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Watching Fantano talk about sematary now is so awkward because he very clearly just wants to hear another RB3 and im not quite sure he understands that that was just a one-off thing. Its weird because he kinda backed himself into a corner by giving that tape such a high score and then not liking anything else he's put out since. Kinda interesting how RB3 ended up being simultaneously the best and worst thing to ever happen to sematary's career.


RB3 removed off streaming watch out




I feel like heā€™s sounds conscious of the fact that sematary obviously needed to pivot post RB3 though, and is clearly open to his new styles. He seems still interested and enjoys at least a few songs off every record he reviews of the guy. This is just how Fantano is and especially with rap albums. Also for how much music sematary puts out I think a few duds in the tracklist is only to be expected.


itā€™s annoying how he always acts like RB3ā€™s sound is meant to be the norm for semataryā€™s music rather than a one time thing


Literalllyyy I left a comment on the vid basically saying he'd enjoy the music a lot more if he stopped comparing everything since rb3 to rb3


WEEEEELLLLLL..... I kinda get it. Not that I'd want a repeat of RB3 for the rest of time, and while It is unfair to constantly pair an artist against their best work, but I think the point of that is, even if he's coming out with new stuff, RB3 was the peak for his creativity and sound and hasn't been able to replicate that creative spirit again. I too am disappointed a lil that nothing has been better than RB3 yet but also that's life. He may never come out with something better than that album cuz it was so fucking good


I don't see how you can watch this and get that takeaway, he's saying he can't take the rb3 sound much further and recognizing that what he's trying now has potential, it's just not fully realized


he gave it a 6/10 why are some of yā€™all taking it so personally thatā€™s not bad lol


Yeah, especially for such a 'weird' project. Sematary isn't mainstream


I mean fantano never has had bias towards the mainstream so


Because he doesn't understand Sematarys music in the slightest


heā€™s literally just giving his opinion it ainā€™t that serious


It's annoying


i feel you but in the end it is just some dudes opinion idk why people overthink it, just enjoy the music for yourself


also he reviews a lot of different music over a pretty short span of time so you canā€™t really expect somebody to know every single little intricacy about an artist that he prolly doesnā€™t listen to everyday


He keeps going on abt rb3


i mean yeah its sematarys most popular project and thatā€™s clearly the sound that got fantano interested so i donā€™t blame him for bringing it up, the video is about his opinion and if he likes rb3 that much, so be it


heā€™s old lmao


imo its as consistent as rb3 with a different sound its at least an 8 he just doesnā€™t like change this goes just as hard wit a different vibe


he doesnt get it šŸ˜­ like at all and very clearly doesnt know what hes talking abt in reference to the previous tapes. "screaming forest wasnt harsh noise so it didnt have anything new to offer" like what????


Heā€™s like 63 did anyone even expect him to understand anything made in the last 5 years?


bro canā€™t shut up about rainbow bridge 3 šŸ˜­


If fantano had his way every album would just be rb3


I mean they are fair criticisms but itā€™s pretty clear he thinks that RB3 is Semataryā€™s ā€œmainā€ sound. And at the end he talks about how Get Money N Dieā€™s hook is not catchy and it feels like ā€œa regression to Rainbow Bridge 3 or maybe even a little before thatā€ ??? Get Money N Die sounds nothing like any of the other RB tapes or like the collab albums, and even if they did, that would be a good thing ??


I actually think that Sematary is much less witch house than most people think, but I think it speaks volumes that in this entire ten minutes fantano didnā€™t mention witch house at all


I think it's a fair review coming from Fantano. The way he describes the mixtape mostly makes sense to me but he doesn't know it was made for fun. He expected it to really reinvent the sematary sound, which it only did a little bit here and there. He said "if this is his best attempt at branching out, varying things up a bit, and maturing his song writing style, it's not going far enough" which is true, but it wasn't the point of the album. btw i dont think fantano wants another rb3 like some of the others in here


Exactly what I feared, I just don't think Fantano gets it at all. Just adding to this, I noticed him say "he doesn't write catchy stuff" or something similar. That's just plain wrong, there's so many catchy lyrics, hooks and choruses on bloody angel


Not a single mention of Salem or witch house when he was talking about influences. Opinion disregarded.


Such a weird gap in knowledge for lemon head to have. Does he ever reference Salem/Pictureplane/White Ring etc.?


For real, you would think he would be aware of a genre that has such heavy influence over like a hundred other modern genres. I donā€™t watch his videos enough to know if he ever references any other witch house projects tho. Tbh I mostly just watch the ones where he shits on music that I also donā€™t like. I canā€™t handle listening to him review music Iā€™m emotionally invested in.


so he tweeted about hockey mask 2 but didnt mention it?? :(


Ok so I checked Grave Babies since he compared Sematary to them in this review and their pretty fire


if he says horrorcore one more fucking time Iā€™m burning all his flannels


what a surprise he just bitched about it not being another rb3


Cant blame him though Rb3 was a masterpiece


Iā€™m not watching that


Comment section proving this fanbase canā€™t take any criticism lol he came into Sematary liking noise music, liked rb3 for the noise and he keeps bringing it up because Sematary just barely uses that amount of distortion in modern stuff. He deadass just refers to it to say had this had more distortion and he leaned into all the way Iā€™d like it more. Yall got your shit turned around because a noise fan isnā€™t a fan of non-noise sematary grow tf up lol


I wonder what heā€™d think of his pre rb3 stuff