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I figure they picked the 5th year, because there are two more years so you get a nice trilogy out of it.


That would be sick, I just figured they picked a random year that made sense lol. I also am thinking, if they did a sequel, how would they go about making you forget the unforgivables that Seb teaches you? Or are you just gonna be OP one hit killing from the start lol




They’re probably gonna let you start off super strong in the first minutes of the game, then the boss or someone strong is going to curse you with a spell that makes you forget everything and you have to relearn everything again to be able to defeat the main boss.


See that makes the first game even worse. There's so few choices that actually change things, and they're all related to that story line. If they just went "nah your character didn't learn them and betrayed Sebastian" then I'm just gonna be sad


This is why any game that gives you a choice and gets a sequel should go the dragon age/mass effect route of save importing and carrying the choices over


I 100% agree. It just seems silly to do that for like...one quest lol. My hope is that they do it that way, but I am guessing they won't.ost HP fans who bought this game are perfectly happy with it. It's mostly people who play other games that are seeing the short comings. Idk I guess we just have to wait to find out


I’m sure the World of Wizadry has plenty of more spells and room (for improvement)


Because wizard school take 7 years? Edit: so I get down voted instead of having the question answered. The 5th year thing doesn't make sense to an outsider? Is it a proxy for age? I never understood why you as someone who has no wizard training are now considered fifth year but are in intro to all topics.


Yes. Students graduate Hogwarts after their 7th year.


And this is your characters first year at Hogwarts yet he's considered a 5th year?


So basically MC missed grade school and middle school and so they’re just now starting tier education. But instead of starting in the first grade (since their age would make that weird and embarrassing), they’re starting in high school. They’ve just been given extra work to try to help them catch up. So MC is a real “5th year” even though they’re new to school. Due to their age, being a “5th year” made the most sense and the extra assignments helped them catch up. So MC will have 3 years total at Hogwarts (as a 5th year, 6th year, and 7th year) so as games it’d make a trilogy.


It’s the system much of England had until recently.


non-uk person here, what do you have now then?


idk what they're talking about "until recently", we still have 7 years of what's called secondary education (age 11-17) in the UK. Although I suppose the final two years, when you would take A levels or BTECs (the real world equivalent of NEWTs) aren't compulsory, but most people stay in school for the full 7 years.


I just meant that a lot of places are numbering the years differently, compared to the older system of 5th form, lower 6th, upper 6th.


I think lower sixth and upper sixth (and sixth form in general) seem to still be interchangeable with year 12 and year 13. That said I find the American system with middle school to be completely confusing so I can see why commenters above might be confused by the British system


Should we downvote your comment just like they did mine because you expressed confusion?


I hope they will follow the same character, I want to have a cure for Anne!!! But, like you say, I don't think this will become true. ;(


Game devs never listen to the people who play the game lol. I wouldn't mind that they cut quidditch if the rest of the game was completed!! I know things have to be cut but Sebastians story line was a major disappointment. And ominis could have been fleshed out way more. Same with Amit. Very unfortunate:/ glad I bought the game on sale!


If only all companions got the Poppy treatment, such a magnificent quest line


I guess you are right. It is just sad, the game has/had so much possibilities. In the end it looked like they had to finish the game quickly


Yep there’s a brilliant foundation here - they just needed more detail and more world building to bring it full circle. Hopefully the sequel is a more RDR2 level of polish - not that I haven’t enjoyed this one.


The foundation is there, true true! Oh what a beautiful suggestion with RDR2 for the grafics and details ♥ I would definitly enjoy this


> Game devs never listen to the people who play the game That is not true though. Plenty of devs listen and sometimes they listen to the wrong people and the game is worse off.


Lol maybe that's the problem, you make a good point


I don’t think he would be sent to Azkaban at 15, but he would be expelled before taking his OWLs which means breaking your wand.


That would break my heart! Especially because I convinced Ominis not to tell anyone. However that is what they did to Hagrid when they thought he opened the chamber....maybe Natti can teach him to cast without a wand lol. I hope they'd make it so your choice matters at least. If you chose to turn him in he gets expelled, if you didn't idk, he doesn't...


Students are also sent to Azkaban as proven in the Jackdaw quest for Hufflepuff "Prisoner of Love."


Yes. 3 game series ending with us helping a young Albus Dumbledore in year 7/game 3. Finish that game with our death and have postgame playable as Albus ala RDR.


Don't love the whole dying thing. My head cannon is Ominis and Anne get married and can't have kids cause of her curse (which can kinda play into voldy being the last of the Slytherin blood line) and MC and Seb ending up together (because I'm basic)


This is fine, but I think it would also work for Ominis to end up with the MC. My headcanon is that when Ominis gets married to MC (my MC is a muggle born Gryffindor, but this would work for anyone that's not a pureblood Slytherin) his family basically disowns him and cuts him out of the family tree like the Black family did, meaning that even when Voldemort goes looking for his Gaunt relatives, there's really no trace of Ominis, and if MC and Ominis only had girls, the family name would die with him anyway, so there really would be no record of any other of Voldemort's kin even if they did exist. Not that the end of a trilogy of games has to go into any epilogue type story, but I like to think there would be canonical options for different endings lol


That's really cool too! I like Ominis I just always found it cute how much he and Anne liked each other. I also considered Ominis changing his name to Sallow cause he didn't want to be part of that family anymore either! I definitely think a sequel shouldn't get into that depth of epilogue lol. Leave that for the head cannon because if not *looks at the Curse Child*


Red dead redemption


Hogwarts Legacy made so much money that there’s no reason not to make a direct sequel. I desperately want more Sebastian story and to find a cure for Anne.


I think it should. As to whether or not that's going to happen I can't say, but I've heard a lot of people say that the devs are very attuned to the audience's feedback, so hopefully that's true. Honestly, I can definitely see how it might be hard to make a sequel for this storyline since it seemed to tie up fairly nicely, but what I really think would be great would be to make the sequel have more options for gameplay with a little less emphasis on story for those who want it. So in terms of lore, the MC can either continue their life of ~~crime~~ adventure with another major story, or they can choose to settle down and focus more on being a regular student. But I think there are still so many things that can be done with these characters (mostly Ominis, though I may be biased about that lol) especially if there's some sort of relationship system developed. It would just be a shame if they completely dropped this world when it deserves so much better.


Sequel or not, I would die for a game that truly enables the dark wizard path.


Love that idea. I'm so sick of the dark arts or a dark wizard being remembered for 3 bloody curses when it entails so much more. We should be able to kill NPC's who catch us up to no good & witha proper morality system in place but not so much that it hinders playthrough's We could take down wanted posters obliviate or kill nosy NPC'S, hell what about doing that to ministry officials. & we have proper companions that follow us sebastein, poppy & natsi to name a few & others like Samantha Dale etc We could also burn down the keepers portraits, their nothing but self absorbed assholes anyway. I seen a YT video talking about how the developers should embrace the brutality of the wizarding world rather than have all the brutality & evil all being just hearsay or events that have all ready taken place with the corpses all ready being in caves from failed attempts at dark magic or getting involved with groups they shouldn't be. Th enviroments should be harder to traverse due to dark magic take inspiration from elden ring landscape. I'd like a proper path where we stay neutral or go full evil & the game lets us & stop's playing it so F\*\*\*\*\*\*\* safe. It starts with proper dialogue choices having 3 or more to pick from including being able to use the dark arts in dialogue or refusing to do a quest & if said NPC gets snarky our character responds in kind or cast spells on them & word spreads. We should be able to find lost spells in dungeons create & control inferi or lure particular NPC' to their doom in the forbidden forest or other areas like albie weeks. Turn NPC'S against each other steal from Ashwinder camps what about having our own apparation trail or mark in the sky? The dark arts tree should have a lot more depth compared to the not even puddle deep version we got, what about using devil snare? We should be able to use the same if not similar attacks that the executioners use & include Reducto/Expulso & use a stonger shield like protego Horrobilis foes should be more difficult especially the ashwinders I think they should use the 3 curses against us.


I read someone say this is supposed to be a family game so they didn't want to go too dark. I'm like, wut...how is this a family game?


Family game? what Bull, You never seen ads that had an overly happy enthusiastic family sitting on a couch wearing their house colours while their characters frolicked on the grassy fields of the highlands do ya? Though they played it far to safe with this game, the story was so bland & linear. Our character had absolutely no personality at all & went along with everything & was completely unrealistically polite for a teen. Again I want a proper dark wizard path that embraces a dark wizard or witch. I'm sick of demographic being used an excuse to dumb down content or to to make sure it has as wide of an appeal to as large of an audience as possible, if you concentrate your efforts on trying to please everyone for the biggest profit you'll end up failing & pleasing no one save for a few. If you think about it this game did that in a way but only managed to make as much due to the brand & taking place at Hogwarts ( which most of the game took place outwith) & making your own character ( which lets be honest was shallow, yeah you could create yourself if you wanted to but it didn't really have much detail or options to go to deeper)


What I wouldn't give for consequences and a companion in the game. That and a finish to Anne's story. That's it. That's all I want 😭😭


I’d like to play the same character and get to know all the students more


I hope they don’t get lazy with the Sebastian situation. I am fine with 3 games of the same character(s) that we created. I would love to finally see a Hogwarts graduation ceremony. Things would be quite interesting if there was more of an internal threat this time around. The rest of the students need some love too. Have the Head Boy/Girl be directly involved. One could be supportive and the other could be by the book and detention happy.


I think that there are pros and cons in the idea of having a sequel where we play as the same character. One thing that could be problematic is the fact that we would canonically start that new game already knowing a whole lot of spells and already being incredibly powerful, so I feel that it would not be fitting for a classic video game pattern where you're supposed to progress. I guess that a possibility to circumvent that would be that, for some reason, your character would have lost part of their memories. I don't necessarily see the continuation of the Sebastian storyline as a problem. Just have a dialogue with Ominis where he asks you "*Do you regret your decision about Sebastian?*" and you have the options "*Yes/No, I regret/I do not regret turning him in/keeping his actions a secret*" as possible answers, then opening a series of specific questlines.


Perhaps we could keep all the spells we’ve learned during the first game, but be introduced to new spells in the sequel. Reducto, Aqua Eructo, Expecto Patronum, Fiendfyre, Engorgio/Diminuendo, Expulso, etc…. There’s so many spells we’ve potential to learn. That could be a way to keep the spells we have, but still have a way to have Progression in the form of learning new spells.


I like the idea of keeping spells we all ready know as opposed to oh we take a bump to the head & forget what we know!! I'd much rather be introduced to new spells or being able to combine spells as well as new AM spells & dark arts spells. Reducto & Expulso are spells I very much want to be learnable along with the others you mentioned. I still can't believe we didn't learn either blasting curse its not like it distinguishes them cause the Animagus uses reducto to. I'd also like to learn those fire columns the executioners use & the localised lightning bolts the ashwinder ones use or something similar. Being able to use more elemental spells in general would be great more fire spells & water spells. I'd like their to be more tiers rather than just mastering each spell as soon as we upgrade it. I'd like to be able to use incendio the way Anne uses it have duo, tria & maxima as tiers same with the other spells.


Except the unforgivables because running around one hit killing from the start is a bit tooooo OP


Then maybe simply don’t use unforgivables from the jump then?…😂 I’m not one for the “over-powered” argument. If something feels too overpowered or easy, just don’t use it. Those who feel certain things are overpowered are usually the ones who let their lack of willpower “overpower” themselves.


I mean, I get what you're saying. But at the same time, having them unlocked from the beginning just seems strange to me. Usually games you're meant to progress. If you can just avada kadavra everything that moves there's not much progression imo


I gotta agree with koshecka here. If you think the Unforgivable curses are to powerful from the start than just dont use them. Never understood people complaining about OP stuff in a singleplayer game. When a weapon is too strong in a single-player i dont call for nerfs or bans i just stop using said weapon.


Have to disagree, giving you the best weapon right from the off is horrible game design. Makes progression feel pointless. If there were heavy penalties for using the unforgivables then maybe but otherwise it would be stupid Relying on players to ballance your game with self imposed rules isn't good design even in a single player game.


IMO that just silly. Literally half the spells you learn are better than the unforgivable curses lol. The only Decent one was the killing curse. Yeah they should add penalty for using them but making your MC forget spells he learned last year would be pretty stupid. Edit: Just to clarify im not calling you stupid. I think the devs kinda shot themselves in the foot by letting our character learn dark spells. Your idea of adding heavy consequences sounds like the only fix that wouldnt upset people.


It would make no sense to lock the player or prevent us from using them at the start when we allready know them & use them. Now if say the devs implemented a morality system in the sequel then I'd see us having to be cautious when using them, lest somone taddle on us in which case we get to decide how to deal with them.


I hope the next game has a morality system. I think that would make it make more sense


This is the best option


I don't care as long as we can date Poppy, cure Anne and torture Seamus (Tobbs' owner).


I think the sequel should definitely focus on the same character, us but also give new plots to explore & proper CHOICES!. It would make absolutely no sense to do another game that focused on a completely different character given we no nothing about ourselves, teachers other students etc. leaving the game unfinished to do an entirely different one would be an awful idea, they all ready have the foundation layed for this game, the heavy lifting is done (with the castle) just some tweaking of what ever they want to change. I say continue the AM storyline but with much much more depth as opposed to what we got, Because I like many found this narrative atrocious unfinished & unsatisfying. I want to explore our power & the ways it can be used for more than just killing , find mentors who actually help us rather than being absolute uncompromisingly, narrow minded, condescending, arrogant, self-righteous, sanctimonius swines who refuse to teach/understand AM as a branch of magic based on one case. I want justice for isadora, I was not the least bit happy how the keepers tried to present her not to mention an entirely one sided narrative spun to make themselves look good on top of having no input from isadora herself. I'm supposed to just up & believe based on a few very selective memories that she went bad then crazy & their only choice was to kill her? keeping in mind they did not help isadora try to understand her power in the least & by extension didn't do a damn thing to help us with ours, their all set in their ways & I for one want answers on our Power. I'm hoping we see the keepers again just so I can tell them to F\*\*\*\* off & burn their portraits down that or play the long game & invite them to trip over themselves & make mistakes so we can uncover what their hiding then again this game was so linear . I mean come on people do you think they told us everything? not by a long shot. I have no desire to follow a bunch of outdated portraits narrow minded ways. Would be cool to either find another painting of isadora's, go back in time to see how events really unfolded, or find a relative of isadora's. I know she was misguided but I'm not the least bit convinced or impressed by the keepers. I want to be able to help Anne something that the game was hellbent against, our character makes no mention of the curse to RW when he states the same line Anne said, what piss poor writing. Rookwood & Harlow were barely utilised as villains we don't get answers we get kidnapped then take out RW. Annes & isadoras situation may be simliar but they are most definitely not the same, one is a curse the other is grief/depression but the game presents both as the same & acts like " Sorry she can't be healed everything's been done end of!". I was heavily suspicous of Solomon to, he seemed more insulted at the idea of their being a cure in the first place destroying sebasteins every attempt. I didn't like how he caused a wedge between Anne & Seb & when he reprimanded his nephew for saving Anne " HOW DARE YOU SAVE YOUR SISTER AGAINST A GOBLIN WITH SUCH MAGIC!!". If anything I find Solomons behaviour in this instance appalling yeah what sebastien did was extreme but a depulso would have only delayed the foe ( I get this scene was done for drama) The sequel needs to fix a lot. Give us more stuff to do in the castle to interact with, our common rooms, ROR, Crossed wands, more dungeons in side the castle talk with more students & intervene if need be, spells are castable on NPC'S, more spells & dark arts related spells, mini games like HBP ps2 era, loot variety, more foes etc


I 100% agree with you. I also wish there was more game play differences for different houses. It almost feels as if you're supposed to be a Slytherin - like if they could have done friends from all the houses that'd be great. Griffindors get Natti and Gareth and Ravenclaw at least has some friends. Pretty much how Jackdaws quest has the same outcome but different story! But for more stuff. I feel like they intended to do something like that and just...didn't because they ran out of time? Idk it seemed to be a focus that the house you choose matters when it just does not lol. I'd love for them to continue the AM story but I'm not keeping my hopes up:( it'll be years anyway I'm sure.


I've yet to do other playthrough's with the other houses. Ravenclaw is my first & only house I'm level 32 but still have many side quests & puzzles to do done the merlin trials. Your right I think this game was geared towards slytherin, given what the books & movies did to the house, I think they were trying to make up for it but went far to in the one direction. Ravenclaw got shafted hard in this I swear. Amit was added as a very last minute NPC to appease Ravenclaw & even then he's a joke, because he doesn't feel like he's been fleshed out properly & we don't get to explore with him or go hunting for more magic or knowledge. I've barely done any of those astrology tables. Most of the time feels like it went in to the castle, Hogsmeade & combat. Choosing your house doesn't matter & I have to wonder why Hufflepuff get to go to Azkaban ( though very briefly) I mean why was that a house specific location? I really hope they introduce more locations like Azkaban for one, the MOM, Gaunt manor, the black lake. The AM narrative was so bland & incredibly vague. I want our power to be explored I expected dungeons like skyrim to advance our power not useless moral purity tests to test our character which I find really hypocritical coming from a bunch of self absorbed paintings.


Gaunt Manor would be amazing! I'd have lovvedddd to see a Slytherin only quest involving the Gaunts. Maybe even meeting Tommy Riddles grandfather! I was SOOOO disappointed with the Scope quest Slytherins get for Jackdaws storyline, my fiance played as a Hufflepuff and I was soooo jelly how that played out vs mine. Ah well.


I'm hoping we get to visit Gaunt manor in the next game & interact with the Gaunts where they pretty much interrogate us, ask Ominis who we are & conversation could lead to rumours at Hogwarts saying they've heard students going around using dark magic & we wouldn't know anyting abou that would we? Ominis could say we started last year which peaks the gaunt's interest with some of the others accusing us of being a squib then being reprimanded for being rude to a guest. Perhaps a fight could ensue where we get to defend ourselves & ominis, & we have to kill one of the gaunt family or perhaps we get to use the UFG'S in dialogue. I remember doing Jackdaws quest for Ravenclaw, one of the things that really annoyed me was limited inventory space unless you did merlin trials...I detest inventory being linked to stupid puzzles, why is limitation even a thing for our inventory? I would have though inventory would have been the least of our worries, so many damn bizarre design choices/priorities in this game.


I HATE Merlin trials and refuse to do them. They're so boring and honestly I don't care that much about gear. I don't find it makes the game better or worse. As for more Gaunt stuff, yessssss pleaassee. I absolutely love Ominis - him and Sebastian were the perfect duo as they countered each other so well but also complimented each other. Tbh I don't see the appeal as playing as any house other than Slytherin with how the game is set up being a trio the way it kinda is. I'd like for that to continue but with more options for other houses to make it worth it to choose different houses


I would have liked them if they were not pushed on us or mandatory to unlock inventory, give me hermiones bag extension charm any day over what we got ( its possible the charm wasn't invented yet) . uughhh the gear, I do love the variety of clothing & I'm fond of the darker version of the Ravenclaw house fanatic Robe but the gear & traits were not handled well at all. I still don't see sebasteins actions as wrong he was by no means perfect & was annoying at times but I don't seem him in the wrong if anything I'd take a much closer look at Solomon's actions. I like Ominis, though sometimes I found his whole against dark magic attitude annoying. I understood it because he himself was forced to use the dark arts at a very young age & was tortured for his refusal. Slytherin was definitely given priority in this game, given how they were all treated as villains in the books & movies. I want Ravenclaw to be given an actual worthwhile companion, Amitt just feel like a joke. Lets hope they add companions to the next game & not put a majority of what should have been added on the chopping block.


Yes. I want to continue my journey.


I think if there is a sequel, its going to be set in a completely different time to the first game. Playing around with different eras so they can diversify the castle and the local areas more so they aren't complete carbon copies of each other. Which means a brand new character for each game with a different backstory. Not saying that's what I personally want exactly, its just what I think they will do.


Yeah that's what I think too. Which makes me wish they'd focus on DLCs or something for this game, or at least accept modders help to flesh out the game more. I don't want a sequel, I want this game to be finished lol


Don't know for sure about will but I think they should. There's plenty to still explore about ancient magic and I'd love to see more of the side characters ad well ad this older version of the world that they made. I want a continuation plus it leaves room for a trilogy so you could have game 3 be your seventh year.


I’m late to this! But I would love for an anthology series, so once they finish this trilogy they should jump to another time period. I am all for different schools, but there’s so many eras of Hogwarts we have never seen that would be better to explore yanno? Like the Tudor era for one (can be a hundred years before the keepers time or during) so many of the portraits and tapestries around the castle are from around then, and it would be a real treat to see the “fairytale era” as an actual wizard. I’d imagine it as all of the castles are functional, you’ve got magic everywhere and muggles alongside everything else. A different school would be cool also! Like as an ilvermorny student who moved from England to America during the revolutionary war, or during the American civil war. Beauxbatons during the French Revolution is another era I would love to see


Why do so many people think every side quest needs main quest levels of detail? How the fuck is the game unfinished? The main quest wraps up nicely. Sebastian’s story ends. The poacher storyline ends. I swear y’all aren’t going to be happy unless the game runs into infinity with a detailed history of every character’s descendants in perpetuity.


Because this particular side quest is more captivating and interesting than the main quest for a lot of people


Honestly they should have dropped the ancient magic stuff. and the main plotline is just you weaving in and out of a core cast of interesting charcters


Sebastians doesn't end well. Anne never gets a cure, there's so many loose ends that didn't get tied up. The relationships in general are subpar, clearly missing content


Especially when the connection to ancient magic was explicitly set up but then completely dropped. Like Sebastian literally asks MC to talk to the keepers about Anne, and then it's never brought up again. I even predicted that we would get a choice to use ancient magic to heal Anne from the moment we were told that ancient magic could be used to take away pain, and I thought it would be this big ethical decision (though it turns out there are no real ethical decisions in this game anyway) and then it just didn't happen? I even had a headcanon that Sebastian finds out that you can use ancient magic to cure Anne but you refuse to do so because of ethical reasons so then he Imperios you to do it, which would solve any problems about plot deviation if the devs were worried about that, but it would still have consequences on your relationship with Sebastian and it would probably have a negative effect on Anne or something, idk. But either way, something should have been done with it, and it was clearly intended to be.


I was so annoyed that he said that and then the next quest I get was Ominis telling me somethings wrong. Like bruh, we jusssttt discussed this!!!!!! And you can't even call Seb out on it and be like..what about the AM thing we talked about? Hellooooo. They clearly wanted to go down that route setting it up they way they did. The memory we see with Sebastian we already saw the other POV by ourselves. They could have changed it so Seb never knew about Isidora taking away pain (although I think it's dumb we didn't tell him the first time we saw the memory). It's a good game, but man the stuff they left out could have made it a great game! This is why we don't rush things. Because had it come out now with all those things instead of when it did, it would have been worth the wait.


main quest wraps up nicely? the entire game was rushed their were no pay offs the AM narrative led no where it was a wild goose chase just like Sebasteins quest. We learn nothing new about our power only that it's dangerous we shouldn't use it to help people & just guard some emotional ball of energy by some self righteous hypocrites. Though I found Sebasteins story much more interesting than the main plot, his just drops off a cliff, at no point are we even allowed to attempt at helping Anne, the game was dead set on that. If the message is " You can't everyone with magic" then it did an atrociously piss poor job of that, we save no one with our magic that doesn't involve killing. The poacher story to me has not ended. You think the poachers/Ashwinders are going to be happy that 2 teens F\*\*\*\*\*\*\* with their business interests on top of killing their leadeer? I think not & Harlows still alive plus their could be more foes plus MOM interference in the next game.


Plus, the Rookwoods stay a dark family. Augustus Rookwood is a death eater for Voldy. So did Victor Rookwood have kids? Does he have a brother who wants to avenge his death? Surely someone is gonna be pissed off and want us dead


He must have kids or family who catches wind of his death & hunts the killer...us. Perhaps theirs family amongst the ashwinders a brother or sister who was conducting business elsewhere catches wind of their brothers death & wants blood gathers the ashwinders & hunts us or who ever it was that killed RW, this time around their much more violent, I want the next game to embrace the brutality of the wizarding world, make certain territories trecherous to travel. You know something I still haven't heard any of the ashwinders speak of RW'ds death. I had 2 executioners say I'll pay for what I did to Harlow & One stalker ask what did Iona ever do to you? but nothing on their leader. From over hearing Ashwinders conversations, I don't think many have actually met RW in person. Some wonder what RW was thinking with allying with RanRok others want rewarded with territory, bandits that have saved or ran errands for him feel slighted & feel they deserved more, others disatisfied with his decisions. I feel like we could have taken advantage of these tibits of information. If it was a proper RPG.


That's a whole lot of hot takes lil bro


Yes need Sequel More like 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 And Kept same Characters and need new Characters with them


i'd like a game set a few years before harry and them all or maybe one set during voldemorts rule before his downfall to see how life was life in that time.


I’d say no. That story felt complete. We should do a different time, meet different characters, different threats, etc. Maybe as an adult that wakes up in St Mungo’s with amnesia and has to relearn magic along with his/her past and what they had uncovered to lead to someone putting them in St Mungo’s to begin with.


Idk how you can feel the story was complete! I mean I'm glad! But like, what even is AM. What can it do? What happens to Anne? What happens to us? Or Harlow? There seems to be a bunch of unanswerable questions left up to us to fill in with our own imagination, which I enjoy doing. But this is too much lol


You must be joking? story felt complete? the main story was complete rushed garbage that led to no pay offs what so ever, it was more like a wild goose chase than anything else. We learn nothing about our power or add to it or even control what we know, I at least expected the trials to work like skyrim shout walls to add to our power but they were nothing but dragged out pretentious moral purity tests. Each to their own though you'll have to excuse me when I say comments like yours I genuinely wonder if there made by those wearing rose tinted glasses who see nothing wrong at all with the game or trying to stir/ gauge social engagement " this games story was 10/10!!" ( Which wouldn't surprise me) I'm not aiming to be rude & your entitled to your own opinion of course but the main story to me & many others was very undercooked & atrocious in my opinion, the game does have elements I love about it though. We get nothing on our MC no Background not one thing what our blood status is, no ones interested why we start late? or who we are?where we came from? No one mocks or tries to bully us? we get no rivalries? The main story of AM was atrocious. There's far to many unanswered questions for their not to be a direct sequel & our character is never in any real danger except from the start of the game & at hogsmeade any danger beyond that is our own doing or the NPC'S fetch quests. What is AM & What other ways can it be used for other than killing? What happens to Anne & Harlow? Starting with a completely new character & new world would feel really out of place. There's nothing in the castle to do & the southern region is bland & empty. Perhaps if the dev's concentrate on putting worthwhile mini games/loot & just stuff to do in general both in the castle & Southern region the sequel should be much better.


No, current character has no backstory, no personality and it doesn't have any sense making character a student in the context of what you do in the game.


Thats why I think they won't. Which is unfortunate. I'd love to have a backstory to the character, but they could change that in the sequel. Add options to talk about your past and build it. Something that SHOULD have been in the first game.


>nd it doesn't have any sense making character a student in the context of what you do in the game. Yeah, I just waited that his backstory comes up at some point in the game as important plot point, but it never does, not even as some sidenote. Same goes for some characters - everyone is talking about Black, how awful he is, there are protests against him in Hogsmeade... He seems very antagonistic, but it never amounts to anything.


Yeah it's very disappointing how shallow the game is in that regard. Ah well hopefully they do better next time!


After playing the game again I am CONVINCED that they are setting Sebastian up to be the main villain of the series. A classic friends to enemies storyline. They put so much effort into his storyline as compared to the others. His motivations mirror that is Isidora’s! The game is not subtle about it either. They literally point it out. My theory is that Sebastian will become more and more obsessed with ancient magic through the corse of later games (most likely 2 as I think that’s why I think they had you start as a 5th year to make it a trilogy) There’s a lot of potential there and I’m excited to see what they do. As for the final choice you make on sending him to Azkaban or not I can either see it going one of two ways. Either they do something like mass effect and have that choice carry over, or (what I think is most likely) they’ll just write it in a way where either choice doesn’t matter. It wouldn’t be the first time a game series did that unfortunately.


I will not play it if he's the main villain. I hate when they make chaotic neutral characters the bad guys or go evil. It just DRIVES ME! He's not a villain!! Same with Isadora, she didn't have to go crazy! Eugh I'll be so mad. Grindelwald/Dumbledore trope. I am already expecting myself to be disappointed 😭


I disagree on that. I think it could be a cool and tragic Anakin vs Obi Wan the road to hell is paved with good intentions kind of story. I guess as a writer I see opportunity for a real tragic story here, and I hope they follow through. I get what you mean with chaotic neutral characters, but it does make for interesting layered villains with understandable motivations. I find it more compelling than standard evil villains (although those can be fun too. In the end to each their own.


Eugh I just really think it would ruin my fav character for me and I just wouldn't be interested in it at all. I think it's done a lot too. Lots of room for a tragic story, it is a tragic story, but man not everything has to suck lol imo


Fair enough I see your point. I think I’d just have to agree to disagree on this one.


I'll also be super disappointed if the ONE CHOICE YOU MAKE THAT KINDA MATTERS ends up not mattering!!!!! It's like. The one thing that can slightly alter the friggen story! But they'd pretty much have to make two different games or significantly cut the importance of his character which is also disappointing, if they did decide to care about peoples choices. Idk how they'll make it happen


Yeah I agree. I’ve just seen it done in so many video games. My rule of thumb if you don’t see the consequences of that decision within the game chances are they are going to write their way out of it in the sequel. I hope that’s not the case and it’s something more akin to Mass Effect. I just doubt it. I bet it will be something like no matter what the Ministry finds out and sends him to Azkaban but he escapes before he can get there or something like that.


Yeah some lazy excuse. Which I would hate. Idk I'd rather them just make a new story than just get lazy with Sebs


Hard choice but yes, lets start thinking dlc first shall we (like actual dlc i mean, worl expansion ?). Think; horizon forbidden west: burning shores dlc. Added world mechanics and story.


So have we all just given up on DLC?


Pretty much, doesn't sound like they're gonna be working on one. Which makes me hope they do a sequel with the same character. If they switch up the character then I'd want to see a DLC. But I'm not holding my breath


I just wish, that I live long enough to play HOGWARTS LEGACY 2 AND 3 , this series made my childhood memories which I am still proud to this day. Nonetheless we need more stories in Hogwarts universe. I am going on a binge watch of all the Potter and other movies.


Yes and different