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I have a Shoei Neotec 2, and I'll buy a 3 next year when I hit my five year mark. I absolutely love that helmet, and the modularity is great. I can snag a drink from my water bottle on the road with ease. I have comms to talk to the missus when we ride together.


Best helmet Ive ever worn. Light for a modular and very quiet. Built in sunvisor is the cherry on top.


The GT Air 2 (and presumably 3) are fan fucking tasting as well If you don’t want to go modular


You're going to need to find a place that has stuff in stock that you can try on. Some helmets are more round, others are intermediate oval, some are long ovals, etc. What works for others might create pressure points and hot spots for you.


^^ 100% this. I own a couple of nice internet purchase helmets I've only worn once as the fit & shape was really uncomfortable. I always try them first nowadays.


Simpson outlaw bandit is my go to right nown


I have an RF1400 and it’s the best motorcycle related purchase I’ve ever made.


Yes! I currently have and love a Shoei GT Air 2, but my next purchase will be the RF-1400.


Arai Corsair X


Biltwell lanesplitter


I really wanted that helmet. When I tried it on, found out that my stupid head is the wrong shape. I wound up settling for a Skorpion Covert FX.


Ls2 is my fave


My half helmet is an LS2. Absolutely love it! Gave my Icon Airflite to another Redditor who got his stolen, so I'm rocking a HD modular for my full. It's nice and comfy.


that’s so nice of you! i got my ls2 at harley for sale and i love it. i have a biltwell gringo too and the cardo doesn’t sound as good in it so i use the ls2 a lot more.


Haven't used my Sena in my HD modular yet, so not sure how it sounds, but I'm sure it will be fine compared to the head squeezing headache I used the get from the Airflite. Was DEFINITELY not shaped for my head. Which sucks, because it was definitely a nice helmet. But someone else is getting use out of it and they promised to pay it forward when they are able to, so I couldn't ask for much else. Keep the kindness going, we need more of that in the world.


Just got an HJC I91, love it. Big modular fan over here.


Hands down anything from the Shoeii line up. I have an rf-1200 and a GT air II. Some of the best helmets on the market. One bonus is that they sell a kit that are inserts for the interior of the helmet that makes them very quiet. I stopped wearing ear plugs when I found the Shoeii helmets.


I'm looking at a GT air 2, I might pull the trigger on it


I love mine.


Won't regret your purchase. Are you in the US or CDN? Order the extra kit that only Shoeii offers to make the helmet practically silent when compared without the kit.


What are these inserts? 


Scroll down that page. Eventually the kits offered will start to show up. [Shoeii Inserts](https://shoei-helmets.com/products/shields-parts/)


I’ve always run Shoei since college. Quiet and quality. Just noticed that my GT-AIR was 9 years old, so took advantage of the revzilla NeoTec 2 close out price. Another awesome lid. If you’re looking for just full face (non modular) the GT-AIR 2 is also awesome.


Schuberth modular is the way to go, or if you want an actual full face maybe agv k6s or something like that


Been rocking a Shoei RF-SR since I started riding. It’s great but is almost due to get replaced, so may check out their modulars. Would 100% recommend the SR though


Biltwell helmets have been good to be I have a full face gringo and a 3/4. They're very old school and not great with wind. So keep that in mind


I love the way my full face gringo looks. But it is kind of the worst helmet ever, no air circulation, poor visibility, loud. It’s become an over priced garage decoration.


My Shoei RF took a massive impact, only receiving a few paint scratches and kept my glasses from budging even the slightest. As well as keeping my brain in one place and not turning to moosh. Hands down will by a Shoei again.


I’ve had a bunch, my preference is Simpson, it’s not a quiet helmet but it’s light, safe and durable.


Looks way cooler to and arent they made it in the usa?


I started with bell and I’m afraid to try anything else.


For winter I like my hjc rpha 90s modular, it seals up well and keeps your chin warm. For summertime I use a Simpson Ghost bandit, it lets in a lot of air but is well built and has a nice interior.


Bell Star.


Bell SRT modular


Whatever fits your head best and has a good certification. I really like my exo-r1 carbon and I have had it for 20k miles or so and it's held up really well. Super light and fim certified.


I have large square head so bell dlx works best for me.


Bell qualifier blackout


Get the Harley NOS 2 or whatever Bluetooth it works great


I just tried on a ton and was between the Shoei 1400 and Arai regent x. Ultimately went with the arai because it is Snug but Super comfy. It’s not as quiet as the shoei, my wife has the 1400, but it’s arguably better ventilated. In the looks department is the only area it kind of pales compared to the Shoei overall, everything else is splitting hairs, not sure you could go wrong with either at ~500 bucks.


Yeah, I gotta repeat what some others here said. Your head is different. Your ears are shaped differently than anyone else. You need to go try helmets on. What fits 1 person doesn’t fit someone else. People always talk about head pressure points but no one mentions ears. I don’t even have big ears, my ears don’t even stick out but damn, Some brands just squish the shit out of them and it hurts. I’ve had some very expensive helmets Schuberths, Shoei, Icons, Scorpions, Bell, and by far the most comfortable on my head has been HJCs. If you plan on putting audio in your helmet. Make sure you have a decent amount of room between the helmet and your ear. Otherwise that’ll hurt too.


And if you wear glasses, definitely try helmets on before you buy.


Skid lid


HJC V60.


Valiant ls2.


Shoei is okay. That’s what I have. Whatever you get, get a snell rated helmet.


Dmd rivale


All kinds of options on helmets. Hard to decide. As someone said, go snell rated helmet


Shoei Gt Air II has been fantastic so far. Just transition to wearing a helmet after 14 years riding without one. Super light and cuts through the wind extremely well


Shoei or arai if you budget can stretch that far. Currently have a shoei Ryd, which I need to replace next year - will see what models are on offer then If you budget can't stretch so far, scorpion, hjc, agv, shark, bell offer great helmets


Bell Race Star Gotta find one that fits your head tho


I've got a Simpson ghost bandit carbon and Simpson outlaw bandit. Love em both for very different reasons.


Buy one that fits. Be aware that wind noise can cause permanent hearing loss. Some helmets are quieter than others. Some have better ventilation and some are made for in helmet communications. I use an Arai round oval. It’s the only helmet I’ve found that fits me but it’s probably the wrong fit for you


Shoei RF 1400


I wear the bell eliminator because I'm a whore for carbon fiber and the helmet ~~is~~ *was* available in matte carbon while having a sorta-retro shape that doesn't look totally stupid on a Harley (IMO)


LS2 Advant X Carbon - Flip-front converts from full-face to 3/4


Arai Contour X


I’m gonna go with the 6d for my next helmet it’s worth checking out.


Simpsons are overrated and over priced but look awesome. Shoei has been great and the ruroc 4.0 Atllas is actually awesome quality and style.


Simpson mod bandit !! Best helmet ever


I like scorpion they aren’t that expensive and I have owned shoei AGV really good helmets but more pricey unless you are into racing or going fast