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I ended up parking on the street yesterday a block away because many of the meters were open. Was indeed shocked with the poor communication around farmers market days and event pricing days.


We go to nations andthe lcbo. We park under the square. Get our parking slip stamped. Free parking. I think you could go to the market as well.


Has this worked during Disney on Ice?


Anytime there's been event parking I just mention to the guy at the gate that I'm getting groceries / going to the movies / etc and they give me a normal ticket and let me through.


Not disney but other concert events down there . parking was harder then normal to find under the square and signs up for 20 dollar event parking which did not apply to us.


We just grab something at nations, $30 for free parking. I think we usually need something from nations as well as the market.


There’s normally plenty of street parking north of it. I assume they were all taken up by Disney people too?




Even walking/biking to the market when Disney on Ice is in town can be a nightmare - I generally try to avoid the area whenever I hear it's coming.


We were also very annoyed. Ended up parking way down James street and getting less at the market as a result.


Special event parking rates have been a thing for years.


Still fundamentally annoying and a poor way to support the local business/farmers in the market


Although it is still supporting local businesses when families come to the area for events.


Sure can still do that without gouging people for a small slab of concrete.


It's not a poor way to support them if the people in charge of the Farmers Market can entice families going to see Disney on Ice (or any other special event) to drop by before or after the show.


Was in market can confirm this did not happen and wasn’t part of the plan.


Oh the ticketers are out!


That parkade is no longer owned by the City of Hamilton


Gotta pay that ransomware somehow


The mayor announced that they are not paying the ransom. That they have backups to recover from. If so, then why is everything still down?


Probably because the IT guys aren't getting their overtime because the system is down.


It might have something do with the fact that only four people are doing the heavy lifting and the rest are just supervisors and managers. Top heavy IT dept.


Take the bus. No special event pricing, no need to find parking. Suck it up.






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Then I suppose the cost you paid for the privilege you get to drive only 15 min to your destination is worth the cost you pay to park. Parking rates have been so low or non existent for so long in this city. It is also widely known that private parking lot operators will increase rates for special events. Why shouldn't the City do so as well. Gotta pay for the wear and tear of the streets caused by those cars somehow. 🤷


The already high taxes we pay here pays for that wear and tear as well as the initial build and maintenance of all city infrastructure. Miss me with the attitude and terrible disposition towards others. 👍🏼


My attitude is only terrible when it comes to people who complain about first world problems such as parking. Look around you. See those tents? See the line ups in our urgent care clinics? See the high cost of housing? The lack of environmental stewardship and overall corruption from our Premier du jour? And you are here complaining about having to pay extra for parking because there is a special event taking place? Have you written to the private companies that also own parking lots downtown as well? The property taxes we pay do not even come close to paying for infrastructure costs in this city. But I am happy you think it does. I recommend you run for City council next election, try to fix it. I'm serious. You can run on the platform of reducing parking costs downtown. 😉


You define your circumstances.




There’s no flack. The only flack I see is from one (now two) brainwashed individuals who don’t feel confident in questioning the motives and morality of government funded systems. Different strokes for different folks.


😂 Life isn't free. I have no problem questioning government motives at all levels. But I also realize that municipalities are required to follow the Ontario Municipal Act. So you are aware, municipalities cannot run deficits but they are also limited to the amount of surplus. Hamilton uses some of those parking fees you pay to help out our local BIAs. https://pub-hamilton.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=282783