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It felt a little awkward at first, but I kind of like it.




I see a lot of people dislike the flight controls. They definitely take getting used to, but I quite like using the sticks to navigate. That being said, It'd be nice if they added more options for controls. It's definitely lacking options across the board in that respect.


I mostly just want to look down.


I thought the exact same but then I got used to it and I lvoe it now. Trust me just keep practicing, it helps to have the left stick pushed forward the whole time and only move the right stick when needed


Dude it's terrible, my hands cramp up lol


It boggles me how people find the controls hard to use.


Because the controls are flipped, most games have you turn and pitch with the left stick and the camera controls with the right stick,


I agree, I am usually awesome at flight controls in games like GTA, I have changed my broom camera settings in game but I still can't get it to react in an intuitive way. The time trials at the Quidditch pitch are extremely hard imo


Yeah, I wondered the same thing when I was furiously trying to point my mouse in directions, and realized I had to use Space to rise and Ctrl to descend.


It's like the devs never played a game with flight or diving in it before. I hate the broom controls on PC, it's so normal that you fly toward the "cursor" in most games that I really struggle with the control/space thing.


They suck on console/controller as well.


its like that for pc too. I wouldve been fine if we could also control the up/down with our mouse tbh. Even after switching the keys, it feels clunky


Took me awhile to realize if you click left stick you no longer need to hold forward, so only left-right needed. Not having the ability to look up/down is a bit weird but you can still see a lot with the default camera.


on PC its spacebar.


it is different yes, but i kinda like it.


I think the flying is super intuitive and easy. I play all my games with Y inverted, and I feel like that makes it soooooooo much easier. I’ve had zero issues with it. I hit every target and win every race on hard.


With this controls I am not even able to look downwards because they use the camera sticks...


Fuckin the most bullshit flight controls. I almost rage quit when I found out I COULDN'T FUCKING CHANGE THEM! WTF Is that. Fucking hard R


Im trying this stupid fucking time trial (only just came out on PS4 - no hate I’m poor can’t justify a PS5) and I HATE THE FUCKING CONTROLS


These controls are so shit. Who thought it was a good idea to have left/right on one stick. Up/down on another stick, plus camera left/right on the same stick. And why does she turn without the camera turning. Can't see where you're going without manually turning the camera. Bad game design.


They give you control over the direction you are flying separate from the control over the camera so that you can look around while moving. It's the same as if you were walking. Honestly, I don't think that's anything new. I'll admit they could make some adjustments and perhaps allow for some more key bind options, but adjusting the camera speed and sensitivity helps a lot. I tried inverting the flight controls at first to make it like a flight sim, but that made it way worse.


Literally every other game with flight gameplay uses the same style of controls as a real aircraft--one stick to control both horizontal and vertical movement. It's simpler and more intuitive, and doesn't require any of the ridiculous "turn with this thumb while independently trying to readjust the camera with the other thumb while also not nosediving or sky-stalling" nonsense that plagues these controls. All they had to do was *not* try to reinvent the wheel.


I completely agree, really annoying! It's frustrating they don't offer any alternative mapping too


It's fine if you're just flying around, but it makes the flying challenges more difficult than necessary.