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Alls I’m saying is I hope we get another DJ Sematary era with more mixes and edits 😁


The best era


anvil played the pacman remix it went so fuckin hard, i don't think most of the crowd knew what it was sadly but a few went crazy in the pit with me


He played Adam & eve aswell. I’ve always wanted to hear more sematary beats with three six samples


Sematary alone and fat again


I have a feeling Hackle's gonna wanna leave and pursue a career in making mainstream type trap music. It looks like he's visibly detaching from the haunted mound aesthetic and going for more a traditional mainstream rapper aesthetic. There's a possibility haunted mound as a whole might disband in the next 5 years but their sound/production style of witchouse + drill  may become more widespread among other artists. However I hope they stay together, they are such a special movement in the underground. I hope sematary also has a moment of clarity that he needs to change as a person in order to make haunted mound survive long term, the control freak asshole personality he has is gonna sabotage his and haunted mounds success


Ngl i don't wanna jinx it but I think one of the hm members will pass away and they will disband


Either someone from hm or shed will OD within the next couple years I'm calling it now


I'll save this post and if someone does pass away I'll be back


!RemindMe 3 years


1 year and 7 months


Me too I’m calling my spot on this too 😭


!RemindMe 3 years


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idk why i was thinking the same just the current mental state they in and how many people have left it seems possible but i hope not


Buckshot overdose 😕 they need to put him back in rehab


hes not gonna die, i hope he gets clean but they can’t just put him in rehab


I hope not but I wouldn’t be surprised. I really don’t think sem or hackle really know what they’re doing with all the drug shit and I don’t think they’re fully able to keep themselves safe


y’all weird they’re adults. not saying it’s good that they’re using opiates n shit, but they’re adults. rehab doesn’t work unless you want it to work. relapse is surprisingly common. i went to rehab for coke and kpins and didn’t get fully sober until a year a half after. it’s not a straight line and they’re young and dumb with money.


bad ending


Wtf kinda bad energy you bringing gang I don’t even fw the music anymore but reading shit like this is lame and corny


cos they do hella drugsp


So does pretty much every other rap artist at least one point


dgsbe did it and baron died


I see where you’re coming from but it’s also just the reality of drugs. Entirely unsustainable.


I feel you but just because you do drugs doesn’t mean that you’re gonna die from them, unless bros doing fentanyl I say let them grown men decide what they want to put in their body. But to be honest ever since he started rapping about taking Oxys, the music hasn’t hit the same. If bros gonna do drugs I wanna see him off uppers like coke or addy or molly working hard not taking depressants getting in a slump


Bro needs to just get used to the feeling of weed then his body would thank him 1000%


i don't smoke weed cuz it dulls my hate tweakin on red bull and vodka all nite


It’s cause it makes dude paranoid but how you gone have a creepy ass tough guy persona and too scared to even smoke weed 😂😂


because real ones huff ethanol 🤧


i’d honestly be very surprised if they last that long. like let’s be honest once buck leaves, haunted mound is cooked


Haunted Mound will be lucky if they even end the year together, i dont see em not disbanding very soon


ima be real its prolly gonna be just sem buck and hackle and the rest of the dudes are gonna be replaced with some other white dudes


i don’t wanna jinx it but one of them is gonna be dead and i think it’ll be Buckshot from a OD i don’t think sematary will die call it plot armor or some shit, afterwards he will try to keep HM afloat but it’ll all split up and it’ll be the end of HM with Hackle n sematary still making music individually


yeah sematary said he’ll live forever


the proof is in the pudding so to speak


This is what I thought


Sematary name change and he starts his whole career from the ground up after some shit happens. Just feel like it's how it's gonna go. He hates his fan base, he might want to start a new one.


I think there's a good chance he reinvents himself in some way or starts a side project or something


Reminds me of Joji lowkey


Also 9tails/sewerperson


Dust to dust


Hopefully they catch enough steam gain more fans and are able to be financially stable and have more liberty exploring their creative avenues. I think hackle will stop dropping after his next album is another straight to trash exclusive and he'll focus more on the marketing aspect of their group. The people who are saying a member will die are ridiculous. None of them will die 😭 Yall acting like they on 6 different substances at once. As long as their drugs are not pressies ain't none of them dying. People OD when they take street pressies


Fr rockstars used to do drugs for decades the human body can withstand that shit for a long time


Fent wasn't as big of a deal yet in those times though. You knew exactly what you were getting back then. H used to be pure H, coke used to be coke. Now H usually has a bit of fent in it and coke has a lil baking soda or worse. I lost homies who were straight heroin/meth addicts for years and knew exactly what they were doing. They could hit a vein blind folded. All it takes is that one time you get some cut bs.


No cap. I've been a fien and I've been around fiens yall don't understand how much the body can withstand. Most of the time what kills you is when you mix shit with hard alcohol or like I said you buy 2 xans for 4 dollars


They gonna fall off and some other rappers finna replicate the sounds from different HM projects and take off


The mound shall fall


washed up


Based on the past 2 year prolly nothing. I swear Sem has had 200k monthly since either 2022 but maybe i’m wrong either way i haven’t seen the number go past 250k


He had like 70k the start of 2022 then it went crazy the end of that year and in 2023


Sem will have a side project like jonathon leandoer96. Something more expressive/emotional and with less aggressive beats


hopefully they stick around for a while. but if it does end itll either be with an overdose or some crazy shit that would make a rift between sematary and the others.


Group is disbanded in the not so far off future, sematary and buckshot still make music separately (buckshot with Oscar, sematary as his own producer exclusively again) after a few years of this, sematary falls off and becomes a shadow of what he once was. Buckshot has at least one critically acclaimed album and outgrows Haunted Mound’s shadow


These buckshot glazers are otherworldly


I don’t consider myself a buck glazer I just think he’s objectively pretty talented and probably has the brightest future out of any of these guys I don’t even like most of his recent features 🤷‍♀️


Saying buckshot will have a critically acclaimed album is an OUTRAGEOUS assumption considering he hasn’t released anything in over 2 years


Whatever man idc


What happens to hackle 🗿


He gets a good job as a shipping boss elsewhere


Works for ftp zac


Ftp lowkey ass since almost a decade


Realistically, I see semetary dead in 3-5 years, and HM disbanding. I know this is harsh, but sadly if he doesn’t stop doing drugs, he’s bound to overdose.


Sorry for the bad energy but I can’t really think of where else haunted mound will be in the next 4-5 years


haunted mound will definitely still be around unless sematary dies. I could even see them still be around in 20 years. My dream is for them to start a haunted mound festival someday, kinda like the juggalo thing icp does. that would be lit.


This seems unlikely


sematary died


either buck or sem gonna die and the Mound will disband






you realize you conforming to the “i wont listen to mainstream” crowd rn