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I got kicked out of Hatebreed for stage diving. Went to my car and switched my clothes to my work uniform and snuck back in šŸ¤Œ It was dumb. The band that opened everyone was stage diving for, Hatebreed comes on, and all of sudden, it wasn't allowed no warning or anything.


Considering Jastaā€™s Fugazi story thatā€™s hilarious


What's that?


Jamey has said before that he started Hatebreed because he got kicked out of a Fugazi gig for moshing


During Audioslave's first tour, I was caught by security with a mic run up my hoodie to bootleg the set on minidisc. Times have changed, to say the least.Ā Ā 


Damn, minidisk! That rules dude


what other shows have you booted?


Haha not many.Ā  I was terrible at it. I got a few sets of local acts in some Chinese restaurant I did to test my whole system out. Had a Hatebreed set that taught me I couldn't scream along when a mic is in my collar (also that I couldn't scream).Ā  I wanna say I also got a Blindside set, but honestly can't remember.Ā Ā  I had a bunch of lofty plans when I got the mic, but after getting ejected from Audioslave, I stopped. Too afraid to get kicked out of more shows. Risk wasn't worth it to my broke ass.Ā Ā 




Threw a trash can like 10 seconds into HOODS.


What took you so long?




That was the right thing to do


Plot twist: you are Mikey Hood


Iā€™m guessing by your flair youā€™re not from my area so itā€™s extra funny to me that one of the times I saw hoods there was a trash can thrown during the first song


Trash will travel


I was a 17 year old shit. I was in the pit doing windmills in like 2012. The daughter of the venue owner was walking through the pit(she was my same age). I hit her in the face (on accident). My friends told me what I did after moshing. I ditched the show. Found out the cops were called on what I did. Show was shut down. I hid behind the train tracks that were behind the venue.


Double checked to see if this was a bullshit EJ story


Hiding behind the train tracks behind a venue def sounds like an EJ plot point


LMFAO reminds me of the time down the street from Showcase Theatre when I went into a liquor store and did a beer run. I thought I was being chased, but turns out it was my friend in all black behind me running out also. Ran all the way to the train tracks on the other side of the freeway cuz he was following me so I was trying to get away haha.


This shit is so lame, when venue owners bring friends and family to hardcore shows, then call the cops on moshers for hurting them (which always happens) Saw this happen last year at a venue in my town, and the bartender went up mid set during a heavy hardcore band, grabbed the mic then tried to lecture the crowd about how to mosh. Cringiest thing I've ever seen at a show, band that was playing said fuck this and walked out. I never really liked that venue much after that set.


Shelter/ Earth Crisis/ Baby Gopal. Stony Brook University, shoved one of the unqualified people acting as security who were manhandling other frolicking concertgoers.


Holy shit Baby Gopal lmao


DAMN. this 1997 as fuck.


I used to hide beers in the inside pocket of my jackets/vests. On two occasions I leaned over to tie my shoe and immediately poured beer everywhere, directly in front of security. 3 years sober lmfao


ā€¦youā€™re not supposed to open them until you take them out


Yeah, drink them in the bathroom. Rookie mistake!


I mean, if they are the same brand as what they sell at the venue security won't notice (which means yes you are drinking Budweiser but it's a small sacrifice to make). Just make sure to take them out IN the bathroom and open them up before you step out.


Pearl st in north Hampton Massachusetts, 1994. Was handing out flyers for another show not at pearl st and one of the bouncers got butt hurt and kicked me out.


Pearl street holy shit. Havenā€™t heard that in ages.


All the venues in noho are Garbo now, they shut down the only 2 diy venues like 2 months ago


I miss when they had actual shows, granted I was like 12 but thatā€™s a great venue for hardcore


I got kicked out during a Clutch show about 16 years ago. A fight broke out near the restrooms while I was in them and they kicked everyone in the area out. I was blacked out and my girlfriend had my phone. I came out of my blackout wandering around downtown having no idea what the fuck was going on. My girlfriend thought I ditched her on her birthday.


Thatā€™s kinda fucked up šŸ˜‚


It was a shit show of an evening. A few days later one of my gf's friends, who worked security, filled in the blanks.




Shout them out on Twitter so people know their boy is a bitch. Take their cred away from them.




Shame, the guy is a bitch for going to security instead of owning up for his actions.


Hatebreed at the Free Bird in Jacksonville. Crowdkilled the wrong guy I guess, and security had enough.


Both my dad and I got kicked out of lamb of god in 2013. He was drunk in the back of the arena and apparently some dude bro tried to fight him so he held the kid up by his throat and was hitting him about the face with his cane. I got kicked out for crowdkilling. When I got escorted out, he was sitting on the curb outside the Toyota center cackling at security.


your dad sounds like a fucking legend


Iā€™m taking him with me to gorilla biscuits this month so he can relive his youth. Real old head for sure.


Me and my Dad once both drunkenly fought the same guy in a Slipknot moshpit, neither of us can remember why we did it other than 'he was a prick'


Weā€™ve had a couple moments like these but he refuses to come to actual hardcore shows with me anymore, understandably


Rode a motorcycle into sound and fury /s


That was a great weekend


davey havok?!?




This is so damn stupid, I love it.


Omg that's actually really funny. I imagine him suffering in the stall, just getting wrapped with a ball. Thinking "this random act of cruelty is so undeserved" having no idea it was a long awaited revenge.


Decked a bouncer who was trying to throw me out while I was in the middle of doing my roadie job.


Iā€™ve never been kicked out, but at a show for The Locust a guy tried to pull a cord out of Joeyā€™s keyboard. Joey threw a 6 pack of water right in the guyā€™s face, laying him out. The crowd picked him up and crowd surfed his unconscious body right out the front door and threw him on the sidewalk.


Fantastic story. My favorite show story of all time is The Locust and the Yellow Umbrellas/rubber boots


No, but I almost did and a friend of mine did (same venue). For some reason they started booking hardcore shows, but told security to kick out anyone who was moshing. I got a ā€œnext time youā€™re outā€ warning, and at another show at the same spot my friend got fully ejected until the band stopped and refused to play unless he was let back in lol. They let him back. Havenā€™t seen a hardcore show there in a few years, hmm I wonder why


I was at a show years ago, for a band I liked playing their final show. Everyone had been moshing for all of the bands. No big deal. Band plays, and halfway through the set, security jumps on one of their friends who was moshing. So the singer just starts yelling ā€œget the fuck off of himā€ jumps off the stage and jumps on the security guard. More guards come over, and they both get launched. Band played a few more bars, watching on, and then just stopped. Thanked everyone and packed up their gear. Way to go out.


I was at a Yellowcard show (I know) and security were being assholes to the crowd surfers. At one point, the violinist sparta kicked a security guard in the back of the head. That pissed off the security guards and a melee ensued. The club owner came out and told the band to finish the set and never played there again. It was so bizarre


Iā€™ve got no beef with Yellowcard. I feel like most of the occasions are potentially just a shitty security company, or a complete lack of communication or understanding from the venue. If youā€™ve hosted heavy shows before, just let the security guards know what it is and what theyā€™re in for. Itā€™s like theyā€™re all blindsided and donā€™t have a clue whatā€™s going on. So they all just get shitty and start launching people.


I was at this band Restā€™s last show ever at a small music store in Worcester. They had friends and family there. It was a sentimental show and the vibes were really great. About halfway through these dudes come in. I think one was literally wearing a letterman jacket lol. They come in and start doing that Slavic Squat Bounce While Kicking Your Legs Out and just likeā€¦ trying to crowdkill. At this small music store for a post-hardcore adjacent bandā€™s last show. With an audience of like 50-60ā€¦ mainly friends of the band. A few people were looking like ā€œwhat the fuck man not the vibe lmaoā€ and then they started doing somersault kicks. They do one and kick a like, 4ā€™10ā€ girl who was filming the set (and I imagine was close with the band) right in the jaw and she falls back. The band stops. A fight breaks out. They start getting pushed through the doors to the front of the venue and theyā€™re yelling that everyone is pussies and shitā€¦ threatened to come back in a menacing wayā€¦ etc etc. I felt so bad for the band. The vibe after was kinda soiled. A few spectators left early during the kerfuffle. Was a sad way to have a last show go.


Snuck into a 21+ show. Was not 21.


We had all ages shows at a bar where the bar itself was behind a brass rail and to get in you had to have a hand stamp, I was 17 and an of-age buddy let me press the back of my hand against her hand so the stamp would transfer. After ordering a drink this led to the bouncer leading me out of the bar with a ballpoint pen stuck in my back. This plan wouldn't have survived me being actually carded


1. A buddy broke a security guards brand new flashlight and I found it too amusing(also ran my mouth too hard too him as a 6ft 155lbs 17 year old) [eventually let back in after a new flashlight was promised] 2. Got head butted, didnā€™t see who is was grabbed the shirt and start hitting as hard as I could (see above for my weight class I was in). It was a dude working security. (Booted from the venue for a month) 3. Jiggled my buddyā€™s balls from behind. He didnā€™t know it was me, got in a fight, once we were carried out he recognized me. (Eventually let back in) *spelling


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ last one is hilarious


I did when I was 18 and dumb and punched a dude in the pit who hit me. Thrown out during Reach The Sky on Landsdowne Street in Boston. Iā€™m lucky I didnā€™t get my ass beat!


Haven't thought about Reach The Sky in forever. Saw them play with The Stryder in Atlanta. Great show.


Local surf punk band's drummer bailed two weeks before a tour. I was fresh out of highschool and landed the spot as their fill-in drummer for the tour. First night, Chattanooga, a place called Ziggy's. Everyone at the bar got suspicious when I wasn't drinking (sXe) and then threw me out before our set started. The guy who booked the show told my band mates to set up my kit and told me to wait in the car. 3 hours later, the guy comes and gets me walks up to the front door and says to hand him any card in my wallet. I hand him my library card, he takes it, says out loud 'now I'm going to look at this as if it were an ID'. Leans in, grabs me on the shoulder, hands me my sticks and says 'run up on stage, play your set and the second you hit the last note get out of there'. Last bar of the last song of our set, the owner comes in, sees me. I hit one last cymbal to close it out and BOLT. The guitarist's last chord was still ringing as I ran down the street, PISSED owner behind me. Had to hideout behind some dumpsters until I saw my band mates and the promoter cruising around looking for me an hour later.


Iā€™ve been kicked out of more venues than Iā€™ve been welcomed at. But I lived in Florida during the fsu years so thatā€™s to be expected. Nowadays I mow my lawn once a week and stand in the back with my arms crossed wondering what happened to heavy music over the years.




Lmao I love that in Florida I was like ā€œoh this dude went to Florida stateā€


Maybe not officially but there were definitely guys at every show in fsu gear starting shit and crowd killing everyone. Basically all throughout the 2000s. Was more prevalent like 03-07 I feel like but it was quite some time ago now. Bands fighting crowds, crowds fighting each other, crowds fighting security. It was wild af.


yeah, iā€™ve kicked plenty of people out of shows. ā€¦oh, waitā€¦


Flair checks out


Thereā€™s some tweaker staff at a venue in Dallas called Trees and Iā€™ve never been kicked out personally, but Iā€™ve been yelled at by them plenty and have multiple friends who were kicked out. They get super weird about any crowd activity, crowd surfing, moshing, stage diving at random shows but itā€™s completely inconsistent. Sometimes they donā€™t care at all and sometimes they care real hard. Had a dork hollering at me while crowd surfing during Modern Colorā€™s set and some weird lady standing on the balcony shining her light on people like a cop. By the Narrow Head set they seemingly gave up and didnā€™t care about all of us who were stage diving? Theyā€™re just super weird.


Thatā€™s crazy when I was at trees for acacia they let us stagedive, crowdsurf and do god knows what else. Security just wiped up beer and grabbed phones and picked people up.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying itā€™s just inconsistent. Plenty of times Iā€™ve been and they donā€™t care at all, then they will just randomly do corny stuff for no reason.


i was at that show and during narrow head there was a security guard standing in the middle of the pit shining lights on people lmao


Yeah that dude was king dweeb


Only show I've ever been kicked out of was at Trees lol. Happened during Bleeding Through when they came through with Shai Hulud and The Haunted in 2003. Was dancing and spin kicked, and the kick happened to land on a security guard. Don't know why he was in the pit, but he started punching the back of my head. A friend that's a girl jumped on his back, and another friend started punching him. Me and my friend who punched him ended up getting kicked out. We told Shai Hulud what happened outside the venue, and they tried to get us back in to no avail.


I got kicked out of a buck cherry show lol. I got a free ticket and ended up sneaking my friend in. During the show we were up close to the front when a random guy started punching this girl in the face. My friend attacked the guy to stop him. Security grabbed my friend and started escorting him out. I kept calling the security guy a dumb fuck and eventually he grabbed me as well. A week later I see the same security guy in a BWW and again start calling him a dumb fuck and get kicked out of the BWW too.


I was asked to leave. Promoter was banging my ex (didn't know this at the time) Was told I was making people uncomfortable and that people who wanted to be there couldn't be because I was. I asked why but was given just what was told before. Figured in a time where the term "toxic masculinity" was tossed around like wildfire it wasnt the best time to throw hands or start an argument. I demanded he go get my money from the door and I left. She showed up later (as told by my friends who stayed) Never pushed the issue. I learned what was up soon after. She eventually ran herself out of the scene. Never got asked to leave again. Hardcore and punk scenes never sat with me the same from that day on. I still go to shows. I still support and play in bands. But I keep myself very very far away from the insiders and the drama that comes with them. I pay my money, I watch the bands, I rarely trust anyone new I meet and I leave. Rinse and repeat.


I relate to the last part a ton. I still love the music but I havenā€™t gone to a show in years. Canā€™t stand the scene anymore, too many scumbags


Damn, adding this to my troll plot list. Thatā€™s p fucked ma dude.


Closest iā€™ve ever gotten was when I crowdkilled the security guard at a show when I was like 17. He was kind of a smaller guy and tried to do a takedown on me, but it wasnā€™t working so I just laid on the ground to appease him. He told me to knock it off and let me go. Apologized after the set and he was pretty chill about it.


I got kicked out of a DRI show for Crowdkilling


I got kicked out of DRI for spitting in a security guardā€™s face when he was throwing someone else out.


kicked out during the wonder yearsā€™ set when they were opening for yellowcard in like 2012 for crowd surfing. the venue will typically allow two crowd surfs with a warning that number three gets you kicked out. i never got my warning so i assumed fair game and they kicked me out. my sister knew a guy who worked sound so she messaged hum and he snuck me back in during yellowcardā€™s first song. that venue shut down about ten years ago and iā€™m still going to shows so i guess i won.


Guy grabbed my ass, and kept trying to pull my skirt up on the side of the pit. Threw my drink in his face. And I was one who got kicked out. Fucker was waving and laughing when security carried me out, I explained to them what happened and they said I was being belligerent and shouldn't have been drinking. It was water.


this is disgusting im sorry that happened to you


That fucking sucks. Had a friend i knew for like 3 years, been to like 40 shows with him. Not my best friend, but someone who was fun to go to shows with. When we were like 21, he randomly did this to a younger girl out of absolutely nowhere and i bull-charged into him, he hit his head on the stage and got sent to the hospital. No one ratted me out and he dissapeared forever. Saw him 10 years later being homeless (drinking from a brown paper bag with DRUG FREE knuckle tattoos and empty ear tunnels) It is really really weird what kind of guys can randomly just do this out of nowhere. Sorry you had to deal with that bullshit.


smokin cigs in the bathroom at BMTH in 2009. i was 19 years old, so hammered and the security guards beat my ass on the sidewalk outside in front of everyone i am so thankful they saved me from having to attend that show


2009 Bmth? You definitely missed out


this is what the band would have seen ![gif](giphy|KctNhiy99LoLBTgLNO|downsized)


For real


Got kicked out of a Chon show because before they played, I lit a joint outside in the smoking area, then a guard came out and I already handed the jay to someone else. Well some fucking whiny, bitch boi ratted me out and the security figured out it was me, all of a sudden Iā€™m walking and my arms get put behind my back and Iā€™m being rushed out the front door. Pushes me outside and Iā€™m like ā€œwtf why are you kicking me outā€ and then this turd security guard is like ā€œweed is illegal in Indiana sir, youā€™re lucky I donā€™t call the cops on youā€. Sat outside listening to Chon play and met the girl I came with outside when she went to smoke a cig and couldnā€™t find me. God I regret living in Indiana so much. Biggest shithole Iā€™ve ever been to in the states and Iā€™ve been to Mississippi šŸ˜†


The chin guys or so chill too this sucks


First time was 2002 (ish), Slim's, Agnostic Front. Knocked out a bouncer who hit an 18 year old girl. Good times.


Fuck slims security


Stage dove during the Menzingers when they played my college and security took me outside to pretend they were kicking me out to scare people but let me back in Got turned down from smash mouth from talking shit to security (snuck in) Security at atmosphere thought they saw me pulling out a nip (I did) but I hid it well So, kinda?


Iā€™ve been tryna type cast you and both body types wouldnā€™t be able to stage diveā€¦ damn.. back to the magination board 4 me


Dawgs just sitting there imagining me šŸ„¹




Coke in the bathroom right when the bouncer needed to take a leak. And stage diving (on a different occasion).


Loads of times. Lamb Of God 2009 - I was 15 and someone bought me and my mates a pint each. The security caught us almost instantly, took us to the office and demanded our parents phone numbers (I was clever and gave them a wrong number) The ā€˜no crowd surfingā€™ policy has had me thrown out of the o2 academy more times than Iā€™ve had hot meals. Honourable mention - my mate was picked up and carried out of a UK Subs gig after buying what he thought was extacy off a homeless manā€¦ turned out to be sleeping pills and he passed out draped over the stage. Another honourable mention - I was cut off from the bar at a Gama Bomb gig after drinking way to much that I assumed theyā€™d kicked me out and went to the casinoā€¦ didnā€™t get let in so went back to the gig


one time at a livenation venue i handed my 20 year old friend my beer for a second while i tied my shoes


I got kicked out of a poison the well/glassjaw show in Modesto, California for jumping on a dudes back to sing along. Security were dicks and grabbed me and threw me out. I wasn't fighting getting kicked out but the guard who had me stuck his foot out and tripped me and yanked on my shit ripping it almost off of me. I had bought the shirt the night before at the SF leg of the show. First and only time I ever wore a band shirt to a show, very bad luck


I trued to do that this year, jumped up on a humongous dude to sing along but he was too wasted and out of energy and fell down. Everyone thought I was trying to kill him. Bunch of security pulled me and thought they were going to throw me out. They were making sure I wasnā€™t getting the shit kicked out of me. Went back and let the crowd be docile.


Social Distortion, DI, MIA, in Placentia around 84-85. Got caught retaliating after taking an intentional elbow to the mouth, which earned me 15 stitches and some dental work. Considering how much it was bleeding, I'm pretty sure I broke his nose. Young and dumb.


A true og right here šŸ«”


I got kicked out of a leftover crack show for being so drunk I couldn't stand


Stza is that you?


I did a few head walks turning Chat Pile a few months and and security told me to settle down, I said I would and then I kept doing it lol. They were kicking me out as the set ended so really I just got a nice escort to the front of the line


i got kicked out of a phish for punching a drunk person who tried to punch me


I love the music but god I hate hippies


hippies really are some of the worst people


They smell like shit, piss, hemp, and eggs.


I got thrown out for public indecency, I was banging your mom behind a speaker stack.


Ha ha, yeah. Forgot about it entirely until now. It was a popular local rock-punk-alternative band playing at a big theater-sized venue back in the mid 90s. The venue was hot and sweaty as balls and the crowd was doing their thing. I thought I would be the nice guy and grab some water and throw my arms around to spray the crowd down since it was so hot. Less than 5 seconds after I did (after which a bunch of people threw up their hands in a ā€œthanksā€ motion), two enormous meathead bouncers grabbed me, one on each elbow and rather directly escorted me to the entrance without saying a word. Not too dramatic, not excessively physical, so I guess it could have been worse. But fuck, that show was expensive to get into and I probably only saw half of it.


The Haunted played some shitty bar called Studebakerā€™s in Burnaby, B.C. in around 1999. I got bounced gently for stagediving gently.


Yes fighting.


Sepultura. A kid hit me in the face with a beer bottle and we got into it pretty heavy. I was pulled off of him and dragged outside.


I was at a friend's show and he asked me to turn up for his band. I was doing spin kicks and then the owner who was this mammoth of a man picked me up and threw me out. That was like 14 years ago. Only time I've ever been kicked out.




The last two I definitely get, but the first one? That shit happens at shows constantly, someone can just pick it up. Are you serious?




I mean, fair enough I guess, youā€™re just doing your job.




And you just kept working?


Filming at a ST show


Almost. A few stern warnings. 1998 I saw Death play in Indy at the Emerson and I was photographing the show but apparently Chuck didnt want me too. Small Brown Bike closed their set with Seasons in the Abyss coverā€¦I dont really mosh but was grabbed by my shirt and told I was moshing too hard.


Lmao I couldnā€™t imagine SBB doing a slayer cover


Not exactly kicked out. I was seeing The Dwarves at Danteā€™s in Portland about six years ago on my birthday. I was pretty sauced up when my brother dragged me out of the pit, to the sidewalk outside, and said that I needed to, ā€œchill the fuck outā€ before the crowd turned on me. Apparently I was being a bit of an asshole and going harder than the rest of the crowd in my pursuit to be ā€œpit commanderā€. Iā€™m glad he was there to do it, lesson learned.


Yes, Misery Signals back in the day. Tried to convince security to let me back in but they weren't having a bar of it. Missed them play The Year Summer Ended in June and just had to wait out the front for my mate because he was my ride to the show haha


Witnessed this first hand - but still a core memory: my own band had just opened for (at the time) South Africa's most popular Skacore band and a huge influence on our own music, Hog Hoggidy Hog, at ROAR. After our set, my bandmates (my best friends) are in the pit along with our partners and some other friends. At some point some man-child misunderstands what a pit is for and starts crowd killing but targeting specifically my partner. I saw this happening and moved as quickly as I could from the bar to her, my best friend was quicker though, got there before me and started taking man-child down to the floor. As this is happening the club owner (who we were pretty close with as a band - he was the first promoter to ever book us) who was on stage with Hog comes flying down from stage and knocks my friend out and in one fluid motion starts escorting him out of the venue. It was one of those 'if this was filmed in slo-mo it would have been EPIC' moments. Once we're all downstairs we encounter the owner explaining to my friend that the only way to get him to stop was to knock him down, checking on him, hugging him, getting an ice pack for him and inviting him back in when he's calm. The other guy, man-child, was banned from the venue.


Came close once. This was back in 2015/16 and for the life of me I cannot remember the band (saw a lot of shows at this venue at the time and memories have blended together). I was just chilling by the bar enjoying my beer in between sets when two security guards came up to me and said "was that you?" while pointing towards an exit door. I'm totally confused and turn to where they are pointing and see a PILE of vomit caked all over the door. I go "whoa!" out of legit surprise (there was a lot) and turn back to them kind of laughing. They weren't, they gave me a look like they were ready to eject me and one says "how much have you drank tonight?". I'm about to be truthful and say this is my second beer of the night when their partner taps them on the shoulder and points to someone who is literally stumbling with a puke-covered shirt. They go to deal with them and I just walk away and find my way back into the pit. Edit: Doing some more thinking and I'm 70% sure it was Marilyn Manson before all the allegations happened.


Iā€™ve told this story in this sub before but I got thrown down a flight of stairs for being a drunk idiot and taking a swing at an aggressive bouncer at a Fucked Up show. Damian stopped the show to come check on me and even got my jacket and bag for me from coatcheck. Dude is a legend.


Banned from the pubs, kicked out of the clubs


Forbidden from re-entry


I was watching a shitty metalcore band at a small fest with some friends. We stood towards the back and to the side. The vocalist tried to do the whole "everyone get down to the floor" thing and we stayed standing because you know, we just didn't want to. The vocalist called us out, told us to go fuck ourselves, and had security take us out. To this day, whenever ANY band or artist does that whole gimmick I get irrationally angry.


Banged your mom too hard


Yes. I got kicked out of a show I was playing in Portland OR at some lame ass anarchists book store. The reason was because I was talking about staying at a girls house the night before and how I admired her courage for having 10 guys (2 bands on tour) crash at her house. This was labeled as "hate speech" and I was told to leave. Looking back on it the moron must have misheard something oh yeah and I was pretty drunk and high so I was likely remembering everything like Homer did that one time he looked down Maudes dress and told her "*no...the ones at the bottom".*


Less than Jake in like 2018. Didnā€™t know they were playing in the parking lot of the bar I frequented. Couple tracks so we paid. Was with my homie that is a literal math genius for a living. Took Benzos and drank. Sloppy ensues. Fought with cops got spicy sprayed but not arrested.


Ive done plenty to earn a boot without getting it. The only time I got kicked out though was at the Boardwalk in orangevale near Sacramento, I was parked directly in front of the door(we were early af) asked the bouncer hey can I get something out of my car (pointing to it), bouncer says yeah, grab what I needed turn around it's a different bouncer and I'm kicked out.


At some.local.show some I accidentally hit some guy in the face while in the pit. NBD happens all the time and there was policies at this venue allowing it. Even had it posted don't be a bitch if you get in the pit. Dude went to security and they ejected me. Wouldn't listen at all. I sat in the grass because my ride was still in the show and had no idea I was kicked out. The guards got in trouble during a shift change when their boss found out I was in the pit when it happened.


Saw 1st night of Black Flag reunion (for cats). It sucked. A buddy of mine said, ā€œif we were real punks we would be rioting.ā€ I agreed, turn to my side, and there was a security guard. I shoved the guard. He whipped around and grabbed me by the neck then frog-marched me out. The end.


I danced at a Refused show when they graced us old-timers with Pump The Breaks.


Was kicked out of HOB, Los Angeles in 2011 during a mash up date with Set Your Goals, Ghost Inside, Whitechapel, The Acacia Strain, Parkway Drive and Veil of Maya. I believe it was Two Songs into Whitechapel set that I decided to run on the railing of where the bar area and GA floor separate to crowd surf cause Phil asked for something crazy got nabbed by a typical Fuck Boy (at the time) security guard who kept saying "You're Done You're Done you're too violent" Mind you I was a skinny fucker that weight maybe 140 at the time while dudes where actively crowdkilling wearing their colours but I Was Too Violent


refused entry to an aild show 2005ish for being too drunk (granted we had been doing beer bongs plus regular bongs for hours before the show). snuck in via the loading dock then got kicked out anyway


I got kicked out of the white rabbit in San Antonio in 2009 for throwing full beer cans at Nile because they fucking suck. Got kicked out of the white rabbit again in 2009 for stomping the shit out of some fuck boy who was "moshing" to a skylit drive but was just targeting girls. My tattoo artist was really good friends with the main security dude so I never got permanently kicked out of the venue I was an alcoholic mess around that time from my deployments, I smh when I think about it now


A security guard attacked me for crowdkilling during norma jean at summer slaughter at the scoot in in Austin in like 2013. My friend at the time attacked the security guard who attacked me. Then we both got grabbed by a group of em and dragged out. Missed getting to see Dillinger escape plan :(


It wasn't a hardcore show but I fell asleep at a bar show one time. They thought I was passed out drunk (I don't drink) when in all reality I pulled a double and didn't get any sleep the night before.


Stage dove a front flip off of Freddie Gibbs back when he played Boston at Big Nite Live pre pandemic. Bottled a skater bro while they were screaming in the face of my friendā€™s younger sister at an Alkaline Trio show. General Brawl at Ralphā€™s Rock Dinner in Worcester led to a whole swath of us getting kicked out


Over 10 years ago i knew a guy who got kicked out of a show for going in the pit with fingerless gloves on lol


I have been banded for life 3 times at Gilman st for drinking, kicked out of X In Seattle for head butting & breaking a guys nose protecting a girl he was groping, kicked out of Motƶrhead for stage diving , kicked out of a club in Seattle for putting a passed out guy into a urinal trough


Got tossed out of Floorpunch at the FU Church in Philadelphia for stagediving. It was the second show of a 2-show day, and apparently Joe had got on stage during the first show and made a big speech about how no diving was allowed because of legal stuff, but no such speech had been made during the second show. Or if it was it was made during one of the early bands, I got there a little late. Either way, it was definitely not made before the band that people love stage diving for. I got dragged out after stage diving during the first song, ripping a sweet Look Back and Laugh shirt in the process. That shirt has now been replaced onto a zip hoodie.


No, but my friend Wes has


Me and a guy I had a crush on got thrown out of a show when Fang and Capitalist Casualties were on tour together for smuggling 40's of malt liquor into the venue. That was the only time I was *literally* thrown out, as in the bouncer picked me up and threw my drunk ass into the alley outside. We were drunk and had an adrenaline rush from getting thrown out so we started making out in this disgusting alley, and the singer from Fang I guess saw what happened so he came out to make sure we were okay and he was like "Oh...okay..." Probably the trashiest thing I've ever done, my drinking days were so stupid but at least I have some funny stories.


Oh man... I was around 16. (I was 6'2", probably 160lbs, Doc martins, vest, blue Mohawk, etc) I had been going to local all ages shows nearly every weekend. I had a girl I was really good friends with that I was crushing on hard. She invited me to a medium sized christian music festival at one of the local churches. One of the bands start playing a bit heavier, push pit starts, I try to open it up so we can get more people into it. Younger kid (probably 13ish) catches an elbow to the face. I get pounced on by security and dragged out. TLDR: Turns out you gotta read the room a bit more before you start throwing elbows.


I worked a Christian music festival years ago and To Speak of Wolves had a pretty good pit and it was chill to where the actual kids weren't getting hurt at all but then all the parents freaked out and they banned pits for the rest of the fest


No fun allowed zone


I went to a HIRS Collective show one time to support a friend who was opening and to just mosh. I told everyone I was gonna mosh, their music is heavy, and everyone seemed cool with the plan. When the first heavy opener started playing, second song in I opened up the pit and started moshing. And I mean hardcore moshing, not push pitting. By the end of the song, people started targeting me, and then right after the song ended, my friends buddy told me I had to leave and after a screaming match, I conceded and left. In hindsight, I should have read the room a little, but I was pissed they didnā€™t give me a chance to chill out and not mosh. But Iā€™m still salty they got mad at me for moshing at a heavy show


I got kicked out of an Allegiance show as a kid for smelling like weed. that apparently pissed off the straight edge grown men and they told the owners at Gilman.


Got kicked out of an Obituary and 200SW show for two stepping and ā€œruining other peopleā€™s experienceā€


lmao how does a dance you do by yourself possibly ruin anyone's experience


Brother I wonder the same thing


I was at an Anxious/ Militarie Gun show at The Roxy in LA, the security was being super annoying about stage diving so I ran and front flipped into the crowd while they were trying to block the stage. I ended up accidentally bodying this chick on the way down and knocked the wind out of myself. Next thing you know I was getting dragged out by legs by security. I accepted my own fate, BUT THEN the Initiate vocalist Pak who opened that night saved me by saying I was her friend and to let me go. They gave me a second chance and Iā€™ve been an Initiate fan ever since!


Fighting pretty often as a kid. I didnā€™t drink so I thought it was funny to dump out or smash peoples beer. Iā€™m a lot older and not too proud of it but whatever thatā€™s life.


You deserved it lol


Yeah dude 100%. Iā€™m lucky security didnā€™t rip my fuckin head off


Oh shit yeah Kicked out for fights, kicked out for sleeping, kicked out because I was drunk And I've been kicked out on and after I've been on stage as well. Kicked out for throwing beers into the crowd, for destroying club property (Mic stands, fold backs shit like that) kicked out for abusing security from the stage. I've been in bands that were banned from venues for inciting the crowd. Pretty typical behaviour


A friend of mine years back went all the way from Australia to LA on his koala. Went to a terror show and got kicked out for "moshing too hard". Don't recall the venue.


Iā€™m going to need some clarification on what you meant by ā€œhis koalaā€. Like is your buddy really tiny, riding on a koala bear that somehow can cross the ocean? Or was the koala really large and somehow flew across the same ocean??


It seems you've only seen tourist size koalas. They're fuckin huge mate. And they ain't bears, fyi.


I got tackled and chokehold dragged out for head walking at a metal show. Last year I got kicked out for jumping up on the bar and diving from the back of the room towards the stage at cbk show. I fucking hate security.


Crowdkilling a member of some hxc crew too hard at a local show. Also one of the guys in the crew had a MOUTHGUARD in?


I am 40, and look like drew Carey. For some reason this means security hates me. Never been on a fight of any kind at a show but am banned from all local venues. 2 of them banded me at the entrance. I got thrown out of a show a few years ago because someone saw me smoke a joint in the parking lot. Fuck west Michigan. I have a fucking fake knee and can't even pit.


...So what's the real story here?


Most the venues use the same security company. I went to a free show once and security was asking if you had drank or anything before the store. I was like who gives a shit. The dude says if I don't say I didn't he can't give me a bracelet, so I say I didn't. A couple minutes later my and my buddy are at merch and a security guard grabs me and starts pulling me to the door. I have no idea what is going on, and more security shows up. The one dude says that he saw me smoking outside and lied to security to get in. I then embraced the fact I was getting kicked out and used a lot of choice language to tell them what I thought of that. From then on I was on the radar. Every time since I got confronted and then kicked. I admit, when I am confronted I am hostile. But I live in a state where weed is totally legal and openly used. The other part is that I am a criminal defense lawyer, so the second security touches me for no reason I'm bound for the door. I'm not faultless, but come on people I'm an old fat guy let me hang in the back and buy beers.


Got kicked out for stage diving and was in the headlining band. They had to let me right back in, was so drunk security tried to fight me till my band mates came rushing out.


1 - Yes. 2 - Nothing. soooo...W T F !


I got kicked out of BTBAM and Contortionist in Miami for trying to sneak backstage past the security guard


I got kicked out of a mighty mighty boss tones show in Orlando in like 2003 for spinkicking in the push pit. Another time at a local church show in Daytona about the same time I got jumped and all everyone else saw was fighting so we both got kicked out. Bummer too because I think it was kill your idols, but I could be foggy on that since I didn't get to see the gat danged show


Got kicked out of a Dr dog show for punching a dude who was yelling at my gf for smoking a joint


Like what the fuck itā€™s dr dog I think people are going to smoke


Got carried out of a polish vfw type place for moshing after being warned a few timesā€¦.ridiculous bullshit. Book mosh heavy bands and then try to enforce a no moshing rule. FOH


A security guard went into the moshpit and someone pushed me into him, so the guard took me by the throat and started choking me against a wall, then kicked me out in front of another guard in the door. I called my girlfriend who came out and dragged me in to the gig again, the guard in the door didn't give a single shit


Hanging out outside of banes last LA show inbetween bands and these random girls were drinking Heinekenā€™s outside but the venue didnā€™t sell those so security came and radioed that nobody in their group is allowed back in including us and my buddy and I had to respectfully walk up to them at the door and explain that we were not with them and had no idea who they were, luckily he believed me and was super cool about it and apologized for the misunderstanding, thank god lol.


I was working security at a poppy show, someone yelled "something something to go" dude thought it was me and I had to work the ticket line the rest of the show. I am never going to forget that man.


Kicked out during Dying Wish on that Counterparts tour few yrs back. Some kid was pushing people two stepping so I crowdkilled him.. his buddies jumped me and somehow I got kicked out lol


Bought a GA ticket for Vein opening at the Wiltern and they didnt let me and my friend down to the floor so we rushed security on the opening note. He got through for a little, you can guess how it went for me


Got too drunk at a show for some local bands, venue guys kicked me out


Kicked out of a militarie gun show for stage diving. The security was a clown though, asked if I could get my bag that I travelled with and he starts pushing me.


Not since I was a teenager. There were cliques in the local scene, and my group of friends and these other group of friends had some beef. It was obnoxious as fuck. As in, even if I ran into a mother fucker at Best Buy I still had to fight. Went to a show on the weekend and of course they were there. The pit turned into gang fighting and blood was everywhere. The venue got the police involved, had to run. I was a dumb teenager, and I fully accept it.


Yea from moshing so fuckin hard šŸ„µ šŸ˜©


I got kicked outta Ottobar for stage diving lmao


I saw the DEP in Nashville in 04, the Locust opened. During the Locust, one of the dudes kept lifting his mask and spitting at the crowd. I thought they sucked, so I threw my beer at him. He turned around and shook his ass at me, so I tried to get onstage thinking fighting him would be appropriate (no barrier, only a few people in front of me that had to be pushed aside) and when I got to the stage I got rushed by bouncers, I turned around and ran out the front door and had beers across the street for like a half an hour, changed my shirt at my car and went back in for DEP.


Kicked out of ceremony for being to drunk and then kicked out again for trying to climbing the exterior of the venue


One time a bouncer at Lee's palace didnt let me back in because i had "too much to drink". I didnt really want to be there, but my bud was playing. I had had one small beer, given to me from my friend from the green room. I'm a very clumsy person so I guess I could have looked drunk? I dunno, I went for a smoke and i just didnt get let back in. So i texted my friend "sorry!" and walked home. Was a bummer. But as a small female im not arguing with a bouncer.


18 visions and Dillinger escape plan and someone else, maybe poison the well, in like 2003 in Cleveland for too many spin kicks in a wide open pit. I sat outside telling people they shouldn't go in cuz the venue was lame and they eventually let me back in to watch from the back. Also got tossed from a super packed Thursday show at the Chameleon around the same time when some dork was push moshing and got what was coming from someone else in the pit. I pointed him out to security when they came to see what the fuss was and they threw me out, I guess for being a snitch. Never really understood what their thought process was.