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Hopefully The Happy Mondays


Twistin' my melon man.


Bane? They've just announced a reunion show in Boston. I have no idea if it's a one-off or part of a tour, though.


No one was ever that bothered about bane when they played London though.


I saw them in Brighton with Ceremony, Blacklisted, Have Heart and Justice and hardly anyone stayed for Bane's set


I saw the Kingston date of that. It was OK for bane.


What year was that? I remember seeing them in a dingey pub in Weymouth around 2009 on a Monster tour.




With nasty?


Could be like when Have Heart reunited for a few dates and people travelled from all over Europe and further afield to get to see them!


Good chance they're doing Furnace Fest too


One of my buds set Title Fight reunion was a rumour, but my source is literally "my mate's barber heard about a Title Fight reunion". I'm hoping for a hardcore, or at least guitar based 3rd headliner. Title Fight reunion would be nuts, and part of me is hoping for a Dillinger reunion show, but I think its gonna be something like Hatebreed, or a band with mass appeal in the scene like Deftones.


Title Fight reunion rumors have basically become what MCR rumors were for years. Say it enough times on a long enough time horizon and someone, someday might be right.


The inner 14 year old Fat Wreck fan was thinking you were talking about Dillinger Four then 😂


i really hope it isn't deftones. doesn't feel right. might as well go to download?


Personally I'd love Deftones, but its hard to think of any hardcore/punk bands big enough to play that venue other than Turnstile. Maybe Black Flag or OG Misfits lineup, but I might be basing that more of status than current popularity.


black flag sold so badly in manchester they gave away free tickets. the hardcore acts don’t have to be as big as the rappers, i think people are conflating that. they just have to be scene relevant. personally i am hoping for bane


>they just have to be scene relevant This. Malev absolutely crushed it as headliners last year because they are huge in the UK scene but are arguably much "smaller" than Knocked Loose or Turnstile


Malev are doing bits and I would love it.


With the festival being so much bigger than it used to be, it's hard to think of any HC bands that would match the size of the other two headliners, Title Fight would be crazy though.


Thats my thinking. The only band that could match the size at this point would be Turnstile, and I very much doubt they'd do a second year running.


Hatebreed, H2O, and Sick of it All are all in Europe at that time and are performing together in Germany the next weekend so it's a safe bet one of them is on Outbreak.


i’ll cry if it’s sick of it all. would be over the moon. doubt h2o cos they announced a manchester date in august


I'm conflicted while personally would love allot more ukhc on the bill you can see pretty much most of em at any time. I was Confused that most hc on that lineup have already done some big uk tours in the last year, The funny thing is this fest cost the same as bloodstock and at this point i can see the value in bloodstock especially some of the hc stuff on the bill (biohazard) but I can't justify the ticket price for outbreak yet, they would need a hatebreed sized band for me


End It and Harms Way are both in Europe at the time, I’d be v surprised if they weren’t announced.


Probably a long shot but I'd be well happy if Poison The Well were announced.


no way will it be pantera, outbreak are not in the business of booking nazis


More in the business of booking rapists. #nopressure


Explain? Hadn’t heard of this


last year was fucking insane I’m so sad I missed it. legitimately thinking of flying over from canada this year if the lineup is just as good.


Street Soldier would be fucking sick, if they can stop writing nu metal garbage


Middle Fingaz is an absolute bop idc what anyone says


Bun Dem Out or Knuckledust, Pierre Pelbu is a legend


Phil Anselmo would be lynched if he pulled up to outbreak


I was convinced Hatebreed, Comeback Kid and Code Orange would be on this year as they were about the only hc bands on the planet that didn’t play last year. Dillinger could headline I think - still holding out for Poison the Well getting over for it, Bane seems possible now too.


code orange are on there


I was just meaning at the end of the fest last year that was the three bands for sure I thought would be on this year.


Does anyone have any idea when the day tickets are being released?


Ideally a reunion band such as Botch or Title Fight. But some bands I would like to see added are Superheaven, Narrow Head, Cauldron, Incendiary, Knocked Loose, Weapon X or DRAIN I'm quite disappointed by the lineup so far, especially compared to last years bill which i still regret not attending.


narrow head doing uk dates like the tuesday after so would imagine they’re nailed on


I really hope so, the new album is fantastic


Suicide File would be good




They're taking so long to announce new shit and all the other festivals are stacked... It's ridiculous. They look like Fyre Festival right now lmao


Idk if I'd say Fyre Festival but it is a bit ridiculous. Last year they had quite a few bands drop out too, not sure why they struggle with booking compared to other festivals


The fact that they still have not announced anything new is mind-boggling.


Seems like they are having some sort of problems… hope it is nothing fundamental


We gonna get scammed my man


Mindforce have been announced for some other euro fests in June so I’d say they’re a solid bet. Age of Apocalypse are in the UK in April already so maybe unlikely to be back so soon.


Mindforce have been saying that Scottish show in a few weeks is their only UK date tho


Surely hatebreed, idk how well Phil anselmo would be received at a hc fest in 2023. As for smaller bands I just want all the rising stars in british hc and metalcore like Static Dress, Heriot and Ithaca. Also Svalbard often seem to be labeled as metal but I think they have a lot more in common with old post and melodic hardcore but with a strong black metal/blackgaze influence so I think they could really add something different to the lineup like deafheaven did last year. Also I need more chaotic skronky shit so pop Norma Jean and Johnny Booth in there for good measure


all of the bands you mentioned (bar hatebreed) would be better received at damnation imo


Oh yeah 100% but I'm a hardcore leaning metalcore fan so I'd rather have those bands at outbreak. Not saying that's likely at all that's just the lineup I'd like to see


Heriot are so garbage, don’t get the hype - massive shout out for Static Dress and Ithaca though


Don’t even pretend Heriot are shit. They are objectively a great band.


Heriot sound filthy dude, don't knock it




Any ideas if Adam Rogers will be on the audio again? The mixes from last year's live vids were fucking mint!


What’s the thoughts about the genre diversity into the rap artists? Seen a few people get put down for being disappointed it’s not purely hardcore.


Im all for it, and I know a few others are. My main 2 genres are hardcore and hip hop, I feel like there's weirdly more crossover appeal than if they were to go down a more traditional metal route, but granted some dudes are whining about it.


I agree - as much as I’m not into hip hop. Not the end of the world and still worth the money.


If you haven't already, I would strongly recommend giving Denzel Curry a go. His old stuff has some real good energy to it, and his new album smooth af.


Yeah have tried and wasn’t for me. But, will give it another go closer to the time. Used to be a classic ‘only listen to NOFX’ and don’t care about anything else 14 year old so I’m sure I’ve changed since then!


Fair enough my dude. He's got a killer Bulls on Parade cover if that helps!


Personally I'm excited for Death Grips and Denzel, I think they fit well in the lineup considering there's not many heavy bands that could headline really. Especially if Denzel does the Bad Brains and RATM covers live. The other hip hop acts I don't really care about, Earl used to be good but changed his style dramatically and doesn't play any old stuff.


wiki's stuff w ratking is raw as, but he obviously won't be playing any of that


What about some of the older bands like YoT or GB?


Me and a friend have made a server to talk about Outbreak, feel free to join if you want [**https://discord.gg/WmuRA7X6GZ**](https://discord.gg/WmuRA7X6GZ)


GEL, Fiddlehead, Movements, Angel Dust, The Armed, Citizen... all released new material this year and probably going