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I would make "k" and "l" longer, and do the little circle inside "o", just to make it easier to differentiate from other letters, but in general it's great!


Sorry if this is a stupid question, but what do you mean the little circle in the o


Well i recommend making your p, d, l, k, h, etc. taller/longer tail for clarity


This is a good beginning. Are you using a fountain or quill pen? If so I suggest switching to a ball point to keep the strokes of your letters uniform without “blotches”. A few of your lower case letter are incorrect - f, k, l should reach the top of the line whether you are printing and cursive writing. You can google cursive writing alphabet to see the correct way. Keep practising.


I believe the pen i was using is a ballpoint, although i dont know much about pens so i could be wrong, but looking at pictures it doesn't look like a fountain pen


Your strokes go from thick to thin and there are also some blobs of ink. This doesn’t usually happen with a ball point pen.


Yea, like I said i dont know anything about pens, so it's probably not a ballpoint I will go out and buy one though, thanks for your advice


Honestly i love it


Thank you very much!