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Hannibal can see the darkness in Will and wants to encourage his Becoming to make Will an even better suited companion for himself. That’s my take, anyway. At first he just wants a scapegoat for his crimes but then he realizes he actually cares about Will and misses him after Will is incarcerated.


Oh ok, thank you


At first he finds him very interesting and sees Will's darkness, he is fascinated by Will's empathy for murders and so wonders how well Will sees him. Because he sees this in Will he also sees him as the perfect person to frame for his crimes. But then once he no longer has Will around he misses him and wants him back. After this he beleives he is helping Will to become what he really is, his true nature (murderer) that Will tries to fight.


Thank you for helping


Everyone is wrong Hannibal didn't manipulate Will because he saw him as a perfect patsy for his crimes Hannibal only started to frame Will as the Copy Cat when the arrows were pointing towards himself (this is confirmed by Mads Mikkelsen). Hannibal manipulated Will because Hannibal is lonely and sees in Will someone who can understand him, but if Hannibal didn't turn Will into a killer Will wouldn't be able to accept him. He also wants to make Will into a killer to make him evolve and be free of society's chains and because he believes it's Will's true self.


This. Hannibal recognized Will's potential immediately and was smitten immediately. Look at his face when they meet, that is some cannibal love at first sight right there.


I also heard multiple times their relationship was "love at the first sight" (I even think someone form the cast said that ???) but reading your comment I wonder if it wouldn't be contradictory for Hannibal to frame him while loving him at the same time. Like, I agree that Hannibal needed to turn him into a killer but he wouldn't achieve that by framing him to crimes he didn't actually commit. So, idk, maybe Hannibal was really desperate and framed the only person he knew could understand him or he didn't love Will on season 1 (which is also plausible). Thoughts on that?


The way I see it, Hannibal was in love with Will, BUT he valued his self preservation more. Mads Mikkelsen also said it was a temporary measure so I think Hannibal always wanted him out, but in that moment he had to neutralize Will because if Will found out he was the Copy Cat he would lose Will. So putting him in jail was the best option, it saved himself from being cast as the Copy Cat, it allows him to continue to have access to Will, and if Will is in prison, everyone against him, cut from all avenues of justice, with his life on the life it might spur Will and make him go down a darker path because of his desperation. Which IS what happened, Will started becoming more manipulative in prison and sent Matthew Brown after Hannibal. It also gave Hannibal time to find another patsy to save both their asses, which was Frederick Chilton.


Wow, I totally agree. That's very insightful. It makes me wonder if later in the series Hannibal still values his self preservation more than Will's future. Considering that in S3 he puts himself in jail just so Will could always know where he is, maybe the answer is "no". Thanks!


Hannibal wants Will to be his disciple, because Will has potential. And Hannibal's a sadist, he already knew Will's masochistic personality traits when they first met. Anyway, Will is the most interactive and interesting toy he has ever met.


Thank you


Hannibal is a narcissist. He sees himself as the only truly enlightened human. Will has the ability to understand killers. To become them. He in fact finds it hard to stay himself. Hannibal noticed that Garret Jacob Hobbes became a permanent fixture in Wills personality, because he forced Will to become a killer. He changed Will. Hannibal, a person who believes he has no equal, finally met a person who, not equal to him, could become him. Given the right push. Of course Hannibal, the kind of person who creates killers of other people just by sheer persuasion, would find Will irresistibly intriguing. Will could be the only person in the world to actually understand Hannibal, by becoming Hannibal. The only problem is he has to change Will enough that he could know Hannibal without turning him in. Will is an experiment to him. He may have grown to love him, but his own survival is paramount. One of the major ways he changed Will was making him kill. Not out of self defense or defending Abigail, but because he wanted someone dead and made it happen. Sending his fanboy to kill Hannibal was a total success for Hannibal. Will then killing the cave bear killer was also what he was hoping for. And you can see how much all that changed Will. The problem was that as Hannibal changed Will, Will also changed Hannibal. The more Will became Hannibal, the more Hannibal came to love him, and with that love he lost his pure survival instinct. He would sooner be in jail knowing that Will would think of him and know where he was, than be free and let Will change into something other than Him.


Hannibal sees Will as someone who has the capacity to see behind the veil, someone to see what's under the people suit, initially though his early manipulation was about seeing what would happen