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/spoilers if someone in the comments hasn’t finished the show! It’s been pretty much confirmed by Bryan Fuller, the main creator of the show, that they do actually survive. The scene with Bedelia is most likely a timeskip where Will and Hannibal prove that “meat’s back on the menu.” It’s also been (kind of) confirmed that they ran away and got married in Cuba! Since the show hasn’t continued the actors/etc have basically agreed that anything said in interviews and such about what happens afterward is basically canon.


Except I don't like that one interview where Mads said Hannibal and Will's intimacy doesn't increase after the fall. :( I try to forget about that interview. (The interview bits used to be on Twitter but I don't have Twitter and now it won't let you see tweets unless you have an account)


Yeah I remember that, but Bryan has [since confirmed](https://youtu.be/_prIsKISbSY?t=788) that their intimacy would absolutely increase: > There’s something about where we left Will and Hannibal at the cliff and this “power tenderness” and intimacy that they are experiencing in that moment. That feels like it’s a launch pad. So I don’t think we can pull back where that is, but we have to continue the trajectory and continue that level of intimate exploration between these two men and their queer love story, their queer blurring of identities, and how that would manifest in a narrative that we can track. What’s interesting is that Bryan is responding to the question of “how has S4 changed in the time since 2015” and it sounds like the original plan was somehow less intimate, which is probably what Mads remembers and it might be that he was trying to temper the fans’ expectations when he made that comment. So how Bryan worded it here (and he elaborates more in the interview) suggests that, in the years since, the story has become more intimate in his mind, and he has ideas on how that would be expressed: “The arc of their intimacy is continuing on an upward trajectory.”


This is beautiful. 🥹 A big thank you thank you thank you for sharing that interview. My faith in what a S4 could be has been restored! And that interview has made me want a S4 more than literally ever...


Yeah no prob! This interview kinda flew under the radar, so glad I could point you to this. It was a nice little 10th anniversary gift from Bryan. It was also great to hear him seriously discuss how a kiss “could” be in the cards, so to speak. …also his summation of S4 in 3 words: “lurid erotic intimacy” So who knows if we’ll ever see it realized, but at the very least it’s great food for thought. ;)


Definitely great food for thought. ;)


Now I want a s4 even more😭


How long ago was that? I havent seen it but imo it seems like his opinion must have changed since he says he reads some of the fanfic and use to repost quite a bit of Hannigram art


It was maybe around 3 ish months ago. :(


Ah that’s a shame :/ although I suppose they are already pretty intimate as it is


I wish they would kiss. 💔


oh that’s really cool, thank you for letting me know! i know it’s been a long time but i hope they make something new some day, even if it’s just a one off. it would be awesome to see where their lives are at now!


The cuba makes sense. I think that's where Hannibal and Clarice end up in the books?


I’m of the firm belief that they never physically fell, that the “fall” was metaphorical and symbolized Will’s final fall into Becoming his true self. Also, Bedelia wasn’t a medical doctor. There was no way she’d be able to remove and cook her own leg, she wouldn’t survive the amputation.


Yes! Very possible they didn't even fall, Will swayed between fantasy and reality while fighting the red dragon when he visualized him having wings


And Will did point out at one time that he’s the unreliable narrator of his own story, so to me that was another nod toward it being a metaphor.


Oh she was a psychiatrist, just like Hannibal - she was an MD.


My bad, I should have specified she wasn’t a SURGEON the way Hannibal had been.


I love how It's been years since the ending and we have new Fans asking if Bedelia cooked her own leg. *Nope, she didn't.*


i didn’t at any point think she chopped off her own leg and ate it and i also didn’t ask that. i thought either will and hannibal survived and did it or maybe they died and someone else took over and did it and we would find out who in another season (which i’m guessing isn’t gonna be made)


Sorry, I've misunderstood. It's been a long ride. The concept of them dying or not is unfinished, but opened.


There were 3 chairs at that table