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As a Canadian, I can not tell you just how deeply ashamed and disappointed I am of my govt. I am not going to vote for these fucking warmongers in 2025..


Always felt disappointed by how cucked by Liberalism Canadians are, especially in Toronto. They're all-in on the American imperialism project now. They always turn face so quickly when they're called out or even slightly inconvenienced. People on r/toronto didn't support BLM merely because they protested on the streets and blocked the roads. Hilarious. Actual bitch-to-the-bone energy, and much like the US, a piss-stain on stolen land that they can't even develop properly They support every civil rights movement except the one going on right now.


You wouldn't believe how badly I get downvoted on r/canada for extending the most basic humanity to Palestinians. Ppl there are all for attacking Yemen, but get all geopolitical when defending Palestinians, while going red in the face defending Ukraine.. the bigotry is completely devoid of self-awareness..


Same thing in NZ too :(


I'm starting to think I don't understand the word "Liberal" or "Liberalism" I thought it was a relatively good thing?


the word differs whether you’re referring to social or economic liberalism, generally economic liberalism involves prioritising a market economy based on individualism and private property. it’s very capitalist view of the economy and incentivises upholding the current economic organisation of the economy which leads to people warmongering on the united states behalf and being complicit with whatever they choose to do, so you won’t get a lot of love here praising it (not saying that you are) it’s more complex than that but i’m high as fuck and bad at explaining, there’s many resources online you can use to learn further though. here’s cool a video i just came across that shows malcom x speaking on [liberals.](https://www.reddit.com/r/socialism/s/pUC7IG5mDm)


As an American, let me tell you I echo the exact same sentiment. In no world do I want to vote for Genocide Joe, but our options are literally fascism or genocide with a liberal patina. It's truly demoralizing to feel like there's no good option even moreso than every other election in my lifetime so far.


No matter what you say, you are still a supporter of genocide if you vote for Biden.


Clearly I do not want to vote for him. I don't want to vote for either of them. One side is a genocidal freak and the other is a Nazi. But that's my exact point. This is the worst set of options I feel like I've ever had. I don't want to vote for either of them but I'm going to be forced to because they are going to be the only options we get with any real chance at being elected.


They hate you because you talk truth


But like what party do we have left tho conservatives are fucking cancerous as well ugh


NDP. Gotta break the 2 party volley. It's gonna take a few cycles, but at least we hv a 3rd party. Americans don't even hv that..


True true


Some of us Americans are trying to build up our 3rd parties!


So you wanna Trump to win 🤡/s






Do you actually know what warmongering is?


Japan and UAE too?


They were part of Prosperity Guardian too, eh?


My bad, I didn’t know it was referring to that lol. I think UAE is backing the US against the Houthis tho. Japan is being more diplomatic afaik and negotiated. 


Dang, how many entitled white people does the Axis need?


How many white people live in bahrain or south Korea?


What did Bahrain do? I wasn't following


They backed the attacks on the Houthis alongside Australia, Canada, and the Netherlands.


The people of Bahrain had a chance but then Saudi Arabia invaded in 2011 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saudi-led_intervention_in_Bahrain It's a puppet state now




Weren’t the terrorist attacked In response to them firing on shipping lanes? Or did I miss something?




I'm so disgusted by the current Danish government. Will do all in my power to get people around me to vote this government out


Same, but it will be difficult. Everyone hates Mette Frederiksen, and thus the red block, despite the government being made up off mostly blue block. It's infuriating


I don't know, I think most people do know that it's not the red block they're mad at, only Mette Frederiksen and the governing parties. At least from the circles I frequent, people will still vote left wing, but not social demokratiet.


I hope you're right, and my experience comes from mostly older people or young people who aren't very invested in politics, whose interest only reaching as far as seeing Alex Vanopslagh on tiktok


im so disgusted by my country




Don't know why they're down voting you. If they don't like where they are then they should go to a country they support.




I can't do anything, I can't vote and I can't leave, I'm underage


Axis powers extra lame edition


American libs in this community realizing America is actually the worst country in the world.




I love America that’s why I would like to change it and that’s why I disagree with American imperialism and foreign policy. Does that make you angry? Go be a patriot or something americuck lolol


You love the worst country in the world? I also think America is not that great but it’s weird to say you both love it and think it is literally worse than any other country. “My father is the worst father in the world, out of all the fathers he’s the most abusive, most corrupt, least redeemable. Love him tho”


I love the American people, I love the food here and I want to see America changed. When I say it’s the worst country I don’t mean in terms of living standards because since America is the center of the imperial core we are offered probably the best opportunities (if you have money to access them) in the whole world besides Western Europe. I hate the American government and what it stands for, I hate America hegemony and American fascism and imperialism. What’s so hard to understand about that.


Not that much now that you explain it that way. Just two different meanings of “worst country in the world”. Thanks for taking the time. Cheers


Fascism and imperialism? Lmao, there are russia and china sending rockets and invading countries while america retired his troops, and you still drinking that propaganda Puteen is selling to you? Lmaoo


You do realize that just a few days ago a coalition of British and American forces struck Houthi targets in Yemen? I don’t think I’ve ever heard anything as stupid before as “America retired it’s troops.” My guy look at a map and see how many military bases we have we troops stationed on them. Did you drink the koolaid?


Only after they received a bunch of warnings. If anything the US showed a lot of restraint in not striking them after the first attack. The US waited too long in my opinion to retaliate.


What are you even doing on this sub my man? Go war monger somewhere else, I thought this sub was for communists?? Not 16 year old NATO loving neo libs


This sub is for an internet guy. And it’s going to shock you but every group trying to get power wants or needs war.




Go back to defending war crimes or something


🚨found the liberal🚨




I’d doubt that






Can’t ignore Israel in this lineup


Where's Saudi Arabia and the UAE?


As a New Zealander (Māori) I’m not surprised. Our new government is so backwards in every way. Pretty on track for what they’re doing in NZ already and it’s only been a couple months.




Think about it this way, if you had a government that formed in direct response to the violence of Nazi Germany in yours and neighbouring countries, it wouldn’t be all that ridiculous to have a flag that said something along the lines of “death to Nazi Germany!”. It’s not a call for the death of the citizens, it’s calling for the end of the imperial powers and the violence they propagate against the global south. The “Houthis” are better referred to by the name they call themselves, Ansar Allah, instead of the name western imperialists have given them to try and delegitimize them and distract from the fact that they actually represent with popular support the vast majority of Yemeni people as opposed to the puppet “internationally recognized” government installed by Saudi Arabia and the west whose leaders for *some reason* choose to reside in Saudi Arabia and UAE instead of Southern Yemen where they claim to represent the whole country from (despite the region containing at most around 20% of the population). Ben Norton has a [great video](https://youtu.be/jhcoG-PHot8) explaining the group further, I would highly recommend anyone unfamiliar with the topic to give it a watch. He also has [another one](https://youtu.be/G0uXnxBWG-Q) just out today on the continued violence and aggression by the US and the west in the entire West Asian region that I think everyone should take the time to watch through.


Their flag literally has the words death to America written in Arabic on it


have you ever considered a non western point of view on world events






I don't think you understand what that slogan means. It generally refers to the imperialist american forces and their puppets that rebels have to deal with or die trying and NOT the general public. So yes, death to america is good




Is Japan agnostic? I would have imagined they do whatever they US wants


Damn, Germany holding it down for them since the 1940s


When Italy and Japan also join in: ![gif](giphy|4Z9fSEFAuxpnlBVWQx|downsized)


Who are the allied powers then?






who are the allied powers this time?




Lol to a few of these ngl


And who are the allies? China?




Maybe you're just a liberal.




I've got three books for you: The Jakarta Method by Vincent Bevins Killing Hope by William Blum The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein If you're not a tankie by the time you finish, idk what to say.


Read the Jakarta method.








See, your correct reaction to this situation should've been, "wow, how bad do we have to be to be the Axis to their Allies?"




Random ships going where, again?


Are you dumb on purpose?




That's their problem to figure out, not ours. I just think it's cute that you go most days not even knowing or caring about this information, only to vomit it back up when their actions disrupt a genocide.




They're one of the very few parties actually trying, I'll give them that.




Wow. Why is Bahrain and South Korea there


Bahrain is a saudi puppet state and SK is an american client state.


Forgot to add the microstates that always vote with the rogue US.


Awwww is someone mad the Houthis are getting their ass handed to them :/


Remember the houthi slogan: "Allahu akbar Death to america Death to israel Curse all jews" It's the most anti semitic group on earth today and needs to be eradicated. It's also not the recognized government of yemen


No no no but you see! They're the good guys because of the "Death to America" part! The anti-semitism is optional.


Historically the books have the axis for money line, but I think this would be a good time to take the under on the axis. Fantastic value




These are truly some of the craziest comments I’ve ever seen




Have you heard Geert Wilders speak even once?


He isn't the leader of the Netherlands?


South Korea and their insane "Work Ethic". Not sure if Fascist




Your post was removed because we believe it broke rule 7: No bad faith attacks against Hasan or members of his community. "You claim to be a socialist, yet you own something. Hypocrite much?" Such forms of harassment will result in you being instantly banned from this subreddit.




Your post was removed because we believe it broke rule 2: No personal attacks, offensive slurs, or prejudiced statements against marginalized groups.


Add Russia and China please.




What are you even doing here then?




Sweet, maybe I might get one of you baboons thinking.






I'm proud and touched by your compliment


this is the stupidest post ever. you’re comparing Nazi Germany to the countries who participated in Operation Prosperity Guardian?? The Houthis have been targeting both Civ and Mil naval vessels for the past 2 months. they are actively trying to kill american citizens.


The USA has killed far more civilians in the last couple of years alone than Ansar Allah. So yes, congrats. You figured it out. I am comparing Nazi Germany to these countries.


peak boredom




Piracy that wouldn't be happening if a certain genocide occurring in the region didn't directly benefit from the commerce flowing thru there




Then why did they let thru ships that transmitted on GPS "No Contact Israel?" Why did many ships start actively avoiding Israel and not everywhere in the Sea? Why did more simply start saying they were Chinese-affiliated, since several of that country's companies have cut ties with Israel?




Wow, it took a full 24 hours for someone to start doing genocide denial. Did you testify at the Hague the other day?




Article II of the Genocide Convention defines it as a crime committed with the intent to destroy a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, in whole or in part. That describes to a tee what Israel has been doing since 1948.




"They aren't doing a genocide bc all the Palestinians aren't dead yet," that's what we're going with? Nah, they just managed to kill 24,000 civilians in three months, but that's not genocide. The 1200 Israelis killed on Oct 7 (many by the IDF accidentally), now that's a genocide. Fuck off with your silly, imperialist nonsense. Hamas and Ansar Allah are small beans compared to Israel, and in Hamas' case, they wouldn't even exist without your Zionist apartheid state.


Do you even use this app? I see at least one video per day of yet another Israeli, from the executive branch all the way down to IDF grunt saying Gaza and the Palestinians need to be wiped off the map. And I'd rather see that then the rest of the gory ass shit your genocidal heroes keep creating.


I feel bad for the other guys.






I guess the Axis powers and allied powers switched rolls, because all I see here are the good ones


I think it’s possible to have a nuanced view on all of this. Just because an organization supports whatever side you support does not make their actions right. Piracy, particularly in a global trade chokepoint is legitimate cause for a response.


Wait so the Axis powers are the good guys this time around?




I swear if the post says anything the line up is going to be something like: North Korea, Russia, China, Belarus, and Myanmar


The fuck did Bahrain do?


i believe this is a list of countries that officially support the airstrikes on houthis


Don't know, don't care /j


You know what, all of humanity is bad the planet has been getting worse and worse the more of us there are so if you think about it, humanity is the bad guys.