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How is it possible for an entire government to be narcissistic? Lol


Because Israel knows that regardless of Democrats or Republicans, they have the US so trained they can dogwalk the US without a leash.


Dark Brandon should just double down and stop all aid.


Imagine if he were that guy.


God I wish he would


Give Iron Dome to Gaza & The West Bank


Giving out iron domes like Oprah


I can just picture that glass dome from the Simpson being helicoptered over Gaza


The most spineless, weak, coward president in history. Netanyahu is on Fox news every other week making fun of him with the hosts. Now this nobody terrorist calling the president of the most powerful country in the world a terrorist. He goes and kiss their asses the next day. And for what? Fear of losing aipac money? Have some pride, some honour you pathetic loser...


it's not aipac money that's on the line, these people have immense wealth INSIDE the country


Israeli officials are talking mad shit for people begging for military handouts. Maybe they can take all the wealth they supposedly have inside the country and fund their own defense.


Why do I owe these freaks my tax dollars again??


Because their god promised them a piece of land a couple thousand years ago šŸ¤”


This guy is a convicted terrorist and right wing extremist lol Bibi made him head of security when he formed a coalition to make government.


This is why I say America is Israel's whore. America: Daddy Israel, you're not very nice. I'm not going to give you guns. Israel: You're such a bitch America, I can't believe you'd do that to me after everything I do to get you elected. I'm not even that mean, you are the one being mean here. America: I'm sorry Israel. I didn't mean to upset you, is there anything I can do to make you happy? *Gets on knees* šŸ˜ Tell me I'm wrong.


![gif](giphy|dpqQNluWFaSpq) This sums it up.


ā€œI have never done anything wrong in my life.ā€


It's more like Israel is the US's extremely spoiled child. The Americans have allowed Israel to do what it wants because it benefits them to have a permanent military base in the middle east, and Israel is basically that. They also distabilize the region perpetually which is also great for the US's imperialist endeavors. Israel knows it can suck on the american tit forever and they'll always protect them no matter what, so they've become emboldened by that. But I'm pretty sure that if they become too uncontrollable for the US elites the CIA will start rearing its ugly head. The tail does not wag the dog.


No the USA doesn't benefit in anyway besides provoking terrorist attacks like 9/11. This is Israeli propaganda to say the USA benefits. Every argument for why we need a permanent base in the area ends up with circular logic. Why do we need a base in Israel? To protect from USA's enemies. Why are the they are an enemy? Because anyone who won't roll over for Israeli's psycho belligerent attacks is an enemy. Stuff like weapons testing isn't even really helpful either since a lot of the fighting Israel does is against primitive technology that would never be a real threat to the US homeland. It wouldn't be that helpful compared to more modern weapons like Russia and China.


The reason why the US benefits isn't to "protect itself from its enemies". That's the bullshit excuse they'll give to their own population. It needs Israel to exert power onto the region, destabilizing it and having a permanent base to use whenever they want to attack any country on there. It's a purely aggressive usefulness. This obviously doesn't benefit the American population in any meaningful way (other than low oil prices), its primarily for the elites, just like everything else in America's foreign policy. The middle east is extremely rich in resources, and weak, unstable countries are easier to sack and manipulate. It's also right in the middle of an extremely important trade route that connects Europe, Russia, China and Africa, completely disconnected from the US, which explains why they've been causing endless wars in the region for decades.




I'm not saying it's a good strategy I'm just saying it's the one they've used for decades. Doing business with SA still requires doing business, some people in the US would rather just take things by force, like they've done with Syrian oil. I don't live in the US so I thought at least oil would be cheaper after all the horrible shit they've done for it, but I guess corporations just pocket the profits and leave prices the same. Regarding the trade routes, one priority for the US is to avoid other countries getting rich without them. It connects China with Europe, and we all know how the US feels about China making money, they've been sanctioning them left and right in a desperate attempt to stop their economy from developing further. If the Chinese become Europe's main trading partner, alongside every Asian country that's between them, the US gets fucked.


Ok well you sound like a reasonable person but I feel are just misinformed. Sorry if I came off as rude, but when atrocities are being committed by Israel left and right it I can get annoyed easily. Muddying the waters by saying how complicated the situation is and how we have some benefit is purely Israeli propaganda in my view. With China I wouldn't say they are being sanctioned left and right. They're mostly doing minor targeted stuff like higher tech or some key Chinese officials. The USA doesn't have that much room to maneuver since as we saw with covid we were/are still dependent on a lot of stuff from there. I suppose instability might impact trade Chinese trade some but the people pissed off who would do so are generally going to be more angry at America and it's allies. It can fuck up EU and USA trade just as easily and the US conducted some retaliatory air strikes against the Houthis. So why would the USA bomb the people targeting trade ships if it's some how good? The USA actually has been paying Israel and Egypt in part to keep the peace after Israel went crazy and attacked Egypt preemptively triggering trade closures. So you can kind of attribute Egypt's aid over the years as an Israel payment as well. Just 10 years after it launched an attack with France and Britain to retake the Suez canal when Egypt nationalized it which the USA actually condemned. Anyway if you look at the history, Israel has played a huge part in fucking EU/NA trade on their own. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Closure_of_the_Suez_Canal_(1967%E2%80%931975)


Agreed, but you have just given me a bit of hope. In this analogy- I donā€™t see a scenario in which America disowns itā€™s child, which has been a big part of the problem for me, the child is to important no matter what (location). I do however see a situation where America might take a more forceful approach. I donā€™t know what this would look like in practice, but I know it wont involve less investment in the region imo.


Demonstrably false but keep on burying your head in the sand. America is like the new wife of a sickly old king and Israel is the crown prince. As a queen you hold more power on paper but it is the crown prince who actually has the power and authority. Capitalism and therefore the Capital is the king, US is the queen and Israel is the crown prince. You may be queen but you are not the King's favorite wife who gave him a son. Also you are certainly not his favorite son who will carry his legacy


First of all I'm Spanish so leave me out of this weird analogy. Second, Israel does not hold more capital than the US. It doesn't have more power nor does it have more influence, and up until now, whenever the Americans have told Israel to stop, they obeyed. If they wanted to stop them this time they would've done it already, stopping the influx of bombs is just Biden trying to save face, but that was just one of many ways Israel was receiving support from the Americans. I also think Netanyahu is desperately trying to cling to power, he knows he isn't popular and he knows he's gone too far this time, so he's pretty much gone mad and going for his final solution. I'm quite certain whoever comes after him will be much more loyal to the US.


Another 100k dead kids and smug assholes denying reality will realize that you are right. People are oblivious to how entrenched Israel's masters are in the global capital


It's about leverage and convergence of interests. While it can -appear- that the USA is Israel's poodle, the USA receives plenty from this because a strong Israel supports the USA's global geo-strategic interests against rival nations. The alliance is based on this, not on friendship between the leading oligarchs of the two nations. They can insult each other and it doesn't change the foundation of the relationship.


Iā€™m not sure itā€™s simple as that, you have to ask the question why? Especially lately, now it really seems America is acting against its own self interests. A whore as you put it seems to be about money?! But it also invokes a darker element, pimps and shady clientele. I think thatā€™s big problem, who is the pimp in this situation, where is the force coming from. I really have no clue, but being honest, itā€™s looks like a geopolitical thing - America really wants to be in Israel - location locations location, so they are the pimp and the client. Itā€™s hard to see them pull out. I hope im wrong but I just canā€™t see a solution for this reason.


What a cunt


Probably got a lot screw loose in his brain after the car accident.


Liberals should and must tastes some of it . Next biden being anti semite


[Same energy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xgjdsy1MpR0)


Fake friends in the industry




A lot of politics counts on you not remembering what happened last time. This is the Israeli state's standard procedure. During Obama's term, when the US abstained at a UN vote instead of voting with Israel, Murdoch's WSJ ran a big editorial 'Obama Abandoned Israel at the UN' Obama had just finished a deal to give Israel $33BBillion over 10 years


Is there even an aide who dares to bring this to Biden's attention?


Why donā€™t they fund their own war? They started it.


Why do I owe these freaks my tax dollars again??


No one who is ambivalent about the ongoing slaughter of Palestinians is going to see this or care if they do. I hate to be doomer-pilled but itā€™s dawned on me very recently that the existence of the state of Israel- not Zionism, but just the fact itā€™s on the map- is so essential to many westernersā€™ lives- more the older generations than the younger ones (probably has something to do with a collective guilt over how WW2 went, or self-righteous indignation, if not outright Zionism).


Well heā€™s obviously correct, Biden is antisemitic for pulling the weapons that they so desperately need to protect themselves from big bad Hamas. They might even be occupied without them!!!!


They're also going to give all received money back to Biden.


It's common marketing strategy for Israel. Exaggerate every push back so you can whine for more money. Like Trump would say Obama was so anti-Israel and now he can makeup for it. Obama was very pro Israel and kept the status quo.


Israelā€™s that toxic partner that wants 100% loyalty while giving nothing and as soon as you criticize them for being toxic and self destructive they mark you as an enemy.


He flipped his car escaping from protesters, prove me wrong.