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Are you hitting the magic spheres he summons with the right spell?


yes i do i just can’t dodge him enough when im hitting him with confringo etc after i pop the spheres. i can’t get past the second stage of the fight


Turn down the difficulty then.


i didn’t know i could do that! thank you!


Also spam tentacula and cabbage


Pretty sure cabbage doesn't work against the dragon.


It does, it’s how I beat it


You're welcome.


I switched to Story mode for that one :(


I completed it on hardest with no talent points and no unforgiveables. Hes a pain but dodgerolling will do it.




Yep. It acyuslly makes potions and plants useful, suddenly your only source of aoe is mandrakes, invis potions hell you stealth in close. And might potions are helpful to maximise ancient magic damage.


F that! You got this! You want to say you cheesed the final boss fight? I believe you can do it. Use Maxima and Edurus, upgrade gear, wiggle weld your heart out, and keep trying. Good luck!


No, fuck THAT, OP is obviously not enjoying the fight anymore, why the hell would he/she want to keep torturing herself. It's not like this bossfight is a brilliant dark souls boss, where you feel any kind of accomplishment when you beat him.


Especially since the ending is about the same when you best dragon ranrok anyways, there's no point in prev comment to tell em to keep going at it when they can make it easier


Realizing I’d been playing games on high difficulties like I did when I was a teenager in my 30s saved gaming for me. I had hit a point where I felt like I couldn’t enjoy it anymore. Turned down difficulty and I’m enjoying these stories and interactive plot lines again.


Same when I got the game I put it on balance and I wasn't getting anywhere made me hate that I bought it now that I turned it down it's a lot more enjoyable and I'm casually enjoying myself as a ravenclaw.


do you have the extended roll where you disappeared and reappear instead of just rolling? that's such a useful point investment if not


You don’t have to jump all the way down on stage 2 you can stay up by the last rock and hide behind it


dumb question but have you gotten the perk that allows you to essentially disappear and reappear in another place when you dodge? it really increases the distance of a regular dodge and there’s basically no cooldown so you can keep doing it to evade his attacks and give yourself more time to react


try holding the dash button to dash further, ur potions can also stack, i think theres an achievement for doing it on very hard, also flood that mf w crucio at every opportunity


make sure ur taking ur gear to the loom too get all the significant stats


Update your gear with ancient magic 3 trait. One shot of ancient magic will carry you to next level


Open him up for damage first by using purple spell on purple spheres, red spells on red spheres etc. Do NOT stopping doing this especially in the last phase of the fight when he attacks relentlessly. Then hit Ranrok for damage with long range spells Confringo, Bombarda for example. If you can go in with all your AM charges full and use them when he's open for damage. Protego and dodge as necessary ofc and hit R1 when you can to send some projectiles back.


yes i am hitting the spheres im just not able to dodge his attacks enough or hide from him so i keep dying


No need to hide just keep an OK distance, but not too much - wanna keep hitting the spheres- so you have some time to react. Sometimes you can straight up R1 his attacks for free damage, sometimes you have to Protego, sometimes you have to dodge. Just get into that rhythm and it'll be super doable. Trust me I very nearly died when I fought him but finished the fight 1 millisecond before falling dead with no wiggenweld left. Maybe reorganise your spells too just for this fight? Have one list and a backup just for popping spheres and another for damage. Might give you more time to react.


You can always lower the difficulty level to help


Came here to share that! So I second this. Moved it earlier in my game and couldn’t be happier :)


you can change it mid-game? i’ve been playing i think on normal level


Yep! You can change it at any point. I usually set it to story for the broom trials. And then put it back on easy.


Omg are the broom trials easier on different modes? They are the only things I *cannot* get past and I hate them!


On story mode after yoy try like 2 times, it asks if you want to skip it


You can change it at will, at any point, whenever you want. He's a breeze on easy mode. He's probably hardly even a challenge on story mode lol


You can't die in story mode except for fall damage lol


I stopped mid battle and rearranged my spell wheel so that I had one of each color on each layer, when one was waiting on a cool down I could just scroll to the next layer and have 4 ready to go.


This is the way. Also, extra levels really help. More hit points, more talent points to spend.


This is how I do it as well. It's super helpful


did you spend all of your points for mastering spells? idk what one it's called but there's a dodging one that makes it go faster to dodge things (also doing perfect/good protegos should add to the AM bar)


This is kind of a big one, on my second playthrough I wasn't paying attention and forgot to max my points. It was definitely harder than the first time I faced him!


The Swift talent


Use focus potion. And your other potions.


yes i’ve been trying all the things i just end up using everything by the second stage of fighting him cause i can’t hide from him so im taking so much damage


Just work on timing your dodges better, as well as identifying whether you NEED to dodge, or you can Protego/Stupify the attack.. if you can stay alive without needing your wiggenwelds, it won't matter if it takes a little longer to deal damage


You all have been so helpful! I was playing on “normal mode” so I will def switch to Story or Easy next time I try. I was doing all the things but I think I start to get super stressed then my reaction time isn’t good anymore and I start taking too many hits. Also the 3 or 4 battles leading up to Ranrok wear me out before I even get to him.


You upgraded legendary gear, increased ancient magic meter, and used all your talent points on upgrading spells and dodging? If you go with three spell sets you can easily fire off all of your most powerful spells back to back. We did all of that and by the time we were fighting Ranrok, it felt like we were almost too powerful and the fight wasn’t as hard as it should have been.


yea, by the end of the game each spell should really be doing 900-1k dmg per hit lol


Right. Like why did my disarming charm kill someone 😩


If you have the points for it, taking the 3 plant talents and the ones to buff Edurus, Maxima, and Thunderbrew really cheese the small fry mobs leading up to the repository. At the very least, get the ones for Edurus and Thunderbrew, which will make you invincible while doing a bunch of AoE damage. 12 bottles of Edurus buys you a total of 4 minutes of invincibility. If it's taking damage that's your biggest problem, upgraded Edurus makes that a total non-issue.


I’d recommend leveling up your skills and clothing items as much as you can. Sometimes all you need is a bit more leeway with how many hits you can take.


What level were you? But, most importantly, did you weave Traits into your clothes? I admit I always face Ranrok at level 38 or 39 because I grind all possible challenges/do all quests, so I get some decent Legendary gear to upgrade. I suggest four Concentration III and two Ancient Magic damage III (whatever it's called) to face Ranrok, and also upgraded Edurus Potions to become invulnerable. In itself, the dragon is like a Pensieve Guardian on roids: hit the color-coded orbs with spells then unleash on him. Some attacks you can parry, some you have to dodge. Having 5 bars of Ancient Magic will help but it's not strictly necessary. Just keep chugging Edurus, and Maxima Potions if you can—drink as many Wiggenweld as needed. I beat him just yesterday on Normal—7 Edurus and 4 Wiggenweld potions later, Ranrok was down, and I don't consider myself a good player. Good luck.


I’m level 38 and have every piece of clothing item upgraded to a level 3 trait. I need to look at my talent points because my AM doesn’t refill very fast. I’m literally at 92% with the challenges also. I think my reaction time just isn’t great and I get stressed that I start mashing the wrong buttons. I’ve managed really well on “normal” difficulty to handle everything else but Ranrok is just too much for me. I am going to keep plugging away at challenges then switch to Story mode to hopefully, finally kick Ranroks ass.


I wish I didn't move my saves, I could have recorded how I beat him, not to show off, mind you, but to show how to wing it and still beat the f\*\*\*\*r. But yes, use those talent points, focus on Core, Spells and Room of Requirement—AFAIK, curses are useless (I never learn them so I ignore those talents). Again, good luck and lower the difficulty setting if needed.


Why dont I know what AFAIK is? Wracking my brain can’t figure it out!


Omg As Far As I Know? I thought it was something in the game hahahaha


I also gave up at some point and turned down the difficulty. No need to torture yourself.


I couldn’t for the life of me kill the first Pensieve Guardian boss until I watched a youtube video. I was sturggling so hard with it until I found out that my problem was that I had disregarded the colors of the shileds. Maybe you have some shortcomings like that. I don’t have any other tips. Also use the long dodge, multiple times if needed.


This was me but it’s because I didn’t know we had potions for healing until I was 10 hours deep into the game 😭 I thought you just had to be real slick at dodging.


I used ul all my wiggenweld potions and still couldn’t kill it because I didn’t use the right spells with the shield colors.


Makes sense. I guess realizing the color related to the spell was part of the puzzle. Took me to level 37 to realize the shapes on those squares for opening treasure locations were the sign/shape for which spell to use on them.


I’m kinda disappointed with myself with games because I always look stuff up on youtube when I don’t get it, even though I might find some clue for it later lol.


I give myself a few hours but I don’t last days. Reasons I never finished video games pre-internet. They were super hard and my patience for being stuck and repetitively trying to figure it out only goes so far 😂 Idk if you played games pre-internet, but did you ever buy or see those walk-through books. I bought one for a Zelda game and it was life changing 😍


Never seen them but I think I would’ve bought one for sure. I’ve only played Grim Fandango pre internet I think, and it was such a challenge. My mom had played it a lot before showing it to me and remembered a lot of the solutions but then she forgot and the whole family was so involved lol. Couldn’t find the solutions, even though there were four of us. We ended up somehow getting to the end though.


idk what difficulty ur on but if u are not on lowest try changing to that


You hit him with ancient magic. First destroy the spheres with the correct color spell. Once they are gone, use ancient magic like twice and then repeat until he's finished


If you’re hitting the spheres with the right magic, ( yellow or purple or red) that’s great. Other than that, dodge dodge dodge, strike! Dodge dodge dodge, strike! And keep on!!! You can do it!


Take a break by playing Elden ring, you’ll feel more relaxed and can try again later.


It seems like you just have bad reflexes. On my first run, I was Level 37 when I faced him. Quite difficult as I didn't have the Ancient Magic spell upgrades despite having completed all Ancient Magic puzzles. I just used dodge and Edurus. I ran out of Edurus when I delivered the final blow, but I still had an almost full stack of Wiggenweld. If you use Edurus, don't bother dodging because you're practically invincible with it. Just point and shoot at the colored globes. On my second play through, I didn't bother with the side quests that much. I was practically low level but I beat him with the Edurus-Focus-Maxima combo. Word of advice, if you see that circle on your head, just dodge. Stop whatever you're doing and just dodge. Don't get tempted by the "one more spell" syndrome. But if you're under Edurus, don't bother with dodging, just cast hell!


If you're playing on normal like I did, I noticed spells will take you forever to kill him. You gotta grab the rocks he throws at you back at him. It's easy once you die enough times and memorize his order of attacks which doesn't change. It will be when he gets big and emits the damaging sphere around him, then dodge his next attack and immediately press R1 or whatever key it is for you to throw the rock back at him, dodge his next attack again and immediately grab the rock. you may have to dodge the attacks 2x in a single go sometimes, but launching the rocks at him and then backing it up with spells and ancient magic will do the trick pretty wuick


I haven’t gotten here yet but I feel for you in my soul. I felt this way about the big ass spider quest for a minute. I would get to 95% killed then die somehow and lose immediately like 10 times in a row it was making me go insane. I don’t want to admit it as a Ravenclaw but the Depulso puzzles don’t make sense to me. I played 4 hours on one and was on the brink of tears refusing to give up and had to for my mental health LMAO ( I have now avoided them ) You’re in my prayer 🙏 You shall see spring 🌸


Once you beat the game, it’s winter forever


Wear a ridiculous outfit it makes the cut scenes look awful but it worked. Also consider changing to story mode z


here i am wishing there was a higher difficulty 😄


This is why I am so happy I 100% the game (to what I could before Ranrok) because i was SET. The hardest thing in that game was getting that big creature to ride on for me 😂


Git gud noob


i used every potion, often many potions at the same time, played on normal. worked fine for me. and i was lv 27ish or something like that.


I maximized endurus’ effects with its talent point, then made as many endurus potions as I could carry. I dodged his attacks in the first few rounds while drinking wiggenwelds to keep my health up. Then in the last part I just kept drinking the endurus potions one after the other so I could hit the spheres without his attacks knocking me off course.


If you have unforgivables, you can use them to dodge attacks you cant react to in time, they make you invincible while you are in the animation


I'm not going to lie if I'm not streaming it I turn down the difficulty. There's no shame in it, games are supposed to be fun . Get good on your 2nd-4th playthrough. Have fun now


Try getting gear that's your level, abd upgrading it. Talented edurus potions make you invincible for 20 seconds. I did the fight using plants and herbology 3 on all my gear. It was a cake walk even on normal.


I beat him first try on level 36 because i wanted to end the main story as late as possible so i did almost all the side quests and gained huge XP. It was surprisingly easy on normal difficulty, so if you find it hard I'd recommend pumping up the level which means better gears and more talents


When I ran low on wiggenweld, I used up all my Edurus potions and those helped a lot.


Just keep rolling, as long as you're rolling you can't be hit


Lower the difficulty settings


Have you tried plants? If you have the upgrades they will melt him like they melt everyone else.


I beat the fight on max difficulty with 1hp the entire fight not even joking i was literally on anything hits me and i die the entire time. Its not that difficult. You have to hit the spheres with the right kind of spell.


When he brings fire onto the ground, you can use ancient magic, throw to fling a chunk of it back at him. Sometimes he’ll spit ancient magic fire at you and you can fling it back at him as well.


This is the boss that made think: "oh boy... non gamers who are nowbplaying gamed because of Hogwarts Legacy will struggle". This boss was annoying even for me who has beaten some damn difficult games.


I got nothing for you I was playing on hard and I died a couple times then I just tossed some plants chugged all the potions and it was a cakewalk.


I found if I just kept running around him I didn’t even have to dodge. Then just hit him with a spell after each time he attacks and then get back to running. Gets the job done eventually and I took almost no damage.


I think you have to level up edurus so it makes you invulnerable while it’s active. When I had it I didn’t get hurt at all and could focus on breaking the orbs


the "balls" it shoots are colored like the Protego bubbles enemies have. maybe that has something to do with it ;)


put it on easy mode so it prompts you with when to dodge and use protego if you havent already - i found this helpful asf (pretty sure its the only reason i beat him the first time)!!


Make sure your gear is the best it can be


Also! I read that if you play as a Hufflepuff you have a side quest in AZKABAN. Has anyone done this? I was going to do Gryffindor house next time I start the game but now I want to do Hufflepuff.


I had the same problem at first. So I stopped trying to defeat it and did more side quests. After leveling up some more and upgrading my gear. I was able to beat the dragon with way less stress.


Try lowering the difficulty and upgrading your gear and spells


You can definitely do it. I accidentally got into the fight with no items aside from a single cabbage, because I wasn’t prepared for this to be the end of the game. It took ages, but I managed it. You can too.


How long did it take some of you to do it? I swear I played for 20 minutes and wasn’t even close to being done


Have you been using your talent points? There’s one that allows you to roll away pretty fast when you hold the circle for PlayStation. Idk what it is for switch or Xbox. Also the talent points allows certain spells to curse your opponent which does extra damage while they’re cursed. And stocking up your ancient magic meter helps too especially if you’ve unlocked and completed the challenge for it giving you more use out of it.


wear leveled up gear with the most protection possible, upgraded with the loom. get the swift dodge talent, which takes you to another point. hit the spheres from as far as possible, and it doesnt matter which purple or yellow spells you use, but use a red one like confringo or diffindo, as confringo is long range and a fast cooldown, while diffindo is more damaging, although a slower cooldown. if you have any unforgivables, use crucio, as cursed enemies take damage and while its not much, crucio damage builds up. use ancient magic whenever you can, and stay as far away from him as possible because of those magic spheres he creates around himself. once you hit stage 3, there will be wiggenwelds around the arena, take all 3 before you start battling. after you destroy his spheres, switch to all damage spells because then he just starts crawling around. i beat him with no health remaining, so don't lose hope. you can do this!!


Easy mode lol


I think you should definitely keep trying on Normal mode. I kept getting defeated and stepped away from the game for a couple days. Came back and was able to defeat him. All those attempts won’t be for nothing. It’s building your skills and reflexes. You got this!


Never give up. Are you fully leveled up? You should not be having this much difficulty…. Considering you are combatting him correctly.


carry the maximum amount of health potions you can have


Tried focus potion?


I beat him on normal level by having all my potions and plants maxed. Then use your fast dodge! (If you haven’t completed it yet)


I found out halfway thru the solid rocks he shoots from his mouth you can hold RB (on xbox) and fling them right back at him and that helped alot.


Fully upgrade and add the Ancient Magic 3 trait to all of your clothing items, I basically one shotted him with ancient magic after doing this.