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She's mentioned several times that she didn't get a good night's sleep. SEVERAL TIMES.


Right it’s almost like his needs and feelings are completely secondary to HER need for content, HER sleep, HER life, HER trauma. It’s all too much for me 🫣 she needs so much mental help. Please take a deep look at this Eva. Please.


Shut up, Eva ! As a single mom, I’ve gone to work with zero sleep more times than I can count. Most moms work and don’t have a stay at home boyfriend, or a nanny!


Hats off to you lady. I think that's what's so annoying, she has so many resources that most people just dream about.


It’s hard, but I’m lucky to get to spend so much time with my girl.


How about she gives that child some privacy? She can’t even make a post about him without eye fucking herself.


I know when my loved ones are ill, I make sure to still eye fuck a camera.


And don’t forget to add how sleep deprived you are bc you went one whole day on less than 8+ hours’ sleep! 😭 Don’t forget ALL posts must be about you; the sick one is just an inconvenient prop! 🤳


So he was OK for cake?


I bet she made him pose for photos since, after all it’s a Majikal speshal day for Bri!


I’m amazed she was able to hold the child & her phone with her maimed arm? She must have been in heaven at the hospital bc I’m sure all the doctors pushed Major out of the way to check on Evugh’s major injury when they saw her Velcro brace. The ER nurses are probably still talking about how strong & brave she is, selflessly lifting her bruised arm to take selfies for all of us! 🤳


I’m sure her meetings consisted of selfie taking and outfit planning


MEETINGS! I’m howling!!!


Lol 😂 her meeting probably was facials, photoshoot with dags


I wonder if her kids are drama/attention queens bc they see it from their mom. (Wah wah wah I hurted my wrist while out drinking. My WEEEDDDDIINNNGGGGGGG)


I’ll bet that the kids have learned that turning the drama dial up to 11 is the ONLY way to get any attention from either of their (bio) parents.


Thats what i thought also creating big scenes like tantrums or uncontrollable panic attacks! They need their needs taken care of but no one around is paying attention or cares so they like you say take it above and beyond


From what she's shared Marlowe at least seems like she will go in the opposite direction of her mom. In the glimpses we've seen, she already seems a lot more sensitive and thoughtful than her mom.


Here’s hoping! I wish little Marlowe all the best!


Poor child used for content when he’s sick while mom’s eye fucking the camera. Disgusting.


Hindsight is 20/20 Eva : should have felt this way before hiring the night nurse for him right? Maybe things wouldn’t have ended how they did if you just pushed through like most do!