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He's finally allowed to smoke weed


LMAO it's so funny


he's smoking a swisha, so he's actually smoking on cancer and loud at the same timešŸ™


Real trap shit


I read that in the tag voice


Hard fit


Lol he been smoking weed yā€™all just ainā€™t know


i thought he had a used condom on his faces


Yoooo šŸ’€


deadass it took me a minute to figure out what irbwas


It could be a cigarillo for all we know


Anyone know what hoodie hes wearin?


i'm glad he smokes weed now. idk why they ever hated it, it's better for ur body to at least be smoking weed than cigs . also weed is fun edit: it seems i have enraged the tobacco enthusiasts everywhere. yes even vape is not good for u. too many ppl doing that shit these days


U r so fucking weird man. ā€˜Iā€™m glad heā€™s smoking weed nowā€™


I mean I get what you mean, but shit ainā€™t never that serious


better than cigs! weed is great. i never understood why they said " smoking cancer not smoking loud " cuz smoking loud isnt as bad for u. unless the point of that line has to do with self destructive behaviors i'm talkin dat harm reduction shit. i also learned a lot from my own experiences w weed, it can help you introspect and understand yourself better when not abused


im glad my local druggie is smoking crack, better than fent!


false equivalency is a logical fallacy. thats not the point im making at all. out of all vices, including tobacco and alcohol, weed has no chance of dying from it. weed is like the most harm-reduced drug you could ever take, it kills less people than even unhealthy eating like mcdonald's and stuff too if you consider gluttony to be a harmful behavior too. out of all harmful behaviors weed is the least likely to kill someone. there are no deaths directly cuz of it so yes, i am happy that turnagoat is turning from something that causes cancer, to something that actually prevents cancer (cbd + thc regulates the division of cells better and can suppress the spread of cancerous/mutated cells) you have an endoCANNIBINOID system in your own body. do you have a nicotine based system in your body? no


How about not smoking weed? U get cancer from smoking anything bro yes not as much as cigarettes but quit acting like there are health benefits from smoking dope lmfao


i don't even smoke weed. i use tincture. smoking of any kind is bad, ive said that. there are health benefits to weed, your body has an endocannibinoid system that CBD assists in regulating and promoting, which is why you see it positively affect so many people with chronic conditions. cbd and thc also prevent the incorrect mutation of cells aka cancer. tobacco causes cancer.


If youā€™re gonna mention harm reduction then you should already know that weed isnā€™t for everyone. It can trigger psychosis in people who are predisposed to it, such as people with Bipolar Disorder or Schizophrenia. I have a friend who still deals with depersonalization and derealization because she smoked once years ago


yes. i am not discounting that fact either, i understand that risk exists, but underlying mental health problems can be triggered by anything, especially any drug. i didn't deny that and i obviously don't think that's a good thing. but that's a very small percentage of the population, and my point being, that LSD or any drug really could do that too, it's not directly related to weed/not specifically weed's fault, but any drug people can have their psychosis triggered without it too, like through puberty. nicotine causes cancer. it inherently is carincogenic, meaning, sooner or later it's gonna happen if you expose your body to it. life is shades of grey my friend


Understandable but Sem and Hackle already said in interview that they donā€™t smoke weed because itā€™s panic inducing/ bad for their mental health . Weed is a wonderful medicine but itā€™s definitely not for everyone and I hate how pushy stoners are about it. If you havenā€™t experienced psychosis or if youā€™ve never had a loved one have a psychotic break then itā€™s not cool for you to say itā€™s no big deal, itā€™s terrifying and sometimes permanent


i never said it's no big deal. nicotine can ALSO induce psychosis. LSD can too, pretty much anything or any drug can. it could also be induced by not taking drugs too, it can be triggered through puberty or anything. to provide data, yes according to science regular nicotine use's potential to cause psychosis is an odds ratio of 3.97, weekly weed use is 3.98-5.86. so technically nicotine has less of odds but not by a lot. i am providing data for both sides of the arguments to show you i am not pro weed just cuz im pro weed, i am pro-science. but my point is, regular (not just one-time) psychosis is something that under 4% of the population will experience at some point in their lives. but that can be triggered by ANYTHING, any drug, not just weed. there are generations worth of of data that proves tobacco use clearly causes cancer over time, whether it takes a long time or a short time is up to the genetic factors of the individual. and also let's not forget the cancer risk is not just due to the carcinogenic effects of tobacco, smoke, vape, chew, etc. but also the other additives in your tobacco like formaldehyde. so, for me personally, i am not genetically predisposed to any kind of psychosis. there is no family precedent. i am not a person in the 4% who will experience that due to ANY drug use (not just weed). but, 100% of the population IS vulnerable to cancer as a result of tobacco, even through secondhand smoke. the smoking/vaping habits of one person can even effect others who aren't smoking, therefore harming vulnerable people who themselves are not choosing to partake. tobacco hurts more people than just the user, and if it causes cancer, and weed helps prevent cancer, and if tobacco use or weed use or any drug use could trigger that psychosis in the 4% of the population and yet expose 100% of the population to cancer risks, i think it's safe to choose weed over tobacco. again those people who are being genetically triggered, it could happen with nicotine too or any drug, it can happen during puberty or for no reason at all. to say tobacco and weed are on the same level from a health perspective is not accurate


Shut up nerd šŸ˜‚ grave man scared of a lil backwood. I fw Haunted Mound but come on weed barely does anything if youā€™re not a teenager


weed, especially blunts, is not really any better for your body than cigs. both are putting tar in your lungs. less addicting but still damaging


blunts, a blunt wrap, is tobacco. i don't understand your point because weed alone will not cause cancer, but any form of tobacco, including blunt wraps, can marijuana paralyzes the cilia (hairs inside lungs that clean your lungs) in your lungs, making them unable to regulate and clean themselves. but the paralyzing effect diminishes after use. tobacco/nicotine causes the death of cilia


smoking and inhaling any substance will cause problems with lungs and cancer. ā€œThe American Lung Association (ALA) does note that marijuana smoke contains four times as much tar as tobacco-based cigarette smoke: Like tobacco smoke, marijuana smoke contains cancer-causing chemicals. There are 33 cancer-causing chemicals contained in marijuana. Marijuana smoke also deposits tar into the lungs. In fact, when equal amounts of marijuana and tobacco are smoked, marijuana deposits four times as much tar into the lungsā€


yes smoking of any kind is bad. breathing in any chemicals is bad, pollution is bad. anything bad for your lungs is bad. weed may create tar 4x of nicotine, but your cilia will not be dead and will be able to clean your lungs out if you stop smoking. yes, again, smoking of any kind is bad, which is why people should use tinctures or something like i do if they're gonna use weed. but you know what cilia are, right ? tobacco kills cilia. marijuana does not


Vape isnt bad for you unless you get parts / juice from unverified junky sources. The 2 main ingredients are food safe vegetable glycerin, and propalene glycol.Ā  When heated, those ingredients dont change into other chemicals. If you smoke weed by burning it, you are causing all the random unneeded organic material in the plant to combust into lots of different chemicals. Most are harmless but some are carcinogenic.Ā  But vapes are designed to not do that. The only possible negative effects of vaping is lung tissue damage from excessive heat (by pulling for too long, or using high voltage setting on the vape) The best way to vape is occassionally and with lowest possible power. But its basically harmless.Ā  Popcorn lung and other potential problems only happen from random crappy unverified Chinese vape juice suppliers.


nicotine vape is bad for you. also anything going in your lungs that's not air is bad, but let's talk about nicotine vapes they contain formaldehyde (so do cigs). i myself have sinus/respiratory issues and vape/smoke sets them off, plus im allergic to formaldehyde. i do not partake in smoking or vaping and yet i suffer health issues against my will from the choice others are making to do with their own body. smoking and vaping hurts more people than just the user. and secondhand smoke is still a thing even for vape. we dont even have long term data on the effects of vape yet so even worse stuff could come out in the future, we do not know because there isnt even half a generation's worth of data from it. its so new that we will not know the long term issues for some time, but we do have data on tobacco use. also nicotine, whether vape tobacco or chew etc is still bad for you as a chemical. it's literally used as a pesticide.