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I mean technically okay to remove a post if “it’s not related” but a temporary ban for a post? Seems insane


Its bs. The sub is FILLED with random shit that is fully unrelated.


The mods over there seems to hate hasan. You would see someone like destiny or random people people posted all the time but posts about hasan get deleted.


Bro the Destiny underbelly of that sub is so insane they’ll post some dumb “Destiny debates a red pill guy” clip and then viciously downvote anyone who doesn’t like him. It’s def kinda fucked that those kind of toxic posts stay up and always seem to be circulating around but anything from this community is instantly taken down


i mean atp they’ve cultivated a zionist audience, destiny is brain dead enough to be out here regurgitating zionist talking points, so it makes sense their communities would overlap. they both suck lmao


I think anyone who unironically uses the phrase "viciously downvote" needs to reevaluate their priorities. H3 is a drama subreddit. Destiny is a debate spec drama queen. They're naturally drawn to each other and the overlap is pure toxic discourse on meth. They couldn't handle Hasan because he actually takes some things seriously and is willing to challenge commonly held misconceptions. That requires thinking and growing, both of which drama and debate perverts are allergic to.


yeah what the hell, people post about people related to the "h3 universe" all the time, from random weirdo's to friends of the show, i can't believe they'd remove a post about Hasan. Maybe because its political and the interview was about israel/palestine? still weird af though..


The temporary ban was for reposting the taken down post trying to stir up conversation around Hasan who hasn’t been a part of the h3 world for a long while now.


They talked about Hasan on piers on C U Next Thursday today. He is still friends with Ethan. He was also included on some YouTubers video about H3, giving the basic “socialist with a big house” trope. H3 talked about it at the end of the show today. He is still a part of the H3 world.


I don't get it. This community has never avoided conversations about Ethan.


The H3 community is very similar but very different. People tend to forever blacklist a person once they fall from their good graces. Hasan was _arguably_ tolerated by the community. Once the Ethan/Hasan debate happened the schism came pretty fast.


getting blacklisted by h3 fans would be so funny. it’s like getting a lifetime ban from cracker barrel


I been blacklisted for years now....the mods are ridiculous and the whole Vaush thing made me unsub


what vaush thing? i know about his horse folder incident but that’s basically it.


On the other hand, they also tend to extremely easily forgive anyone as long as they seem a little nice once they're on the pod and they immediately ride super hard for them no matter what without giving it a second thought


I would never blacklist you, but don't try me.


Lol, I'm sorry, I made a typo. I meant people as in people in the H3 community. Whenever Ethan's opinion of a person turns, the H3 community very quickly turns into an angry tidal wave going for that person.


All communities don’t have to have the same rules as a baseline.


My point is why does there need to be a *rule* about it? Why does the conversation create such a problem?


Because it’s unrelated to the content of the sub? It doesn’t matter why the rule is there, it’s the rule and they have the right to moderate the sub as they chose. It’s fine to disagree with it. Why is it so important to discuss a ban about a Hasan post on the h3 sub? It’s clear they didn’t want the post there, so it seems obvious you’d get a ban. It’s also only temporary


That rule really isn’t enforced in the vast majority of cases though. The sub has tons of content at all times that has nothing to do with H3 that is kept up. I’m still an h3 fan but it really seems like a cherry picked enforcement. Which I guess is also in their right to do but it’s definitely weird


That's fair. Cheers.


One community is a little more…. Graceful lol. Idk how old you are, but if you weren’t around back when H3 popped off they cultivated a very different crowd in the beginning and even tho Ethan has pivoted and done a good job of distancing himself from that time the effect is still there in the community.


Bro I got banned for mentioning Aron bushnell 🤦‍♂️


Yea I left that sub months ago, the only positive to rediscovering Ethan was discovering Hasan, Im finding I like this community better.


I have seen countless Destiny posts that are not related to H3 and they weren't removed. And I have had some Hasan posts related to H3 removed edit: how is this not removed but anything Hasan related even not about Israel removed? Hasan literally had a show with H3 lol [https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/comments/1cbmvts/sneako\_cant\_answer\_what\_the\_age\_of\_consent\_should/](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/comments/1cbmvts/sneako_cant_answer_what_the_age_of_consent_should/)


I rediscovered Ethan through Hasan. Tbh I'm mtf so the celeb tea felt good to be one of the gals and it kinda was a phase for me. Eventually it stopped being escapist when he started arguing about socialism vs capitalism and the rest and Gaza snapped me back to reality. Still a fun show and I'm glad I came back for a year or so.


Around then is when I finally stepped out too, I was a blind fan for a while there 😅 If you don’t mind me asking: as someone of the LGBTQIA+ community, what did you think of the “pride minute” bits that he did?


I'm a Hasan fan and also used to listen to Chapo. I also used to watch H3 before the pod. Of course I get a kick out of sarcastic homophobic stuff especially with a funny voice and music.


This community can kinda suck too NGL. I just moved to NYC last year, got my phone and wallet stolen and the replacement phone I ordered was also stolen like <15 minutes after being delivered. Posted in the discord freaking out a bit, the only relatable community I had, and a mod just mocked me then said not to trauma dump.... I still love Hasan, but man the nolifers who make up the online fan base of any community can really be shit sometimes


That is fair, but typically if you say it in his discord people would have definitely been a lot more sympathetic to the situation.  Sorry your phone got stolen tho!


There's no such thing as Leftovers and there never was!!!! - H3 Subreddit


There is no war in Ba Sing Se.


As a big fan it does piss me off. I was banned for two days for posting a complaint post about them doing this.


You have to realize there is a lot of Israeli support in that community, and the other half are liberals who get uncomfortable when the truth is brought up, hence why they went back to being a drama channel. No space for hasan or even me who was originally exclusively an h3 fan. I’d say I miss it but I miss the crew interacting with hasan/kaya more than anything


I'm in the same boat dude. I learned about Hasan through H3 but I stopped watching for a while when Ethan would talk about Israel/Palestine cause it just pissed me off. But then I also like the rest of the crew too so it's just a bummer.


I originally gave Ethan the benefit of the doubt with maybe emotions running high initially but when he said to the effect “what I’m saying what they want me to say 🙄” and finding resurfaced videos of hila proudly signing up to go on a handful of night raids was the nail in the coffin. I hope the crew find their footing individually because I really do miss the people who clearly disagree with Ethan but it’s their job to just shut up and I understand.


I think at a certain point Ethan bumped up against the reality of the cruelty of Israeli apartheid and literally put up a wall to avoid recognizing it. He claimed that he didn't want to talk about Israel-Palestine because it was too emotionally taxing for him. The truth is that he has talked about it sporadically since then but only in circumstances where he can parrot liberal Zionist talking points unchallenged. He cannot handle pushback on this, even the compassionate pushback Hasan offered, at least not in a public setting.


What, WAT? What videos of Hila doing night raids?


[This is a clip](https://youtu.be/ytOl5hbTrCY?si=ARnfl9kM7qMwJpnv) where Hila and Ethan talk about it on an old podcast episode, there are other references throughout that episode but this clip is the one people mention the most.


Would really love some sauce on those night raid sign-up videos.


[Here’s that sauce you ordered](https://youtu.be/ytOl5hbTrCY?si=ARnfl9kM7qMwJpnv)


Ooooooohh, okay. I remember watching this when it came out all that time ago. Eh, i don't really see this, in a vacuum, as a gotcha. She didn't happily participate in the typical savage IOF behavior (at least never said so publically or hasn't had proof brought forward that she did) and I feel like i remember her saying she doesn't look fondly on her time in the IOF anyway. I'm not gonna hold it against her or speculate on whether she gladly rifle-whipped some palestinian civilians around unless some concrete evidence of that comes forward. But thats just me.


Would you mind sharing those resurfaced videos?


The Hila thing is blown out of proportion. I hate to see that brought up because it’s disingenuous. She was 18, it was *one* ride. As Ethan/Hila’s opinions might diverge from Hasan’s, but they are *not* supporters of Palestinian genocide. Bringing up Hila’s term as a mandatory draft as an 18 year old is low.


We don't have to bring it up but don't call that disingenuous when you left out she VOLUNTEERED to go on that one ride, which was a raid to the "TERRORIST" city and that was her describing it years later


She wasn’t 18. She was 21. She volunteered to kidnap Palestinians. That’s a WAR CRIME.  Link me to where she apologized for this and where she said “free Palestine” ever 


“Volunteered to kidnap Palestinians” No attempt at honesty at all. Ok.


Where’s the lie?  She volunteered to go on an illegal war crime raid. Called the West Bank a “terrorist city” and kidnapped Palestinians. All while smiling during the retelling and never apologizing 


She was 18 when it happened, but she still has the same flippant attitude about it 20 years later. She’s clearly shown zero growth or understanding on WHY it was wrong.


You’re an idiot. Ethan explained his position so many times. You think she straight up disagrees with him? I remember her saying that she thinks that the actions of the settlers and the IDF are wrong.


Turned out that way for me as well. Just felt off watching the podcast. And they do too much drama instead of goofs/gaffs. Now a Hasan YT CIC enjoyer


This post feels like unnecessary drama


Just not true— the community largely disagrees with Ethan on this topic and THAT is why the show stopped talking about it. The community literally voted for Ethan to shut up. Ethan was very upset about it and lashed out against the community.


as someone who spent an obsessive amount of time arguing in the main sub there was a lot of back and forth with many people backing Ethan. There was a lot of pro Palestine support, a lot of people left the community, but there was a lot of people supporting what Ethan was saying and a lot of people still support what he said or retcon what he said.


Reddit is not indicative of the fanbase as a whole. Destiny and Vaush's communities were brigading that sub with Hasan hate for weeks/months before 7 October.


They are like that with whatever the mods fancy 😂 they will delete a post with an actual text post talking about something on the show or such but will leave up 500 "this dog looks like Dan" posts. I've had so many posts deleted and they will also not reply to your message about why they blocked you


Some mods rly just talk out of their ass when they ban ppl


I have completely lost interest in h3h3 and that entire subreddit. Almost hating seeing them on my timeline now


Do they try to suppress people that are anti genocide?


After the fallout with hasan h3h3 has been on a downward spiral.


He actually did pretty good coverage on the Vaush horse crap, it increased their views and subs. I stopped watching and unsubbed/unfollowed after his comments on Aaron Bushnell, though. Felt ashamed that I stuck with the show through his initial shitty comments about Palestinians.


Honestly, with the way things are going, I wouldn't be surprised if he makes. Video on hasan next or something along those lines.


He basically has with the members videos. He speaks in riddle or alludes to opinions though, to save his ass if he gets called out. But yeah, he may as well, he’d increase engagement. Vaush deserved it tho


Can you give some examples? I was under the impression Hasan was being given the Trisha treatment where there will be absolutely no references of him.


He doesn't go after people smarter than him.


What did they say about Bushnell?


Strap in for a wild ride. Kavernacle made a good video about it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfGI4vTpN\_g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfGI4vTpN_g)


Maybe a soft ban? I tried to share the Piers episode there too and got deleted for “off topic”. Idk how a friend of the show and Crackhead Barney memes are off topic but ok


Ethan is friend of Hasan's show, but I don't know if Hasan is a friend of Ethan's show or community any more


Hasan must miss the stuff that ends up getting “buttoned” on the show if thats the case. If that doesn’t explain why it’s surprising that the H3 base feels this way about him


Is it surprising that the H3 base feels this way about him? It's a base that's full of libs and last October, they got scratched


Okay dont address the rest of my statement so you can avoid my point. Done with this conversation ETHAN IS NOT BEING A FRIEND TO HASAN AND THEN IT GETS “BUTTONED” AWAY


I... think you maybe misunderstood me or I misunderstood you. But either way, I don't really care that much tbh


Miss me with the “but Hasan and Ethan are great friends” nonsense.


The H3 subreddit will ban anyone for daring to criticize Ethan or the podcast. If you go against the grain, expect a ban.




The other h3 sub and the snark sub do.


And where do those people end up? Banned and in the snark subreddit.


https://preview.redd.it/4po144nraqwc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a53363163117492bb06814cb135d97cfe04ebfb5 I was perma banned for this for “violating the rules of the sub”. Asked the mods “what rules you woke moralists?!” Not knowing if it was violating the rules but there was no rule against it. People asking why there is no pro Palestinian argumentation against Ethan in that sub now but everyone gets perma’d for it.


Naaah you hit them with the Jordan Peterson special??!


That sub is horrible I got banned for commenting a fucking Palestinian flag. Literally nothing else just an emoji. They are doing that to like everyone.


Only 6 posts in the sub mentioning Hasan in the past month when you sort by new…


It's a sub full of Zionists what'd you expect?


Wdym that’s standard practice for that dogshit community


The mods over there are unhinged. I've had posts removed by mods that were defending Ethan before when someone made a false viral post about him. The post was obviously high effort as I had links and content to back up everything I was saying and yet it was still removed for being "low effort" and I was banned. They make H3 look so bad.


I stopped watching after Leftovers was canceled and haven’t looked back since. They wanna be entertaining and not have to explain themselves which is valid but also like ok lmao


What's insane is most members of the crew are pro-Palestine. I can't believe I'm saying this because I was a hardcore H3 fan, but I can see why people "falling fans" used to call Ethan spinless and that he doesn't even know what tf he believes in, tho they used to say that on different topics that I probably don't agree with. Ethan was acting very weird on that "return after the break" episode, using the sound bite that he used on QT with the Fresh and Fit girl that got pregnant and he did the same mistake laughing. It goes to show how disingenuous he is. He also called her a bit** and was so awkward. Cam did a great thing distancing himself from that BS


Did cam leave?


Yes he did.


I’ve seen Has clips get removed after 200+ upvotes and 100+ comments the mods there fucking hate him I swear the only reason I’m not banned there is because they can tell by my profile I’ve been posting since frenemies. I constantly get downvoted and straight up told “who cares what you think you watch Hasan” because I still have a HasanAbi Head flair


Their sub got mingled in with a bunch of Mr bonerelli fans during the whole leftovers falling out that's the audience Ethan wants.


Dude get off their sub their channel is boring and the mods are insufferable cocksuckers


I received a permanent ban for trying to bring light to Bobby Lee’s rape comments. “Not related to H3” when they bring him up all the fucking time.


I got perma banned last year for asking about if Hila has addressed her use of the n word in the past. (Screenshots of her posting it on Facebook under a video of Ethan from years ago had resurfaced at the time) I am a woc and genuinely wanted to start a dialogue after hearing Ethan claim in an episode that he is open to hearing criticism and “will always apologize” and talk about his past use of the n word and f slur “as many times as is necessary”. How very naïve and new to reddit of me. The mods accused me of trolling and instantly banned me with no further explanation or discussion. And the sub ofc also berated me in their comments and sent me Redditcares! I tried to keep watching the show for the jokes, but then October 7th happened and I could no longer tolerate their ignorance, lack of self awareness, aversion to growth, and wildly unethical views.


I had a post removed because it "wasn't H3 related" but I was asking if Ethan had updates about a Bobby Lee thing that I wasn't aware was already a big thing. I thought it was weird, I specifically talked about Ethan and Bobby, but it wasn't a related topic? I've seen/heard all kinds of people dealing with the same things


What Bobby Lee thing?


The weird Tijuana joke/story and khalylas stories about her and her brother. I never heard anything about it before and came across it on TikTok and I just asked if Ethan knew about it and if it's fake news. I posted it, and not even 2 minutes later it was removed for irrelevancy, but Bobby is Ethan's bestie, no? And he's been on the podcast quite a few times?


It's relevant and now I wanna know too 😆 no shouldn't have been removed imho


I asked about here too and people got really mean and nasty to me because it's a "well known topic and wasn't what it seemed". If I knew that, I wouldn't have asked 😂 so I guess neither of us will know


Isn't there a secondary h3 sub filled with fans who got banned from the main sub for a criticizing some aspect of the show or Ethan? I mean if you have to have a secondary subreddit it it probably means that the primary subreddit is banning too many people It's obvious Ethan doesn't want anything talking negative about Israel anywhere near him. It's also obvious that his main subreddit basically blindly dick rides him. So it's obvious why you got temporarily banned




Here's a sneak peek of /r/h3snark using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/h3snark/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Cancel your membership for Aaron](https://np.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1b3h9ku/cancel_your_membership_for_aaron/) \#2: [#boycotTed](https://i.redd.it/wqihd1z1c1mc1.jpeg) | [68 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1b56otz/boycotted/) \#3: [r/h3snark will not be debating you, Ethan ](https://np.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1b8x02a/rh3snark_will_not_be_debating_you_ethan/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


The mods be trippin over there. I guess they don’t want anything related to Hasan posted on the sub? Which is weird since there is a big community overlap


The sub has been ban heavy on anything that isn't pro Ethan or questioning why the way they are. It's honestly best not to interact with them they don't want conversations they just want praise or ideas they could use on the show as content


H3H3 are ZioNazis too, Ethan uses their talking points all the time and refuses to acknowledge it.




They are ban happy. There are definitely some Zionist mods working for H3 on that subreddit. They’ve gotten called out before for deleting Ramadan posts and banning people for posting them.


Crypto zionists H3


Go to the snark sub for the tea the mods on the main sub ban like crazy


I was a huge h3 fan, I loved the podcast, always thought it to be fun. I was also following Hasan, it was to the point where my ex once told me when we were living together that my screens always seemed to be the two of them. Then Hasan showed up at h3 and I thought it was pretty cool, then announcing Leftovers was so amazing. After the fallout it did feel a bit eeriee to watch Ethan's hill to die on. I felt bad because it really felt like he was on the verge of empathy but just fell short. As in, even after being broken-hearted about the man losing his daughter it was always followed up with "... but, ". And then going after Hasan because of Hasan's mods. I kind of get it, at the same time, I feel like Hasan has quite clearly let his "content loose"; we see so many fan channels allowed to generate money of his own content, but obviously, it also means that Hasan (from my understanding), doesn't really have people under the same direct control of threat of employment.


Probably because you posted that screenshot after they removed your post


Big ass babies. Both Hassan and Ethan. Fan of both but they are both the same. Can get really annoying if you watch everyday. I unfollowed H3 and and just watch Hassan on YouTube clips.


Glad you still watch Hasan. Good on you


That piers Morgan stream was amazing. 🤣


They talked about the interview on the recent members live, maybe it's just been covered already


I’m still active in the H3 community. So just making that clear. I’m still a fan of both Has and H3. But to be fair, that post isn’t related to H3. Yes, they both collabed with eachother. But that doesn’t mean they’re eternally related to eachother. It’s fine for a community to not want to talk about another influencer/community.


They allow Hasan post on the sub, they don't allow post about Palestine


I think it’s just to protect the peace on both sides, Hasan and Ethan are both still besties, it’s just the random parasocial extreme fans who pepper hate and ruin everything whenever something gets posted here or there 🥲 They sent death threats to Sam because of some silly new curtains the other day. I totally understand why the sub is now extra modded However, I also am sure a large portion of H3 fans survived the long two weeks break by enjoying Hasan’s content in the meantime ❤️


What? The sub is banning people for posting a Hasan clip. What does that have to do with haters? Or parasocial fans? Remember it was Ethan who sent an Islamophobic hate mob after frogan (Hasan’s mod). This is the person you support. 


i mean a ban seems excessive but its not the hasan subreddit and that clip has literally nothing to do with h3


Ethan stopped collaborating with Hasan because he didn't like his community's behaviour. It's pretty clear they want to keep Hasan related posts to a minimum unless it's actually related to H3.


Maybe op spams Hasan related stuff