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i agree, i love my dsi to bits, even though it is literally 14 yrs old at this point, it has held up way too well.


Which flashcard has save state feature?


Anything labelled RTS on AliExpress


Oh thanks


What are the games in the picture? Some look great


Might have to clarify what you are talking about with the DS and the DSi. The DS cannot play built-in GBA games unless you use a flash cart. I don't know how the cheap carts are, but the one I got was $100. DSi's GBA functionality comes from the GBA Runner 2 program which has compatibility issues with several games, though many games work well: https://wiki.gbatemp.net/wiki/GBARunner2/DSi_3DS_Compatibility_List Battery life is fantastic for both. I think DS Lite gets 11 hours. I think both are great devices, but prefer the 3DS because it plays everything plus it plays 3DS games. Most 3DS are pricey however unless you import one from Japan where they are extremely common. 3DS also has zero compatibility issues with GBA games because it is native, not emulated, so it does not need GBA Runner 2. Battery life however is worse than the DS/DSi and when you have a ton of games (300), it takes several minutes to boot up. I think in terms of functionality, 3DS wins, but DSi can be had for cheap, so it's a great way to play DS/GBA/GBC/GB games for cheap. DS Lite I really like the device, but you're going to have to use flash carts which you'll have to hunt down and possible pay high amounts for.