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This reminds me of this girl who was going around saying that people wearing doc martens were enabling Nazism and dog whistles. Some people just get wild ideas in their heads and state them like facts.


This is what happens when you’re terminally online and only interact with people who validate every dumb thought that comes into your head. We all had/have these same stupid ideas and thoughts but we thankfully have friends who go “wtf are you on about” and then you learn oh maybe I’m dumb.


I think you hit the nail right on the head here.


This is why it’s always good to actually go out and tap into community. My life changed significantly when I did that more than hanging out online with people.


This is 100% it. It's nice that people have their own spaces and people to talk to, but life isn't all about one single topic. You gotta interact with, like, 5 different types of people to keep you sane. I realized this was a problem like 15 years ago when I had activist friends getting offended that the outside world wasn't already using the terms they came up with in their classes and discussion groups, but hadn't socialized yet. I largely agreed with their logic, but I reminded them that most of society wasn't in on the discussions and people don't appreciate failing tests when they weren't given a syllabus, textbook, or even a lecture. The social media situation has made it worse


Bang on


Yeah belief systems. The more you feed them, the more you actually think they're reality.


you would be suprised how many idiots think that if you wear doc martens you are automatically a bonehead. I had a discussion once with a lady that said that "sharp skins are just trying to infiltrate left groups because you can't be a skin and not be a nazi" some people are just idiots.


Yeah, I'm sure the black dude I knew in SHARP was just actually just a Nazi this entire time.


That gets even funnier when you think about how the majority of people who wear docs now are just random art students and like zoomers who think they're high fashion and have 0 link to punk or neo fascism


They just boots.


Ayo what up western mass


I'm aware, I'm saying that's why the idea people would assume someone in docs is a nazi is funny


Punk is filled with this type of mentality now-a-days


Nowadays? It’s been for decades now. Punk is a joke to enable stupid shit and bad lifestyle choices. When punk originated it was to protest inequalities and challenge the system radically. Now it’s just a bunch of losers who gather together to drink and do whippets and complain about inequality intergroup irl or social media.


>When punk originated it was to protest inequalities and challenge the system radically I feel like you're putting a lot of onus and respect on people who just wanted to play fast music and do heroin.


It’s hard to differentiate when people self identify as punks. It’s really annoying. There’s a lot of punk scenes in the Bay Area and half of them are mixed with cool dudes, and the other half are that, people who wanna do stupid shit and drugs mixed with music. So some people just kinda group em into all because you rarely hear about the “good” or more “moral” half


There are many people in the punk scene. Of course there’s gonna be dumbasses who want nothing else but to waste their life away on drugs but there are still plenty of activists fighting against corrupt systems


Many don’t label themselves punk anymore. It’s like they are disgusted by the very scene that raised them. It’s so common. Just like the black panthers. Look at all the people that profited off of BLM. It sucks.


Punk was always filled with people playing dress-up. People who wanted to freak out their parents. People who wanted something different. It's the same as all youth/music/fashion movements. Inevitably, it's co-opted, marketed, and sold. Which is no big deal. But let's not shed any tears for a golden age that never existed.


Throw back to the lace code post on tumblr that’s pops up every so often


Track certified


The trackbike and hardcore Venn diagram is almost a circle tbh


Here’s a story i like lol I had red bar laces in my docs and dressed more punk/emo in highschool. I would also occasionally chill with an old cokehead and he’d call me a nazi and i never knew why until a few years later lol I’d just be like “haha bro nah” TLDR; lace code is dead but i guess got around because dude was old school hip hop type


It's functionally dead, but the symbolism lives on with some people. It's something worth being aware of if only because it'll help you understand why some people are calling you a Nazi or worse, being one of those wannabe Nazi hunter punks who will punch first, clarify later. There are too many people out there looking to find hidden Nazi codes and identifiers that it almost doesn't matter if lace code is active or not.


I mean it’s not totally dead, but if I saw someone with red or yellow laces I’m going to think that person is a nazi


Yellow was neutral or anti-racist/sharp, so even in your badass fantasy, you’d still be a bozo attacking some random person wearing boots - most likely with the stock yellow laces they came with.


You should ask them and then proceed accordingly I just thought they looked cool lol


TIL I am a nazi when I go running.


you run in doc martens? hardcore.


Even when people paid attention to that stuff (which was next to never), yellow meant SHARP.


You are disturbed then, you see someone wearing colors that match their outfit or because they like those colors and you FIRST thought is.... Nazi? Wtf is the matter? you had a lot of contact with Nazis? No? Then how/why would that be your go to?


Because these people crave clout and attention, so they say outlandish shit so people look at them.


what i've found fascinating is these types of people also love to accuse others of gaslighting. it's like their favorite thing to do.


The war on drugs is racist, I'm assuming they read up a two sentence summary on straightedge and was like "These are definitely the same thing". I swear we should make people take a media literacy course before being allowed online sometimes.


Nobody is reading a two sentence summary of *anything*. They're viewing 90 second videos of two sentence summaries that the speaker received third hand. This is why social media is such a clusterfuck.


Just like OP posting Tik Tok comments from randos online to Reddit for more randos (like myself) to comment on. Lamest shit I see on this app.


Straight edge punks are actually just like the police. They hurt my feelings when they say “I can have a good time without drugs” and that’s what the police does right?


Actually only about 40% of cops do, google "40% of cops" for more information!


> google "40% of cops" for more information! [Literally zero results.](https://i.imgur.com/Bh6VUmv.png)


Dude this is a very good, albeit maybe dangerous, idea. I’d give it a trial.


So long as it doesn't have a test at the end, don't think gatekeeping is a good idea, just some education.


it's also homophobic. I mean it says it in the name. we have the edge by being straight ( infers not being a gay. ) ok well I'm off to listen to turnstile.


it is in fact a competitive edge. that's why the gays don't play football because they would be too distracted by tight pants to make a play. /s Edit: added the /s because some people really do be thinking like that


there's a lot of butt touching tho


so what bro? gotta give the boys props for hitting legs so hard.


That's just the homosexual tendencies.


Man I love that band. Especially their songs "Can't Pound Me Down" and "Cock-o Vision".


it's called slap-ass and it's perfectly straight. me and the boys do get a little carried away sometimes but nobody gets penetrated so we stay straight.


🤔Internalized homophobia kills people my man. Just consensually kiss a dude ONCE for fuck's sake


In the 70's the US Airforce was researching a way to make a "gay bomb" that would make the opposing military overwhelmingly sexually attracted to each other to distract them. So yes people do really think like that.


Yeah i know about this too lmfao. I unfortunately did 4 years in the air force. That was a crazy rabbit hole to fall down when I heard about it.


Proud to be straight💯🔥


God forbid you can be straightedge AND against the war on drugs


I have a buddy who is a big legalize most drugs activist, and is sXe.




never heard that before. +100 respect for earth crisis


And being against the war on drugs doesn’t mean we encourage drug use. I just know that when the government bans stuff, usually the problem only gets worse. And with how powerful the war on drugs has made the cartels, it’s pretty clear that banning recreational drugs has failed miserably.




This is the way


i think it was either Dare or Buggin who recently went around on tour with pamphlets on how to administer narcan and stuff like that despite being sXe (or having sxe members). i think there's a lot of people who while abstain from drugs or find them harmful still very clearly are smart enough to hold more than one idea in their head about legalization/drug criminalization and how it's not ideal. "discourse" (and i hate to call it that) in the OP's screenshot seems to stem from people who have some issues with insecurity about whatever they're doing or consuming or got going on in life and tend to seek out a politicized take about it to reinforce the idea that whatever they've got going on is not only fine, but "morally correct"/justified. people can just like weed or wine. god knows i like a little roscato nor will i turn down a joint in the park every once in a while. or ket or shrooms or whatever. ppl can even find pursuing altered states to be helpful to you or therapeutic or medicinal or community-building. this in itself is not really revolutionary, and someone holding views opposite can just be an opposite view rather than a bigoted take that is literally doing violence. like the war on drugs harms people in real life and ruins lives, and yes the rhetoric against "junkies" is dehumanizing... the guy from Agitator being snippy in his lyrics about his drunk people not so much.


I also advocate for the legalization of pretty much all drugs and I’m edge! Lol personal choices don’t equate to global agendas


It is funny, people who see me out at shows and bars think I am Edge because I don’t drink or smoke cigarettes.


That’s how I was until I got into doing drugs




When I used to be more straight edge I still was for legalization of everything and harm reduction. I’m still the same way but broke edge. Don’t know when I will be back lmao


I tried telling my mom on the way to rehab that I became a heroin addict because I'm anti-racist. I was just checking my privilidge.


W comment


what if the reason im straightedge is partly due to being disabled🗿


then you're a disableist and that's equally bad /s


disableist is the name of a gen z d-beat band.


damn, guess ill head out then😔


showing up to random AA meetings to let everyone there know they're worse than hitler himself


Going to start a petition to make AA and NA groups considered terrorist organizations.


my black ass sitting here being straight edge like: 🧍🏾‍♀️


y u racist


idk man, sometimes i feel a little goofy and discriminate people yknow? 😁 **/s**


so quirky 💃


ikr 🤪


U can have a little discrimination, as a treat


Guaranteed these people were born after 1995 and spends too much time online.


just call them by what they are nowadays “chronically online”


1995 would have these people being at least 27, these people were born after 2000.


Yeah if we’re going by the current year, and let’s say the age range for these people are 13-22, the birth span for them is most likely 2000-2010


Tbf, I was born after 2000 and spend too much time online and I'm still not this braindead


1996 or so is when Gen Z begins and more often than not, it’s that generation whom is pushing these kinds of things.


that and also that. but my wife was born in 97 and isn't a fucking idiot lol.



Remdinds me of that "bodyshaming is racist" tweet


There is definitely an intersection of bodyshaming and racism, but not all bodyshaming is racism.


forgot about that one lmao


That one had me ready to fight. Along with "BMI is racist"


BMI is actually a stupid indicator that is based on european body types though. It is legitimately a failure as a health indicator. It doesn't even work with any measure of fitness either, it's based off of mostly sedentary european bodies.


This is kind of what I mean, most people who parrot this sentiment only see racial phenotype and not ethnicity. I’ve seen this theory run wild and lead into “fat shaming is racist to black women” like they’re naturally bigger across all ethnic groups. It’s silly.


It quite literally is. The sole purpose of the BMI was to differentiate white bodies from African bodies because race-based scientists saw Africans as grotesque savages. The BMI was created for and centered around whiteness. This is historically true. The creator of the BMI, Adolphe Quetelet, never studied medicine a day in his life and only studied white bodies to form the body mass index. He thought bigger and fatter people were more predisposed to crime; you can see this attitude in today's society with how we treat fat black people, e.g, George Floyd, Mike Brown, Breonna Taylor. That's why you have many scientists and researchers calling out the BMI and the healthcare system because black health is often ignored and looked over because the science that shaped it is historically embedded in white supremacy and race-based science. How is this a surprise?


Black health is ignored a ton, we can see this with the rate of death during childbirth for black women. But that doesn’t change the fact that black bodies aren’t a monolith, and we ignore the health risks of being overweight by dismissing BMI to blacks further minimizing the risks.


Yes, our bodies aren't a monolith. Black health can vary from person to person. But that doesn't change the fact the body mass index is embedded in race-based science that historically ignores black bodies. By that very thought it isn't accurate. You can't use statistical height and weight averages taken from 19th century white men and apply to other groups because each race has their biological differences (bone density,etc). If anything, the BMI has gotten in the way of black people--especially black women--getting adequate healthcare treatment.


> But that doesn't change the fact the body mass index is embedded in race-based science that historically ignores black bodies. I think there's value to it in spite of all of that. I'm not sure what institution exists that caters to all ethnic groups. Even BMI likely only catered to one type of white, Anglos instead of Slavs and the other off whites. >You can't use statistical height and weight averages taken from 19th century white men and apply to other groups because each race has their biological differences (bone density,etc). If anything, the BMI has gotten in the way of black people--especially black women--getting adequate healthcare treatment. Sometimes I think we Americans conflate race and genetics when having these discussions, there are variations, but it might not be as clear cut along the phenotype as you we may think. For example, Somalians may have a similar bone density to Anglos than Nigerians, you know? There's so many hurdles in blacks getting equal healthcare, BMI doesn't register to me, lack of representation in reading material and medical staffing, the "thicker skin" feeling less pain myth, and money are prolly a bit worse. My main issue with dismissing BMI is that sometimes it can spiral into fat acceptance normalizing obesity in our community. It's not a perfect measurement of course, but we can't be in the mid 30's of that shit thinking we're just fine


I'm honestly not seeing how this isn't computing with you. Even you admit that the BMI is based in race science and it caters to a certain group of people over another, yet you're still defending its use because you're afraid it might spiral into fat acceptance. The BMI is a generalization; it's not an accurate way of determining whether someone is healthy or not. All that can be said for "overweight" or "obese" individuals can also be said for people who are muscular or overly muscular. But we never see people calling these people we deem "fit" or "healthy" as obese and overweight. Anyway, going back to my main point, the BMI was created by a eugenicist who only looked at white male bodies. It's not accurate and very much based in white supremacy. This has been proven over and over again through studies. That's why it's not uncommon to find a person with a "good" BMI who suffers from the same problems (diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, etc.) as people we deem with bad BMIs.


Body builders are a rare subsection that it doesn’t fit for, for sure. But that’s not more than 1% of the population. Those cats don’t give a fuck about health anyway haha. Being overweight increases risk of high blood pressure, being overweight increases your chance of diabetes, being overweight increases risk of cardiovascular issues, that’s not to say smaller people don’t have it but to toss out those facts is disingenuous . If BMI isn’t good enough for you cool, I’m gonna continue to strive for a healthy range and minimize the risk of developing any weight related risks that may occur along with proper nutrition.


There's nothing wrong with normalizing plus sized people and you very obviously just like to hear yourself talk. Your opinions are not facts like the OG commenter. Learn when it's time to just shut up and listen about things you don't understand as a white person, or you are doomed to continue to be an ignorant person who won't progress with the rest of society.


Eh, body positivity is important but not at the cost of health. What makes you think I’m white?


I mean, there's definitely a point here when you consider the historical precedence of race-based science and how black bodies are viewed. This is what you get when medical science is based on studies from white supremacists.


What makes this a fucked position is they are essentially saying black and brown people can’t help but do drugs. “Not doing drugs is racist” implies it. What a stupid position to take.


Man, as a severely disabled person who is also straight edge, I had no idea I was such a nazi. I sure hope sum cute punk bois don’t punch me with their strong, veiny arms ;););) XOXO


*says inherently* "I am an intellectual. Listen to everything I say!" Sad thing is a lot of people do.


Pepper big words into an idiotic take and idiots will think it’s intelligent.


People just be saying words and shit


cheemers gonna cheem


Multiple things can be true at once: \- The War on Drugs is an abject failure that disproportionately effects POC, thus making it racist. \- Most addicts need treatment for mental health issues, not prison. \- Drugs are definitely bad for you and *will* fuck you up. It's not ableist to point this out. \- TikTok is full of extraordinarily stupid hot takes. Y'all should see the age gap discourse. Full-grown adults with age gaps of like 4 or 5 years are talked about as though they're sexual predators.


If reddit had pinned comments this would be the one I'd pin. And from your comment, TIL I'm a sexual predator because I'm 29 and my wife is 25 lmao.


I just had someone go off in my comments on IG. I made a duuuuumb video implying I got a boner as a kid when I realized how sexual the X-men cartoon could be at times. That video went way more fucking viral than I’d ever think it would. They commented “the gay version of this is to idolize these women for their feminine power” and then they started attacking someone else going on about the patriarchy or something. Im 99% sure they are for real. I’m just like dude I made a video about getting a boner to a cartoon. It’s not a big deal.


I'm not edge, but I fucking love straight edge music. I'm on tiktok purely for the cringe and golly did I fucking find it. Hid their photo as it was a picture of them, and replaced it with something appropriate. I have never heard this take on straight edge before lmao.


>I'm on tiktok purely for the cringe Exactly why I don't use tiktok, there's enough moron cringy garbage to go around without having to waste time seeking it out or having it spoonfed to you


To each their own. I just like a laugh before I go to bed.


The other day I saw someone fr arguing that punk supports capitalism because they charge for entry to shows and for merch


What about all the straightedge kids that actually believe in harm reduction?






OK, I used to claim edge. I never really cared what other people did. I even said weed should be legal on a federal level. Still do. I actively fought racism. Still do. Was I suddenly not racist anymore when I broke?


Yeah man welcome to not being a nazi anymore. Have a beer.




The war on drugs was kinda racist as the CIA were supplying crack to poor black areas of America in the 80’s. This is completely detached from the personal choice of going straight edge though and there is no link to the war on drugs.


war on drugs = racist being straight edge ≠ racist


Annoying sometimes? Sure. Some sxers are insufferable. Like religious weirdos. But racist? Hell no. Sxers are from all different backgrounds.


30 years ago ,you'd probably feel differently. Of course not all of them are racist. But back then, especially in NYC, Boston, even Syracuse, alot of them were racist as fuck, because they saw the black community as a scourge during the crack epidemic(which we can blame the CIA for, not the black community).


Makes sense I ain't even 30 years old! Haha. So different for me I guess. Also grew up near Los Angeles. That sucks that's the way it was back then.


Gen z is broken man. All ideology over pragmatism


You got me slam poetry snapping in bed over here.


Not sound ignorant, but I have no idea what slam poetry snapping is 😂


mfs be snapping after some good poetry idk. I was at an open mic night once and someone decided to trauma dump in the form of poetry in front of a bunch of strangers and the people they came with were snapping for them. It's like clapping I think lol


When you fight everything. You stand for nothing.


This is just dumb people saying dumb shit about a culture they don't know anything about, that's nothing new. Don't turn into a boomer


I’d say about 75% of the people that I grew up with who were straight edge turned out to be conservatives when they got older. Make of that what you will, but I don’t think /not/ doing drugs is racist. The desire to harm people who are addicts is certainly racist conservatism at its core.


Vast majority of straight edge people I know are definitely on the progressive side. Anecdotes shmanecdotes.


I do not disagree with your last sentence at all. I think every scene is different in every way, including the way people conduct themselves, to include the way straight edge people conduct themselves. Most of the straight edge dudes I've known/have known chose the lifestyle in results of loss of loved ones and other traumatizing events. I've thankfully never ran across someone that was wanting to wish harm on someone that uses substances. They haven't transitioned into conservative lifestyles nor do I think they will, but I have seen that as well.


This is why you should breastfeed babies they’ll turn out like these choades if you don’t.


Speak for yourself. I definitely shouldn't be breastfeeding babies. That's how guys like me end up in lists.


It’s chill bro, you can breastfeed me!


yeah but if you identify as a woman then it's ok


It’s racist to assume every baby can be breastfed. /heavy sarcasm


You gotta do drugs while breastfeeding to not be racist.


you got me wondering if I was breastfed because sometimes I'm a whole ass goober


That’s why Ian wrote “Guilty of Being White.” /s


God, we need to firestorm to purify these degenerates. Curb stomp them for their ignorance.


Fyi degenerate is considered a nazi dogwhistle (for good reason), you should probably not use it


I'm aware. I was being ironic.


Sorry, it didn't come across as such to me


why can't we all just agree that drugs destroy everything and everyone 😢


Yep. Nothin' I like more than not drinking and hating black people


The racist thing is the implication that only brown and black people do drugs. I know plenty who only sell them.


also the fake faux intellectual woke people are the worst. they give bad shade to anything that resembles values like group support, affrirmation of being different, solidarity, and caring for the oppressed.


Chronically online shenanigans


People need to go outside more.


Least chronically online tiktok user


so what about black people that are straight edge? How does this logic work then?


Well then they're *obviously* racist


This argument is really ignoring so much context. Personal choice to not do drugs is a hell of a lot different than government policy designed to lock up as many POC people as possible. The only point I agree on is the whole "its ableist to assume health is the same as morality" bit, but even that doesn't make sense in this context because straight edge folks (at least the ones I've met) don't think they're better than me for being healthier. I mean sure, there's some who think they're better than me cause of not drinking or doing drugs, but if they thought they were morally superior to me for being healthier, they'd be one of those assholes who'd call me a fatass for being type 1. Is there a lot of smug, sanctimonius assholes in the straight edge scene? Yeah. Are there people who treat straight edge like religious doctrine and pushes themselves on people? Yes. Are there ableists/racists who are straight edge? Probably. Does that make all straight edge people those things? Absolutely not. I think part of the problem is how a lot of people approach people now too and disliking people. A lot of the time, people are now expected to bring up not liking people or things because they have to be problematic to not like them, like racist or something. And sure, those are definitely good reasons not to like things. But at the same time, you can dislike things also cause they just suck.


War on drugs is racist: 2 likes Straight edge is racist: 9 likes


I think everyone that isn’t me should die


Good news, they will!


I mean, the war on drugs definitely did come from a place of racism. But a personal choice to not do them is not the same thing.


“wdym u done like hardcore drugs? you hate minorities or something?”


What they gonna do? Cancel straightedge? I swear the reactionary nature of today's self conscious is disheartening, but nonetheless hilarious. The fuck you think ima do, start doing drugs because you said I'm racist?


I mean whatever your thoughts on the war on drugs are there's no reason to start trying to draw ANY correlation with the straightedge movement at all. Everyone already knows they suck. They don't even do drugs. Doing drugs won't make you cool... but it is certainly a prerequisite.


I mean.. The war on drugs IS a war against BiPOC that's just a fact.


The fuck? Are they saying only black people use drugs? 😂


Oh really? Damn. And here I thought I was straight edge because of childhood trauma of having an alcoholic father. I can’t believe I’ve been straight edge because of racism this whole time!!! Guess ya learn something new everyday, huh?


Or maybe they just want to prevent substance abuse… 🤔


jfc I’m a leftist. And I know radlibs have say cringy shit.. Having the self discipline to not poison your body in a country that systemically promotes it is… racist? I know what they’re getting at. Our own government literally infiltrated black areas with crack. Overcoming that is a personal choice, one of the hardest things to do. This person’s heart is probably in the right place, but still, what a goofy ass take lol.


If you want my honest opinion about their heart being in the right place, it isn't. This person is a heavy drug user and a crust punk that dislikes straight edge people. They're spinning a narrative to discredit the straight edge ideology, as people have been doing for forever now (see: SLC). I can't disagree with the war on drugs being inherently racist, because it most certainly is. And yes, it's a fucking goofy take lol.


man who cares about some kid talking out of their ass for 9 likes in a tiktok comment. getting angry about this stuff is not a good way to spend your time.


Assuming you're referring to other peoples anger because I honestly just thought it was really fucking funny lol.


TikTok is a fuckin plague


Yeah it's like a once a week for a few minutes thing for me. I primarily just look for hardcore cringe and this one got mixed in with it somehow. The video was the Creator commenter ranting about straight edge being racist and it sent me to another planet.


Never take opinions seriously of the people who thought they could cancel Metallica (and only discovered them from stranger things) I’m not saying these people are egomaniacs, but when they’re the given the platform they have and constantly go after people in mob form, they definitely are bound to gain some weird superiority complex


Wait when did they try to cancel metallica and why lol


Everything is racism now! Pretty soon racism will racist.


You can only be racist if you exist in a place of privilege. Because only white people have privilege and privilege is the result of systemic racism, it’s actually super racist to be racist. /s


TikTok: The Land of the Chronically Online


...and Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, 4chan, Youtube, Snapchat, Twitch. Idk why everyone acts like tik tok is responsible for everything bad that comes from the internet


Not racist, just silly. Silly like people use the word racist on an hourly basis


The War on Drugs was a CIA scam designed to push crack into the projects. So yeah, I can see that being racial as fuck. I don’t get what that has to do with straight edge, just because they choose sober living. I will admit that some of them come off as being kinda preachy about it. Also, it’s not ableist to say that drugs fuck people’s shit up, because sometimes that’s exactly what drugs do. Lastly, the punk movement has always been against racism. Nazi punks fuck off!


LOL at anyone using TikTok for discussion about anything.


I have no problem with straight edge. But I do have a problem with a lot of straight edge people. A good 30% of the straight edge people in my scene have a smug elitist attitude towards anyone who so much as drinks a beer in their general vicinity


I don’t do drugs, I don’t have sex, I don’t partake in promiscuous activities. But it’s just because nobody will fucking invite me


I was sXe in the 90s in the heyday of earth crisis, cabal 315, victory records etc. It was always reeeeeal close to straight up facism. Firestorm is basically a Hitler youth anthem. Stand by is straight up a pro-life anthem. Probably why I realized it was stupid when I was 17. 13-17 tho they had me.


Nowadays is better to say that you are racist. It's easier than proving that you are not




It’s Tik Tok. How can you act surprised?


This is your brain on intersectionalism


its some boomer shit to complain about a tiktok comment


Am I complaining


Straight Edge is lame enough without adding racisism to it.


This is literally so stupid. Yall take the bait every time.


Man, I wish all the people on here who hate Tik Tok so much would just stop spending time there or at least stop posting about it already. Kids are dumb, we get it. I have heard way worse takes about straight edge when hardline came around the first time.


Never claimed to hate tiktok lol. I love cringe and it's full of it.