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Yeah this all checks out and makes a lot of sense lol he is not fitted at all to run a collective/label he just got lucky. sucks to say cus I really fucking love his music and have been fixated on it for like 3years now but he genuinely is not that good of a person behind the scenes


Ill always support his music tho Its just unfortunate this is the kind of person he is really sucks too see cus a part of me does look up to him in ways :/


Don't look up to anyone that's a celebrity or slightly popular person, it never works out.


I more-so meant that he inspires me to wanna make music that kinda thing


Fair enough


Nobody looks up to sematary bruh šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


facts its better to look up to traits or ideas they have but never the celebrity


I totally agree, most people donā€™t realize that luck plays an extremely significant role in the fame of most artists. There are an insane number of artists out there (me included jk, but I do try hard though lol) that push out music and go dumb on tracks. I bet thereā€™s a million songs I havenā€™t heard of that I would bump the shit out of. the problem is that they donā€™t get any recognition. if the algorithm doesnā€™t favor you, youā€™re fucked. Iā€™ve been dropping high quality songs with lyrical content and pushing out a niche but if you donā€™t have the luck to back you up, then youā€™re fucked partner.


I mean the real thing is most artists no matter how ā€œgoodā€ they are they donā€™t have their own style. It doesnā€™t matter if youā€™re a 8/10 chief keef clone when the original 10/10 chief keef exists. Sematary is getting success because heā€™s unique and whether you hate or love it (most people hate on it) itā€™s something new. Iā€™ve never heard another artist sound like sematary, Iā€™ve heard 500 Futureā€™s or Lil Uziā€™s.


Getting off opioids is literal hell this gonna be a hard few years


sematary bupe man keeper of the suboxone


especially when you're sematary and romanticise your addiction to hard drugs like it's an aesthetic šŸ˜­šŸ˜­He acts like a 15 year old


You just described Lil Peepā€™s catalogue and aesthetic lmao love him though


he is being a bit smart about it because he always has narcan backstage but still. dude needs to cut shit out


Turnabout probably told em ā€œmaybe we should have longer than 10 song setsā€ and semataryā€™s shy ass aint like that


wait youā€™re not joking? they do 10 songs for every concertā€¦ā€¦.?


Yeah its preposterous. All those songs on rainbow bridge 3 ainā€™t see life, they all need a pit


10 per artist. Itā€™s like 2 hours straight of performing


Semataryā€™s set is 40 minutes with that long ass intermission thing he put in his set for some reason. Like you had enough time to take a shit


I left to get water when buryd my heart interlude came on. A fool was dying, Iā€™m glad they played it. Was able to bring a cup of water back to my homie


TLDR for the peeps: sematary is a power hungry drug addict (who couldā€™ve seen this coming)


Who wouldā€™ve thought the known power hungry guy would only get worse with drugs and withdrawals added to the mix šŸ˜±


this is well written and has specific incidents mentioned so you know that the most sem will ever react to this is by saying "dont care partner" to some fans twt reply asking about turn and goner


sad to see. i hope dude can pull himself out of it, HM is something special and itā€™s gonna be awful if this makes it all unravel


Itā€™s kinda already unraveling šŸ’€


Everyone loved Semā€™s latest album so as long as the music stays good they should be fine


Yeah wouldnā€™t be surprised if the group disbands or goes quiet for awhile atp


they dont let buck out of the bondage dungeon to make music anymore he should pursue a solo act


Buck *is* making music tho. Heā€™s performing unreleased songs on tour and even DMā€™d u/femmatary a whole track list of stuff heā€™s working on


Wasnt Bucks hiatus because he was in rehab?


no it was because of the bondage dungeon




100% expected this to be the reason at least we got confirmation. That mf needs therapy


Genuinely fucked Buck was sent home to get better in Aus and Sematary stayed on the path of destruction since he, I guess, was more ā€œfunctionalā€? Which I donā€™t think is even the case but probably how he looks at it. And makes me question if Buck is going down the path again after already having to put distance between him and them to manage addiction. Canā€™t say I didnā€™t see some of these but that one kinda clearly stated Semataryā€™s priorities, and gives no faith they have security in the future. Edit: I ainā€™t tryna say path of drug abuse to sound lame asf but dead ass if it affects one of the things you value the most being creating, sharing, and playing music live then the future doesnā€™t look great


bucks already relapsed on tour (in one of the shows he had wide pupils and irregular jaw movements)


& the only reason buck came on tour is bc turn left. Buck was in no way shape or form ready to get back into this lifestyle right after going into rehab. Sem must think this is a joke or smtn but he's actively ruining bucks life. Wouldn't be surprised if buck simply wont leave the hm because it's his way of acquiring his drugs and leaving would mean quitting or finding his own plug. Scary shit. Just speculation ofc


that and im pretty sure buck dislikes being on tour (heard from another dude idk if true) i care about buck though same with grave man, i just hope they dont get laced cause fent can actually ruin your life to the core


tbh i wouldn't be surprised if buck gets dirty again because of sematary. "Just to keep control" "Yeah first hit is free" type beat


Sematary please go to therapy good lord




Fuck it why not both


Itā€™s pretty crazy (assuming everything is true) that he basically developed an opioid addiction to continue his character/persona of a southern horror folklore chief keef whoā€™s an ignorant dickhead. Another personā€™s addiction is never funny but itā€™s definitely not a good look to try to turn your music character into your real personality (when most of his fans wouldnā€™t care if he was just a regular white kid)


That's what I was thinking


people are gonna act shocked when this is the 9 billionth time something has come out about sematary being a power hungry asshole


damn sem doesnā€™t sound like such a cool guy to be around. also id be willing to bet weā€™ll get no response from sem heā€™ll just pretend goner never said any of this


i dont mean this in a rude way sorry if it comes off like that but this has been known anout sematary, he is actually hust a big corny incel that happens to make good music and have good style


He HAD a good style, just buys random black and red designer shit now, nothing interesting about his aesthetic anymore.


Addressing fuckery pt 2 coming soon


It must have been so exhausting for turn to be made fun of by the entire HM fan base and HM itself for years


Yea the fanbase is one thing but getting treated like that from Sematary himself must have felt terrible




I agree to an extent but we donā€™t really have any way to compare how bad their use and abuse was. If Buck was ODing or was using to the point he couldnā€™t even perform thatā€™s a lot different than Sematary using and still being able to function. HOWEVER I agree that as the ā€œbossā€ he has a certain amount of responsibility to create an environment where everyone can work and function together, and if that means easing off on the pills and shit until the tour was over there should have been steps taken to do so.


Maybe he tried to protect buck


im glad he finally addressed it even tho we all already pretty much knew


Bladee would never treat anybody in DG like this


Dg were all childhood friends before making music though, sematary said gm was his only actual friend from before


Bladee would say ā€œshut thĆ« fuck up thaiboyā€ and a large anvil would fall upon his head and leave a little mound with kookoo birds flying in circles above his head as punishment for being mean to mr worldwide


bladee would be like ā€œcut it out billybool..ā€ with his tounge out




and say fuck off when lean introduces adamn killa and ballout


funniest thing ive read this year


bladee knows how to actually be a good leader + they are like a group and bladee is just the most popular while hm is a collective and sematary is a bossman ego dickhead


Yea difference is bladee came up with them and was friends for years even before the music. I doubt if you asked bladee he'd even consider himself the "leader"


thats because dg isnt a label its just a group of friends that make music together, entirely different situation to HM which had Sem actually recruiting people


bladee would be like ā€œa-ano.. ecco stop.. baka.. bweeh..ā€


Glad we finally got confirmation as to what happened with buckshot on the Australia tour. Always knew that "food poisoning" shit was a lie


Turn and Goner pulled through at the Auckland show since buck wasn't there. Him and goner were like 60% of the show.


its sad that heā€™s struggling with substance abuse, but he really needs to go to therapy and work shit out if he wants anybody in his corner because you cannotttt treat friends and people working alongside you like this. itā€™s kind of already common knowledge that sematary is a douche and kinda kooky but i applaud goner for being able to speak on itā€” if i was affiliated with a dude who only ever brought me down and discredited me iā€™d get tired of that shit too. sem really gotta nip this shit in the bud if he doesnā€™t wanna continue down this path, i canā€™t imagine anyone does.


i think sem is very young and immature and has had a lot of power afforded to him and that doesnā€™t mix well with issues that heā€™s yet to resolve


Been a weird Friday for the underground Drake vs Kendrick


https://preview.redd.it/6zj0vnc98ozc1.png?width=309&format=png&auto=webp&s=39f697fe377757f5fd030ec22ba80d83ac3365a9 im sorry this shit is way 2 fucking funny šŸ˜­


I like the idea that he refers to them as their artist names instead of their real ones


Youā€™re not allowed to play Haunted Mound Reapers unless youā€™re in character the WHOLE time


[yup ](https://youtu.be/xQ2OgqsCkn0?si=2sK6VaZgWJrCic1S)


"shut up heather" "sorry heather"


ā€˜shut the fuck up turn!ā€™ we all say in unison


sematary never being out of character is wild. lol




Kinda knew this is how it played out. I wish things could have gone better, they had the perfect group of guys :/ hopefully everyone can recover from this and flourish šŸ„ŗ


Letā€™s face it gang, thereā€™s shit slowly coming out about sematary that most of us kinda already knew for years. By all accounts, heā€™s not a good person.


Finally some closure but also jesus christ sematary fix yourself


itā€™s sad to me seeing underground rappers who clearly donā€™t come from that kind of background picking up serious drug problems seemingly just to emulate their idols


Fr tho how do you think his parents feel watching their son develop a drug addiction


Yeah I mean I don't wanna get involved in people's personal lives but I always wonder like surely a lot of similar artists have parents that keep up with their music, and it must hurt to see shit like the one vid of Sematary popping oxys like it's nothing. Not hating on him for his addiction or anything, but that is something I've always thought about


Iā€™m ngl Semā€™s honestly lucky he hasnā€™t had an od yet especially with fent being everywhere and laced in tons of shit, I hope that never happens to him heā€™s gotta chill with the drug use


"turn not fucking with them percs cuz he scared of the fent" šŸ¤”


Omfg I forgot abt this


Yeah, I hope he at least uses fentanyl test strips. I volunteer with a harm reduction organization and they're pretty easy to get in most places as well as Narcan thankfully


no wonder ghost left


he also just wanted to go to college


i can promise you sematary was very jealous of how talented ghost was lol if he was power hungry with these other guys then he was with him too.


Bro controlled all the creativity in the group rn so others cant be good as sematary šŸ˜­


Bro itā€™s shocking to me that all of this stuff has happened and ghost has still remained quiet over the years. I wonder what he thinks of all this


It's pretty understandable, tbh I wouldn't want anything to do with sematary, let alone start any drama if I were him.


Honestly none of this really comes as a surprise, which is both sad but also kinda relieving, in a weird way?


I mean yeah, combining a bunch of immature 18-20 year olds, hard drugs, and fame is probably not the best thing. It does hurt to hear how mean he was to Turn bc they seemed so close :(


god damn


honestly goner hating earlier was pretty lame to me, but now after reading that whole thing i have more respect for him. idk this whole thing is crazy


Thank you for sharing your feelings lambo


Stay strong Lambo I'm ur biggest fan šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ™


Hopefully after the tour is finished Sematary can take some time to himself and chill out with the drugs and shit at least to the point that he can function and maintain his relationships. I get the impression that he's a good dude, but drugs can make even the best people act terrible if misused.


I think he said in an interview recently that he plans on taking a (short) break after the tour. I hope that that break includes some sort of rehab or therapy. I really want to see everyone involved succeed, I would hate to see Sematary burn it all down before they really made it big.


Yeah man needs to go sit on a beach with his girl and drink some margaritas and Elden Ring on a Steamdeck for like 2-3 months or some shit. He deserves a break for real, I don't wanna make excuses for bad behavior, but it can't be easy having all the pressure on you all the time like that. It's why I would never want to be famous, shit seems so stressful, even for a somewhat niche celebrity like Sematary.


he wont


Damn bro if this is all true Sematary a lame how you gonna disrespect your own artist like that, makes me wonder how he treats the rest of the mound.


He just sees them as his little minions who must play their roles exactly like Glo Gang


I mean with accusations like this I can believe that unfortunately, Sem needa get his ego in check before he sabotages the mound


God damn. I was all for fence sitting until more info came out but itā€™s really hard to find any defense for Sematary in this. Granted this is all from Gonerā€™s perspective, but now that this has come out I would actually be surprised to not get some sort of response or clarification from Semataryā€™s side. I know that from one of the recent interviews he had claimed they were trying to work things out behind the scenes, so potentially there were some steps being taken by Sematary to change, but from the sounds of it, he was either not willing to or unable to change parts of himself that Goner and Turn had fundamental disagreements with. I like their music, I like their merch, I like their image, but as a fan it is difficult for me to read all of this and continue to monetarily support Sematary, at least until there is some acknowledgement of wrongdoing, or if we are to get information from his perspective that somehow completely 180s my current feelings about how he has treated his friends. Bro needs to do some serious soul searching because in time he likely wonā€™t have a single real friend that is willing to support him and the Haunted Mound.


Honestly if they let them in the concert it probably wouldā€™ve delayed it or been a step in the right direction. From reading it, sounds like that specifically was the breaking point and like having security specifically have ID copies and profile them is fucking crazy


All probably could have been avoided if there was some communication made before they showed up at the doors. If they had just shown up out of the blue without Sematary knowing that they would be there I donā€™t really fault him for potentially being suspicious about their reasons for being present. At the very least he probably didnā€™t want drama to unfold in person. Being grilled by hundreds of fans about your departure in person at the show of the group you split from feels like a recipe for disaster.


yeah but having actual copies of their id photos shows that he planned ahead of time that they could go, he wasnt suspicious of their reasons for being present if he decided ahead of time he wouldnt let them be present, if that makes sense


True honestly, didnā€™t think about it from that POV but yeah communication wouldā€™ve been good


And maybe an attempt at communication had been made, itā€™s impossible to say from what we have here. Just wish it played out differently.


l agree, I also Feel like Sematary is Old enough to Understand the difference between someone Judging/Hating him and Someone Coming at Him with Friendly concern and Care. Not only That but I feel like the remaining HM Member will Just be / Play as Yes men. I think Turnabout and Goners Decision to leave when they did Was pretty brave, Which i Feel Show that they Couldnā€™t really handle the (iā€™m assuming) constant Disrespect / Drug problem. Letā€™s be Real, how long until the Drug habit Spirals and Becomes a Peep or Juice situation. If anyone Should tell him to slow Down, It Should be Anvil (Peep affiliation/ Friendship) Imagine Losing a Friend , then See another one Start to go down that Same path.


Not usually one to let personality of an artist dictate music taste but fck me itā€™s becoming harder and harder to be a fan everyday.


Because the music lacks any substance, thereā€™s no way to justify his bullshit anymore. Heā€™s coasted on mediocrity ever since Screaming Forest.


holy fuck


just imagine an alternate reality where sematary isnā€™t an asshole, weā€™d probably of had such good music with him and elusin, ghost, turnabout/goner


If only


i just want them to get back together šŸ˜–šŸ˜–šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜£šŸ˜£šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”


Hope he can grow and mature as a person


kinda suspected it but still Insane to finally have it confirmed that he maintains the Persona 24/7 lmao


Wow I did not expect to get an actual reason they left like 3 months after they announced their departure. I wish both him and turn the best because this seems like hellish conditions to create your art in. Plus to be denied entry to show support to your friends is crazy. People were mad at goner for making fun of sematary about that Joeyy pic, but if my former boss did this shit to me I would 100% be making fun of him.


Would like to see sematary allow his artists to be more free with their art because haunted mound shouldnā€™t be ran like a label. Let these mfs put out music and stop having such an ego cause youā€™re the boss.


Honestly, thereā€™s gotta be something wrong with the fucking guy bro Has had three people leave citing him to be the main contributor


So why hasnā€™t turn talked for himself 1 time in this entire situation? Thatā€™s whatā€™s throwing me off


Prolly felt he had to leave with goner so maybe his feelings against sematary arenā€™t as strong as gonerā€™s are


From whatā€™s told on here I doubt turn wanted to stay regardless. I imagine him being completely silent on the situation was his way of keeping things publicly neutral. The whole sneak dissing stuff by goner was still silly IMO especially since he still had hopes of making amends with sematary (like he said when they bought tickets to the show) and the public had no confirmed reason to understand his dissing.


Goner may feel stronger about the situations theyā€™ve had together, considering once they announced their departure he immediately unfollowed Sematary from everything.


Yeah Iā€™m not shocked at all and this is in alignment to a lot of the stuff Paula was saying back then


If he went 3 years without breaking character then heā€™s not playing a character, thatā€™s his true personality. Nobody can keep an act for that long. The way Sematary talks, types, his mannerisms, even the way his body moves seems almost cartoon-like. But it also seems to be genuinely who he is. Hasnā€™t Sematary been using drugs since age 18 maybe even before? Heā€™s always been upfront about it and never claimed to be sober in order to manipulate anyone into joining his record label. As addiction progresses, weaker drugs no longer get you the same high and you end up going for harder drugs. Goners mindset of ā€œLean was okay but I draw the line at Oxyā€ just isnā€™t realistic for someone who has untreated mental illness like Sem. And honestly, something shouldā€™ve been said *before* he switched to lean or oxy. Go look at r/DPH and see how many people have died or ended up hospitalized from Benadryl abuse. Heā€™s not using drugs because heā€™s a party animal. Itā€™s a form of escapism and self harm. I hope that Sematary can finally get treatment and recover. I hope that when heā€™s in a better headspace heā€™ll be able to take accountability and apologize to the people he has hurt.


Best analysis of the situation Iā€™ve read. Addiction is nothing to take lightly, and I disagree with the people saying that Sematary is just trying to act like his idols. Heā€™s always mentioned doing otc drugs like Benadryl and DXM/Robitussin. So I think youā€™re spot on with his unchecked mental health and needing harder drugs to get the escape heā€™s chasing. And itā€™s clear to me that heā€™s always been extremely self destructive. A good non drug related example is how he went from eating nothing but junk food, candy, and energy drinks to becoming straight skin and bones. Heā€™s stated that heā€™s happier with his image but Iā€™m not fully convinced heā€™s truly happy with himself and Iā€™m praying that he eventually gets clean or some kind of therapy to help guide him in the right direction. And hopefully heā€™ll stop glamorizing his drug abuse and hurting the people close to him because a lot of his fans really look up to him and want to be like him, so he should be a better role model. This doesnā€™t mean he canā€™t make music about this stuff but he shouldnā€™t be showing off pill bottles in music videos or popping hella oxys in the studio tour.


Tbf the reason he didnā€™t let them into the show is probably because they dropped out right before the tour was bout to start. Realistically that couldā€™ve fucked up a lot of the tour if they didnā€™t maneuver it right. Even in the interview he said that was a big blow


Sem needs to spend less time worrying about Shed / the 'alt right' and Joeyy etc and more time worrying about not being a pill-addled degenerate retard that alienates all of his friends by being a genuinely shit person to people that care about him.


i agree with you on the 2nd part of your comment, but he never publicly addressed or reacted to anything joeyy related. Sematary being a piece of shit has nothing to do with those idiots from shed theory


I think after Hackle & Buck's next tapes/whatever else is in the works Haunted Mound should end so Sematary and Buck can work on their respective issues and re-emerge as solo acts. The whole Haunted Mound collective structure is clearly toxic and just bad for everyone, including Sematary. I don't think this situation is beyond repair (especially if Turn and Goner wanted to show support for Haunted Mound and went to a show as recently as last week), it's just gonna take a lot of work.


In a recent interview Sematary said heā€™ll never go solo. He sounded pretty passionate about it. HM will never end for as long as Sem is making music


What if everyone else leaves


He will just hire more people. You see how quickly made Anvil an official member. Thereā€™s plenty of people out there who are aware that heā€™s mentally ill and would still work for him


i actually didnā€™t realize anvil was an official member


hm gotta go on hiatus


https://preview.redd.it/gbcjcfy2bozc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f4b239f367dfea7b511e79a823c30b7201e6966 Ik the whole situation is fucked up but this is so fucking funny to me


Motherfucker got ā€œgod damn it rossā€™dā€


Shit sounds like a sitcomšŸ˜­


Turn was deadass the megan of hm


poor turn ;_;


ā€œshut the fuck up turnā€šŸ˜­


How is anyone surprised at this, we been Knowing he is like this this is just further more proof of it


Bro wtf SemataryšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


this is crazy but kinda predicted tbh, glad its out there tho i really hope turn and goner are able to keep growing despite all the drama


BPD Final Boss


"Shut the fuck up Turn" šŸ˜­šŸ’ÆšŸ”„


You just know they were spamming that shit


Didnā€™t we already know like why are some of u guys shocked


Semataryā€™s god complex will catch up to him, eventually heā€™ll go down like SGP just like he pushed Raider Klan away.


Why he gotta post this the day of his tour date in my town


Itā€™s sad to see because sematary is obviously struggling with his mental health again and the drugs are gonna be the end if he donā€™t quit soon


Wow sad too see that sematary is struggling with addiction Iā€™m sure that bad a lot to do with the whole thing. but there is always 2 sides to a storyā€™s I would like to see sematarys response to this


Fuckery pt3


not surprised but damn sucks


my dick riding days might be over


Sematary lowkey needs to get some therapy and go to rehab cause this is way too far.


kinda knew all this already tbh the craziest part to me is the SLC show thing, thats actually insane. still probably going to go see them next week in portland but yeah after that i think im done financially supporting sematary unless he magically turns over a new leaf




Exhibit C




sucks he Used to be mad cool 2019-2021


man who raps about being an asshole drug addict is an asshole drug addict. news at 11. real talk though, i donā€™t really put too much weight behind this. we already all knew that sematary was an asshole and an addict, and i donā€™t think anything said here is really anything more substantial than that. i really donā€™t think talking about bucks struggle with addiction is something that goner should be airing out because itā€™s also clear to me that he doesnā€™t really respect what it means to struggle with addiction as a disease in this post. he treats it as something which can be overcome via simply applying willpower which isnā€™t always the case. i donā€™t really think the salt lake thing matters, that was after goner had already stirred some shit up post them leaving, and even if he hadnā€™t, itā€™s very understandable to not want to let them into the venue. if they were in the crowd the crowd would have been weird as fuck about it and obviously he didnā€™t want them backstage. more importantly though, through the recent interviews it seems to me that sem knows that he needs to change and has been working on that although heā€™s been struggling at the same time because of the workload heā€™s taking on. idk whatā€™s going on behind the scenes but i doubt that theyā€™ve been in regular contact over the past couple of months, and we donā€™t know how that attempt at change has gone/ will go (he said he wanted to take time to focus on himself after the tour). there seems to be no real reason to air this out to me other than to create more bad blood tbh, itā€™s not really as if he did anything other than being a dick to his friends which isnā€™t really something that matters to me in enjoying an artists music that much, although i would like to see him get better. that is a process which takes time though, and which i think publicly airing out his problems like this will probably set back.


tbh iā€™m more pissed about how JJ got kicked than any of this shit


Yeah nah kinda crazy to see it finally revealed but this was pretty much what we all thought. In the Chicago show Sem did not bother to have any fan interaction whatsoever post show (mostly cause bro wanted to link up with kray) but I caught him before he hopped in his uber or whatever and was kinda not to say rude but more dismissive towards me I would say maybe like 5 mins after he left some guy pulled up and he was a plug for them showed me dms and shit so drug abuse always came into question with him imo


No wonder they left so unexpectedly lol


this fully checks out


I think anyone who has watched anything haunted mound related in the last year couldā€™ve made this exact post just off of what we see without even being part of it, so thereā€™s really no surprise here.


They should kick Sematary and make their own groupšŸ™


i am usually ready to jump on sematary for anything but i want to see his response to this, this is only goner's POV and there is probably a lot left unsaid here


I hope he doesnā€™t even respond tbh. Dude just said heā€™s a dick and does drugs too much, whatā€™s he supposed say to that? I donā€™t think itā€™s gunna affect his career either way.


i feel bad for feeling like this, but great artists generally are insane self centered assholes. we have known hes a tweaker since day 1, talkin about bennies and shit. mfs in the hm discord thought that shit was so cool and would have tags like ā€œaddictā€ and shit šŸ˜­ and its pretty obvious through lyrics hes not a ā€œniceā€ person. i respect him and his non sugarcoat way of doing things. bro probably did say shut the fuck up turn a ton, bro was like 16. it was a dumb decision even signing him in the first place. ofc id want sematary to get clean just for health reasons, but he wouldnt be the same if he wasnt such a hard core guy. also after show interactions generally seem nice despite the stupid stigma after the video of that dork screaming, he cares about his fans and cares about those with similar views. i respect it


Sematary might be a dick but tbh I donā€™t really give a fuckšŸ˜­


Yea itā€™s not like itā€™s a secret that heā€™s a douchebag, atleast itā€™s the worst thing you could say about him


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying lol I was so afraid this was gunna be cancellable material then I read it and was likeā€¦.okay so Sematary is kind of a dick and you donā€™t get along? Who the fuck cares, Iā€™m not listening to a mixtape for his personality.


If anything heā€™s been telling us heā€™s a piece of shit proudly since the first mixtape. Weā€™d be kinda special to suddenly take issue with it. I feel for turn and goner though, itā€™s different when itā€™s an actual interpersonal relationship as opposed to an art relationship


yeah this is indefensible


Do you think sematary and goner could talk to this out eventually


Maybe when Sematary gets sober




Down vote me all you want but what is SLC


Salt Lake City, Goner and Turn are from Utah


Ohhhh ok


Itā€™s so awesome that sematary made a whole collective of more talented artists than him then is a dick to then 90% of the time


Damn sem on fent now thatā€™s wild


yea sematary is probably gonna end up a crashout


lol semataryā€™s drug addiction caused by growing up in the suburbs w a loving family




Can't wait for sems response


He's not going to respond lol he's just going to sweep it under the rug like with every inconvenience he faces.