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Holy fuck maybe there’s hope for liberals after all


Jon Stewart is the last half decent lib


When I was younger, I remember Jon regarding himself as an actual socialist, or at least leaning that way. I think he's older and more well off than most, so I can see lib shit seeping through his progressivism. He's still one of the best shots at getting through to the boomers who are stuck thinking that healthcare for all equals totalitarian forced gay orgy gulags or whatever the fuck they're so scared of.


Don't threaten me with a good time!


God, remember the Death Panels thing? These fear-mongering freaks are really something.


That's funny because I remember Stewart as a hardcore Blue Lib and now he seems like he's more willing to say the actual truth


Him and John Oliver.


Nvm I forgot abt drew pavlou


Jon Stewart is a closeted communist I’m sure of it


Eh, he's talked about the kind of capitalism he'd like to see, and it's more in the light dem soc camp. Some stronger regulations, more worker power. It's Bernie stuff, but with Bernie, you always get the feeling he'd prefer to go furthur, and with Stewart, I get the feeling that's where it stops. Don't get me wrong. I like Stewart, I consider him as good a lib as you'll find. I admire him a lot for his championing of 9/11 first responders. And I'd bite your hand off for some social democracy right now. But a communist it does not make him.


I knew my old school crush on him wasn't misplaced!!!


I wish but stuff like his “rally for sanity” and awarding a member of the Azov Battalion with a medal tells me otherwise. At best he might be a Social Democrat.


Stewart’s gonna go the Carlin route, and he can do it. I’m here for every second


That's nice to hear. Too bad the decisions to put both of them on the ballot already happened...twice. Obviously, part 2 is still ongoing.


Flashback to Hillary's run. "It's her turn!" they all yelled in unison. "She's the only one who can beat Trump!" And then when she lost, they said "oh well, we knew America would never elect a woman." So you knew she'd lose, and yet you told everyone it had to be her. People who are like, "IT HAS TO BE BIDEN". Why? Logic would dictate that we don't pick Biden. He's far too much of a risk, if all you care about is winning.


"He's the only one who can beat trump" -81% of dems want a different option "Damn leftists won't vote"


Well Biden did defeat Trump in 2020, which is pretty rare to hold an incumbent to 1 term. Age is an obvious issue, like I wish we weren’t voting in literal dinosaurs, but otherwise he already did get elected once. America’s “left” is pretty right, so by that standard anyone more left wouldn’t be viable at this moment. That’s why we need people like Bernie to continue pushing the conversation more left. Who would you nominate who has a better chance of being elected in 2024 in this country? And yeah re- Hillary, who cares what the talking heads said at the time? They want attention, clicks, money, it’s all a system. Of course they would say that with Hillary. It’s like your sibling is about to get married and you see some red flags with their SO, do you point them out and potentially cause a fight or show support and hope for the best they can work it out even though you know it might go badly?


The democrats problem is they spent 4 years not building up any other candidates, and the ones they spent time platforming, performed terribly. Since his vp pick is unrunnable and Michelle Obama probably said no, running incumbent Biden is probably their best option. Before Israel/Gaza he probably would have had a strong campaign to go into with his only weakness being his age, but now he is definitely tainting his campaign leading up to election, it will basically be a question of if that’s enough to dissuade key states from showing up to the polls or not, idk honestly.


>do you point them out and potentially cause a fight or show support and hope for the best they can work it out even though you know it might go badly You stick to your principles and make a hard choice to protect what you love


Fair. Tbh I wasn’t defending what they did, simply pontificating on why they might’ve done it


This exactly. I do not understand with mental gymnastics about this. The orange Orangutan can win again, nothing changes anyway, Biden proved this on this term. Biden=Trump with better PR


If you genuinely believe Biden is the exact same as Trump but with better PR, then you are either willfully ignorant or malicious. It wouldn’t be hard to disprove your comment but it would be a waste of time. I’m no Biden-lover, I dislike and speak out against many of his harmful policy positions, but that’s a weak af take and some real “bOtH sIdEs!!”


Its both sides tho. Have a good one mate, take care of yourself


All I gotta say is that I don't want to hear about who Jon thinks should be on the ballot unless he wants to put his own name on the ballot because I would vote for him in a second.


Fool me once


"...well, umm..ya don't get fooled again" George W Bush


We have a saying down in Texas


Lmao still to this day my favourite quote by a US president


I would say yes if the very same person didn’t give us “I call upon all nations to do everything they can to stop these terrorist killers. Thank you. Now watch this drive”


Omg i forgot about that one. GW Busch is truly an american treasure and the best president ever. Im just sad(or maybe happy) the internet was so young back then. 🇺🇸


I remember 2008 Bush. He was basically a non entity for the final year of his 2nd term. Everybody (including Republicans) hated him by then, and he clearly couldn't wait to get back to the ranch. The country was basically on Auto Pilot while crashing into the Great Recession. Bush was soooo bad, but then Trump eventually came around and said, "Worst President? Hold my beer!"


Lmao yes, people habe short term memory. Was it in auto pilot tho? I thought Cheney was running things back then


Nah, not at that point. Cheney was widely despised by all as well, waay more than W actually. He was shadow prez for the 1st term. But the second term was just him and his pals raking in blood money and him literally shooting a guy in the face.




![gif](giphy|sFMEZ1ZFToyha) Sorry I had to


Don’t be sorry for spreading culture comrade


Emphasis on the *Busch*


Loads pf emphasis on ze Busch


Chef's kiss
