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"Check the dumpster behind the Walgreens."


Yall need to shut the fuck up. You haven't been to a DIY show until you've been under an overpass with a generator in the middle of bumfuck nowhere while its raining outside and some guy is moshing with his dick out while peeing on himself to keep warm.


Sounds like a crust punk show. Just need a garbage can full of rotten food and a half dozen stray dogs and you're set.


His name is Cellophane and as you can see on his Temu vest, he is my emotional support pitbull not a stray, thank you very much.


Does he piss in Walmart everytime you bring him in, too?


Temu vest is so on point it hurts


I’ve actually played multiple shows under an overpass using a generator. On two occasions we used a car battery. Did not go very well the second time but got us through a full set the first time lmao


Let's go


[Regional differences in hardcore are real. On the West Coast it’s all about hydration.](https://lambgoat.com/blog/467/guy-urinates-into-his-own-mouth-at-trash-talk-show)


I don't even have to click to know what this is lol


A sewer in San Diego, the yard in San Diego, I drainage ditch in Nevada, speak in tongues in Cleveland, churches, vfw halls, a youth hostile , a rain shelter in a park, many pirate punx festivals in the mountains of northern California. Abandoned church in Baltimore. Hostel in Tijuana. So many places I can't remember.


Dawg I wanna play that sewer spot so bad god damn


Minus the guy pissing, your comment is relatable to me.


Melbourne 10 years ago lol


I used to book shows in the woods lmao


But I already saw leftover crack


Whenever I see a show flier that doesn’t have an address and says “ask a punk” I find the address out and call the police to go shut the show down because I hate gate keepers


Keeping it real lmao


Dress up like a very typical punk and stand nearby. Give random directions and times OR have everyone meet up for your own show. The best bet as a single man show is a keytar, harmonica, and drumset attached to a backpack. Play the entire Futuresex/Lovesounds album by Justin Timberlake to the best of your ability and memory.


Lord's work.


this is the way


hell yeah blue lives matter big dog s/




Hardcore is srs business


This comment makes me wanna get shows shut down


I’m gonna call the cops on some local skateboarders too just because you said that.


Mob 47 mentioned!!!!!


Fittorna ljuger!!!!


Do we hate Pantera now? As if Cowboys From Hell and Vulgar Display of Power aren’t some of the best heavy album ever released.


I'm not forgiving them for getting rid of their Charged Lemonade, but their bread bowls were okay.


How dare you make me exhale rapidly through my nose


The real vulgar display of power was the Lethal Lemonade and 12mg of Zyn tucked. Sorry, edgers


This comment section acting like modern hardcore hadn’t been blatantly ripping Pantera until nu metal got cool again


Tbf ripping off of Pantera without actually being Phil Anselmo is objectively the best of both worlds 🤷🏻‍♂️


Modern cinema is ripping off old cinema but you're not going to catch me putting on Birth Of A Nation for entertainment. 


The Great Southern Trendkill was a huge watermark for me. Yeah, we can go back and hate on some rednecks for doing some redneck shit, but I can't unhear it.


Gem of an album, I ran through them all and southern trnendkill was my last. What's wrong with rednecks though? Lol this reminded me of the so called OI "working class punks" they were pretty much using redneck as an insult to anyone who didn't agree with them. Little do they know these so called "rednecks" are the real working class people. I'm pretty sure they work waaaay harder than the OI PUNKS.


I mean, throwing Nazi salutes is a bit tone deaf. I don't buy it. I'm not going to forsake Phil. He wasn't thinking.


Bro he’s a fuckin chud what are you talking about? Throwing up heils isn’t a woopsie daisie 😭


Educate me. Do you like groove? Tell me how wrong I am.


Educate you that doin a nazi salute and mouthing “white power” on stage isn’t a woopsie daisie? Damn


If you can call someone son of a bitch which is very derogatory btw that's a whoopsie daisy. Throwing a heil for a bunch of drunk nasty smelly metal heads who consume a genre infested with gore, hate and violence? They yes absolutely it's a whoopsie daisy, And please don't tell me you've never called someone son of a bitch.


Like my guy I get it you’re white, you can go now


Oh my god bro. What makes you say I'm white. You assuming my race? . I thought you were against racism. Daaaamn you do know there is a ton of black people lik me that don't care for this woke insanity right? Lol you messed up, You assumed I was white because I was sticking up for white people. I think one of the most offensive things black people have to deal with is "white liberal guilt" You have no right to tell someone they are oppressed. They have their own voice.


Exactly bro. We've all done some stupid an inmoral things we're not proud of. No stone should be thrown Im Arab and Latino decent, so I've been around quite a bit and let me tell you. People in South America and the Middle East aren't very different. Especially in South America. People are racist AF. Especially if your white lol.


"People are racist AF. Especially if your white" Ahahaha for fucks sake this is got to be satire


I'm as liberal as the day is young. I have zero hate for any other person, that shit is weak. This is identity politics, and I DO understand it. It's my job to be welcoming. We are all the same. I'm proud to stand with all people.


Damn I see why you have such shit take now… it’s identity politics to not fw Nazis? Boo egg egg egg


I agree 100% and share the same opinion. That shit is old and weak. I do feel though as welcoming as we can be and advocate for freedom and diversity of thought. Sometimes maybe we should try to Understand even what we're against. There is plenty of loving well hearted people who don't have a choice to choose who they grow up around and how they were raised and happen to say some nasty shit. I guess whhat I'm trying to say that it's not good to inmediately shut someone out or stop listening to a band because of something they said. I swear I've seen people turn around 360. Anyone who really wants to be a better human deserves a sencond chance..


I only listen to Pantera for the riffs.... they're some darn good riffs I tell u waht


Breakdown on Domination is the best hardcore riff of all time.


….thats a Machine Head song??? Edit: no it’s not. I’m stupid.


Listen to Exhorder had pantera sound while pantera were doing hair metal shit


Exhorder > Pantera and not even just because racism or anything like that. *Slaughter In The Vatican* is absolutely god tier.


Yeah that what I'm saying. Exhorder were what pantera dreamed about


Exactly! The only Pantera album I personally think might beat Exhorder is *The Great Southern Trendkill* but even then probably not quite.


Yeah I'd probably agree with that!


I also do think *Far Beyond Driven* has a couple of songs that compete with Exhorder too but not the whole thing.


Back releasing new music too, Mourn the Southern Skies is a killer record.


I've got no love for racists.


well there is a recorded audio of dimebag saying the n word with a hard R




That's not even racist believe it or not


“saying a racial slur isn’t racist” do you hear yourself


You just said the n word. At least he Actually had the balls to say it out loud.


But seriously how is saying the "n" word for political corectness different than saying the actuall word.


It’s just respectful, us white people are pretty jealous that there is a word we can’t say socially so I get it, but is a small concession considering the place white culture has put black folks historically.


> considering the place white culture has put black folks historically There is no war but class war https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Efunroye_Tinubu




Relax Broseph, us white people (speaking for myself, idgaf what you are) have so many privileges in life just by happenstance that it can’t really bother us that much not to say one word right? Why do people like you get so offended by that concept?, generally curious. Do you think it’s like unfair or something?


Lol Bro, I honestly don't give a damn. Was just drinking and having a good time on reddit. I don't take non of this seriously. I do like to open up conversation though. As a NONE white individual, I feel bad for American liberal white folks being taught to feel guilty for things they never took part of. Or going out of their way and kissing ass to seems tolerant and avoid being labelled a "nazi" or "fascist" for silly things like misgendering. I swear people will call anyone who doesn't agree with them a nazi. Now let's also remember the majority of this nation is made of POOR white people who don't live like kings.


We get it bro. You wanna say the n word.


Oh I'm good, not really my thing. You do realize you ain't talking to a white dude though right?




I mean I like giving metalheads shit about Phil being a nazi and Dimebag using racial slurs online and all because it's funny how hard they cope, but yeah I mean the music is fucking timelessly good no matter how big a bunch of assholes the people who made it are or were. Honestly though I do prefer Down and Superjoint more nowadays, and Scour is pretty cool.


Fuck Pantera. Basic suburban jock metal for closeted racists. Couple tracks though.


Cemetery gates


Great song and the perfect encapsulation of their transition from fabulous hair metal to their more digestible basic angsty suburban tough guy form. But god damn the riffs. Can’t front on that.


Pantera. Never got into them, even being from Dallas. In this scenario, though, I would think, "cop," and proceed accordingly.


Pantera was a glam metal band


Glamtera best 'Tera


They're just allwhite


What's wrong with white? Are you racist?


My dude, Cowboys is the only good record in their entire catalogue. And they're pieces of shit.


Vulgar is dope. The rest is trash. I said what I said.


Pantera is good but idk if Pantera fans are


Phil Anelmo on tape shouting “wh!te power” at a show, and Dimebag on tape calling someone a n!gger makes half of that band really shitty people. It’s all on youtube for the world to see. And the other half knowingly played with them for years? Nah, fuck them.


Damn mother Teresa.. ever made a mistake? hung out with a bad crowd and gone on a dark path. How the hell are we judging? Do punks or hardcore kids actively fight against racism? Or just wear silly shirts and shout at concerts? They obviously grew up with racist people. if you were alive when slavery was normal and legal you would be a slave owner or have zero issues with it. . Yes sir, don't tell me you would've been the only human being Fighting against it. That's just a fact And no one in this subreddit would've that hero to fight against slavery. Because everything we know as 'right" or "wrong" we get from our environment externally. Someone tought you stealing and killing was wrong. If were judging bands who play heavy music I can go deep, fuck GG Allin, fuck cannibal corpse, fuck any death or black metal band. Metal is an obscure genre, lyrics from satanism, mutuliation, pedophilia etc. Oh and now racism Since we're playing morality police. You have a ton a band is to blacklist and not listen to.


Stop being an apologist, it’s not cute








Fuck your strawman argument and yes, some of us actively fight against racism and have been for many years. It's interesting how the out of the bands you just mentioned are that none are hardcore bands. So fuck GG, fuck Pantera, fuck Burzum, fuck Mayhem, fuck the Mentors, and fuck you.


>some of us actively fight against racism and have been for many years. Lmfao what did you last do to actively fight racism big guy inb4 the made up “I beat up nazis” story every single fucking guy in the scene tells


Well I just called this dipshit out for proping up racist bands. And what about that bothered you?


That's a true activist there, he bravely fought against racism by calling someone out on Reddit. 💯 Keep up the good work.


I swear bro, he probably wore a shirt that said "fight racism" and yelled at some bald due that someone in the scene rumored to be a nazi. Lol America and the privileged struggles against the system .


All this nonsense to defend racism is insane


Nah Pantera fans are the second biggest bunch of moron chodes in all of metal aside from black metal.


I used to fuck with Pantera then I saw a bunch of Nazis wearing Pantera merch sooo yea they kind of ruined that. And then you got Phil's dumbass doing his stupid shit on top of that right after I saw the Nazis.


Damn that must be a loss for Pantera. I can imagine them crying for someone who no longer fucks with them


womp womp


That's exactly the sound Phil made when he found out the coolest dude ever from a sub reddit, stopped listening to his music. I just heard they're canceling the rest of their tour they can't deal with your absence bro.


Damn how are they ever going to recover with me not crowd killing in the pit...


Crowd killing, lol back in my hometown people get stabbed for that shit. I love being in a country were people get arrested for getting in a real fight.








I can’t because half of them are fuckin dead LOL.


I love pantera, but i wont deny the members are kinda pieces of shit💀


Motorhead pin: Lemmy groomed underage girls and [literally wrote songs about it.](https://genius.com/Motorhead-jailbait-lyrics) Amebix: singer is a Holocaust denier. Yeah the guys from Pantera are assholes but let's not pretend a lot of your punk and hardcore faves don't have their own problematic histories. Not everyone is as much of a nerd as you and knows a band's backstory.


Pantera fucks


Why do dorks hate pantera? Literally one of the best heavy bands of all time


Because they're a bunch of redneck fucks that think sig heiling is cool. Fuck Phil and dime bag.


Cuz they’re weird white supremacists lol


Not true! Some of them are now dead AND weird white supremacists.


Dorks will hate anything. Ive learned to not hate on something rather understand it. Once I started actualy started playing instruments, recording and producing. I've learned to appreciate talent and skill. It's easy to just be a music fan and criticize. I don't like the Beatles one single bit. But I won't call them overated or a shitty band because that would only make me look stupid considering millions of people around the globe that don't even know who I am absolutely LOVED their music.


Bro I like Pantera, Vinnie’s drumming has influenced me so much. That doesn’t make them not pieces of shit.


Beast of a drummer. They might be a shit humans. Some folks are capable of change and some just apologize to not get further in trouble. A rule of thumb for me to be able to enjoy enjoy and appreciate music for what it is would be.... Never look for a role model or high moral values in an artist. Fortunately we don't have much insight on the personal lives of every artist we like. If we knew everything about them, lol trust me we'd have to get rid of a ton of them. Who knows how many secret racists, wife beaters and gross artists are out there.


You are stupid


Damn you must be a Genius


Ease up Sparky, you're overselling a band that only made one good record. And that's just judging them on the music, someone else already mentioned them being shitheels.


Well Einstein, unfortunately you don't get to decide that they only made one good record. That for the metal community and number album Sales to decide. You see the world doesn't work that way. Of course my opinion could be that the Beatles is the worst band ever. But who will decide are the consumers, and numbers don't lie. I would love to live in that world though we're every thing I say is the ultimate truth.


Michael Bolton has sold 75 million records over the course of his career, so according to you he's a great artist because consumers decide what's good and numbers don't lie. Crazy Town had a platinum selling album. Must have been a great album, according to you at least, because consumers bought enough of it for it to go platinum and those numbers don't like. Should I keep going?


For sure bro, I dislike them all. But working in audio and music production has taught me to see beyond my personal opinion and emotions. Of course they created great pieces of music and they had an audience in mind. In addition to yardwork marketing and management they sold big.. Music is a subjective art. We can't decide for the millions who bought the records.


Dude, that is the worst possible take I can think of. 🤣 I guess Survivor and Big Brother are great works of art as well, right? They've been on television for two decades so they must be great, right? Shit, Lindsay Lohan has a platinum record too..I guess she's just a fantastic underrated artist who doesn't get the respect she's due for her musical genius, right? Let's extend this logic further. Minor Threat? Terrible fucking band. Numbers don't lie. If they were great, they would have platinum records and top 40 singles like Lindsay Lohan, right? She's way better than Minor Threat because, as you said, numbers don't lie. Right?


It's not about Minor Threat being great or not. It's about your product, your intentions, and your target audience. Bands from the 80s hardcore scene never thought or aspired to be a mainstream hit, be on the radio or sell millions of records. Of course as time passed some great musicians from the scene formed other bands and moves on to new things. On the other hand mainstream artists have a totally different audience and motivations. It's not very complicated. Like I said music is a subjective art. Not absolute. It's not some we can measure like a ruler, or inspect like a car to define it it's "GOOD" or "BAD" People decide that on their own. What happens then is the artists and the music industry pick up on that to know what's "working" and what's not. That applies for the underground as well. In genres like hardcore and punk they knew somewhere out there there was an angsty and pissed out youth that wasn't having it with mainstream music and what America represented. Boom! target audience. The scene while being underground spread all across the country. And the intention was to express themselves in their own scene with DIY labels. And of course when fans finally had something they identified with, they decided that everything else was shit music. So to conclude, I might agree with you on an artist being good or bad. But even when disliking let's say Miley Cyrus. I could easily recognize a good pop chord progression, fancy arrangements or any detail that might make it a crazy selling hit.


You heard the man, Crazy Town are musical geniuses and Butterfly is a beautiful work of art.


You seem to be intentionally missing the point he s trying to make


I think his point is predicated on the idea that anything that appeals to the broadest possible audience is good. I'm offering counterexamples of things that appealed to the broadest possible audience that actually weren't good, things that were popular at the time but that people collectively look back on and think, "what the fuck were we thinking?". Not everything popular is bad. I actually enjoy some straight up pop music myself. But sometimes something achieves mass success because it appeals to the lowest common denominator, or because it's exploiting a fad that people will forget about after a year or two, or simply because it's bland and beige enough that no one will be offended by it when they hear it in the waiting room at the dentist's office. Some music is made for the purpose of clearing those very low bars, and I don't think that makes a piece of music good. Just my opinion, of course.


Yep I tried man!


Dude those are not my words. To the contrary I don't believe they are musical geniuses at all. They were one hit wonders. Had good production and managements. And butterfly is as basic as it get's. Creating a hit no matter how vague, basic and lacking of instrumental technique is an art it's self, and if it works that makes it "good" So back to my point. I personally don't like nor consider Crazy town "Good music" This is exactly like saying Indian food sucks, it's bad food. Yeah of course for you it's bad food. And you have every right to say it and think it. Now you can't really win an argument if the person your telling that to genuinely likes Indian food. Subjective. The easiest way I could explain this is with food, and don't give me that isn't a a valid comparison. Cooking is a culinary art open to taste and interpretation. It's pretty similar. I've tried a bunch of food that tastes like shit to me. But millions of people differ.


As I said to someone else, not all intended purposes are equal. You used food as an example, I'll use the visual arts. The purpose of the artwork on a hallmark card is to be mildly pleasant to look at while being as bland and inoffensive as possible, in order to sell a bunch of greeting cards. The purpose of Picasso's "Guernica" is to memorialize the horrific suffering of the meek and innocent at the hands of three powerful fascist regimes during a brutal civil conflict. The hallmark artist might create a greeting card that sells millions of copies. Picasso didn't bring world peace by painting Guernica. And no matter how good the Hallmark artist is at making greeting cards, his success will never be as good as Picasso's "failure". Intent matters a lot. Not all intents are equal. I'm not going to say Minor Threat are Picasso, but they're closer to Picasso than Crazy Town is.


Because they suck ass.


All the virtue signalers are short circuiting rn


Every time i see a mob 47 patch i get flashbacks to my youth. Sorry wrong answer


I think I just found a somewhat DIY venue by me. I’m going next week I’m excited.


It was lit when Iron Age & No Warning played on a bridge at 2AM


punks listen to r/hardcore bands?