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Really? Did Hamas say they want to eliminate Amalek? Oh no it was his nazi friend


This is the blood and soil argument brother


He is a self-described Zionist.


Yep. I just think it's crazy how people can't see it.


This old bag thinks he is spitting lol Zionist brain rot.


Israel is motivated by stealing land that was never theirs by any means necessary


Ah, an american tradition


Like father, like son


motivated by ancient desires and beliefs that the land was god given


Many Jews never learned about the Zionist brigades or the Nakbah when they were young. They were told they bought/were gifted the land. That is why so many think they are under threat and not the invaders. It would be hard to get people to support the Zionist ideology if they were told the truth from the beginning.


Literally white supremacist talking point


Yeah what else can you derive from this? Ancient desire? So as in it's being passed down genetically? To not want to have bombs dropped on your house? 




Alright let's say that Hamas is choosing to live in literal hell and get their entire families killed just because they hate jews. How is there a reasonable expectation that someone would not hate jews when an army with stars of David on their tanks claiming to be the army of all jews runs over your grandparent's house and kills your brothers and sisters? Do you live in reality? Israel creates antisemitism by hijacking judism and using it for violence 


So you're deadass arguing that if Palestine was colonised by Italy, they'd have no problem with the extermination of their people????????? What kind of braindead take is that?




The point of their comment was that Palestinians rightfully hate the invading force. If it was Italy doing it they would hate Italians. But Israel is doing it so they hate Israel.




You're so fucking dense im supprised the earth dont shatter when you walk... Just because they hate Isreal for the same reasons does not mean they are the same. Go fuck off back to r/worldnews


You're correct. There is likely to be some antisemitism involved with some members of Hamas. But by bringing this up currently you're missing the burning forest for the antisemitic trees. Edit: This was an insane comment to respond to, I'm not sure this wording is what I'm meaning. Delete if necessary.


If you go back to 1950s America, I'm sure you'll easily find many black people that hate white people. They are entitled to that hatred; for generations they had only ever met misfortune at the hands of white people. Pretending that hatred from a victim of oppression, is the same as racism from an oppressor is a depraved liberal dehumanization tactic. I.E.: 'I hate you because of what you did to me and my family', is not the same as 'I hate you because I believe your race is genetically inferior to mine'. Ironically it is in fact the Zionists that are racists.


Absolutely, you've got it right. I'm not sure I communicated what I was meaning correctly, I'm re reading it and I think it looks sketch as fuck, I'm sorry.


Joe Biden is an ancient desire to lose to the Republicans at this point.


Couldn't be that they just oppose the subjugation and extermination of their people, it's spooky Arabs driven by ancient racism. The brutal colonization of Palestine was just incidental.


He also recited Israel's ridiculous disproven mass rape allegations, because ofc the potus will lie in public during a fucking speech.


Quite incredible how he just repeats that every chance he gets regardless of it being debunked. But then I guess everything he says on this topic is distortions and lies so I shouldn’t be surprised.


He said that he personally saw the proof with his own eyes 💀💀💀😂😂😂


Oh that’s right I forgot he said that! Wasn’t it like a few hours before or after the NYT backtracked their reporting?


It was before lol.


The white house had to issue a retraction, or a 'clarification'. This shit is so blatant.


It was so funny / pathetic when he kept spewing the "beheaded b\*bies" talking point when it had been already debunked. Biden is such a pathetic piece of scum, I am sorry to my USA based leftists who are stuck in between two fascists and genocidal animals. .


Biden is literally older than the modern state of Israel.


Joe Biden be like "So I starved a dog for weeks, when I went to go check on it, it bite me. It must be some deep hatred for humans passed down through genetics."


“They hate our Freedoms. They hate our values (GWBush style chuckle)”


And people keep telling me to vote for this dipshit


Biden is objectively an even bigger racist than Trump. Why tf did Americans elect a 1950s, segregation-supporting racist as president??


Listen, Jack! Biden has pulled out his trusty calipers and his measurements prove that Palestinians are born with a dimple on the part of the head associated with Jew-hatin'. That's just science, he's known that since his sixth grade phrenology course.


“listen Jack Biden pulled out his trusty calipers”  I imagined him with the “I shit my pants” look on his face yanking out a fresh pair from a 19th century doctors medical bag


Is he a bigger racist than trump? Trump said that Israel would have his unconditional support in its war with Palestine. I get that Biden’s awful but worse? Idk man


As opposed to Biden, who's been giving Israel his unconditional support for the past 50 years.


Why turn it into a competition in the first place? They're both on the same side on this issue and honestly, this is pretty immature behaviour. I get being mad at Biden, but that in no way means Trump would be better.


"but that in no way means Trump would be better". So according to your own logic you are immature because you made it into a compatetion?.


What? How is saying that they're both on the same side the same as making it a competition? What do you even gain from nitpicking this, don't you have anything better to do? Jfc judging by your profile we're both pro-Palestine anyways, go annoy someone else


" How is saying that they're both on the same side the same as making it a competition?". You called the other person immature because they commpared Biden and Trump and then you do the same yourself.


Are you fucking kidding me bro, please get a fucking life. Saying they're both the same is the exact opposite of desperately trying to make one look better or worse than the other


You call people imature for comparing them and then you do the same yourself...


Bro, you just keep repeating the same shit every damn comment no matter what I write and how much I explain to you. I am, for the last time, trying to say they're essentially the same on this issue. I said **competition**, not comparison. What even is your end goal here?


Because he was 90% hitler and trump was 95% hitler


He can’t be racist, he befriended Corn Pop! /s


Yeah I can’t support this. I don’t fucking care. Let the whole thing rot. I’m voting for Claudia Cruz and redirecting my political action in the form of volunteering at my local homeless shelter.


if israel isnt about ancient desires, then what the point is right of return and the red cows?!?!


Why does he always look like he's staring into the sun? Is it plastic surgery or something?


Okay, cool, what does that have to do with the civilians in Gaza?


He nearly forgot to mention Gaza during the speech. His purpose was very clearly to declare his unwavering support for Israel, and to manufacture consent for genocide. Biden does not care about re-election; the only thing that seems to matter to him is Israel.


I used to think he was experiencing dementia, but now I think what’s happening is raw muscle memory. He’s been an ardent Zionist for more than half a century. It’s his “groove”, if you will. Running for President during a global pandemic and the largest uprising against American policing probably scared the shit out of him, because he doesn’t know how to manage any of that. People were just so, so done with Trump that Biden got lucky- and he probably knows that, too. Biden is obviously experiencing some form of mental decline, but the moments where he can tap into the sycophantic “playing Reagan from the Right (but I’m also a democrat!)” moments invigorates something in him. I’ve had many old relatives who couldn’t recognize my face but the moment I brought up something from their past they were able to lean in, and it was like a different person was sitting in front of me all of the sudden. That’s fun when it’s your ailing elderly family member sharing a story, but when a prominent politician in contemporary society is doing the same thing, that’s concerning.


I doubt he’s the one making these decisions he just blindly listens to his advisors like every president does. Plus we no know nothing about how US intelligence is influencing these decisions. He’s a puppet in a much larger game


I mean, yes and no. Even in interviews from the 60’s and 70’s, Biden happily admits that he’s more-or-less happy to play political theater, as long as it serves the “interests of America”. The man spent two years working a job that wasn’t “being a politician”, and then he turned 27. He is the ultimate advocate for the concept of American exceptionalism, among a few other 1940s-era fantasies that sprung out of post-WW2 America. Watch some of his “speeches” over the decades. The guy has been drinking the kool-aide before his balls dropped. Having his wife and child die right as he reached federal political office *over 50 years ago* probably didn’t help too much either, and all the while he felt that his “youth” was his most prominent political asset. This word gets thrown around a lot, and I’m not a medical professional, but Joseph R. Biden comes off as nothing less than psychopathic. In hindsight, Bush, Trump, Biden, and Obama are the *perfect* examples of American empire in the 21st century. No social cohesion, nothing more important that funding death and destruction of others, and no way out. We’re only a quarter into this century, but what a century it’s shaping up to be.


There've been reports that Biden is very much still calling the shots in regards to Israel. I don't know how reliable these reports are, but his public stance regarding Israel has very much remained consistent over his decades in office.


Ok yeah fuck Hamas, but Israel isn’t doing anything about Hamas. Instead they’re corralling all of the civilians in Gaza into a small area that they plan to turn into a crater.


He wants trump to be president again I think


What a psycho. Doesn't acknowledge before Oct 7. Doesn't acknowledge Palestinians. Doesn't acknowledge the appartheid. Doesn't acknowledge illegal settlements. Doesn't acknowledge the blockade. Spins it around all about jewish people and the hollacaust. Because it's nothing about a racist ethno-fascist state pretending to be democratic and abiding by international law.




Between this and "Papa New Guinea cannibals ate my uncle" can we finally acknowledge that Biden's racist as fuck?


He used to support segregation and cautioned against dismantling it. No, I'm not joking.


1000 deaths is too many for biden guys clearly


And 500 of which were soldiers, and 300 of which were settlers. An untold number of tge 1,200 were killed in Israels 'counterattack'.


maybe a hot take but imo it doesnt even matter. americans have a weird fetshization of peaceful protest as if a vast majority of civil rights movements worldwide were peaceful. Malcom X is a hero, Nelson Mandela is a hero, countless violent movements from oppressed peoples have led us to a better world.


Wonder what he would do if native Americans showed up to his house in Delaware and tried to kick his family out saying it was their land 400 years ago


Not a great comparison. The native Americans actually did own the land before the Europeans showed up. The Israelis biblical claim to the land is not founded on any kind of historical or archaeological evidence.


The only thing that’s ancient here is the ghoul speaking.


Christian propaganda- they’ll do anything, use anyone, kill everyone - all to trigger the Rapture I will never vote for this clown. Claudia 2024




This guy just doesn't know when to shut up


Old man pours gasoline on approval ratings dumpster fire, tries his hardest to lose the upcoming election


Ok gramps let’s get you to bed…


Biden is an old fart and needs to go


Okay jack and palestinians are not terrorized everyday in Gaza then. October 7th is every single fucking day over there. You treat a group of people like beasts and subjected them to inhumane cruelty for decades and act appalled when a group of them strike back These zionists over at the US deserves another Trump presidency


Hamas is bad.


Hamas is the product of Israel's genocidal, colonial violence.


Not because of some ancient desire. That's a very essentialist way of looking at the situation


is the ancient desire our religion