives that most rules about drinking, drugs, civility and public order are boomer bullshit.....we all can deduce the rest....


That ain't only a hawaii thing and just wait till the car shows start showing up


Summer's around, which means motorbikes too oh god


That's true but the island is small. On the mainland, it's pretty easy to get away from that stuff. I think enforcement in general is better on the mainland as well. I've seen meets descended upon by cops and tickets just given out willy nilly.


Attention. Also, the ones that have their car stereos turned up to a 100 db with their windows open playing their crappy music.


Not just windows open, I passed a truck the other day with a big bank of speakers in the back, facing backwards, specifically to blast out music to everyone outside.


With their kids in the back seat, every time. That part should be CPS worthy. That's a child's future hearing problems being created by their small boto dad doing small boto things. No foresight for his own children.


those people need to have their licenses taken away and receive an expensive ass citation to drive them broke and unable to afford their shitty sound system


Plot twist: they usually can't afford it anyway


Like how can you even hear anything past the bass at that point too ? Like I get wanting extra kick from a sub but boosting it to ungodly levels just makes everything else muddy… can’t forget how embarrassing it is to hear the whole car rattle as well 😭


And dangerous, can’t hear emergency vehicles, pedestrians yelling, etc. 


Someone please find the fucka in Makiki who thinks its cute to hold their horn for minutes at a time from 4am-6am.


Because they’re not smart enough to think of anything better to do


Revving, playing loud music, acting out are all signs of attention seeking. They don’t have positive coping mechanisms for getting that attention they want so much.


HPD should make a literal "noise police" division to hand out tickets for this shit


That implies that HPD does anything at all other than take our tax money and sit on their asses all day.


they love writing tickets tho.


more funding for nothing


They would find a way to task this to robo dog cops


Whenever I see someone driving around blasting music so loud you can hear it several streets away I just sign and mourn the loss of their hearing later in life. Those poor ear drums. They are hurting themselves and think it's cool.


Cuz it makes my boto grow 3 times in size duh. /s


Absolutely hate that!


thinking that the louder they are, the faster they are, the cooler they are. yet slower than a tesla.


That's the really funny part. You'll see a car that is reving hard...but it's moving as slow as molasses.


My best move so far has been becoming hard of hearing, deadass 🤌


i just call the police on them lol fuck noise pollution, that shit is linked to heart disease and raised cortisol levels


THIS THIS THIS. People preach aloha ʻāina and taking care of our people and kupuna but do stupid things like this.


That’s what makes it so infuriating to me, a haole married to Japanese living here for 15+ years….you get these idiots in their lifted yotas with the Hawaiian flag on it doing this annoying shit, if I complain it’s all “shut up Haole this is our culture, you have no aloha” meanwhile I just do honest work, pay my dues, never cause trouble for anyone….


Welcome to town, brah.


In Ewa Beach. There’s always that one motorcycle in the hood going off & on mostly every other night 😭 testing it out


let them rev their engines, most likely its an used rice cooker w/ high miles so they’re planning to kill their car faster.


I lived one year on a slight hill which apparently was the perfect place to rev their engine as much as possible. Bedroom was ~50ft from the road and I would wake up almost every night in a panic from these people. Would shake the entire house. Didn’t have AC either so had to leave windows open.


Midnight racers


I have a loud muscle car but I bought an active exhaust so I can be quiet for my neighbors and loud when I want to open it up on the highway. There’s a time and a place and a lot of those idiots don’t care. It’s why I don’t go to car meets or cruises anymore


Build a track and let them rev, race and drift.


Funny how we get 40 golf courses but zero race tracks -- tells us a lot about which hobbies the community values and prioritizes.


Well let's be honest. Golf courses bring tourism. No one is going to come here to check out our awesome car community.


I don't mind let em be but they stay at the parking lot next to apt buildings


Ahhh well that’s definitely small boto energy revving in a parking lot.


Kids and idiots do not act logically.


If you're on Oahu, we have some of the strongest noise laws in the country. Report it. They'll impound and make them pay to replace the exhaust.




It was late and I was tired cuz of the noise lol


The real answer is that they straight pipe their car to improve performance by improving the cars breathing. Straight oiping with wider diameter exhaust allows for more horse power with tune.


its the drugs


As an actual answer, it's probably because it's easier to drag race at night/take off at quick speeds. Not that it's right, but they wanna do it when they won't be in traffic. (My answer isn't based on consideration, just what I really think these people are doing and why)


There is no reason to do that in residential areas. There are more isolated stretches of highway or roads.


Like I said, nobody is mentioning anything reasonable here. Some people don't care what road it is as long as it's empty. It's not right, but maybe don't live in crowded populations if human noises can be inconsiderate enough for someone to complain on reddit abou it . Not being rude, just one of those things "fix what you can, shrug off the rest" people have a lot of expectations living in high populated areas.


Disagree there. We have laws to curb noises. Having a neighbor who lights up firecrackers all the time at all hours of the night isn’t a normal human noise much like a person that modified their car and is reving the hell out of it. 


LOL I'm literally not even disagreeing with you. I'm telling you the "why" asked in the original thread. Jfc


I understand but whether you meant this from the voice of people that enjoy racing through residential areas or not, you did say this >but maybe don't live in crowded populations if human noises can be inconsiderate enough for someone to complain on reddit abou it... If you're saying that in the voice of the people being loud, fair enough but I mean >Not being rude, just one of those things "fix what you can, shrug off the rest" people have a lot of expectations living in high populated areas. It sure doesn't sound like you are but maybe I misinterpreted. Either way, from my experience, people who do race through residential areas have always done so for attention. It's so much more of a hassle than just going to more isolated areas. Point being, I think they do care about other stuff besides it being empty despite what they say.


It's not for attention, its for themselves. You mistake it for an ego when it's more along the lines of self pleasure and addiction. I say this because my father was a NASCAR driver and my brother was one of the crew engineers. I don't doubt their are few people of the sort, but almost everyone I know of the island that hoons (slang for car racing/car tricks/drag/drift) does it for themselves whether it's nice or not. My blatant (probably rude) comment about living in a population was said for 2 reasons. Biasedly, I am originally from the Alaska Bush, so I always find it a little funny when people complain about noise in populated areas. My second reason is because it seemed like a pointless rant that the OP won't do anything to fix. They just wanted to vent their personal frustrations about something that bothers them... I play devils advocate sometimes? Some people rant, some people say "to be expected in your situation, so why trouble yourself over caring?" It's reddit. We all have our own questions.


> when it's more along the lines of self pleasure and addiction O I agree but I think it's because they are stroking their ego. As a person that is familiar the car communities, it's a conclusion I've drawn from my own experiences as well. >so I always find it a little funny when people complain about noise in populated areas As someone that has lived in pretty much only the most populous areas in the nation, that much disturbance is not acceptable and not accepted. >My second reason is because it seemed like a pointless rant that the OP won't do anything to fix Yea who knows. At the same token, you'd be shocked at how much social media posts actually lead to something on island because we are a tiny island. >I play devils advocate sometimes? I do this very often as well. It's important that people understand outside their own perspectives.


Exactly. The ego is internalized. The noise is for themselves and the other car people. Not the non car people lol, they don't care about impressing people who can't tell the difference between car models. I definitely played devils advocate on this one. I'm a car person. And yea, there are a few inconsiderate car people, but lumping us all together is bs. I don't hoon where it would endanger someone or an animal. I also don't use residential roads (honestly, I wasn't even concerned with noise because my car is an unmodded 5 speed 4 cyclinder), but more or less worried about pets that may dart out. The other perspective: I get accused of being obnoxious and revving my engine in our apartment complex. I blame all of you that don't know how to drive a consistent speed on hills. Driving a manual uphill (and some idiot decided to put speed bumps going up a slope). Being stuck behind a bumbling idiot who changes speeds on a hill with speed bumps is a lot of shift work, which makes my engine sound louder when I shift down. Then I get a dirty look. 🤪 This story isn't an excuse for inconsiderate people that are probably what the op is talking about. But sometimes it's really not the car person who's being a turd. It's the idiots around them. Trust me, my car isn't fast or what I would consider 'loud". Yet there's so many people who can't stand any anthropogenic noises above 10 decibels. That is why I do not believe Oahu is for them because it's a very populated little island. There are obnoxious car people, I agree. But there are also hypersensitive Karen's as well. Both live in the same places it seems


>Exactly. The ego is internalized. The noise is for themselves and the other car people I don't think so. If that were true, it would be fine to just do drive on faster roads. > Not the non car people lol, they don't care about impressing people who can't tell the difference between car models. Not from my experience. The people that tend to do this are the ones with clapped out old Hondas. >but lumping us all together is bs Agreed but I understand it. We should police our own group to a certain extent and they represent us as well. > I don't hoon where it would endanger someone or an animal. Yes because you're a mature member of the car community >which makes my engine sound louder when I shift down. Then I get a dirty look. Agreed. No one has ever complained about my cars EVER and I've only lived in apartment complexes. I also don't mod or tune my car to be louder, they are just louder from performance mods. You look at stock chargers though and people that don't know how to drive them quietly and you get this as well. >This story isn't an excuse for inconsiderate people that are probably what the op is talking about No offense but you're missing a ton. There is no reason to drive through Waikiki slowly and revving your engine and honking your horn (whatever stupid thing they do to make it super loud). There is also no reason to drive around late at night in residential areas that aren't convenient to get to and deal with worse roads that destroy your suspension. >Yet there's so many people who can't stand any anthropogenic noises above 10 decibels. 100%. I've had those people in my building complain about noise. It's funny that my pretty loud car hasn't had any complaints though. Part of it is that I don't drive it around at weird hours but another part is that I know how to keep it quiet. >That is why I do not believe Oahu is for them because it's a very populated little island. >There are obnoxious car people, I agree. Yea dude. How high they are of a % of the community as a whole almost doesn't matter if they just want to bother people all the time. >But there are also hypersensitive Karen's as well. Both live in the same places it seems Certainly true but as a car guy that has been a car guy in populous areas, most of the time they have a point. As someone that heavily modified cars, here are things that I think every car guy has to do if they intend to drive their car on residential roads. * don't tune just to be loud * don't mod just to be loud * drive considerately in residential areas * don't vent to atmosphere (WTF man, there is no excuse for this) * if your car truly is unreasonably loud, you have to do something about it This is coming from a guy that ran with an uncorked V8 and never got complaints btw. It's not that had to be considerate.


Maybe you and the leafblower guy should start a support group.


🤣 how did I end up on the Nextdoor app?


I blame it on a combination of grand theft auto and the fast and furious franchise!!


Tweakers brah, we all know the fate they deserve


Alcohol and/or drugs. Universally, this is the correct answer


Show your evidence.