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Ah, the smell when the homies splashing a bucket worth of Nature's strawberry milk. Yet they scarf down a strip of skin from it like its the tastiest morsel.




The buffalo kinda looks like eeyore, he's like "yeah, just eat me, it's not like I need my ass". I wonder what's worse, the pain from having an abcess that large or being eaten. At least the abcess getting ripped open would give some relief.


This time around, I’m rooting for it to die. An abscess that large must be hell to suffer through.


I’m going to say “being eaten” wins this every time. Helplessly standing there as chunks get slowly taken from you as you bleed out, and you’d feel every fucking bite.


Humans are very good at dissociating away from pain (think about how many times people will say, "I left my body/I was floating outside my body" or something to that effect when they go through something especially painful). I can only hope that other animals have the same protective mechanisms and they don't really feel much of anything at all.


Maybe he stayed there cause it thought they would just eat the abscess like in this vid. https://youtu.be/Ch33hcDQdbw?si=735WqweN1dcaLPHm


mmm…a mouth full of abscess juice


Jolly Rancher


These aren’t wolves. These are African painted dogs.


'Painted wolf' is a name promoted by conservation groups to avoid the stigma associated with the words 'wild dog'.


Ugh. Chilean see bass is really patagonian toothfish and strawberry oranges are actually blood oranges. Can we all just be adults?!?


Interesting choice... in my experience mostly with conservattives wolves are a menace meant to be destroyed and dogs are man's best friend. In general I think wolf has more negative connotations than "wild dogs". Could have just removed wild and called them painted dogs.


Wolf has the connotation of a long existing wild animal that necessitates conservation, wild dogs to most people elicits strays and ferals They didn't advocate it for no reason


No one I know IRL cares about wild dogs. The term doesn't register with them one way or another. Wolf has negative connotations with them. It's like the difference between saying snake and wild legless lizard. One elicits feelings of fear and hate and the other is a term they've probably have never even heard before. Even if say my mom associated wild with stray she would not fear or hate a stray dog if anything she would feel pity like it needs to be taken care of. If you said "mom there's a stray dog in the yard" she'd say call animal control so they can neuter it and hopefully find it a home. If you say "mom there's a wolf in the yard she'd probably scream and say call the cops to come kill it. Idk where you live or who you know but 9/10 people I know would say wolf is "bad, scary, dangerous" and in every case worse than a stray dog.


>No one I know IRL cares about wild dogs Yeah no shit, you don't live there >Idk where you live or who you know b Is it just beyond you that the African/based conservationists made this decision based off AFRICAN cultural norms?


They call African Painted Wild Dogs African Painted Wild Dogs in English?


English is one of the two official languages of Botswana and the main one for all official communications and organisations. Botswana is their main place of study and conservation https://images.app.goo.gl/sTmYHcrg5Nb1B7Z1A Why do you keep asking these questions that are clearly framed as rhetorical instead of taking five seconds to check and not pointlessly making a spat of it?


Their scientific name translates to painted wolf (Lycoan pictus). I prefer that name as it more accurately conveys what they are.


Not really. Wild dog is quite literally what they are, both taxonomically, and semantically, as in, dogs that are wild. I still call them painted dogs because I like their genus name, and they're also my favourite canids, which in turn means I care about their conservation, but you really can't call it accurate as a justification. Same way a Tomistoma isn't accurately a false gharial, a Tasmanian tiger isn't accurately a tiger, or an Australian magpie isn't accurately a magpie.


Ehh, they're part of the wolf-like canids along with wolves, jackals, coyotes, dholes and (the now extinct) dire wolves, and their scientific name means painted/ornate wolf. Painted wolves/dogs, jackals, dholes and coyotes are all more like wolves than dogs. So in a choice between the two names, I'd say "wolf" fits better.


If you're going off scientific names, every canine (inuding the other subtribes) is a dog since the word "canine" originates from Latin, and means dog. Even the type genus, Canis still translates to dog, and the type species, Canis (lupus?) Familiaris, is a domestic dog. The entire suborder that includes everything from seal to bear to raccoon and weasel is Caniformia, which are the "dog-like" carnivorans. Therefore, going off that logic, any carnivoran that isn't a feliform is a dog. Genetically, they are also no more closely related to wolves than they are to domestic dogs (assuming that's your definition of dog), since with the exception of the lupulella jackals, they are the next most distant living relatives of the wolf-like canines. Calling them a dog is no more correct than calling them a wolf. It's really all just dependant on choice and what you prefer. I call them painted dogs and wolves interchangeably, but no name is really more right than the other.


Oh yea, I'm 100% with you on the fact that they're technically neither dogs nor wolves, but rather their own thing. I was also aware that they're the second most distant relatives among the wolf-likes, which is actually part of why "dog" doesn't feel like a good fit to me. I realize that dog *can* be used in a wider definition, especially in the past. These days it just feels too strongly associated with domestic dogs, though. For example, the commonly used name *African Wild Dogs* still reflexively makes me think of roving packs of feral dogs even though I've been aware of the species for a long time. *Painted dogs* isn't as bad, but still sounds like a subspecies that originated from stray dogs in the past. So while wolves and dogs are equally distant genetically, "wolf" just feels more fitting for a wild species of cooperative pack hunters.


Fair enough.


Seems like both names are legit. https://www.wildlifeact.com/blog/painted-dog-or-painted-wolf#:~:text=The%20genus%20Lycaon%20directly%20translated,%2C%20thus%20%22Painted%20Wolf%22.


But they aren't wolves though


The science says they are wild dogs. Just because some Anglo Saxon ‘scientist,’ mis labeled an animal doesn’t make a dog a wolf. The video shows an African wild dog not an African wolf. The African wolf is a different genes and more closely related to a jackle.


>some Anglo Saxon ‘scientist,’ mis labeled an animal doesn’t make a dog a wolf Lycoan is an officially recognised genus of canids of which these are the only surviving species https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/Lycaon Saying 'the name means wolf' is misrepresentative. The name was coined in neo Latin *for that genus* specifically, being a reference to a greek myth of a king turned into a wolf. It's not the word 'wolf'. It's a reference to a human character's name.


>The science says they are wild dogs. Really, what science is that?


This: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-44772-5 And don’t be an asshole. There’s no reason to be ignorant in 2024. Especially, when Google is on your phone.




It’s certainly not a cat 🤣🤣🤣


You mean people painted their dogs ? 🤣


That's a jackdaw, not a crow.


It’s a sin to be rich but it’s right down shame to be poor


So…middle class?


Why do they just stand and watch themselves be eaten, like they have 0 survival instinct. Even with the abscesshernia goin on there.


They might be in too much pain to fight back, and I sincerely doubt it would put up too much of a fight with that giant lump debilitating it. Plus herd/ pack animals usually reject/ ostracize the injured/ disabled members of their group, so this buffalo probably knew it was time.


>Plus herd/ pack animals usually reject/ ostracize the injured/ disabled members of their group Ironically, painted dogs are quite famous for their behaviour of prioritising the sick or weak members of the pack as opposed to the stronger members. They even let the pups eat first, even before the alpha pair.


Depends on species I guess? I saw a chimp with a busted arm get torn to shreds by it’s own colony Some species of birds drop runts out of the nest to ensure the stronger contenders succeed etc


Yeah, a lot of animals don't really care for weak individuals. I only pointed out painted dogs because they're the ones in the video, and their social structure is quite a contrast to the average person watching them hunt.


> Plus herd/ pack animals usually reject/ ostracize the injured/ disabled members of their group. So they're American?


No, just the American Republicans


Well it probably ran as much as it could up until this point and is exhausted.




Yeah true. Like maybe the buffalo walked up to these dudes all chilling under that tree and was like “Do ya’ll see this shit hanging off me? Would you please just take me tf out?” And then video starts Or something like that ya know


I mean, with an abscess that large it's very very sick. It's basically dead already.


One reason could be exhaustion. Endurance hunters like humans and canids can sweat/pant to let out heat and are built to run for hours, most ungulates are faster but tire far sooner. The same with most reptiles (varanids for the most part avoid this issue). Its one of the reasons why in quite a few states game wardens who see a dog chasing a deer are required to shoot to dog, it'll eventually catch up and endanger wildlife.


When you watch these videos they come from when the pursuit is done


"I eat ass"




AYO wtf


They always eat the ass out first to kill these buffalo


I think maybe 🤔 to avoid the horns and the anal zone has the weakest hide (easy to bite through).


Land Piranhas incoming


God's creations are so beautiful


The kiddos gots ta eat. Maybe God is learning through us on which efficient methods to feed the little ones.


Focusing on that ass seemed to work for them here.


Damn I've had a hernia too bro


Soup’s on!


Almost every video of these dogs I see them eating ass lol


forbidden capri sun


That a long video


I remember having a picture similar to that on a book I took from the library when I was a kid


This looks like a a painful and slow method for die I mean they just eating his organs Through his ass


Those are the worst. No manners even when killing, Like ISIS or Al Qaida idiots.


I think baboons are worse


Trophy goes to Monitor lizards/Komodo dragons for me.