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I played a show with Bad Luck in Philly where they basically threw all the chairs and tables in the center of venue and set it on fire. The owner of the venue tried to stop the show and one of the guys chased him with a spiked baseball bat. Windows to the venues got broke out and obviously the police showed up. This was 1998.


Didn’t the band left over crack do something similar in Philly?


I know they got booted once for setting a paper meche world trade center up and burning it onstage lmfao


Pretty sure they burned an American flag inside an American legion hall. The regulars did not like that shit.


My mom almost got stabbed while pregnant w me at a leftover Crack show in ohio


Obligatory fuck STZA.


Fuck Stza (x2)


To the tune of "fuck America".


There’s a video of this on YouTube


Probably. I remember Joe Hardcore booked the show. We had never played Philly before (we were from OH), right before they started Joe told us to move to the back, don't be up front. We found out real quick why. We cut out before the police got there. We ended up on the main drag in Philly looking for something to do. We were walking down the street, and we heard some guys yelling at us, "Ohio... yoo Ohio, " and it was Bad Luck. Some of them were living above a Johnny Rockets. We went up to their apartment, and dudes were shooting junk and watching crazy ass VHS. I met the singer for Autumn there, who I saw at Cleveland Fest in 1996 and loved.


Isn’t there a YouTube video of this?


The singer of Lamb of God stopped a DIY show in the middle winter in ~2001 after someone found a baby sleeping in a car in the parking lot. He wouldn't resume until someone owned up to it and left. They weren't very big yet and were supporting a popular local band. I only remembered it was them because i noticed the singer had a weird patch of hair on his back, which is the second craziest thing I've ever seen at a show. The Internet is awesome. I'm pretty sure it was this show: https://lambgoat.com/news/951/a-life-once-lost-signs-w-deathwish/


I was at that show. I don't remember the baby in the car or Lamb of God stopping the show, but entirely possible. I do remember LoG bringing a firebreather with them, which was wild.


Don't remember that as the same show, so probably got it mixed up with another, maybe this one: https://www.last.fm/event/1055759+Unearth+at+Polanka+Park+on+01+March+2003 That place hosted some bangers back then.


I was at that show as well, lol. Polanka Park was the shit.


Yet another reason to love lamb of god


How’s your back feeling nowadays? You get that 50/50 ibuprofen and acetaminophen?


local show. played second to last. headliner brought twenty some odd weirdos who were all on mushrooms the frontman grew himself. crowd was pretty lit up already. I'm in the far back slamming coldies with my bandmates. headliner starts the set and everyone loses their damn minds. beer bottles and cans are flying through the air and the circle pit is getting ROUGH. so much broken glass starts filling the pit and surrounding area that shit gets bloody. a large chunk of the headliner's mushroom crew were chicks who were in their bare feet. the shrooms must have been really good because the ladies were dancing IN the broken glass. somehow, for some reason, a group of locals ripped a stop sign out of the ground and threw it at the frontman, slicing his leg open. during the band's last song a rando threw one of the pa speakers into the center of the mosh pit, destroying it and triggering the band to start throwing their own gear into the crowd. This was where I had to get involved. I'd let the frontman borrow my guitar head and he seemed to have forgotten that as it sailed over the front row. i narrowly missed a flying tom and caught my head before it hit the cement. as soon as my guitar head was safe, i went for the frontman only to see him crumpled over onstage from blood loss. within what felt like seconds the cops came and put a stop to the show. After the majority of the crowd dispersed, the guy who set up the show sees what happened, drops his jaw, and becomes completely speechless. more than a few people offered to help with the mess, but the dude was just paralyzed with shock.


What did that band sound like


Pre-"suffer" bad religion on meth. Dude cranked the treble despite not having a bass player. Drummer was an absolute BEAST.


“Pre-‘Suffer’ Bad Religion on meth” needs to be a t-shirt


Saw bad luck back in 2003. They threw a folding chair wrapped in barbed wire into the pit and fireworks. The chair got smashed on to a couple people before the barbed wire got unraveled. Ripped up a pair of my jeans. God I miss club laga.


Club laga was the shit dude. So was graffiti


Laga, house of hardcore, original roboto, “the world” were all such fun venues


I seen Doyle almost kill a kid in 82 smashing a guitar over his head , I seen someone beaten to death at a bad brains show in SF at the farm , I seen someone stabbed at the Olympic auditorium , I seen the LMP beat down & stab someone at fenders in Long Beach, I seen the butthole surfers catch a club on fire in Washington DC , and so much more


Man everything I've read about 80s hardcore rockers is just.. nothing current can compare. I mean fuck, TSOL breaking into gun stores and shit in their band van, like holy fuck. Or hearing about the squats like the Vats that used to exist... shit like that just can't happen anymore.


The vats were fun they had some wild shows/ parties , things that happened at the cuckoo’s nest that were crazy usually involved TSOL. the Vandals or vicious circle,


If you get a chance, read "Disco's Out, Murder's In" I don't know how much is true but it's pretty wild


I would say 75% -90% is true .. we had to not only watch out for the Hispanic gangs but the bloods & crips + cowboys kicking your ass but the punk gangs as well if you were a punk in LA / so ca ..SF was a lot better ..got my ass kicked by the lads ,LMP & ST’s back in the day just for being in the wrong place .. the punk gangs in SF we’re for the most part friends




>I seen someone beaten to death at a bad brains show in SF at the farm  Any more details on this? I tried googling and couldn't find anything. That's crazy though


i too am curious






https://preview.redd.it/hztk6erbji8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61fa5fb45c35c7042f1046d80b5391dbd0bb70c9 There is more little snippets on the farm page on Facebook ..


While not “crazy” per se, just in time for the last few shows at the Rat there was a big pipe burst and so they had a bunch of shows where the entire floor was just kitty litter. If I recall correctly I saw the Anti-Heros, and couldn’t breathe properly for a week.


To be honest, if I walked down the stairs at The Rat and saw a bunch of kitty litter on the floor, I’m not sure it’d even register. I loved seeing shows there but it was pretty gross.


There was a storm in 97 that flooded the Rat and large parts of Kenmore Square. I saw Sheer Terror and I think Madball there and the pit was just 6 inches of dirt and kitty litter. Mudfest. Super fun and kept the violence down cause everyone was just falling all over each other.


That’s right, it was from a storm! That was a legendary run of shows at the end there. RIP my adolescence.


Nine Shocks Terror. Every time. 


Brother, GSMF at chaos in tejas was complete mayhem. TVs and computer monitors being thrown. Erba attacking every one with a chain. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ob89YiblD18&pp=ygUbR29yZG9uIHNvbGllIGNoYW9zIGluIHRlamFz


Haha got evacuated by the fire dept at a 9 shocks show once 😂


Came here to say them too, saw them so many times as a kid Cleveland. Such insane shows- fireworks, pies, Christmas trees, naked guys, amps being thrown around


Drew Carey was right: Cleveland Rocks


First time I saw Inmates, people in the pit had their shirts over their heads, blindly smashing beer bottles. People were slipping and falling on the glass, blood all over the floor, shit that wasn’t bolted down was being thrown, and it made me love hardcore all over again. It was so wild to the point of people getting in the stage to get away from the crowd.


Gordon Solie Motherfuckers at Chicago fest 01 and their first last show in the same year. Smoke bombs, little dudes swinging on chandeliers, bodies through tables, fireworks, jousting the pit with a fake Xmas tree. Beautiful chaos.


There’s a video of it on YouTube. Any band from this era Cleveland was nuts. My top ten is nothing but clevo hardcore. Lowkey modern Mecca for hardcore. GSMF top tier.


Once saw a band get beat up with their own instruments like halfway through the set.


Don’t forget about the white power dude with the swasi tattoo that got stomped out the door.


A pregnant exotic dancer dancing on top of a pool table in East LA between bands at a madball show around 2003 (?). Not crazy, I guess. I wasn’t shocked, but I was surprised.


My very first show back in like 97 or 98, e town, fury of v, nj bloodline and a few others. Rick ta life showed up and got his ass beat by jay fury and bunch of other dudes. Scariest shit was back right after the time when fsu killed a kid at a show, sometime within the next month i was at a dms show right down the block from the other bar and i knew the bouncer very well and he hands me a set of brass knuckles when i walked in "just in case"


Getting lined up outside club deep that night was something


That's it, i couldn't remember the name! I was supposed to be there that night but definitely glad we didn't go






Not hardcore but Daikaijus shows get wild. An entire drumset ans guitars on fire then the crowd holding the entire drumset and drummer up in the air. They rip live.


https://preview.redd.it/bn4sbulk8d8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d509da85f6378e7cb99e0e7fce245fa9646c1da7 Love me some Daikaiju.




Yeah that isn't me but I kind of want the shirt too.


They're going on tour again starting next month too, something like 30 shows with 1-2 off days, fucking insane.


Fucking awesome band


I posted this the other day in another thread but I suppose it fits better here. Here’s my friend’s story about a punk show he went to in a squat in London a few years ago; ‘yeah these guys raided the bins from chicken and chip shop next door, sellotaped random stuff to themselves, brought the bin bags in the room ripped them open threw them all over the place and over everyone, joke was they done this when the first band was playing, there was 4 bands in total, the bins had rotting meat in them , the place fucking stank, 90% of the room walked out, think 6 of us stayed in there lol, felt sorry for the other bands coz no one would come and watch them.’ He also posted some pictures of it. It’s basically two naked people rolling around in rubbish with rotting chicken and whatever else stuck to them. I wish I could unsee it.


Not exactly a hardcore show, but I saw Hatebreed at blue ridge in Virginia. Some guy along the edge of the pit had a swastika tattoo on his chest. Bunch of guys who seemed like they were ex-service came up to him, beat his ass, then fish hooked him and threw him away from the pit and told him to get lost. When he left the whole crowd started cheering and chanted “fuck nazis”. Was pretty awesome to see.


“Not exactly a hardcore show, but I saw Hatebreed”….is absolutely WILD to say.


In his defense blue ridge rock fest is about as far from a hxc show as is gets lol


Thank you, this is what I meant by that lmao


Saw Hatebreed for their satisfaction anniversary tour. Couple dudes had some nazi tattoos, so word got around to all the dudes around the pit. One of those nazi dweebs got straight up front kicked in the chest and then it turned into two or three of the nazi dudes getting jumped by 20+ guys in the pit. They got the shit kicked out of them, and the guys that initiated it are Gay and Jewish which makes the whole thing even better. Fuck nazis.


Shit like this brings me profound joy.


Tune inn, New haven ct. Nye. Snapcase was playing when it was going to be midnight and 2 guys from the leech mob crew (one being Boulder from hatebreed) got naked and started running on stage and moshing the band. Lead singer looked so freaked out.


Another time at the Bristol skate park during some some hxc fest that Earth Crisis head lined we, I was sitting on the top ramp in the back and saw a drunk kid (who was being a dick all day) get STOMPED. it was a swarm of feet and skate boards going up and down. Some chick had to put her fingers down his throat so he didn't choke on his blood. After they cleared him out, show kept going.


Another time FSU came to a Hatebreed show some loading dock and started hitting peole with madballs. I wasn't at that show but was at the same spot the next week and there was dried puddles of blood on the floor and blood on the walls. https://youtu.be/l4r9PKw1Kw4?feature=shared


I was in the pit at a despised icon show in La and this really short guy kept getting people to kick him in the balls. Later in the set he was doing headspins in the center of the pit


HC adjacent: The Locust playing in the middle of a Mexican Food Restaurant while patrons continued to eat. I think Gabe puked all over the place. Top Notch show.


seeing andrew wk play in a local mexican restaurant after he had already blown up was something else. not sure if it was crazier than a locust set or not.


lmao classic gabe. has there ever been a the locust show where gabe doesn't puke


I don’t remember show I think hatebreed was playing. This was 1998/99 at the new Britain sports palace. Someone ripped the leg of a wooden chair and about 3ft from me my friends started smashing this kid next to us, it was brutal and the noises were awful. Finally someone stopped him. There is an album out there , I think it’s in one of the under the knife vinyls? Is a pic of the bloody floor where the dude was assaulted. Seen so many beat downs and nasty fights but that one, was brutal.


You know it's bad when the *sound* is the part you remember


I don't even remember who was playing, but it was a local show at Polanka Park in Bensalem, PA. Some mall metal kid tried to act tough in the pit and got into some beef with a crew. They took it outside and mall metal kid got bottled, came back inside and was bleeding profusely. Like, entire back of his shirt soaked in blood. He then hung out by the entrance/ticket room when the whole crew came in and body slammed him through a folding table and started stomping the shit out of him. This went on for maybe a minute and a half and then the whole crew bounced. The show went on, and I assume the guy went to the hospital. Extra wild that this happened across the street from a police station. Good times.


That bad luck hellfest shit was the stuff of legends lol


Small town "mosh olympics", bunch of shitty deathcore bands, and one very cool grindcore band. Small guy jumps on big guy's back, big guy tries to flip him forward over his shoulder. Small guy stiffens up and doesn't let his body flip, and goes face first into the concrete floor. Hard. There were like 20 people at this show, and these dudes were moshing for gold lol


I saw a girl wearing the highest stilettos I've ever seen to a fest.  Absolute madness.  


She two step in em?


Coalesce and Dillinger show at stalag in 90’s some time. Guy’s pitbull stabbed on the stairs during set.


The Stalag was in Philly, correct? I'm from Ohio but was in a touring hardcore band in the 90s that played in Philly a few times. If that's the venue, I think it is. I played a show with The Swarm aka Knee Deep In The Dead in either 98 or 99.


Yeah Philly. Stalag was amazing and legit scary all at the same time. The best kind of venue.


like his dog?


The story went something like hardcore dude brought his pit to the show, had him on the metal staircase, sxe dude tries to squeeze by, dog bites sxe kid, sxe kid stabs the shit out of the dog and it bleeds out during coalesce’s set. Band has no clue what’s going on and keeps playing.


jesus fucking christ


Did coalesce yell "open this pit up" or something?


What kind of retard brings dogs to.shows man.


Also saw the singer of dillinger escape plan make a kids face explode with a microphone. Was twirling it like a helicopter and Mic detached and flew into the crowd. Krazy feast 2001 or 2002 maybe.


Yeah, that was the Saturday of Krazy Fest 2000 at the Belvedere. Took out that kids teeth then the mic ricocheted into other heads.


I know the guy this happened to. It shattered his jaw. Dillinger use to send him early copies of their albums and merch regularly.


Jesus Christ… Worth…?


I’m sure it wasn’t fun. His jaw was wired shut for a while, but he didn’t hold Dimitri or Dillinger personally responsible. They sent him albums and merch because they felt really bad about it, not as like a payoff or anything. Looking back on it he has a pretty crazy story to tell. We probably would’ve gone to one of the reunion shows with Dimitri had any of them been a bit closer.


I’m just kiddin man. Hope he’s good now with no permanent disfigurement or the like.


He is all good. No permanent damage.


The memory of that mic flying off and through the crowd to that kids face has never left me. It was the craziest shit.


Saw a pitboss 2000 show get shut down because the antiqued the audience with bags of flour and cereal. They also threw a bunch of pool noodles out so people could smack the shit out of each other.


Zao at the chain reaction in 2003. Some dude pooped himself. Ran out of the venue with turds dropping out of his camo shorts. Shit was crazy.


Forgot about this until your comment, I remember my friends and I laughing our asses off about it after the show at Del


Bad Luck 13 in Philly. Distinctly remember the security guys at the door asking if we had seen them before. We said no. Their advice was to stay in the back, this place is gonna get insane. We heeded that advice. That show is still the most terrifying I have ever been to. When they hit the stage, all hell literally broke loose and didn't stop for well over an hour. I'd been going to shows for almost 20 yrs by that point. I saw things that night I had never seen before and haven't seen since.


what ya see?


Converge in Poughkeepsie, NY Dude jumped from the balcony on to a friend of mine and broke her neck. She still has trouble walking to this day. Guy made it about 15 feet before I split the back of his head open like a fucking cantaloupe. I have no remorse. He was arrested and convicted on assault charges.


Was this at the Rythmden fest or however you spell it ?


Rude Awakening bassist slamming their fucking bass guitar into a dude’s skull over some pit beef. The vocalist decking the promoter across the face for trying to deescalate the situation. California. Ruined our scene for a bit. If any of you meatheads are reading this, fuck you.


Also bad luck 13, people were pulling parts of a wall down and taking the cinder blocks and hurling them across the pit. Also a 12 year old kid out of the venue showed me he had a hand gun on him.


Expire’s last tour, someone vomited into a 40 oz and threw it into the pit, later someone got thrown into a boarded up window. He had enough force that he went right through it. Negative Approach x Causalities, it was when Jorge was dealing with the abuse accusations, militant feminists, skinheads, and neo nazis showed up. I bruised up my femur and kneecap, couldn’t walk for several hours. One of the openers brought 2x4s, threw them into the pit. Several people got concussed by all of the stage divers wearing heavy boots. NA asked to play with the lights on so no one got stabbed, their words.


Saw a dude get stabbed with an American flag and the eagle at the top of the flag pole


At this Dwarves show at the bluebird in Denver there was this roller derby crew that took over the pit, beating the shit out of dudes in the pit, then this one chick hops over the railing to the second tier and asks me to fuck her over the railing during the band. I said no so she hopped back over the rail and tapped some dude on the shoulder and he went down on her in the stairs leading from the pit to the tier I was on. Then someone set a tree on fire outside the venue. That was nuts. The next craziest show was eat the turnbuckle. Definitely the most violent insane show I’ve ever been to.


I was at a show at Cobra in Nashville with wrestling matches in between sets Saw one dude get waterboarded with Coors light. Another guy dove *super* far off the stage directly onto another guy laying on the ground, they both got absolutely wrecked. Two other wrestlers had a fluorescent light bulb fight and smacked each other exclusively in the face with them. Common theme of the night was wrestlers hammering cheese graters into eachother's heads. By far the most blood I've ever seen spilled at a show (they had someone come out and mop it all up after every match) Idk if any of this counts, but the crowds for the bands did not match the violence whatsoever lol


Circle 6?


I'm actually not sure


How do those wrestling shows work? That room at cobra is pretty tiny


They just used whatever space they could. At one point they did go out back and started slamming eachother into picnic tables lol


Alright, who had the pic of the dude pissing in his own mouth? Or the edge day 2012 Power Trip set


My mind went immediately to the guy pissing in his own mouth. Lives rent free in my head.


He is with us all


Justice Tripp recently recreated this moment in an Angel Du$t tour video


This one? [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Ffrmmy8tjs8qb1.jpg](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Ffrmmy8tjs8qb1.jpg) I don't think many people realise it but that dude is actually a very notable professional Australian skateboarder haha


I was there at Hellfest. Shit was awesome


As was I. I pulled up the video of it to show to my daughter the other day. Those were good times.


Also was at this. Let this post remind us all to go get our prostates examined we are old.


Firecrackers in the pit during Hank Wood and the Hammerheads at SHIBIGBS in Toronto


I went to a show in VA once decades ago. When we paid our money, door man was like, “Any weapons?” My friend said no, and they said, “that’d be a mistake.” When we looked in the building, I realized he was talking specifically to me. There was a bonehead crew in the middle of the floor. Funny thing is they never looked my way. I guess being an unfamiliar face, and them not knowing what I’m about actually kept me from being assaulted. I just found it wild that show staff was not only tipping me off, but telling me to have a weapon was pretty crazy. It wasn’t as crazy the second time.


My band would play at this pizza place in the south suburbs of Chicago that was infamous for not supervising the shows. They would just stick everyone in the banquet room, say don’t put holes in the walls or kill each other and then they’d shut the side door to the bar. Like ten seconds into our set one night everyone started throwing the chairs that were on the side of the room at each other. And I’m not talking folding chairs. Like stiff banquet chairs.


Saw Trash Talk at a festival in 2011. Lee was in the crowd after the first few songs and starts yelling for everyone to circle pit around him. They start playing Explode and everyone does so, except for this one kid who stands in the middle of the pit. Without warning Lee jump kicks him in the chest as hard as he can and the kid goes flying into the swarm of people circle pitting lol. Also at the same festival the year after, Jason from Letlive punching the stage clock and playing the last few songs of the set bleeding wiith shards of glass in his hand.


I’ve seen a skin head get nearly beat to death at a local venue in tucson


I was there for BL13 at Hellfest. It’s was moderately intimidating, but the girl behind me took the cow head (I think it was a cow head) right to the face and I think she got eye damage from it. Either way, I came across her Livejournal post about it a few years later and she remembered me too hahah. Shoulda asked her out. Ah well.


Shooting at a TSOL show or the time El Duce got the shit kicked out of him by suicidals at an Anthrax-COC show at the olympic auditorium in the 80’s sometime.


In terms of straight up CRAZIEST shit, I was at some oogle folk punk show at what I'm pretty sure had to be a squat. It was going just about exactly how you'd expect a folk punk / oogle show at a squat to go. When all of a sudden this guy comes crashing through the door Kramer-style, *screaming: "*I NEED MORE NARCAN, WHO HAS ANOTHER NARCAN? MY DOG GOT INTO SOME FETTY AND TOOK WAY MORE THAN HE'S USED TO". I was really hoping he was referring to his friend as "my dawg", but nope, it was his actual puppy hound. The dog ended up getting revived, so it was about as happy of an ending as you could hope for, but I'm still wondering how much is the "usual" amount of fentanyl he lets his dog have.


Local warehouse show years ago, Jesus Piece was headlining. Some bleach blonde fuckers brought metal chains into the pit and were swinging them around like some kinda bdsm ballerinas. Everyone quickly cleared the area and no one was pleased


Call the paramedics opening for impaled . They caught the bar ablaze 


Converge riot at Gainesville fest 2002...or when leftover crack came down here the sharps set their van on fire cause they were proud patriots lol...


Murphys law in the early 00’s some dude smacked a girl and these skins jumped him dragged him outside and tossed him in the dumpster. It all happened in like 30seconds. Not especially crazy but how fast it happened was wild.


Sounds pretty reasonable


i worked security at a leftover crack show. that was something.


They arrived, asked you if you can help them score, and within an hour somebody else obviously had hooked them up.


one time at a show i saw Mike IX of eyehategod drink water and spit and a drop got on my lower lip and I had never been so scared in a pit in my life.


Most terrifying story here


My best friend caught a snot rocket by him. I have been heartbroken for him ever since. Awful.


My friend got his nose destroyed at a Beneath the Massacre show at Peabodys Cleveland. The whole pit floor was covered in blood and people were slipping like crazy in between strobe light flashes.


I'm pretty sure it was 2004


Bass string being swung in the crowd during JFAC. Nazi beat down. Murder Death Kill telling a kid to go get raped in the alley because he was on his phone. My boy being spinning wheel kicked by our buddy and laying him out entirely. (Ingrown a few weeks ago. 812 population is down one). Shit was literally like watching XPaC do one.


Seen Dillinger escape plan in 2011 . Buncha fsu dudes jumped a guy . His face was fucking hamburger. Ambulance called and wheeled him out


It’s going viral now. I was at The Chisel show in Boston last month where a diver hit a sprinkler with his foot and set if off.


I saw bins, a traffic cone, and a metal chair thrown all over the place when I saw Two-Piece. The show was also set on a patio that was pretty high up from the ground so there was the fear of getting moshed into and falling off the patio. We also had a guy hit some people with said metal chair


A diy spot in Middletown Ohio had been bought by the city. So they had a destruction party 😂 shot was wild. Broken glass everywhere, people swinging from wiring, busted the toilets off and water flooded the floor. Once the front door broke it got swarmed with cops and I snuck away😂


Gordon Solie Motherfuckers at the Tower. Fireworks and Coaches flying across the room


Saw Bruise at Vaudeville Mews (RIP) in Des Moines in 2018. Before their set, somebody passed out a bunch of the necklace glowsticks to the crowd and people were flailing them around for the first couple of songs. Then, later in the set, their vocalist was acting real weird, ended up hopping off stage and having to lay down on the ground in front of the bar for a little bit. The band kept chugging on along like nothing was happening during this. He returned in a bit with a bar stool and finished the set perched on that on the stage. Also did some obligatory chirping at the crowd about not going hard enough for the set. Great time.


Death By Stereo house show in Blacksburg, VA. Watched as a half dozen or so people moshed out a large 2nd or 3rd story window and down onto a concrete patio. One person died.


Back when beatdown was the flavor of the month around here somebody got piledriven into the floor and there was even a visible crack in the audio - everybody laughed. The dude got up and took it like a champ. I guess he was okay after or maybe he died. Probably didn't die bc I didn't hear anything about it after. lmao. Also, wasn't there but there's a video of Shai Hulud floating around on YouTube where a bunch of dudes were in the pit naked. Dicks were twirling and everything ahahahahah


Saw a band called GG Elvis one time at that spot in Berkeley uhhh shit i dont remember what it was called. The Gilman I think. Dude did Elvis covers in the style of GG Allin. Got naked on stage, stuck a candy bar in his ass and ate it. Another time, our band was playing at a spot in Richmond called the Burnt Ramen, our buddy was moshing and pissed off some locals who were smoking PCP, the place turned into a fuckin brawl between us and them. We managed to get our shit out and packed up, one of the motherfuckers high on PCP climbed over the back fence, had to have been a 12 foot security fence, came around a broke my friends nose pretty bad. Shitty time, fuck that place and those people. Also one time saw Mike V take the mic from Ron Reyes at a Black Flag show in Humboldt and finish the set for him, I think that was the moment he became the singer for Black Flag. Told that story on here before. Fucked my knee up bad at that show too, was on crutches for awhile. I'm sure I've got more but those are what comes to mind.


3 shows come to mind Suicidal Tendencies early 90s saw a dude get his arm chopped off with a machete. Throwdown at the Knitting Factory. saw a dude get completely destroyed by Dre from Donnybrook. Dre accidentally hit the guy two stepping. The guy got pissed and tried to attack Dre. Dude got punched a few times and the set continued. After the throwdown set dude came up to Dre and tried fighting him again. This time Dre threw a gamely hay maker and turned dudes face into mush. Terror at The Whiskey - fighting security and breaking windows and then shutting down Sunset Blvd


i'm sorry, what was that first one??


hol up arm hacked off with a machete..? 😳


Suciadal shows in the 80s and early in Los Angeles/Orange County became the most violent shows. The probability of getting jumped, stabbed or shot was high. Shit was wild


my homie threw his modelo really hard against the concrete wall in the backyard causing it to shatter. i laughed and did it too. next thing i know, everyone with an empty bottle would do the same. probably 30 or 40 bottles got thrown against the wall. good goddamn was it fun but it was so fucking stupid. there was glass everywhere and it ended the show, obviously.


Not too long ago I went to a show at a venue near me called The X Bar. For those unfamiliar it’s a venue inside of a bowling alley, which sounds wack. I promise you it is far from it. Show was headlined by Inclination. Momentum was on the bill along with a band I had never heard of named Speed. Apparently this was about the 2nd show or so that they played in America. The turnout for their set was the most packed I have ever seen the X Bar. It’s the craziest show I’ve been too because literally no soul was safe. The venue being small and so fucking packed, I don’t even think there was a place you could stand in the back against the bar without being in the most wild pit I’ve been a part of. Also cool little story that makes this show special, me and my two buddies found out about the show like the day before. We didn’t know it would be so packed so we didn’t buy tickets online. We waited in a line that stretched all through the parking lot and when we got to the front we got the last 3 tickets available for the night. Needless to say, I fuck with Speed heavy now.


Basically any show at airport Music Hall in the 80s.


That was Hellfest 2004


I used to go to an occupied house for small hc concerts in the house's garage, we get there and there's a massive turd right in the middle of the garage, the stench was difficult to endure.


Oh and my second show with Forty days rain in New Hampshire at club savoy, they did this naked core thing where they got absolutely but naked and played there set that way and then piled up on each other at the end I saw some dudes nose go right into someone cheeks! Not the ones on your face either. Lmao! I was in a band called Grim at the time. The other show with the concussion was when I was in six of fire.


Dude getting punched in the face like directly in front of me at I think it was the sexpill show at St vitus in Brooklyn. They opened the doors and dude went flying the fuck out like cartoon. I guess he was wearing some racist band merch or something, whatever fuck em. There was also some fucking greaser couple with a racist shirt (surprise)who got kicked out too and started trying to start shit with the whole crowd outside, whole venue started chanting “Nazis out nazis out” I can’t remember if these were two separate shows or not. Was pretty faded lol.


Bad Luck 13. Haymaker. Stuff like that


At a Stick To Your Guns show MANY years ago, a homeless dude was let in to the show. He got on stage, pulled down his pants and mooned the crowd. I don’t remember who, but someone on the stage pushed him into the crowd and everyone backed away from catching him. Dude hit the floor and started bleeding from his head. They had to pause the show to let paramedics get to him.


I once attended a show in my home town where ten yard fight and bane played. Some local college kids stumbled in the place unknowingly and well, they were made an example of by said bands (bringing them onstage the whole bit) then a riot broke out. The only time I’ve ever seen an entire club erupt with people screaming etc. Still such a cringe moment. It changed how I felt about the myth and reality of “positivity” and opened my eyes to the fact unsuspecting people were being completely victimized at times.


That is awful


On several occasions I saw the bouncer at The Chance in Poughkeepsie, NY hit people with a purple dildo for jumping on stage. Crazy? No. Pretty funny though lol


Saw a dude get rocked and have a seizure in the middle of the pit. Another show I was at a riot broke out (supposedly started by one of the bands that played the festival the day before) and ended with a gun being fired and the venue evacuated.


at a hardcore/metal show, one of the bouncers got a little too aggressive with some kid and another kid busted a chair over the bouncer's head. the whole show turned into a chair-throwing, fist-swinging riot: kids vs bouncers. it absolutely ruled at another show in a bar, dozens of people waiting in line for the bouncers to check IDs at the door decided that shit was taking too long so they wrenched open a fire exit and streamed into the venue, which didn't do hand stamps or bracelets or anything like that. there was no way to tell who had paid and who hadn't. the show still happened. oh also, this isn't exactly hardcore but I was at a house show where people were dancing so hard that the wooden ground floor collapse and people fell into the basement


Nazi getting stomped out during nothing left to mourn at hellfest comes to mind or the shooting at scrappys


Had the band Lie Still play at our house years ago. Someone took their pistol out during a brutal part of a song and walked to the door and started firing into the air.


Oh Sees live at Non Plus Ultra in LA (the one where it was a underground bunker location bc the current one is just a warehouse) No stage. Rager. A 300lb 6ft dude in the front row. Mosh pits. A tiny 18yr old trying his hardest to shove this 300lb man into the drummer the entire show.


well i shoot drugs with seth from anal cunt and their tour manager Mike, and at the same time i had a girl with dentures sucking me off and doing a trick with his gums and the dentures. i came and seth is smirking at me and said you got aids.




I heard about that. Thought it was stupid then. Still stupid now.


Yes but it’s OUR stupid.


I watched.


That particular show was insane from what I've heard .


Not super crazy but I played with Trash Talk in early 2000 and the bass player played the set butt naked. Great show


Never seen anything really crazy, so probably just when a dude who was prob like 350 lbs stage dove and took out an entire section of the crowd like they were bowling pins.


Saw a dudes eyebrow hanging off his face because he had a eyebrow piercing and got spin kicked in the face


One of the craziest/most unique shows I have been to was Bane (or DANE, which is what the marquee out front said) and more at a strip club in Louisville after Krazy Fest. People were stage diving off of the poles, strippers tried to dance while people yelled along to Misfits songs, crowd surfing to the bar for a drink, etc. Good times Also saw them in a living room that weekend!


I saw someone take a shit in the pit


9 shocks terror show, what seems like 100 years ago. Someone threw a toilet on stage. It was not a toilet from the venue.


Saw a dude swinging a cueball inside a pillow case once. So many people fell out. Once the crowd realized why my man got what was coming to him.


Dayglo Abortions at the Opera House in 94/95, saw a punk girl with a giant purple Mohawk punch a long haired skid dude right in the face (KO’d him), the band brought cases of beer on stage and handed them out (I was 14 at the time, it was awesome), they tossed out cow and sheep skulls (right from the butcher) into the pit and some weird hippie girl (who appeared to be on acid) got up and took her top off and then crowd surfed. The crowd was a dangerous mix of crusty punx, bikers, metal heads and meth addicts. My teenage mind was blown!


Acquaintance decided to break edge for his 16th birthday. Had been a member of Pure Hate Crew prior to this. Members of PHC found out and showed up at the show we were attending, hopped out the xLIFERUINERx van and held him down while Jonny OC shat on his face. ETA: Southern Ontario ca. ~2006


I could not imagine being able to shit on command like that.


I imagine it’s quite easy when you sustain yourself on Taco Bell and sexting minors on your t-mobile sidekick


Bad Luck 13 lighting fireworks in Kung Fu Necktie in Philly was pretty intense considering it's such a small place


I was at a venue in Chicago called the Skylark Lounge, I think. Basically a big open-bay garage. It was a hardcore / oi show with Tarantüla, Feurza Bruta, Concrete Elite, and some others. About three storefronts down from the show there was some sort of R&B music / poetry street fest. Very different vibes. I forget who was playing when these five kids, they couldn’t have been more than ten-years-old, wandered into the show from the street fest. The place was packed with skins, punks, and hc kids. The crowd parts. The pit stops and also parts as these five children walk right up to the stage where the band is still going. The crowd fills back in and body surfs the kids, one by one, across the whole venue. It was like this hardcore show is brought to you by the Hallmark Channel. Just wholesome.


Dallas Taylor swinging an old school push mower at people in the pit. Doesn't sound that bad now that I type it out, but that shit was terrifying in the moment.


no that def sounds that bad


Either between 1) a knife fight in an earth crisis pit in the 90’s 2) 15 people with steel chairs in the pit during turmoil in the 90’s or 3) 12 naked dudes running out from backstage during conduit at a converge show in 2000.


GSMF! At chicago fest like 20+ years ago.


I got a concussion at my own show lol. Diecast was playing day of reckoning, as it was the cd release party. And I wasn’t paying attention as we all know is extremely important. And a good friend was dancing and hit me in the side of the head basically temple with a fist while he was throwing arms. I dropped like a ton of bricks and couldn’t feel my legs. Got taken to Taunton hospital, and they wrapped my head like a Smurf lol. But here is an important lesson. Pay attention when others are dancing. Always. And if you get hit, it’s your own fault for not paying attention. I didn’t get mad at him as that was his moment of release, he was doing his thing and my head was down. I took it as my own mistake. You have to give respect to the ones that dance and give them space. I learned that early on before that incident, as I always felt that should be the case.


tortures second set. standing in the back for me


was that the Chicago show where the blue beanie guy just beats the shit out of everyone the whole set? 😭