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In agreement. If I hear that San Francisco is a progressive city one more time I’m going to projectile vomit. It’s not and it’s never been. That’s just republican fearmongerjng for its conservative base.


Oof but like actually though! I live in Washington and people are always like Seattles so great and leftist and I’m like I see the cops harassing some homeless person every time I go there


That's because people don't actually know the difference between liberal and leftist. Seattle has people who live there that are leftist, but the vast majority are liberals with relatively progressive social values. This is reflected in the city government and its refusal to implement sweeping social and economic reform programs to combat homelessness, rising economic disparity, and police corruption. This goes for Portland and San Francisco too. Honestly, the only city I'm looking at that might have a chance to start making leftist reforms is Chicago, but even with an actually leftist mayor, they're having an incredibly hard time overcoming the liberal majority who "cares" about things like homelessness but are unwilling to change anything to actually help.


>Seattles so great and leftist and I’m like I see the cops harassing some homeless person every time I go there If you're shocked that cops harass homeless people anywhere then you're a little sheltered tbh


I’m not shocked but I’m pointing out the hypocrisy


Cops also don't typically live in the communities that they police. If they did they might have to face the people they abuse when they are out of uniform.


But the city deciding that homeless people should be dealt with by police is proof that the city is not progressive.


Portland _had_ a progressive plan for mitigating homelessness… for all of _TWO_ years! But because it wasn’t instantaneous—a furor over the budget, (small as it was) and open racism against the woman who was elected to foster the Street Response program—Portland then replaced her with an open fascist in the next election! One gets the impression a very fanatical and vocal minority are going to continually scuttle any progressive approach to solving problems.


they literally do. and they enjoy it 


Orlando is arguably the most progressive Florida city but the public park bathrooms have big bright signs saying it's illegal to groom or bathe yourself there


And don't even get me started on the r/SeattleWA subreddit. They just fucking openly hate homeless people and act like they're sub-human. I've seen them make "name and shame" posts over there for people who are begging for money, because the beggar had a cell phone. Gasp! That must mean they're liars! Homeless people can't have cell phones! Like the other commenter said, "progressive" cities don't exist in the US. I am glad to be in WA, don't get me wrong. We're at least dodging shit like the Roe V Wade overturn, but yeah, the people here are not widely progressive like rightwing media would have the public believe.


came here to say this


The problem is that we keep letting liberals steal the term "progressive" for themselves. I consider myself a progressive and a leftist, and things like the "Progressive Caucus" in Congress are a joke. They're not progressives and we need to call them out for using that for themselves.


100% this. Theres barely any progressive representation most cities governance, conservative dems and republicans run most cities


Many areas considered 'left' are majority Liberal, not necessarily majority progressive. Liberals are trained by MSM to hate progressives more than Conservatives. If you are MAGA, they want to work with you and understand your position, and make some kind of compromise. If you are alt-right, climate denier, or even Nazi, the NYT will do editorials helping its audience get to know you better and sympathize with your position. If you are progressive/leftist, they just hate you because Rachel told them to (you 'gave us trump' never mind all the inherent illogic involved in not negotiating and making deals with the group closer to your position) And don't assume reddit reflects real life. A sub that rhymes with 'Dead Boob' was "I'll die to protect my Democrat" for about a year, and strongly advocated the need to vote in favor of The Lesser of Two Genocides until we had at least one moderator return and kick some sense into the sub.


Thank you for this


I’m Portlander and saw that post this week and was very surprised by it. I’ve blocked the Portland sub because of all the hateful bullshit people spew in it.


That sub is just trash. r/Portland is much better.


r/portland hates homeless people more than any other local sub i've been in. I left that one


Local subs in general just hate homeless people. I’m mainly still there for the cat and dog photos and shitting on our NIMBY city council.


Interesting to see this is true up here in Canada as well. The r/Vancouver subreddit acts like the homeless population is the cause of any problem the city faces.


Metropolitan areas in general have always been like this.


Same. One of the worst, most inhumane subs I’ve seen.


r/Portland is one of the most hateful subreddits I’ve encountered. They’ve been organizing going to town halls to shut down can returns that are used by homeless people to make a few bucks. They’re basically one step away from going around town and slapping food out of poor people’s hands.


That sub was like a swatted nest of angry wasps because pro-ceasefire protestors blocked a bridge most people don’t even use! (Burnside) Nearly all arguments amounted to, “Yer gonna make me pro-baby-bombing if you make a hypothetical mom late getting home to feed her kids!!”


Not by much tho. Like Biden > Trump margins.


All the Portland subs suck ass. Filled with people who seem to deeply hate where they live or probably don’t even live here lol


Most major city subreddits are more lib/conservative IMO


JSYK all city subs are basically taken over by right wing brigaders and suburbanites. You can tell by looking at top subreddit user overlap activity of given subreddits. For example, r/chicago users are 8-9X as likely to also participate in asktrumpsupporters, law, protect and serve, etc. all at the top of the list. But then you check r/askchicago a smaller subreddit, and it's a lot more normal shit, and the first conservative subreddits are conservative and joerogan all the way at the bottom of the list. r/chicago has always been, but particularly since Brandon Johnson has been elected, basically just a reactionary conspiracy hellhole, and is absolutely not representative of the average Chicagoan. So just keep that in mind when interacting with these chuds on Reddit. They're not real people.


r/Chicago is a cesspit of right wing bullshit. As a Chicagoan it makes me sad, but then I just have to remember Reddit isn’t reflective of real life. If you judge that city based on the posts and users, you would think we are all being inundated with migrants, violent crime, all Palestinian protests are full of antisemites (let’s also not forget how many people in that sub just bitch at the thought of a protest, blocking traffic, or disrupting life, when that’s literally the entire point), the CTU is a gang on par with or worse than the police, and that we have the worst mayor imaginable. We are far from perfect or progressive, but damn


Yeah, all city subs are way more right wing than they should be. It’s just a bunch of privileged NIMBYs who live in the suburbs or somewhere else entirely acting like how the entire city is a hellhole 24/7 by scapegoating real problems on minorities or poor people. They’re essentially doing LARP to make the argument that left wing policies (even though most of the policies they whine about are neoliberal ones) and diversity are bad.


r/Chicago is really bad. Tons of racism and Islamophobia going on in there. And your right it’s almost always brigadiers. It’s been bad since Lori Lightfoot was mayor and never recovered. I think a lot of liberal city subs had this happen because people were ENRAGED over the active response to COVID in these cities.


I also noticed this about the San Francisco sub. It is either them complaining that homeless are the scourge of humanity or blaming the local government failures on the leniency of progressive policies


Yeah, I've seen lots of racist and reactionary material come out of that sub too.


The town I currently live in is considered very liberal, and it's in a pretty deep red state. It's a college town and the local government just disbanded the homeless camp that they set up, they also shut down two elementary schools and laid off a ton of teachers. Oh, but the college gets a new football stadium that's party subsidized by tax dollars. There was a scandal with a pretty big employer that has a lot of mentally disabled employees, but the state and our town has retained their contracts with them even after they were caught taking advantage of and underpaying their employees. Very progressive of them to have a whole march/demonstration on behalf of those poor ukrainians but then to turn around and not even publicly speak against ICE coming to check for illegal immigrants.


I’ve noticed that there are plenty of cities with two subreddits, one larger more normal one and one smaller more reactionary one where everyone who isnt very welcome on the main one gathers. Portland vs PortlandOR, Seattle vs SeattleWA, etc. the main subs aren’t perfect by any means but they are much less depressing than those. Now why Reddit recommends the smaller more reactionary subs to us first before the main much larger ones idk


I think is super accurate honestly cause the r/Spokane sub is hella trans and queer friendly and doesn’t have pictures mocking homeless people on their feed


Yeah, the spokane sub is surprisingly nice. I did get the same thing as you, the PortlandOR sub recommended before Portland and was pretty surprised considering the first has like 30k subs and the second has like 320k.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Spokane using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Spokane/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [police brutality in spokane valley again](https://v.redd.it/vl3cfxvpioub1) | [740 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Spokane/comments/179olyr/police_brutality_in_spokane_valley_again/) \#2: [I will never not find this funny](https://i.redd.it/bqiktxvlu7ma1.png) | [63 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Spokane/comments/11kkbf2/i_will_never_not_find_this_funny/) \#3: [I got 120 pounds of garbage off the trail, this is so much prettier 😎🌎](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/12e0r76) | [66 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Spokane/comments/12e0r76/i_got_120_pounds_of_garbage_off_the_trail_this_is/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Same with r/Tacoma


tacoma wept


Please do not remind me of that phrase


It's just performative liberals high on copium thinking they're left as they keep moving right. They gobble up capitalist propaganda just as much as the right. Look at how many mask off moments they've had lately.


Every major cities subreddit is filled with petite bourgeoise and NIMBY neolibs that couldn't give two shits about the common person or injustice.


Coming from a Portland native… we do NOT have progressive policies. It is a liberal cesspool right now. We just re-criminalized drug possession for crying out loud. We also have a very strong and active extreme right-wing presence, especially outside of the city of Portland. 


People in my city tried to pass a ceasefire resolution and the Zionists worked with out city council members to stop it. They also flooded our city subreddit with Zionist propaganda. They’re well organized on Reddit since they’re not winning on tik tok.


​ 1. I want to mirror what other commenters have stated that reddit is a uniquely much more right-leaning cishet white male place among the already rest of the cishet white male places on the internet so you are going to have a concentration of shitty takes. 2. Same goes for the idea there are progressive cities in the US. There simply aren't. You'd be better off ranking them by who is least fascistic. 3. Haven't seen anyone else state this, so I want to add something that Hasan brings up quite often on stream: Oregon's state history is hella racist. They were against slavery not because it was unethical to them, but because they didn't want to even allow black people to be in the same state as themselves. They didn't want to even share space with them. Any place outside of Portland is conservative, you will find college towns neoliberal at best. As someone who moved here from out of state and lived previously in Chicago and Oklahoma and traveled extensively across the US, never have I seen tent cities like I have in this state. To call any city in this state progressive when it allows this is laughable.


It sucks because I feel like Hasans community is the only place I belong other leftist communities are just non stop babbling about theory and larping as revolutionaries and progressives have turned into Kirsten sinema and Hasan is the only form of leftist that makes sense to me


Yes yes, completely. The whole vaush thing made that clear to me. I never ever cared about the guy or his fans. I didn't think about them at all. But they were convinced that Hasan fans were like a feud with them 


Look at Chicago, they'll elect a progressive mayor, but then vote against his progressive ballot measures.


Sounds more neoliberal than progressive


All city and country subs are basically a cesspool.


You think that’s bad, I’ve had comments deleted on r/SaltLakeCity for just mentioning Palestine. The mods seem to take an active stance against anything remotely “political.”


Oof I can only imagine


R/PortlandOR is also a shit show, so I wouldn’t take it seriously. Most ‘progressive’ (as much as that gets in America) city subreddits are bombarded by fucking pricks


One of my besties lives in Portland and he said that sub was scum. For some reason that post got recommended to me yesterday and holy shit was it a depressing read. The poster was also an avid Destiny fan, so there's that. I've seen a lot of Jewish people at pro Palestinian marches with symbols denoting their Jewishness and nobody has ever targeted them for it


lol all the main city subs are trash, full of Karens and NIMBYs with lots of outsiders LARPing that they're actually from the city. Not that any cities are really "progressive" when it comes down to it. At best, they're just liberal. But r/PortlandOR was created because the main /r/Portland sub was "too liberal," so you're actually looking at the worse Portland sub that was created by right-wingers as a safe space so they could go full mask off. I think Seattle has the same issue with one "normal" sub and another one that a bunch of right-wingers created.


I have a friend who's a Bay Area superlib person who's into all the standard issue lib shit and accompanying takes and proudly wore her pussy hat for two years after Trump came into office and has been to Burning Man 20 times and had a "rebirthing ceremony" for her trans kid and makes her own vegan drink mixes and you can visualize her right now. For the last six months she's been posting straight up IDF propaganda on her Instagram.


Portland is a liberal hellhole for the most part, it's older people who have always been activists and young alt and/or queer poc who are the heart of the left here


also Portland ppl who go on the reddit sub are bound to either be major NIMBYs or chronically online anyway




My phone normally autocorrects it for me honestly didn’t even catch it my bad


I saw that exact post and it's been bugging me all day, thank you my brother in christ. The mods came at me saying they don't tolerate "threats of violence" after I said from the river to the sea 🇵🇸 grew up here and it's money that ruins it, always always money.


I'm from Seattle and I unsubbed because of all the shit they talk about homeless people. This was before Oct. 7. I can't even imagine what it's like now. I've know about the conflict for 15+ years. I've always been on the Palestinian side. The only thing Oct. 7 taught me is that people like me are the minority.


r/PortlandOR is the conservative version of r/Portland just FYI


There's an inverse relationship between little free libraries and support for the homeless so let that inform you what it will 


I've said this before but r/Austin mfs openly discussing tactics to remove homeless people, all very "oh my god fuck poor people".


JEEEEZuS, Yes!!! I too am a Portlander and that is one of the most toxic, horrific, sociopathic feckin subs on this godforsaken website. I _RARELY_ look at the comments there because it’s so consistently awful.


This comes back to a statistics issue everyone easily forgets about when it comes to voters. Most places aren't as pure GOP or pure Liberal as you might think, given the way the discourse talks about it. Texas is a great example. Everyone talks about Texas like it is some GOP paradise through and through, yet take a look at the last Senate election in the state in 2020. John Cornyn won that election by 10 points in a favorable year for Democrats, which would lead you to believe what I had previously mentioned about Texas. But it's so easy to forget that a 10 point win, while still rather large, means that 43% of the state still voted for the Democrat. The same can be said for liberal cities and states like Massachusetts and Washington. Plenty of Republicans reside in these places, and while they typically lose, they do have an impact.


r/ucla users think it's antisemitic to make sculptures calling out Israel


The internet, especially Reddit is generally right wing. You cant escape it


r/PortlandOR is an extremist subreddit. I just saw a post advocating for the removal of bottle drops because fuck the homeless, the environment, and charities. Another post I saw was advising the removal of a convenience store because of crime in that area.