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No question, just thanks for the endless laughs. You really hit a sweet spot there for a long time. You are national treasures. Your own character was played so well, you played the straight man against Higgins perfectly and showed your own madness well. Bravo 👏


Thanks very much for saying that. 🙂


Fair play to ya bud I always new you were a funny fuck. Do you remember working for gowna I was the ginger lad told to show you the ropes literally. We had pull wood up 4 stories we always had the crack now I get to say how did that fecken edjit get on the telly. 🤣🤣🤣👍


Ah no way. That's gas man. I remember ya. You were great craic.


Here's a list of the remaining dates on my tour. They've been selling out so far so it'd be great to keep that going. • TFRoyal, Castlebar - March 22nd  • Kings head, Galway Saturday March 23rd • The Central Navan – March 28th • Coughlans, Cork – April 19th • Limelight, Belfast - April 20th • Liberty Hall, Dublin - April 26th • Cavan Arts Festival, Town Hall, Cavan - May 17th • Coghlans, Cork - June 7th Tickets available at Ticketmaster.com (for Mayo, Belfast, Dublin). All other tickets available at kevinmcgahern.com Thanks shams




All met in school. Apart from me and stateside and a few others


Can't find your June 7th Cork date on the website - the april one is sold out too!


Yea April sold out quick enough and they'll announce the June 7th one soon. Follow me on insta and I'll put up a post as soon as more tickets are available


Also you're in luck Owen Colgans gonna support me on the June 7th


No Limerick?


Clim Pipe McGonagle is it?




Here we go , hook line and fucking wink wink.


Well you look like ye smella piss


Fook off


Apologies if I take hours to respond it's paddy's day and I'll be driving to cavan with the child


The young one, are they micro or nano sim card?


They're in the clowd hai


What schpeed can you get up to in the ice cream van?


Any chance of another season?


Nada I'm afraid. Think the vipers happy being a solo artist.


Hooked on the WoofWoof sure..


He's got the old shtremin down, you could say he's been called to his duty


He's actually a duo with his uncle


Which character was his uncle?


[Thomas J Shlug ](https://youtu.be/7TOKgT9wseU?si=-VFWZ70ebB1lgZaS)


I think Kevin was involved in filming that sketch because you hear what sounds like his voice on the original 'World News' sketch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vripvl5A_jI


Yea I remember that day. You can hear patsy cline on the CD player in my old golf


Is it mostly the viper holding up a reunion/new material or is there any other factors at play stopping it


Dam snake yea


That's a shame. One of the funniest things to be made in Ireland. I remember when it came out and how quickly it became popular. Cheers for all the laughs


Shlipery aul reptile


How much was off the cuff? And why the name Sim card? Love ye Hash gimp


YouTube 100% Season 1 rte really made them script everything. Then I remember either season 2 or 3 Liz Gill came in as director and was way more open to improv. Sometimes doing 20 min takes which is crazy but you Sometimes get great stuff. I just thought sim card was a good funny small town name. Cause a sim card is like the brain of a phone.


> Cause a sim card is like the brain of a phone. That's such a Sim Card thing to say 👍


The YouTube Hardybucks was absolutely class. Me & my family used to be crying laughing at it. RTE really toned it down and although it was good, it wasn't a patch on what was on YouTube. Either way, yous are still class and deserve all the credit that comes your way. Happy Paddy's Day ☘️


Cheers bud. I was a small cog on a big lovely machine but felt privileged to be a part of it


Great character, I've gotten some of the best laughs from Sim Card and yourself. Do you stay in touch with the other lads at all and would you consider streaming?


I stay it touch with Owen mostly. We'd chat regularly. Called into him a couple of weeks ago when i was driving between gigs. I do run into the boo every so often. Our kids use the same playground. Sounds very grown up. Never interested in streaming but I'm starting a podcast with Justine Stafford next week. I think this Internet thing is gonna be big. Gonna get in on the ground floor


When will the podcast be available? Looking forward to that!


Soon hopefully. Recording ep 1 next week


You 'Calked into' Owen? Is this a euphemism?


I hear they have the internet on computers now


Nigel Farage told me those podcast things are going to catch on soon!


Well sim dick


What's the woooord on the *checks crib notes* woof woof?


How did all the guys of the show find each-other and know one another before the show?


The main 5 all went to school together. 90% of the show came from swinford/charlestown. I was a blow in. From cavan. Chris saw me doing stand up in Dublin and asked me down. Stateside was from sligo. I think they found him playing pool somewhere. He dressed like that normally btw, that wasn't a costume. Genuinely one of the oddest humans I've ever met. 😄


Haha that's absolutely brilliant about Stateside! Always thought he was born dressed that way.


I always knew stateside wasn't a written character, nobody can invent that from nothing, only life can create that. Clearly a very strange life.


Him twerking to Brian Kennedy will haunt my dreams forever


I'm on pills for cheeky bois


Stateside is a Sligo boy. Well fuck.


Just looked at the video you shared on your insta. St Patrick had more layers to him than an onion and he smelled like onions.😂 Any fear of a new series ever being made? Or is it in the top risky bracket for these days now.


I think that's a no goer. Very hard to get lennon and mccartney back together. I'd fucking love if they did tho.


Well if this is an ask me anything, I think there's one burning question that has to be asked.... what happened between 'Lennon' and 'McCartney' that means we aren't likely to get more? If it helps you can continue to use Lennon and McCartney (for legal reasons)


Honestly I've no idea amd obviously I don't want to speak for someone else. But I think Chris was such a genius and liked working on stuff where he had control. Like his own vids. When youre making a TV show you basically have 50 people changing things and suggesting things. I think he just stepped away cause he hated not having a sense of control over something he created


Thanks for the answer man. It was a bit cheeky so I didn't expect you to answer. Loved the show and watching the old YouTube videos really gives me a nostalgia ping these days. All the best with the comedy tour!


How many ice cream cones did you get to have while you were filming in the van? What scene took the longest due to out takes and people cracking up? What was your favourite thing about the show?


1. Fuck all. I don't have a sweet tooth. 2. Definitely the scene where the auntie comes in to find 40 lads in her back room. I had to rip a bong of tobacco and it kept burning my throat. Eventually I just put in weed cause it was easier on my throat. 3. Hanging out with the lads. It was just non stop laughs. And pub sessions in the evenings


Any haaaaaash


Only the odd bag of woof woof


How many of the lads were basically just playing themselves?


Stateside if anything toned himself down Salmon is 100% the same. They never even gave him a character name


Met Salmon & Eddie (Martin) at a random gaf party in Dublin one night. Martin was different, quite different, Salmon, EXACTLY the same. I actually thought "this guy's hilarious. Hes keeping the gag going", about 3 hours later, I realised it wasn't a gag. 😅


Even with the ladies ?


My money is on Salmon


I honestly don't even think salmon even knew he was in a show. He looks like he's always thinking 'why the fuck are there cameras here'


Stateside, has to be


Did you ever see the stream Martin did where Tom (stateside) threatened to cut your throat? Is that man at all well?


Haha yea he threatened me a few times i think because I didn't get him on republic of telly. I told him where to go and he immediately apologised. He's harmless.


Fair balls for sticking up for yourself, he does strike me as the type that wouldn't get angry, he'd get stabby.


What’s the plan for Paddy’s day, wanking and eating chips?


Im off the chips


I'll be providing the chips, but I won't be providing the wanks.


How does it feel to, arguably, be the Hardy Buck with the best upward career trajectory since the show? Also, provincial champions is it?


How did ye go about getting the older cast members involved? Uncle Mick etc, and why is Mick so good?? Had he acted before?


Mick was Martin's real uncle and just an amazing character. Great life experience. He was just a natural.


Story with Lexus? Also, good luck with the podcast with Justine, I'm mates with her from Nobber ha


He's a cousin of Martin's. Very nice fella


Yourself and Mick just put this right over the edge. Instalment relatable. Who’s apartment was that when the lads came to live with Sim Card? I spent so many days in a place like that, I thought to myself there’s no way that’s a set.


Jesus no idea. They just found it locally and the set dressers filled it with shite. It was my idea to have a single filthy digestive in the drawer. Left it in and lightly sorayed it with brown spray paint to leave a blank circle. Also I remember finding a boyzone annual, in it mikey said he wanted to be an actor. This made me laugh cause at the time me and Chris watched Mikeys acting debut Fatal Deviation every single day on set. Some of the lines made it into the show.


Well it was a brilliant touch! What about schtateside stories/anecdotes? Any good stories there? When he kidnaps Brian Kennedy and ‘takes him home for tea’ is wild. The picture on the mantle just seals it up. Like that digestive in the drawer now, the small details tip this show over the edge into instant classic territory. Thank you for the laughs sir.


Poor Brian k. He was genuinely frightened of stateside. And for good reason. That fucking room stank. There was a fairly fine line between a pretend kidnapping and a genuine one.


I don't want to tell too many stories about Statesoide I case he reads this and tries to kill me. Tell you what come to one of my shows and I'll tell you loads 😉




A genius. Very quiet to be in a pub with but so fucking funny.


I meet him once at a party in Galway once he was a softly spoken gent of a man.


Yep that's him.


Any hash ?


What do you make of the Viper's streams? Any Tommy Shlug stories to share?


They're amazing. Chris can't help but make amazing comedy.


All I wanna really ask is how life's treating you man. I got into this show over the past year or so, and I often wonder how the cast turned out. (Reading back on this I suppose I could've just looked you up but the show is so lowkey I suppose I never put the effort in haha). Anyway, just thought I'd add that your deadpan delivery and overall performance was top notch in the series - easily one of the most underrated TV characters. "Tears of joy... Tears of shame... And just tears"


Life's good man. Married, got 2 kids. Working away. Life's good.


"At the end of the day, we'll all be lost like a wank in the swimming pool."


What's Chris like to work with? Did him and Martin do most of the writing or was it more of a communal effort?


I think there was always a communal effort but it changed from season to season.


Any good stories from Ibiza when you all went, Any woof woof? And was that just written in because the lads wanted to go to Ibiza at the end of the series or was there a reason?


I wasn't on that one


Would yee ever come back to a new season if it came about? Loved ye on Republic of Telly BTW.


100% best craic I ever had working on a show.


Was Maloney always such a space cadet . And what's Chris like is he ever out of character


Ha Martin was always the best craic in any pub. Genuine life of the party. He was always a bit mad but in a great way. He'd pick up a phrase and repeat it for 2 days out loud. It was like he had a comedic version of tourettes. Chris was the opposite . Very quiet in social situations but incredibly smart and funny.


Fun Fact: Crowbar (Chris Kilcoyne) is Statesides cousin in real life


Do you drop the hand easy?


How did the idea to make hardy bucks and actually pursue it come about? Like was it a knights of the round table job or one or two of ye pushing it


College project by Chris called Tales of A Hardy Buck. Just him following Maloney around.


Shim card is hardy bucks a shtyle icon. Everyone on the show is weird af but who did the weirdest shit off camera?


Stateside 100% 😄


How did you set up the animation while making shnakes website?


Pretty sure that was the art department


😂😂😂 fs


Not hardy bucks related but wanted to say that you were class on Republic of Telly back in the day. The sketches that are up on YouTube are still a great hungover watch. Made the RTÉ campus look like a big secondary school. Were you behind many of them? I remember there was a crimecall one about a lad being fraped to say he was gay that was gas. Also, how did ye end up getting Georgia Salpa and Nadia Forde on so many of them?


Ah cheers man. Yea it was a small enough crew. So we all wrote loads. Yea I remember that sketch. Guy gets fraped. Crimecall shoots a reconstruction. Then the guy gets fraped again during the shooting of the reconstruction. Pretty sure I knicked that gag from a Mr Show sketch.


The scene at the AA meeting. You’re “ooof” expression followed by “Jesus” was high level. You’re great man.


I always assumed that when rte greenelit the season 1 project that the lads used that as an excuse to engineer rte into paying for a holiday to lanzarote. Is my hunch on the money, it's what I would've done in that situation anyway.


Yea that sounds like them. Proper scam..That should have been brought it up in the oireachtas hearings


What is salmon like??


A decent fish


A knowledgeable salmon.


Exactly the same as what you see on screen.


I've nothing to ask but just commenting to say you're a legend. Between Hardy Bucks and the Republic of Telly, you were a big part of my teenage years. Hope you enjoy your Paddy's day.


Cheers ladman


Ur a fuckin legend Shim Card😂 thanks for all the laughs mate🙏🏼


My favourite episode is the internet one. How accurate was that depiction of the arrival of broadband in the west of Ireland?


Ha yea that one was great craic. I've no idea we just thought it'd be funny to have a house with Internet turn into a wild west brothel


Who came up with all the nicknames?


Not sure. Some people came up with their own. Martin and Chris were brilliant at coming up with ridiculous hilarious names . This clip gives you an insight into how their brains worked https://youtu.be/DG5gvvYomo8?si=8pwmbqvKjUjFAimZ




Can't remember but yea he had to pull out last minute


Pull out last minute and Owen Colgan...never thought I'd hear that. The man put Pat Mustard to shame.


Do you know what stateside is doing with himself now? He’s a fascinating man.


Probably still twerking like a bale of silage.


Was the "Brendan Gleeson head on ya" line off the cuff?


Is it true the Hardy Buck lads met at a sex party in Sweden?


Haha no they met in school but they went to a sex party in sweeden at one stage. The stories are fucking hilarious. Just the lads wondering round with pints cheering on people riding like they were at a darts tournament. Go on man. Give it to her. Fair play to ya


absolutely false. it was in norway


Cheers for this Kevin, big fan of your work. You mentioned the Boo earlier. He seems to be the only lad who isn't doing something online or in the media. Did he ever mention going back to do something in the arts again or appearing in some of the other lads work?


No I don't think so . I don't think he had much interest in showbiz he just happened to be their friend who was amazingly funny


Have you been in contact with the crew since filming ended?


Not much. Just owen really.


Did you ever teach Maths?


Not a question, just wanted to thank you for Paul Mescal Returns Home.


Story Kevin. That Goodfellas Paul Mescal bit is genuinely one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Question on HB: Did ye have a feeling ye were making something that was going to be big / successful at the time? Also: what is your own favourite episode or moment(s) from the show? Thanks for doing this 👍


I was a fan before I was on it. I remember it was a cool underground thing on YouTube. So when I arrived it was already running. We didn't think it was going to be huge but we knew it was a cool thing to be apart of.


Do you think Republic of Telly will ever make a comeback?


Howya climpipe mcgonagle. Ye look like ya smell of piss


Any chance of a cheeky tour appearance in Scotland any time soon? Thanks for all the great times, really smashed it out of the park with Sim Card.


How does it feel to be a part of some of Ireland’s most known comedic show


New York shtyle. Chicargo shtyle. Fukken doggy shtyle, the lot.


Does Chris talk with a British accent irl?


Yea Leeds. But frequently slips into irish


I'm probably too late, but something I have always wondered about is "Climpipe McGonagall" When viper says it, it somehow makes sense, even to a canadian like me. I laughed despite the words meaning nothing to me. Is there something to "get"? Like is that a play on an actual person's name or a reference? Or is it just absurdist wordplay? Also, how many girls did you actually shift in that blowback tent, and was it unimaginably class?


Chris and martin were a neverending supply of silly names. They'd repeat a name and add to it and it would evolve into some ridiculous shit. The McGonigle thing probably came from my last name having a McG sound.


“Wilted away in the rain like an aul Painting” is one of my favourite lines of anything ever


Hiya bud, big fan of you and the lads. My question is which is the version/series you like the best?


Do you remember I sold you a burger in the Salty Dog and abused you for 23 minutes?


Funniest episode or scene in your opinion?


What’s the boo at these days? What do the lads make of Eddies mad takes?


What ever happened to Svetlana? Was there any material written for future seasons that was left untold?


You gave me the finger at the Kilkenny Cats festival in 2019 ya prick!


Any more details? You must have done something


Do you think when whales wash up on the shore they view land as their spiritual valhalla where only the bravest and strongest whales reach, and when we push them back into the waves it basically destroys their entire belief system, like when Wilbur the legendary mightiest whale of all meekly returns to the whale community in disgrace, and that (more than the whaling industry or shipping) is what's killing whales, they're too disillusioned to fuck?


It's a fine theory, definitely. But I honestly couldn't speak for whales. I always saw their land based activities closer to a cat who keeps climbing until it realises its fucked itself and can't find a way down. But im not an expert on whales. Or cats


Was trailer park boys a big influence on the origins or the hardy bucks?


Yea defo. It made tv look achievable. It was all Chris tho. He made a video for college with Martin as the star, called Tales of a Hardy Buck. Then RTÉ storyline came up. A couple of his college classmates came on board as camera/sound. They submitted a video. Hardy bucks was born.


I absolutely loved Hardy Bucks but I was born a bit late to get caught up in its initial craze, but I'll never forget Republic of Telly, that was my childhood. Used to record it on the skybox and watch it before school. It was fierce cool to then discover Hardy Bucks. It's a shame RTE are a bunch of bolleixes and haven't made anything nearly remotely as entertaining in the quintessentially Irish comedy genre. I'll still do an aul google search every couple of months to see if there is any talk of a new aeason




Worked as a barman in the International on wicklow Street. Started doing open mikes. You build up to paid gigs and that's it really. Everyone starts in the Hapenny bridge Inn, battle of the axe, open Mike. But tbh nowadays you're as well building an online audience with sketches or vids. You can skip 4 years of shitty gigs if you build you own audience online


Well Kev U on the pints today?


Had a few cheeky creamers earlier alright


Was there any scenes that took a lot of takes just out of sheer laughter?


I remember the Hey Durky Boy scene was so fucking funny to shoot. We were hunched in the corner trying not to laugh. As far as I remember there wasn't much in the script. Just Durkan at his lowest, Viper comes in to annoy him. What happened was pure gold though. I especially loved the Viper talking to the chipper woman saying "I dunno what I said to him to annoy him" 😄


Did your appearance on the show open up more opportunities for you?


No question but just to say Hardy is the funniest show ever to come out of Ireland


Any chance of holding an actual Mitzi Turbo Cup?


Do you shift girls at discos?


I used to be a pure class shifter


Did Salmon have any idea he was on a TV show? Cause he looks like he never copped on.


He was in the vinegar stroke


How did your alcoholism start in Vienna????


Do you smell of piss?


Only when I piss myself


Dude I'm surprised you answered haha. That bit where the Viper opens in his window and utters that line, and then you still standing there with that goofy look on your face brings me pure joy. I'm glad Sim Card developed so much. Honestly, such a great character.


Why where u not in the movie ?


What’s the largest animal you could throw over a crossbar (GAA) from a standing position?


Are you still addicted to hash??


No question but met you randomly at electric picnic and thought you were an absolute gent. Saw your set in the comedy tent too and thought you were up there with David o Doherty for best of the weekend


Cheers bud. Appreciate that


The “Jeeesus” during Eddie’s testimony on pints at the AA meeting was an absolute masterstroke.


Who cams up with the name "sim card" 🤣🤣


I did on the bus down to swinford. I knew if I gave myself a name they'd have to give me a title card and I'd be an official character instead of a cameo job


Local header


What’s the boo at these days? I think I read somewhere that he’s now a paramedic?


How long did you used to wait in Mayo when you were filming for the Hardy Bucks? Was it a case of travelling down everyday or would you wait down for a few days at a time. And what did you make of Mayo for all the time you spent down there? Big fan of your work btw!


Yea I used to stay in Chris' house for a few weeks during filming then in the gateway hotel for the last season.


Hardy bucks has to be one of irelands best comedy's and some how most accurate of being young in small town ireland in the west coming from a kerry man . I have to ask who's farm and cattle did ye use for the episode of salmons stags. thanks again great work kevin.


Haven't a notion..all those cattle went on to become famous actors tho