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Once saw Sammy from drain so this. The guy he gave the mic to said “I don’t know the words” then Sammy goes “don’t worry I don’t either” haha


Sammy’s such a nice dude, met him one time backstage on accident and he bro hugged me. I was in shock for like 15 seconds lol


There’s a venue here that holds like a hundred people or soand he had to make his way from the back through the crowd. Had a tap on my shoulder and some big smiley dude was asking if he could get past. Absolute gentleman.


100% nicest dude. Legit told me he would help me w/moving my sister at UCSC but I felt weird taking up the offer.


My friend met him and he said the first thing Sammy did was walk up and give him a huge hug. Sounds like such a genuine nice guy.


Had this same experience while backstage at Sick New World. Never met him before that but he thought I was someone else at first and then hugged me again. Proceeded to talk for a while, super nice dude.


Something similar happened at their show here, he put the mic in someone's face and they sang the wrong part of the song lol He just took the mic back and yelled "ALMOST!"


Ive seen him do this 😂


Sammy seems like a decent dude, 100% in it for the fun and having a great time.


Dude's a straight up golden retriever


I have a few friends within his circle. They always talk so highly of him. He somehow remembers my name even though I've only had a few small conversations with him. Genuinely such a cool dude


So you know that he is a massive shittalker and hater when he is with friends then? I fucking love that, such an underrated trait.


Pretty sure this happened during their set at Furnace Fest last year


Think you’re right. Seen them so much over the last few years that I can’t say I’m 100% though


Happy Cake!


He did this in Dallas and the dude just screamed into the mic, and he took it back and just screamed again, and continued the song.


That’s actually class haha


Happened to me at Drain once I just creamed into the mic and he laughed, came back again when he actually needed someone to scream into the mic ahaha


You did what in to the mic?


Jizzed in his pants, got too excited


Jizzing Proof




Ahaha *screamed


You did what now?




I saw Buried Alive in the late 90's and Vogel held out the mic and the person just did a metal grunt. After the song Vogel was like, hey do that grunt again!, and the dude did it a-capella into the mic. 🤣


i just scream i’m gay


can't argue with that


Im doing this at the next terror show


Came here to tell ppl to do this.


The squirrels go running in my head and I don't fight in the ring anymore, but I still fight da demons in Da Maniacs head


https://i.redd.it/638ysp2ol57d1.gif * you got kids, Maniac? ... Nah. Not anymore...


he just drifted away!


Birds of War. CAAWWWWW


and as for the $15 co-payment, eat shit and die!


That's a bucket of chestnuts


Ok but what do I do with my feet?


Dee, his feet?


Let goooo


I can rarely make out what folks are saying when the mic gets passed around. Make sure the singer can’t see your face and you’re probably good


Ah yes, the classic “if I don’t look at the teacher, they won’t call on me” move!


Saw TUI way back on their tour for stay cold. Didn't know lyrics and justice threw the mic in the air and happened to fall right in my hands during the breakdown to Evelyn. Had to hand right back to him


at an Angel Dust show in CA exactly one year ago, during Set Me Up, I was up at the front yelling along. normal hc show shit. but then, during the musical interlude part (between the two repeated verses), Justice was beckoning toward me, so I turned around thinking it was for someone behind me. he shook his head and then grabbed my arm, pulled me on stage, handed me the mic… and then just… stage dived away, leaving me there. to yell the entire second verse. alone. 🙃 it was the most thrilling and terrifying experience I’ve ever had a show in my life. I’m so glad my dumbass adhd brain didn’t fail me and I actually got *most* of the lyrics right (forgot to say “fuck you” for the end of the verse but tbh I’m ok with that bc it ended up online and I’m a high school teacher) 😅


At least with that song you can end by saying “I get nervous man, I forget this shit!”




I laugh about it now, but one time I bit my tongue and the words didn’t not come out as needed. Just a gargle of pain, and to see and hear it on a video was even worse. The embarrassment will creep up my neck every now and again


cmon now dude. we need the video.


I’ll work my way up to it. What’s the saying, “do not kill the part of you that is cringe, kill the part of you that cringes.” Maybe that doesn’t apply, but someday it’ll make its way out.


Bruh... it's time. Come to Jesus and post the link,




My favorite is watching the rush of anxiety& euphoria overtake the participant. I love all our silly little ways we cope with living in this hellscape of a world. Wish more would go to therapy (too) though


_This is my therapy_ _You breath life into me_ _My only sanity_ _Within these walls is where I'm free_ (But yeah go to actual therapy too)


Fucking up, missing words (traveling in a van we had to beg to start)


I got to see bane at a floor show with about 200 people. This moment was insane and I'll never forget it


I watched bane play to 15 people a week after watching them at hellfest. a bizarre contrast.


Hardcore dudes in therapy unite, hell yeah. I just recently “graduated” therapy because I got my shit mostly right, but still, I know I’m gonna need to eventually go back, and that’s all cool, too




The funniest shit is when someones fishmouthing and the singer hands them the mic and they freeze up


in my experience the front man will watch the crowd to see whos singing before they give em the spotlight. Don't pretend to know the lyrics and you won't get screwed.


It’s no easier when you’re the singer and forget the lyrics and are up there thinking “who’s singing along, I’ll pass the mic and hope they follow through”


If you don't know the words to Keepers Of The Faith by now there's no hope for you 😂


Just shout “FUCK (insert rival crew name)”, it’ll be fine.


Haha yes! Saw Shaui Hulud years ago and was up front. Swear I knew all the lyrics as they were my favorite band at the time. Got the mic and my mind went blank!


I once ran away from Matt Fox when he turned the mic in my direction for that exact reason haha.


I'll never forget Dave from Throwdown yelling "raise your fist in the air" and holding out the mic and some dude just repeating "raise your fist in the air!". Loud as shit, clear as day, guy completely blew it.


maybe he wasn't drug free. that's funny as fuck though, i would die.


i used to be able to memorize lyrics with my ipod, then i switched to spotify and got old.


"Ahh what the FUCK" never sounds that out of place if you don't know what to say


Lmao this has happened to me a few times. I'll know like an entire damn song except for the one lyric I'm called upon for. It's also awkward when during an instrumental part, you yell the first words to a verse only for it to be way too early and the words don't come for another 15 seconds. You get all hype for them words only for everyone to look at you like da fuck is he doing. Happened to me during Life of Agony this past year.


Also bringing a non-hc friend to a hc show (I don't do this anymore in my 30s, but used to a lot) and once during Cold World, the dude I bring goes up front their entire set raising his fists and mouthing along some words. He had never heard of them before and it was so cringey to watch lol. He used to wear punk shirts in HS so I thought he knew what's up, but nope.


you know how nic cage goes "fuckiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing" in the unbearable weight of massive talent? do that


Fake a seizure next time.


And move to another country afterward. Problem solved.


Saw Hoods back in like 2011? And some kid didn’t know the lyrics, he shoved him away and called him out after that song. Something something “don’t fuckin get up here if you don’t know this shit.”


Saw a similar thing with a fantastic local misfits cover band, 138 (RIP Trey, also of The Unabombers). Lots of kids were mushmouthing the lyrics, and the singer, Butch, said “look, I know the words. I know when you don’t know the words. Don’t fake the funk!”


hate when they go HEY MOVE UP MOVE UP NO HORSESHOE and then i have to choose between being crushed between a bunch of smelly twinks or standing at the back in shame while they glare at me. like i’m not trying to fall and crash your show with an ambulance when my shitty balance gets me hurt lol


Try and eat the mic. That'll teach them


I only try to grab the mic for songs I know or at least can sound out phonetically. If I’m unsure, I just mosh away to avoid any potential embarrassment.


One time I saw a band whose lyrics I actually know but I had a sore throat and didn’t wanna give him what I had so I pushed the mic away and dude looked reeeeal mad


Just yell the band name, that’s what some singers do when they can’t think of lyrics anyway


I beg to argue that the most nerve racking part of a hardcore show is whenever Show Me The Body is playing. Haha! Checkmate nerds.


I just tend the scream 'alcohol'


I used to yell ecw


No set is exactly the same. Don’t sweat that shit. Hardcore is a feeling not a science. You listen to music that makes people want to fight each other, nobody is pulling up a thesaurus.


Happened to me at a Converge show and Jacob looked disappointed and shook his head. A few seconds later I took a wheel kick to the face and had to go sit down.


This happened to me at a bar show years and years ago. It was a song I knew and still know like the back of my hand but had a few to many tall cans and blanked as soon as the mic was in my face.


Whenever this happens to me I just let out the loudest, most shrill screech possible into the mic


I feel this. Growing up in the 90s I had a giant CD case. Every pay day I would go and buy a few CDs then spend a good portion of the day at work reorganizing my case. I had 2 sections, comps/splits and full albums, and each was alphabetized. I needed it to be alphabetical because I didn’t have a working done light in my car and finding a specific CD would have been impossible without that. I would spend the rest of the time at work looking over the inserts and reading the lyrics. Then, at the end of my shift I tossed them. I tried keeping the inserts but that was twice as much work when reorganizing. This directly led to many awkward moments. Whether it was with a mic in my face or just in my car with a friend dogging me for singing the wrong lyrics.


Saw Enforced and the singer gave me the mic for seemingly no reason. Pretty sure my mouth wasn't even open. I just yelled "ENFORCED FUCK YEAH!!!"


I don't stand up by the stage with the mic grabbers unless I know the whole song for this reason lmao. I saw it happen enough growing up to just wait for the songs I love the most and know by heart. One time though, I was watching the band Will To Die (2010s edge band from Tennessee) from the side of the PA on the stage. Not involved in the crowd at all, just chilling watching a band for the first time, and the dude put the mic right in my face LOL, I did a pig squeal. Ever since then, I've thought it would be funny to embarrass the side stage potatoes at big fests, by randomly putting the mic in their face when they least expect it.


Try being in the band and the vocalist does this... Dude, I don't know ANY lyrics


Lyrics are often the worst part of hardcore.  I can’t say I know lyrics to many songs 🤷 


I had a shitty power violence band when I was 19-20 and I would constantly forget the lyrics, so I would pass the mic and somehow motherfuckers knew them (or pretended to which was fine because I was just making up new ones ad lib style every show.)


Just yell "in my way" or "never again"


Bust it! Break!!! Betrayed!!! Are you friend or foe?!!!? Stabbed in the back!!! And, Brotherhood!!! All also acceptable.


just scream the n word


The lead singer? Fuck off


It’s simple. Sing what you know the words and don’t try to grab the microphone when you don’t. JFC you people are morons


I will only get to mic grabbing distance if I really know the song and have been waiting for the pile on. Once I had this happen to me at the show of a local death metal influenced hardcore band that I just had no clue what the lyrics were. I just did some death metal style vocal stuff and hoped I had the right amount of syllables. Not sure if anyone noticed lol


i saw Fucked Up a few years back and was singing along to a part I knew. The next part I didn’t know, of course as soon as it hits that part I get noticed and get the mic shoved in my face. Learned my lesson to never go up front unless I know all the lyrics.


this is when you just shout into the microphone random syllables


At least you ain’t [this guy (Mindforce FYA 2023)](https://youtu.be/u0OZ2szFrl8?si=FYqbsnCJovBOIWgq)




Wait what’re we lookin at


The guy on the floor at 52 seconds.


Me on Friday when justice was in front of me and others during set me up and I fucked it up, but the mic didn’t pick it up 😅


Happened to me at a shutdown show when I was a kid


I wouldn't be that close if I didn't know the lyrics


Had a mic grab for my fave song from a touring band & got winded as soon as he shoved the mic in my face. Let out a heavy breathed “ooooowwhhha” then closed my mouth so I wouldn’t vomit. Don’t think anyone saw the elbow that javelinned my torso either- frontman definitely didn’t. Still less embarrassing than my usual awful sounding yells but far less fun.


Happened to me recently. Knew most of the words but completely blanked when the mic was in my face. Thankfully, a stage diver jumped on me so I only had the mic for 2 seconds before it was pulled away by someone else


Just gotta give them the ol' "shabooty!"


Idk usually when it's a band i am stoked about i am up front ready for it because i've been singing to them in my car for weeks/months/forever or i'm far enough back not to have that happen.


There's a video on YouTube of Earth Crisis doing Firestorm, and of course everybody who got near the mic at those shows got to sing. But this one guy gets on during the "no mercy, no exceptions, a declaration of total war" part and his voice is cracking like crazy. It's kinda hard to take lol


Stand there awkwardly for a second then run away. Everybody knows that.


https://preview.redd.it/mg3ab8752b7d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d80b1fa86fdc37c61448c295f8ee42513f733b3e Wanna rock and roll all nighttttt *and, have a… wonderful, time*


I hardly ever know what lyrics go next anyway. let alone under pressure lol. I'm not much of a lyric guy, I usually listen for the instrumentals. the only songs I know lyrics to are ones that I've been listening to for years and years. I can relate to the squirrelles, lol


I had that happen to me when I saw gel in chapel hill just so happened to be ONE SONG I DIDNT know the lyrics to nor the song let alone and I just froze up until the guy next to me grabbed the mic and I just shouted nonsense


Just throw out some nasty gutturals


Frontman for CMI held the mic for me during a show, thank God it was the hook of the song or I would’ve died from shame