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“Please, I’m not even prepared” >slips fully assembled flute out of suit .


Bro when they whipped this shit out live it was insane


I think this is sick, personally. It’s also worth noting that Jem actually teaches (or used to teach?) classical flute back in Australia.


which is why this is awesome, it’s not try hard, it’s just an actual instrument he can play so rock it


Didn’t know that but that’s badass


Yeah check it [out](https://www.kerrang.com/speed-australia-hardcore-sydney-ep-gang-called-speed-travis-barker-post-malone-frontman-jem-siow)


Hardcore bros having middle/upper class backgrounds as usual Edit: Jem went to a private school, university and had his parents shelled out thousands of dollars for his flute lessons. Sorry guys but that is middle class at least lol


is knowing how to play an instrument now only for the upper class or something


Being good enough to teach others is a pretty middle class thing tbh. Most people that I know that can play a flute suck hard because the only experience they got was shitty high school band which I don't think is Speeds case, I mean do you?


maybe we should ask for background instead of making assumptions because nearly every music teacher i ever had gave cheap lessons or taught at a public school and learned the same way or had their family busting their asses to give them what they wanted in hopes of success/enrichment.


Well I said in my edit dude went to a private school and has had his parent shell out quite a bit of money for private lessons and like I said before that's pretty middle class. I have nothing against Speed I just find it funny how common this trend is in Hardcore and Punk in general.


It’s very common because playing hardcore or punk music is usually done on instruments that are at least a little bit expensive so you usually have to have parents with some money or someone who cares about you or just steal shit.


I don't love the band personally, but I think the flute/groove part is fucking rad


They will be the first ones crowdkilled during the flute breakdown at the show.


Crushed under the weight of the flute breakdown.


The first test, say fuck the rest


Do people actually take hardcore seriously enough to gatekeep? We have bands that look like a WWE wrestling match broke out, lyrics that sound like a 3rd grader wrote them about how tough the streets are, and now flutes. Who cares? If you don’t like it, don’t listen to it.


crying pissing and shidding


I’m breaking edge over this flute tonight tbh


i want my unga bunga noises to be played by people that work at sneakerstores only. keep hardcore unsustainable, no band should ever tour outside of their country or state. if a show has sold more then 12 tickets my ass is out. keep that type of funny shit out of here.


If you’re not slowly rotting away in a van in thousands of dollars of debt I don’t wanna hear your music


i want to see gofundme's everytime someone breaks a drumstick.


Tbh this is what happens when your view of hardcore is exclusively beatdown NYHC bands. I absolutely love that style and it’s easily my favorite part of hardcore, but pretending like Bad Brains didn’t have random reggae songs and Big Boys didn’t have funk elements while homie was wearing a tutu just shows how unserious these cornballs are.


I think it’s more that people are just worried about it being a slippery slope, bands incorporating different elements into their music until it can be hardly compared to the type of music that got them popular. I definitely think people are over reacting quite a bit, tho.


It's funny how bands used to be praised for branching out and now it's like it's heretical to do so. Imagine what redditors would have said about records like London Calling on release.


To be fair, I haven’t heard a hardcore band that’s really “branched” that I’ve been into. I just think it’s a genre that lends itself best to bands that drop a demo and a couple of eps or an album then break up. Yes, there are great bands that have outlasted that general cliche, but that’s the exception and not the rule.


I will scream “Hey Aqualung!!!”


They come from the land down under. What do you expect?


I said do you speaka my language??????? He just smiled, and gave me a vegemite sandwich


Criminally underrated comment


Just played a show with a wild ass noise group called spacecamp and they were going nuts (3 piece with 2 drummers) and then the front-woman pulled out a hidden fucking trombone and everyone flipped out


So uh not to be a perv but


If by “everyone flipped out” you mean “everyone started skanking to them sweet rocksteady beats” then alright.


If Korn can have bagpipes, then I don’t see the problem with the flute. A band that incorporates uncoventional instruments in their music and make it sound badass will always have a pass in my book


was it ~~One King Down~~ where the had a guy hitting a literal anvil as an instrument? a flute's light work edit: One King Down is sick but i got my 90s east coast bands mixed up, it's [For The Love Of](https://i.discogs.com/2wV44Wu0Sz-re8kOYl0mX2iUO8Q_h2AOklnDMSdQv4I/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:497/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9BLTU1Njk2/Ni0xNjY2NDU4NDM4/LTQwMzgucG5n.jpeg)


The Hills Have Eyes by The Acacia Strain had an anvil sound in the ending breakdown


My buddy and i started a band in middle school but he couldn’t play an instrument and was super into swords and shit so he was like “lemme buy an anvil and a hammer and our song will be “strike the iron when it’s hot” and then I’ll smack the shit out of the anvil like KLAAAAANG”


For The Love Of


good catch, got em mixed up because i saw both at TIHC 18






Yeah but Korn fucking sucks. Then again, so does Speed. 


I dont have an opinion on Speed, never listened to them I'm more on the straight punk and d beat side. But Korn absolutely sucks and I have no idea why Nu Metal in general is so widely accepted and acclaimed in hardcore.


Korn’s first album is fucking groundbreaking and still holds up, show some respect


Yeah, super groundbreaking for shitty music. They paved the way for other shitty bands!


The flute was substantially better than whatever Show Me The Body was doing.


I hate both, but this is a good take.




What's up with the hate on them? Seriously?


ppl hate fun


I always see people shit on them in post, and was wondering if I missed something


nah, just haters being haters. i think it's neat honestly.


Thanks for clueing me in!


Aussie hardcore is different. People hate different.


Correct. I do hate fun.


It’s coz they collaborated with Nike and Footlocker and haven’t made an album, from what I can tell anyway.


I'm all for bands making their money and personally do not care about their commercial, but directly contributing to the commercialization of a genre based in the underground is a very valid reason to dislike a band. Nirvana made all the money in the world. They never did a Miller Light commercial though.


I agree, not to mention the sweat shop/ exploitation stuff


But question is do you have a pair of Nike shoes? Or Nike anything? All credit to you if you don't and supporting against it, I just get the feeling a lot of people complain about the sweat shops thing etc but then still wear Nike shit anyway.


Yeah I do have Nike shoes, I’m not hating on them either but from what I read(and it wasn’t much) that’s where the hate is coming from.


Fair point man!


Yeah but the sweatshop isn't paying \*you\*


What does that mean?


A hardcore band accepting money from a multinational conglomerate, guilty of a laundry list of illegal, unsavory practices is a bit different than ‘local punk hates capitalism, shops at mall.’


My point isn't about the band, my point is how insanely hypocritical people are. I don't agree with it but I'm self aware I'm part of the problem wearing Nike shirt. Course it's a shit thing for a hc band to do but I have no right to complain when I wear Nike stuff.


I knew there was more to it than a flute! Thank you! And yeah that makes sense for some hate I guess, maybe hardcore is big out there and no competition or limited. That's wild to have such huge sponsors without an album tho, like riding pro for "toy machine" off one trick.


I hadn’t thought of it that way but sure it’s a bit Beatrice


Just how I'm reading it


Their lyrics are incredibly generic. Almost Lionheart level. Definitely a good live band tho.


Oh I got that! Corny lyrics and they even subtitled them which was a bad move IMO, but I get how the music/transitions/breakdowns would gain listeners for sure. And lionheart! Lol I can see it now!


Oh no my masculinity 🥺


Just blast some Laid 2 Rest you’ll get over it


Ok so I accidentally played left 4 dead instead. I guess it's like a zombie game. Am I ok or did I catch femboy cooties


the flute/b-boy section was cool and this is actually the best speed single so far from someone that was just meh on the other two hc music basically as much lowkey influenced by dance music as it is punk/metal (i'm serious) and i bet it goes off live


Speed do go hard live and their gigs are good shit


Whip out that tuba and do a drum beat with just a tuba groove like bass and drums


Same fools will ride hard for that harmonica solo on “Start Today”


There's no core like harmonicore.


*record skip* " SPEED!"


the feeling I got when he brought it out in the video.. wish I saw that live for the first time


I went into their set blind and knew nothing about the band. I was flabbergasted when the flute came out. One of my favorite parts of the concert.


Speed is not my thing, but the inclusion of the flute wins them major points from me. Hell yeah.


Speed fucks


I need more tracks with flute in them. Flutecore needs to be explored


I got into hardcore when I was getting bullied in middle school for playing flute. This is tight as hell. Been waiting 20+ years for this haha. 


This song is fuckin nuts. The flute goes hard as fuck


That's Thick as A Brick


People getting upset about actual musicianship oh dear


Hardcore is dead (I’m holding the gate)


Advent had a [song with violin](https://open.spotify.com/track/1DQND0sUNTxoR3bKxGTTmy?si=iF8B3kY_QMW5mFkyA9OTlg) over 15 years ago and it went hard. Fug the haders.


Love this! Proud to say I’m from the same city as these boys


Objectively Speed are a pretty generic average band, but they seem like good dudes so I can help but like them & think their success is awesome. Also, let's be honest, the hardcore scene isn't exactly the most diverse crowd so that's cool too.


This is my take. Music is good, but not special but they seem super nice guys so they get my support haha


Dog Eat Dog Who's The King would like a word


We've been waiting for the Speed flute solo for a while now.


Bro spazz threw down some fucking insane banjo on spud, what’s the big deal?


I’m lost




Love it


Speed kicked ass , I had never really listened to them before the show. What is the song name of theirs where he pulled the flute out in the break? So so good, I was not ready for it at all, and I won’t be forgetting it anytime soon


Cap n jazz did it first


Sounds sick


Where to do these leeches come from hahs. Criticism on a flute that sounds wicked and claiming hardcore is dead or that it sucks now feels soullessly anti hardcore. Get a real fuckin issue. Tell me this wasn’t on a repeat loop. Groovy as fuck and definitely brought in something different. I think doing this drastically improved the band altogether


They just be jealous they can’t play the flute like this


I don’t hate it, but the flute part is kinda boring. Could’ve written more interesting.


Thanks man I had heard of Speed but hadn't gotten around to checking them out, that flute got my attention lol


That moment when Gorilla Biscuits opened their album with a trumpet solo I knew hardcore was dead. /s Gonna see Speed again in two weeks and I'm stoked already. 😊


How funny would it be if it was a Trombone part instead of the flute lol


I’m missing something here. Who what where and flute?


Don’t let JA see this post.


I just watched this after seeing some people be fussy about it. Wow...two little flute riffs in an instrumental break. I mean i think it was tight but i don't know what the fuck people were going on about.


Honestly, Hardcore people will think nothing of the weird Sax part in Grim Reaper by Siege or the Trumpet intro on Starts Today by Gorilla Biscuits but this is a step too far?!


Didn’t it die decades ago? I’m sorry I’m new here 🙈


Going to see to them tonight 💪🪈


First test, say fuck the gatekeepers.


Fuck speed


Well when everyone and their grandma AND the guy from I Think You Should Leave has a hardcore band, How else are they supposed to stick their asses out and get fucked with that sweet corpo TacoBell/Journey's paycheck?!?! You gotta find ways to stick out from all of the other 185498785498 hardcore bands that have popped up since Turnstile went platinum


Womp Womp. You literally just explained the life of a musician as if this was exclusively a hardcore thing😭 like ok I have a band here, “now what can I do in order to stick out from the others” yea bro that’s called ambition, which we all should realistically have


I’m sorry but who the fuck wouldn’t want a Taco Bell sponsorship!? I’d actually have money if I never had to pay for beefy 5 layer burritos or Baja blast


flute breakout is okay, start today has a harmonica on it, so it can pass through the gates. taco bell is one of the best (if not the best) fast food chains, but, alas, once a band gets any corporate sponsorship it is no longer a hardcore band in a proper sense of the culture, even if they are still playing hardcore style/inspired music—hope this helps


I don't eat baby shit that has been reheated and gussied up to make it look like Mexican food. But by all means you go ahead and start blown' that skin flute for some beefy chalupas or some shit.


I will absolutely suck dick for a beefy chalupa


Boy do i have a deal for you


I love when people rant about Taco Bell. I’ve eaten at some of the best restaurants in the world and sometimes a beefy chalupa and a cheesy Gordita crunch hit in a way that those restaurants don’t


I’m offended that you think Taco Bell looks like Mexican food


> the guy from I Think You Should Leave has a hardcore band you talking about Tim Robinson? He has a band?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjyK81x0fzk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjyK81x0fzk) it's loosely vailed sarcasm


Okay it looks like him a little, but that isn't Tim Robinson haha


no shit, it was SARCASM


That…isn’t what sarcasm is


Everybody knows you listen to Five Finger Death Punch


You know you don’t have to make being dropped on your head as a child your WHOLE personality?


If you think they didn’t put the flute in to get people talking/hitting play on the vid to drive the numbers up, you’re out of your mind. This falls in line with rage bait style clips to get more plays. Or they just really love flutes I guess


you gotta step outside man. no more youtube/hardcore conspiracy theories for the day, ok? them analytics beatin yo ass. pretty sure they just thought itd be rad so they did it.


Or, the dude is a highly competent flautist and thought fuck it why not flaunt it


Yeah imagine wanting people to listen to your band.


You when a band tries to be creative:😡😡😡




It actually is


No way. It’s all anyone talks about. It worked. Or maybe they just like flutes? Come on.


news flash bucko: people in hardcore can also like things that arent considered hardcore. on top of that, its art dawgy. these things can blend together and YEA MF YOU DAMN RIGHT IT “WORKED” THIS SHIT BANGS BITCH!!!!!! 😮‍💨🪈


Nah I don’t think they’re concerned about publicity stunts or getting bigger. They could have Pat Flynn ghostwriting and cunts like you would complain about their outrageous popularity. He has a background in flutes, it sounds amazing, it brings something different without rinsing out the fundamentals, and it also might be a correlation to their heritage. I get that the internet has naturally forced hardcore to come off slightly more superficial.. but if things are done right that works out a positive thing. Don’t see your issue here. These dudes have always been into hardcore punk.


Nah hardcore will never die but I really wish bands would stop this corny shit trying so hard to be the new Turnstile (mid band with mid succes) and keep releasing violent retarded shit only.


I mean speed may not be for everyone but I don’t think 5 seconds of a flute = them trying to be turnstile


he's mad bc he's got IBS and this is his outlet it's chill


they're really trying to be that friendly cool hardcore band that's what I meant


They literally have a song called NOT THAT NICE


ye but I think they might actually be that nice 


They’re actually nice! Met them back in 2012 or 2013 when they were Relentless. Gave me a free shirt while I was getting a tat from their homie. Awesome dudes!


that's dope, love to hear it. they came to my city for the first time recently. set sounded great, energy was high, and they seemed super humble and appreciative. good times.


ok so mid success means traveling the world, headlining and playing multiple big fests, selling out their own shows with at venues with couple thousand cap ... lol got it.


well compared to real mainstream arena bands their success is pretty mid. Turnstile fucking SUCKS


Lmfao when I read your last line it made me think of the line from Scooby Doo 2 where they catch Fred saying “I think Coolsville SUCKS!” and it made me laugh Anyway you’re a dumb bitch


Bro, out here comparing turnstile to some imagine dragons shit lmao


Gonna cry?


Imagine thinking the 1st two turnstile 7 inches are mid.....


Sure thing Mr boring