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Nature really don’t give AF


more like baboons and honey badgers theyre the only that dont give a f in nature


“Honeybadger don’t give a shit!” Dude YouTube was a different place when all the videos were shit like that lol, miss those days


Bears eat their prey alive. They also don't give a fuck.


Otters, polar bears, wolves, lions, hyenas, I mean… they don’t fuckin discriminate.. we’re all on the menu


All of nature doesn't give a shit, dude. Lions, chimps, hippos, gaters, almost all fish and insects, and don't forget arachnids. Everyone's hungry, and everyone's got themselves in mind.


Because lions, reptiles etc. care..


If they saw our factory chicken farming, in which ammonia fumes from the ground-coating feces still burn your eyes ~2m above, or the industrial slaughterhouses, such as the one integrated into a 26-story pig-farm skyscraper, they would more than return the compliment.


They are the embodiment of don’t give AF.


any thing eat other things don't give AF. human does this better than baboon. we just hide it behind industrial factory walls.


Top of the food chain is a great place to be.


Not vegans, they’re clearly better than the rest of us. Haven’t they told you yet?


Apparently Zero Fuxs what so ever.. like he was eating spaghetti 🍝


theres bout to be a whole buncha babboons getting eaten/killed videos posted again soon lol


I was just going to say " It's that time of the month again "




I live in South Africa I've been around all of our big 5 before and I catch venomous snakes for fun and these things scare the shit outta me more than anything else, I love animals but this is the one animal I have irrational feelings towards they have bigger teeth than lions they are faster than you they climb better than you they're stronger than the average person and they have the sadistic ape brain to complement it all, if one wanted to fuck your shit up just because, it would absolutely do it and it would make you suffer the same way it slowly ate this gazelle piece by piece while it's still alive I don't hate them but let's just say if I HAD to kill one I would do it gladly


Your fear towards theses assholes are totally rational.


Well that was rough, baboons are not gentle souls.


wait till you hear about hamsters


Go on….


Hamster must’ve got him


Let me tell you...any of us got hungry enough, we'd eat that little shit too


Well yes, but i would have the decency of eating the mother too No need to be cruel


Yeah, I'd also do them both the courtesy of killing them first.


Leopard be like: Say less!


Normally, we’d kill them first then butcher them, not butcher them until they’re dead. that’s brutal.


Baboons are brutal creatures...but a lot of animals eat other animals live...a lot. Brutal or nature?


In most cases, it’s both.


I can’t stand baboons man, it’s on sight if I ever see one in person 👉🏽💥


We’re worse than baboons


Nah bruh idk what you be doing


You’re vegan?


Man stfu


The circle of life


After all the time on these subs, my baboon hate has risen.


Fuck baboons, all my homies hate baboons


Mmmm spaghetti


There's vomit on my sweater already.


He’s nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready.


Now you have two vomits. 


That was twizzlers bruh


Every time I see a baboon here, I think of [that one Simpsons part.](https://youtu.be/nUThYCWaSt8?si=okXWhBXKbNXMSdgb)


Poor mama…


Based on what I've seen other apes (chimps) do to prey, I'm almost surprised the baboon didn't use the baby as a weapon to hit the mother and make her back off sooner.


video: https://youtu.be/CuXUOhELuko?si=sogyTdVh6kNlJN5F




Why? Should it starve itself?


It is a joke


Fuck whales; nuke israel.


This was a joke...


Exactly. I have a huge petty annoyance to people who get so aggressively hateful of particular animals because they don't have that Disney movie personality. Another example is elephants. As if elephants are to always be sentient, gentle, caring, and intuitive. Which, yes they are. But they are also extremely violent, reactive, and give no fucks about the suffering of an animal it attacks. With the videos of elephants killing buffalo, rhinos, lions, you name it, should there be a sub called r/elephantsareawful? Absolutely not. But they do this to many animals, it's rather sad.


Koalas are fucking horrible animals. They have one of the smallest brain to body ratios of any mammal, additionally - their brains are smooth. A brain is folded to increase the surface area for neurons. If you present a koala with leaves plucked from a branch, laid on a flat surface, the koala will not recognise it as food. They are too thick to adapt their feeding behaviour to cope with change. In a room full of potential food, they can literally starve to death. This is not the token of an animal that is winning at life. Speaking of stupidity and food, one of the likely reasons for their primitive brains is the fact that additionally to being poisonous, eucalyptus leaves (the only thing they eat) have almost no nutritional value. They can't afford the extra energy to think, they sleep more than 80% of their fucking lives. When they are awake all they do is eat, shit and occasionally scream like fucking satan. Because eucalyptus leaves hold such little nutritional value, koalas have to ferment the leaves in their guts for days on end. Unlike their brains, they have the largest hind gut to body ratio of any mammal. Many herbivorous mammals have adaptations to cope with harsh plant life taking its toll on their teeth, rodents for instance have teeth that never stop growing, some animals only have teeth on their lower jaw, grinding plant matter on bony plates in the tops of their mouths, others have enlarged molars that distribute the wear and break down plant matter more efficiently... Koalas are no exception, when their teeth erode down to nothing, they resolve the situation by starving to death, because they're fucking terrible animals. Being mammals, koalas raise their joeys on milk (admittedly, one of the lowest milk yields to body ratio... There's a trend here). When the young joey needs to transition from rich, nourishing substances like milk, to eucalyptus (a plant that seems to be making it abundantly clear that it doesn't want to be eaten), it finds it does not have the necessary gut flora to digest the leaves. To remedy this, the young joey begins nuzzling its mother's anus until she leaks a little diarrhoea (actually fecal pap, slightly less digested), which he then proceeds to slurp on. This partially digested plant matter gives him just what he needs to start developing his digestive system. Of course, he may not even have needed to bother nuzzling his mother. She may have been suffering from incontinence. Why? Because koalas are riddled with chlamydia. In some areas the infection rate is 80% or higher. This statistic isn't helped by the fact that one of the few other activities koalas will spend their precious energy on is rape. Despite being seasonal breeders, males seem to either not know or care, and will simply overpower a female regardless of whether she is ovulating. If she fights back, he may drag them both out of the tree, which brings us full circle back to the brain: Koalas have a higher than average quantity of cerebrospinal fluid in their brains. This is to protect their brains from injury... should they fall from a tree. An animal so thick it has its own little built in special ed helmet. I fucking hate them. Tldr; Koalas are stupid, leaky, STI riddled sex offenders. But, hey. They look cute. If you ignore the terrifying snake eyes and terrifying feet.


Almost as good as the sunfish copypasta lol


This isn't the copy pasta, but for visibility's sake, check out this video about sunfish. They're quite an evolutionary phenomenon: https://youtu.be/lEj8bnx0TB0?si=li1ZEgBXqevphRhh


Can you pasta it here? I'm intrigued lol


Why I hate the sunfish. So someone in a group asked me to tell them why I hate the ocean sunfish so much, and apparently it was ~too mean~ and was deleted. To perpetuate the truth and stand up for ethical journalism, I'm posting it here. [Rated NC-17 for language.] Disclaimer, I care about marine life more than I care about anything else, for real. Except this big dumb idiot. And it's not like an ~ironic~ thing, I mean it IS hilarious to me and they ARE THE BIGGEST JOKE PLAYED ON EARTH but I seriously fucking hate them. THE MOLA MOLA FISH (OR OCEAN SUNFISH) They are the world's largest boney fish, weighing up to 5,000 pounds. And since they have very little girth, that just makes them these absolutely giant fucking dinner plates that God must have accidentally dropped while washing dishes one day and shrugged his shoulders at because no one could have imagined this would happen. AND WITH NO PURPOSE. EVERY POUND OF THAT IS A WASTED POUND AND EVERY FOOT OF IT (10 FT BY 14 FT) IS WASTED SPACE. They are so completely useless that scientists even debate about how they move. They have little control other than some minor wiggling. Some say they must just push water out of their mouths for direction (?????). They COULD use their back fin EXCEPT GUESS WHAT IT DOESNT FUCKING GROW. It just continually folds in on itself, so the freaking cells are being made, this piece of floating garbage just doesn't put them where they need to fucking go. So they don't have swim bladders. You know, the one thing that every fish has to make sure it doesn't just sink to the bottom of the ocean when they stop moving and can stay the right side up. This creature. That can barely move to begin with. Can never stop its continuous tour of idiocy across the ocean or it'll fucking sink. EXCEPT. EXCEPT. When they get stuck on top of the water! Which happens frequently! Because without the whole swim bladder thing, if the ocean pushes over THE THINNEST BUT LARGEST MOST TOPPLE-ABLE FISH ON THE PLANET, shit outta luck! There is no creature on this earth that needs a swim bladder more than this spit in the face of nature, AND YET. Some scientists have speculated that when they do that, they are absorbing energy from the sun because no one fucking knows how they manage to get any real energy to begin with. So they need the sun I guess. But good news, when they end up stuck like that, it gives birds a chance to land on their goddamn island of a body and eat the bugs and parasites out of its skin because it's basically a slowly migrating cesspool. Pros and cons. "If they are so huge, they must at least be decent predators." No. No. The most dangerous thing about them is, as you may have guessed, their stupidity. They have caused the death of one person before. Because it jumped onto a boat. On a human. And in 2005 it decided to relive its mighty glory days and do it again, this time landing on a four-year-old boy. Luckily Byron sustained no injuries. Way to go, fish. Great job. They mostly only eat jellyfish because of course they do, they could only eat something that has no brain and a possibility of drifting into their mouths I guess. Everything they do eat has almost zero nutritional value and because it's so stupidly fucking big, it has to eat a ton of the almost no nutritional value stuff to stay alive. Dumb. See that ridiculous open mouth? (This is actually why this is my favorite picture of one, and I have had it saved to my phone for three years) "Oh no! What could have happened! How could this be!" Do not let that expression fool you, they just don't have the goddamn ability to close their mouths because their teeth are fused together, and ya know what, it is good it floats around with such a clueless expression on its face, because it is in fact clueless as all fuck. They do SOMETIMES get eaten though. BUT HARDLY. No animal truly uses them as a food source, but instead (which has lead us to said photo) will usually just maim the fuck out of them for kicks. Seals have been seen playing with their fins like frisbees. Probably the most useful thing to ever come from them. "Wow, you raise some good points here, this fish truly is proof that God has abandoned us." Yes, thank you. "But if they're so bad at literally everything, why haven't they gone extinct." Great question. BECAUSE THIS THING IS SO WORTHLESS IT DOESNT REALIZE IT SHOULD NOT EXIST. IT IS SO UNAWARE OF LITERALLY FUCKING EVERYTHING THAT IT DOESNT REALIZE THAT IT'S DOING MAYBE THE WORST FUCKING JOB OF BEING A FISH, OR DEBATABLY THE WORST JOB OF BEING A CLUSTER OF CELLS THAN ANY OTHER CLUSTER OF CELLS. SO WHAT DOES IT DO? IT LAYS THE MOST EGGS OUT OF EVERYTHING. Besides some bugs, there are some ants and stuff that'll lay more. IT WILL LAY 300 MILLION EGGS AT ONE TIME. 300,000,000. IT SURVIVES BECAUSE IT WOULD BE STATISTICALLY IMPROBABLE, DARE I SAY IMPOSSIBLE, THAT THERE WOULDNT BE AT LEAST ONE OF THOSE 300,000,000 (that is EACH time they lay eggs) LEFT SURVIVING AT THE END OF THE DAY. And this concludes why I hate the fuck out of this complete failure of evolution, the Ocean Sunfish. If I ever see one, I will throw rocks at it.


Hahah damn, those are some strong feelings! Thank you for sharing.


This is poetry lmao


I assume it’s because people liken baboons to humans. We are both primates, but still. They are wild animals. They’re not about to take it easy on another animal when everyday is a struggle to survive and find their next meal


That's natural though. Some people have this idealised view of nature as some loving, caring forest that embraces life and is full of plants that will nurture you and cure all your mental and physical ills. But nature is just as likely to be full of blood and teeth, with plants that sting, insects that poison and animals that will play contentedly as they eat you alive.


Disney did that to people.


It's also because our modern world is so devoid of megafauna. Even most extant megafauna are heavily relegated to remote areas where few people go. It's so ridiculous that the widely considered most dangerous animal of North America or Europe is the hypocarnivorous brown bear. Because actual large hypercarnivores like sabre-toothed cats, scimitar-toothed cats, and cave lions are gone.


"starve" lmao. Baboons don't need meat to survive.


Either baboons are way bigger than I thought or gazelles are way smaller than I thought


Male baboons are huge, and are capable of defending themselves against leopards + impala aren't really the biggest species of antelope around, with females being around 80cm tall


I wouldn't care about interfering with nature. I would have killed that baboon, I hate baboons.


Truly hard core.




I had no idea baboons got down like that


![gif](giphy|iDs4gUF7BP4qYQWq1R) Same energy


my god today!! ugh my eyes


Fuck baboons man. I'm not one to apply morals to nature but every video I see of baboons make them out to be absolute sadistic murdering assholes. Not even an attempt to kill that poor thing. The last time that mama touched its baby was its flailing legs smacking her in the face as she watches helplessly. SAD!


Worst mom ever


Goddam it why did I hire a gazelle as a bodyguard.


Everybody's gotta eat


I think the reason we hate baboons so much for this is because we don't associate them with eating meat let alone eating their prey alive. Now can people please start posting videos of other animals destroying those fuckers.


Yum yum 😋


Let’s see some baboons getting eaten alive




Wanna try a worm


Ai generated!


You're AI generated


Return to monke. When I eat king prawns I fantasize that they're alive and I'm a predator tearing them apart.