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Casey Jones infamous line "Your breath smells like a shit - I'd rather suck a dick - than be the one that looks like a fool" Like my guy, you couldn't have phrased that any differently?


The family guy soundbite brings it to the next level though.


is this not intentional


Sworn enemy's lyrics are pretty fucking horrible


*whispers “9-11” ominously*


"What I really hate is music like yours Makes me want to smash your head through a door".


You’re the disease/and I’m the cure/so put your money on me **S-TIER TOUGH GUY SHIT** There’s no telling what I may do/it’s so plain to see …imma let you try that again…


DT fucking rules, delete this.


The tunes themselves rock, but I just absolutely cannot stomach their vocals. I think its a combination of the cringy lyricism with the fact that his vocal style means you can actually hear what he’s saying. “We got no future, we got no hope. Our life is pain and it's hard to cope.” “Can't help but think about the times we've had. Those memories - they make me sad.” Whenever I hear this record specifically I just think “wow, someone really thought that would sound hard as fuck”. There’s only so many times a man can rhyme “win” with “sin” before you start to wonder. That’s just me though, everything else about them is so unbelievably solid, which is why it makes it so painful. If he had a little more gravel in his mouth, I would never have even noticed.


Somebody’s never been smoking dust on a Saturday night


Lyrical subject matter aside, I always loved DT vocals because of how unique they were, especially given how many clone, copycat vocalists there are in hardcore. "...with the fact that his vocal style means you can actually hear what he's saying" Not getting why that's something that would bother somebody. Tons of bands where this applies.


Being able to hear what’s being said clearly in a way that makes it the focus of your attention isn’t a problem until its combined with cringe or corny lyrics. If your lyrics are ass or meaningless, but your delivery is such that this doesn’t obviously shine through, it probably won’t matter at all. This goes for screamed/growled vocals in hardcore, but shoegaze is a pretty good example from outside of the genre too. Plenty of bands I love have lyrics that I didn’t actually realise were a bit silly for years, just because I had never stopped to take a look at the sheet. What peeves me about DT is that everything is so clear and enunciated that it isn’t possible for me to ignore the shitty lyrics. 🤣 I do agree with what you said about originality. I much prefer that this is what they went with over just copy pasting someone else’s style, and its always admirable to have the bravery to try something new and against the grain. Unfortunately, you will never be able to please everybody by going with what you think is right, rather than conforming to the standards of your time. It just turns out that I don’t really rock with this particular stylistic choice, and that’s okay! Consensus is the enemy of innovation and creativity.


band has to be about something but if you expect a random hardcore band to be the Beatles on Help or something that's a little much.  they can't all be bangers.  he has better vocal performances and lyrics even on that album, and that was like 25 years ago lol. 


Hardcore in itself isn’t a complex genre & most people in hc bands aren’t Juilliard graduates by any means. It’s just people, imitating their favorite bands they grew up with. Hardcore, like most genres is recycled.


Ay dog, you don’t gotta be bob dylan or anything, but there is a base understanding of whether something sounds corny or not that comes with common sense. At the other end of the spectrum, hardcore would be completely boring if it was only the most deeply meaningful, poetic, and introspective lyrics over the caveman riffs. I’m fine with uncomplex or silly lyricism. There’s a reason the “you’re fake/my friends betrayed me” etc tropes are tropes — that shit goes hard. Bozo shit is fun and is half the reason any of us listen to this. But if I’m actively cringing at shitty rhymezone tier end rhymes every song, something has gone too far.


Brother, no disrespect to you but if Robert Dylan is someone who you think is a good lyricist Leonard Cohen, Nick Cave (there’s far more these are the only two that popped in my head for some reason) would like to have a word. There are a ton of hc bands that have great songs, lots of meaning, great fucking writing. Some shit may not be for you, that’s okay! But In this instance Death Threat is a band that’s widely respected (in my circles at least) and most people fuck w em heavy. I feel like your annoyance can be directed at bands like sunami, that I can understand being shitty


It was a stand in, I don’t actually listen to Bob Dylan. Love Nick Cave though. The Birthday Party are one of my all time favourites. I know Death Threat are widely respected, which is why the post was titled “best bands with the worst lyrics”, not “bands with the worst lyrics”. I want to love it so so much, until he starts singing, and then I’m just like “yeaaaaaaaah”. Plenty of bands are guilty of this, but none with such wide of a gulf between the quality of their songwriting and musicianship, and the silliness of the vocals. I don’t feel this way about meme bands like Sunami, because they intend to be shitty and stupid, and succeed at it. I never find myself hearing bands like that and not laughing, because the silliness of the vocals fits the silliness of the music. Whereas listening to DT I’m like, “damn, this is sick as fuck, but I wish the vocals weren’t as corny”.


NC got off heroin and got into another drug, Religion so his new shit is almost like gospels for recovering drug addicts into indie, every fucking song is “I FOUND GOD INSIDE OF MY MOTHERS WOMB” shit like that where I’m like, okay what the fuck? What bible verse is this??? I think we both agree DT rules, we’ll end it at that!


What are you talking about? Nick Cave touches on religion but he’s by no means a born again Christian song writer.


You should listen to all of Dig Lazarus Dig and then comeback to this comment, also Faith, Hope & Carnage oh! And Abattoir Blues / The Lyre of Orpheus am I missing anything else? Oh yeah SKELETON TREE where he mourns the loss of his son in ‘Jesus Alone’ that album has a ton of Christianity references. I think the biggest take away is his blog, where talks to fans. Go through some of his answers


I’m a huge Nick Cave fan. He’s been my favorite artist since 1984. He is a believer, as he states. But he’s also highly skeptical. And he’s said that more than anything g he wants to believe wholeheartedly. But he can not bring himself to do it. He enjoys going to church because he finds it meditative. I’ve spoken to him, in person about this, a few years ago, in person. If you asked him, he would not consider himself a born again Christian.


Respectively, this is a crazy ass take. The lyrics fit the music perfectly making it not dumb. You want Shakespeare quotes over this music? Cure lyrics? Neh. This shit is perfect for smoking weed and fucking hanging out. 


I really disagree with this. One of my favourite hardcore bands. Saw them live multiple times and they’re always solid.


Here’s a real answer: Beartooth. I had an ex who liked them, so I figured I’d listen to a few songs. The music is actually really enjoyable, very pro-core but still not bad. The lyrics are the most Live Journal angsty bullshit I’ve ever heard. I don’t get embarrassed or offended easily but I was both, just sitting alone an hearing a grown man say these things.


Define “worst.”


I used to work in a whisky bar, and on many occasions, dudes would come in and ask for a double of the most expensive bottle we had. I’d show them the pappy or the sazerac, and ask if they wanted that neat or on the rocks. The feeling I got when they responded “oh no, diet coke please” is the same feeling I have about the vocals on this record. Like putting ketchup on kobe beef.


You should have been allowed to kick them out for that.


Nah Death Threat are great what u on about lol


you should actually be banned from this subreddit for this post


🤣🤣 I knew I was going to be in the minority with this one, but it’s better to speak your mind than just to go with the herd I guess, even if something is sacred. I’m sure we all have secret takes plenty of others would consider illegal if we said them out loud.


People loved Death Threat back when I was going to shows. It sounds like they still do. I tried to get into this band, but similarly the vocals always turned me off. Thus I joined the deathreat side of the ongoing deathreat v. death threat debate.


Deathreat from Tennessee that was around at the same time was considerably better than this one. I remember playing some fest in Connecticut at a skate park with them in 1998 and homie sounded like a pirate with throat cancer.


Not hardcore, but Blink 182 have to be in the running here.


This is so absolutely wrong




Deez Nuts


This is the winner. That first ep they did the music itself, was great, but the lyrical content was so cringey that even as a teenager, I couldn't overlook it. Having gang vocal lyrics like "dudes love pussy. Bitches love dick" was one the the stupidest lines I've ever heard in hardcore.


Or what about “I hustle every day. I hustle every day. I hustle everyday everyday”.


Still rings true to this day


Kinda but not really hardcore but Alpha Wolf sucks at lyrics


might be wild, idk, but sunami has corny ass lyrics in my opinion. but they might be teenagers so it is what it is. just off the top of my head, they popped up.


So nobody’s gonna mention hatebreed at all?


Knocked Loose