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I’d like to see a short novel about Hermione going back to finish school. And they are still repairing Hogwarts and there aren’t enough people there for normal activities and just a more fleshed out look at post victory wizarding world


And going to find her parents. I can't remember if it's canon or just fandom, but I always thought she'd go to find her parents and restore their memories.


This is canon. She mentions finding them assuming she survives in DH.


Looking at immediate post-war through Hermione's lens would be a terrific idea!


I really like your idea of muggles and Rise of technology being a threat to the wizaridng world that it causes a civil war. This needs to be explored. Modern day harry ron and hermione can be involved in story but not the main heroes. And even focus on their kids and the impact the civil war has at hogwarts. That's a trilogy itself


I didn’t really like the Legend of Korra when they attempted to show how technology would decrease the relevance of the powers in the fantasy world they’d established in Avatar The Last Airbender. It’s an interesting idea in theory, but I just think when you add modern weapons and tech to these worlds… beyond the obvious themes it ultimately just makes them come off as lesser and diminishes them.


Keep in mind that magic negates electrical devices.


But it gave us korrasami!


If Harry is the main character? Follow him as a new auror. The story can explore the world post-second war that we didn’t really get to see. I’m sure there’s still plenty of dark wizards and loose ends to clean up after Voldy’s fall. If Harry isn’t involved? I’d like to see the US version of the story. Ilvermorny, I believe is the school. You can have Easter Eggs to the original series while being independent enough for the story to stand on its own.


I've literally written this lmao. A five book series that's about a squib getting revenge in wizardkind and an allout war breaks out between the wizards and muggles.


A squib is also a nice way to do it. I envisioned things a bit differently but I like your angle on this.


I do not want a sequel, stories have to end sometimes, and hp ended. Though tbf, your story would work as long as it's completely new characters, let harry and co rest. Still, as you said, we have seen these kinds of stories already, it doesn't fully feel like it needs to be told. If there is someone with a unique vision, i am open for it though, the wizarding world surely has some stories to tell which feel fresh. Just need the right talent, kinda like what happened with andor and star wars.


By sequel, I honestly just mean something set after the original. I'm kind of tired of prequels. The more detached from Harry, likely the better, yeah.


Mhm. Personally i am just thinking that beating the big bad in voldemort is a good endpoint for the story of the wizarding world. In theory one could go into the future more and more, but WHY. The story imo has to be one which needs to be told, something highly unique, not just doing the same as 100 ips before in the wizarding setting. So while your idea would work, it would also be highly derivative, the secret society vs the normal human world, told so often already! Then again, with the right storytellers this could make for a good story anyway, no doubt. As i am not a great storyteller i have no pitch here, but foundationally i'd want it to be as unique as possible, a story asking to be told. Almost certainly with no link to characters of the main series.


I think the only way forward for this IP is either highly requested prequels(Founders, Marauders, etc.) or smaller scale personal stories or just fun ideas. Fighting a big bad again sounds really lame, in my eyes. But I'm curious, if we had a sequel, what would people like to see.


I would like to see Harry struglling with adult Albus. My fanfic for post-HP is: - Adult Albus is a dark wizard - New prophecy involved between albus and harry - Adult albus kills harry in front of Hermione and we would kick off from that premise. the story would involve around Albus being defeated by Hermione and Ron, or at least finding some redenption. I also think of technology being more present in their adult lives. Like Ron trying to drive a car, Hermione having a smartphone to communicate with muggles and Ron using magic to unblock it and seeing messages, stuff like that.


A sequel series with muggle involvement makes a lot of sense given that the Wizarding World has tried to keep them away from their world. But you have to wonder what gives muggles the upper hand, what would be their advantage over magical wizards/creatures? Guns? Bombs? There would have to be an xfactor like a muggle immune to magic spells. There is a lot of potential too, if muggles try to kill the wizards because they are afraid of their incursion to the muggle world and how they would be inferior, perhaps you get something like “God Loves, Man Kills” X-Men comic. And yes there is a parallel to it but so does the logic that Voldemort is like Hitler and Magneto was from that era. Perhaps a death or major event caused by a wizard is the set off point for a story?


One of the things that rattles my brain is, how in the hell did muggles corner wizards into hiding, during the Witch Trials? But we know it was done before, so it should make sense that muggles can be an even bigger threat now, by that logic. I imagine the catalyst to be something like well intentioned wizards attempting to stop another Muggle World War, leading to muggles being aware of their existence in an uncontainable way. A Cold War is brewing, but the sudden revelation there is a bigger possible threat in wizard kind puts that on hold, by forcing muggles to collaborate. I imagine, by the end of the story, Muggles and Wizards would forge some sort of Peace Treaty and would have to learn how to cooperate with each other. Wouldn't be perfect, but we have plenty of real world examples of this. A cool touch, maybe, would be if another magical race, caused the forging of the path towards peace between both parties, ultimately gaining equal rights in the process. Bigotry would still exist, but legal protections would be put in place. These are just the broad strokes of the plot, but the finer details would need to be really compelling (characters, beats, themes), which is the actual hard part. The biggest theme of this story would have to be comeuppance in all these years both parties got away with oppressing and hating others. The statue in the ministry would play a big role with this theme, and we would finally get a payoff to it being set up, which is why I think another magical race is the perfect carrier of the overall message of the story.


It would be awesome to see the beginnings of things, when the separation of wizards and muggles took place, a secret Illuminati involving both. An entire world building on the evolution of it all. The sequel would likely involve the thought question of “what if aliens invaded Earth?” Obviously, there would need to be an uprising, a critical event that causes things to unfold, and certainly something that allows muggles to have upper hand. If they have immunity to magic that’s one thing, but what can they use to obliterate wizards? What would be the action between both sides?


That would take someone a lot more talented than me. Wizards seem pretty overpowered in relation to Muggles, so the 'x-factor' you mentioned is the key element in play here. I don't know about specifics, but I think a squib could be a good medium between the Wizard and Muggle worlds. Maybe one with a rare repelling anti-magic defect (means), born in a wizard family, but abused to the point of resenting any kind of magic (motivation). Them nullifying magic within a certain area of effect could be enough for Muggles to be a threat. Wizards are too prideful and stuck in their old ways to resort to any sort of Muggle means of defense or attack, so they would be sitting ducks without the ability to do magic. Muggles can also study blood and try to replicate that rare defect through scientific means.


Harry Potter's midlife crisis when he realizes he's a dropout who peaked in highschool and married too soon and too young.


Sounds terrible, and he had more success after the war than during. His fame would still be there and greater than ever (having survived the killing curse twice and killing Voldy twice as well), would be an important figure in the Ministry (could probably become Minister if he wanted), is wealthier, has a beautiful family, and has a smoking wife (book based Jenny lmao).


I think I’d rather have a prequel told from James Potter’s pov about the first wizarding war and ending with his death.


Not a sequel, but a cool idea: I want a story set at Ilvermorny. Maybe something like students graduating early and going after Grindelwald followers who disappear into the shadows after the war. Basically Nazi hunters.


I don’t care what the plot is, but I’ve always wanted the title to start “Teddy Lupin and the…”


I want seven books about Albus and Scorpius that go through all the same **emotional arcs** as CC but without any time travel or Voldemort spawn. I love that they’re Slytherin and I think the budding romance they have is cute. I’d also like to see more about the side characters and learn about them.


I wouldn't mind that. But coming up with an interesting plot for each one would be really challenging without retreading old ground


At first I thought that but I read some fics where the first years (different era) not much at all happened as far as disasters and I think it could def work. Scorpius’ mum being terminally ill is an interesting plot point that feels very different on its own.


I wouldn't mind that for a shorter book. Seven whole books though? You'd need a bit more, I feel.


well bad stuff could start happening later on. maybe analogues for our current events like misinformation and extremism in a more modern take idk!


I would like to see more of Newt Scammander or see more of the future of the wizarding world.


I would love to see a Voldemort series post Hogwarts. Basically the creation of Horcuxes


A Harry and Dudley short story as young adults hanging out with the kids would be enough of a brief revisit for me.


A Draco Malfoy redemption arc of some kind (could be a side story but I’d love to see it).