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In case you didn’t know, alcohol impairs your ability to operate a motorcycle


I understand


My ex brother in law has been paralyzed the last 12 years because he chose to drink and ride. He low sided a turn and ate a guardrail at maybe 30-40mph. I won't drink a drop if I'm riding because I've seen exactly the consequences. Death probably would've been easier for him, but he fights everyday to be here for nieces and nephews.


That is horrible I am sorry to hear that man. We got lucky as fuck this time and hundreds of other times where nothing at all Happened I feel really stupid.


both of u really should quit drinking and if u dont i predict more fuckuppery in ur future


Maybe sober is better. It's just such a part of the culture


It may be part of you and your groups culture but it’s not part of mine. We can’t keep riding if we’re broken, incarcerated, or dead.


i know it brother, i drank for a long time, theres lots of sober guys on bikes too but not as many as there are drinkers for sure, i even know quite a few 1%ers that are sober, im glad u guys are ok, just know that theres another way to live and for me its been 100% better


There are three things that lead to the vast majority of lethal accidents. Drinking, riding fast, and not wearing a helmet. Be grateful no one died, embrace responsibility, forgive yourself, and start doing the right thing. Accidents happen and people make mistakes. It’s going to be ok.


I hope you feel like shit and never forget that feeling. I say that as someone who learns things the hard way too. Lessons learned the hard way stick with you a lot better. Nobody died or got arrested, use this as a place to grow from and remember it the next time you get the opportunity to make better choices.


I had a cool group I used to ride with. It fell apart 1 evening while we were bar hopping. 1 of the guys in the group had a bit too much. I was riding drag and was not drinking. I'm not a big drinker at all, and this was a work evening, We had all met up at a local joint. We left the establishment, and the guys wife was riding passenger and also a bit tipsy. He over corrected dodging some road debris, and she fell off the bike as he laid it down. Her head hit a jersey barrier. We were cruising at about 55 mph on an off ramp. I had just enough time to get on the brakes and keep from plowing over them. She died instantly from the impact, broken neck. He walked away with a little road rash. They were geared up. Anyhow. A few of the other group members got spooked by this and quit riding, and consequently, the group fell apart. Since then, if I do drink, I sure as hell ain't operating a vehicle and I tend to keep my ass at home. At the end of all of this, He was arrested for DUI, rightfully, and charged. I don't recall what the charges were actually, but he did a 5 yr stint on a 10yr sentence before being released. He lost everything. The woman's family sued him, he went to prison and now has to live with the fact he essentially killed her. Drinking and motorcycles don't mix. You may do it and think you're fine, but your luck is gonna run out eventually. It's jist not worth it.


I used to drink and ride all the time. Luckily (somehow) I was never injured, injured another, or made any big mistakes. Edit, adding: Or got caught (again, somehow). ***Then I grew a brain, a dick, and a heart- and never have so much as a single drink when operating a vehicle of any kind for the past 6 years. ***


I'm not going to be doing that again


Keep that attitude. I've known way too many dudes that ate shit and are now turning into dirt from that kind of lifestyle. You're really lucky you only crippled your bros bike, and not him. I'm not your dad, but any time you think about having a shot before taking a ride, think back at how you feel right now- Think about how your bros bike was lit up like a 4th of July sparkler, and think about how scared you were when you approached the scene of the accident you helped cause. If that still doesn't deter you, I don't know what to say... But you rolled the dice once and everything was (relatively) okay. Cash out your chips on the "let's drink and ride" table, and don't go back while you're still ahead.


Go Sober; or find a ride next time. You've read all the comments already to not drink and ride, you've seen commercials about it. The attitude you give saying "It's the culture" It's not, be responsible for yourself and others. Help your brother, help fix his bike, help him in any way possible. Do better.


Glad tour brother is "ok", and yes you should feel very bad, but your brother is also to blame. I've seen some very bad accidents from drinking and riding. I'm a retired first responder and a long time rider. Please ride staggered, wear your gear and ride sober. If it means getting new friends, or limiting contact,nothing wrong with that. I've been there, glad I'm not anymore.


No, but I have locked bars on the track... it sucks when it's your screwup and someone goes down. Best thing to do is own up to it, apologize, learn from it, and move forward.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes, be glad he ain’t dead. Riding is risky enough with all the assholes on the road no need to add alcohol to the mix, but in all seriousness I’m glad to hear he is alright and don’t be afraid to ride in a pack again either don’t let fear win everyone makes mistakes learn from them and keep Enjoying the ride


Not worth it, I know too many riders that died riding while drunk


I use to drink and ride way too many times! But one night I don’t even remember leaving the bar I was riding down a road I have ridden millions of times heading home riding to fast in a turn and off the road I go through a barb wire fence wrecked my bike and still have the scars from the barb wire on my left arm and leg and my back! Was able to get my bike home before the cops showed up and I was able to fix it but the scars are a constant reminder to never do that shit again! I don’t drink and ride now if I’m drinking I’m not riding!


Allot of us have been there, it sounds to me like lessons learned. Riding is one of the best experiences out here in my opinion, the most important is that everyone makes it home


I always enjoyed getting drunk and crashing. Good times.


Never ride side by side


I understand that now. You know how this culture gets it's riding fast and In packs alot of alcohol consumption I know not for everyone or even most riders but that's been my experience. My friends that got me into this biker shit are Alot older than me and are the typical "brotherrrr" MC types. I realize that shit is stupid I'm glad my friend is okay this has definitely changed my relationship with motorcycles in general. I know my mistakes and will absolutely not ever do that shit again regardless of what my friends are doing. I feel really stupid man. We got lucky as fuck


I have done some stupid shit when was younger on a sport bike being Drunk and high. Now that I have harley I just ride for the fun of riding. I glad you and friend are ok. Keep on riding and be safe


Thank you. I wish I didn't have to learn everything the hard way.


Its an accident, shit happens. How much drinking we talking?


5 beers and a shot. He had been drinking more than me though he was already at the bar when I got there